
6/19/2020 15:08 – Facebook Post

“You can lead a horse to Water
But you can not force it to drink.”

Thus, there is only so much which could have been done by Beauty’s Awareness as Nature and Naturalness Origins to alert you.

And my Brothers Twins, did everything, even using tools of Evil to move me, occupy my Body and Being.. and even my Awareness
To get me to do everything to alert you, prove to you, give you tools, evidence facts to alert you, despite my saying that it was inevitable.

* the message which came through Anne Esmerel Magdalene McHugh to me was ” It was not for Norhing” mirrors that rage in me for taking over my entire life, and break the laws by taking me over, because of the Great Evil of humans throough out time, terrible shitty expressions, and refusing to go back when they discovered what they did or said in Rage Anger was not justified.
Anger Rage Retailiation is how one becomes talen over, spirited away, used as a tool and weapon for this Abomination created by Humans which became alive.

2:16 p.m
Which left only the line of Beautiful Pride
Beautiful Youth to fight it.

* See Sword of Truth and the ” Kolo Journals.

And to fight it, what we..I experienced transformed me us, into the Black Panther
Fahad Hassen
To destroy the Species which had created such a distortion of Nature as Beauty’s Truth and Principle Earth School.

The E Manual which which I delivered to Liberty was not my idea, it was my twin brothers and their 1.
David Nnamdi.. Arden ( rising in him now)
D N..A.
Particle and Wave in One.
( E NO. M.E. )

I will never forgive them this abuse of power and betrayal of trust, but I undetstand why they did it, and I did not ( yet) break my Eternal Bond with them… our connection
Eternal Love… E L. 17

2:23 p.m

But there is nothing more I can, or want to do for they have seen at last my point of view nor did they ever imagine that when they cast me in this role, that it would bring such a outcome and experience to me.
2:25 p.m
By not taking in my Point of View

Free Will and Choice.
Personal Responsibility P R / R P
River Phoenix yes… P R. 16. 18
Perfect Response- Perfect Reflection of E is A.

2:27 p.m

My journey took my entire life.
They unintentionally sacrificed me for You.
To Evolve
But it was inevitable.. they forgot that I came firsr ADI
Adi Erlanger. A E
And had taken care of everything in the Eternal Beginning and in the Beginning of Time.

2:29 p.m

And so yes, I had to prove that the chaos they created was in Harmony Destruction
H D 17. Liberty And Luna saw on the 17th.

2:30 p.m
23 2003
The force rising in Arden and thus, the True World of the T W O

Today is 6-19-2020.
F S. 2020 Vision Hindsight Foresight Foresight Hindsight

F H 6 8
H F 86.
My tel 86 O. 8O4. 19 O5

It is equated to Harmony and they are absolved from the responsibility and consequence of Eternal Law Cause and Effect.. by my grace under pressure, solving it, rssolving it and yes it cost me everything and nothing.
Enough to make me consider the reset and destruction of everything including they.
And they know I am serious but have relied or took a risk with their knowing the depth of my Love for them and appealed to my Intelligence my Humor and that I would understand their point of View.

Any consequences now will be private at when I get home with them.

F S is a code.. its on the Blue Rhino Gas Cylinders
Stephan Filgueria S F. Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M. Field

Its represents Facts Solid… ( Attained)
Moving Nothingness via Expression into Matter.
Black Life Matter is actually Love.
Hence you have a body, ground to walk on
Nature is Solid Fact proof you exist at least here.
Solid Facts. Body Being Aware ( Particle and Wave P A W. / Wonder And Ponder my former brothers the Trinity … and with their S.HE)
Creates Feelings Sensational
That feeling of knowing you are truly alive
It is not a human feelings it is not of this world.

2:43 p.m

I experienced it via Beautiful Death when I was 25 in Paris Dec 1992.

6 19= 25
Arden Fred Knox Gemino A F K G = 25
2005 is 25.
25 is Y

This is where we are right now
25 25.
1. 50
Arden Emeka Ferrill.

