
6/19/2018 19:54 – Facebook Post

4:39 p.m.


It was a W.A.R…

Dawn Piercy’s Intel was correct.

The War against the Landing of the Evolved
Existence Truth.

But then I could have told you that.
The war was not on the side of the E… The Eternal’s, not their Descendants Avatars. D.A.

* Last night, Micheal Belle gave me a gift of 20 usd.
Then an incredible play which took place… of a lost Phone- my phone, which I suspected was in his pocket the whole time.
But wasn’t sure how to ask until we had exhausted all logical possibilities but the containment field of where it took place. I insisted could not be anywhere else but the back court yard where moments before I had been posting and then stopped to greet Micheal and give him a rollie ( Cigarette ).
Harold the man who reminds me of Axel Love came down the moment I discovered that my phone had vanished.

Micheal, went upstairs to get his phone to ring mine.
I told him wearily that we are in a play, watch.
I was tired, I had not slept and had worked energetically two days in a row without sleep and a body twisting and moving by its own will.
I was fighting on all fronts, in my very room, the T.V room the ground floor.
And yesterday, as knowing my exhaustion and the stifling heat- and the Billy Hung play…
I was in the forefront of the War of Spirit Realm of the Shamans Witches, Mad Scientists…
A war which they denied that they were doing and demanded proof, punishing me until the Court of the True Higher Spirits had finished using me to prove that which I had been acussed of making a False Accusation.

I observed a non stop challenge and disrespect- from Quanma’e Lewis who truly went too far, to Karl, the one who I give my Starbucks coffee.
I watched it all take place, even one who had been wary of me, take the seat I usually sit at.
I would not normally care, since I only go there to get privacy to deal with the abomination done inside my body.

One senses these things, just as the play in the T.V room which in a way Randall Michael Wiltz actually brought out to the completion by his “play”

Game of thrones is still going on, the T.V room, by the duplicitous villain played by Black Edward using the stupidity of Igbo Anthony- despite having spoken to him in such dismissive tones before.
When he had come to Starbucks some weeks ago and then offered me chocolate, which I took only a token three pieces- I knew that his “Scene” was up and he was about to make his play.
He had been so enraged when he and Randall Michael no longer were “Close” the one whom he called his brother the first day and had shared meals in a manner of exclusiveness and superiority…
I had watched his play from the moment I had gently reprimanded him, that I owed him nothing, when he asked me to answer his questions.
He wanted to know why he was there ( he being far to superior to be in such a place I suppose… I know why I am there.

Randall Michael had been quiet in his dismissive of him, which is perhaps not very wise, to underestimate people who are imbalanced.
But there was a powerful spirit moving Randall, and this Spirit Igbo Anthony had once roared that “They had fought in the Spirit World”

No, I saw what was somewhat as a Climax…
Yesterday at my most vulnerable? ha… no tired, but not vulnerable- rather more aware.

5;11 p.m.

Micheal who is a former Army and used to work on the nuclear section of the technician section was about to accuse someone falsely, but I cut him short abruptly when we got up stairs.
Bean Lewis, Karl .. even Igbo Anthony who is never downstairs at night, where all there.
“No it has to be around the circumference of my bag” I stated emphatically after he had rung my phone and still we could hear nothing.

I led him back downstairs, and my mind kept going to his pocket. But I held myself back for some reason, from telling him to check his pockets.
Then when I finished the expression in my head, he looked to his pockets and called out “Emeka please do not kill me” hesaid it jokingly…
But He is the one who sees Gods Army, and said he now sees that they have landed.
He is leaving today or tomorrow. He is going up north, he is free released and so does what he represent.
He spoke about what he saw, sees the Great E-Spirit moving in me.