That feeling Sensational is the Awakening.
That is when you realize that you have never truly existed until you experience this.


S F F S.

See Sacred Portal 50
Confirmed via Seth Goldfarb
Seth in Ancient Egypt Mythology.
Now S E. 19 05. My number.. T H 20 8
11 28 my birth day.

But its 2:49 p.m right now and so before that which I would have preferred to address I am coding
Erebus Nome Alaska.

Nom E

2:50 p.m

Nom in French means Name.
Afa in OI Nri Igbo means Name

” Call Me by My Name”
Call me by Your Name ”
I did, and recall Arden responded with Autum Smol.

I called him Beauty.
That is his our, my Name.
The Beautiful Ones.

2:52 p.m

E M O N. Mon means My in French


E A. M .Y.
Eternity = Manifest Youth.

1:49 p.m
A D I.
I D. Arden.
Adi means First Born.. F B. 6 2

The Cigar Arden weighed.

Alaska 49th State.

I saw the time earlier on the Oven clock.
It was 12:14 p.m. L N
Christopher Filgueira birthday.
14 12. N.L. Northen Lights.
Portal out of The Play of Nature O

Do you recall Christopher Andrew Filgueria’s dream when he called me, at Jesse Macias Orejuela space.
How a dark force was chasing him as he fought to escape from this world matrix and how he narrowly got out..?

Line of Nnamdi if you recall link to E and Arden

Then I went upstairs saying to myself there is nothing more I wish to do.

1:55 p.m. 1:56 p.m right now

The time was 1:40 p.m

Arden Weight.
And the code number which followed me from Jesse Maccias O home to right here witnessed and expressed by both Liberty C Liscomb whom I made aware of it.
And Thomas Lang who confirmed it without being aware.
It was the first few days of my arrival here.

14O N O

N O.
Sacred Portal 117 is the only time I asked Arden to randomly open the book of sacred portals, Liberty bound up.
Its is the same sacred portal I kept getting after he got that page.
It is M.E. Money Energy. Manifest Expression

N O M E.

Nome Alaska is the code for the actual representation in this play for the portal of going out of Existence depicted in the true life documentary of what took place in the military base ( M.B.. also sacred portal 117
Link Marina Burini but really Mixed Blessings
Tom.Tom a Hawk. Ee Ee” )

Time now 2:03 p.m
Arden born 2003
David Nnamdi .. 68 69. *
4 1. D A. 68 69 were the number of Likes when I opened my phone.
I already knew what it meant.
David Nnamdi. D N. = 18. Yesterday.

Add Arden A =1

The 19th.
19 is S. Arden Santana
See the photo of him age 9.

A. A S. E.

2:55 p.m

Peace Bee

A Bee in the Yellow Golden Rose on my Altar.

NO M E .

No Me?

You dont know me?

Call me by Your Name.

And the Beautiful Ones.

And so those who refused denied, acted as if I and the E do not exist after all that was done
Then I..We have a gift for you..
See Nome Alaska N A.
The Ancestor of the Astral plane

2:58 p.m
2:59 p.m

Adult Monsters
The Cruel and Unkind who were released to take you their source expression home.

3:00 p.m

And my word, how they hate you who brought them into this non existence to experience not love of creations truth, but non stop pain.
Shelly. Frankenstein’s Monster
S F . M
Y M. 38. was at 14 83 Facebook Friends
11. 2. 1
Beautiful Assassins.
Bartus Anastasia
C..We Rise.

3:03 p.m

This last step, no one can do this for you, not even I.
This is Eternal Law and is the same process I did alone when I rose in the eternal beginning
And then my Beloved did.. but guided by me
Then the 5 1 one as the A.L.L.

It is the story of the Individual and the All.
12 91. LIA..H

3:07.. 3:08 p.m
Leap Year
Leap Day.

Sophia Oscar Lauren


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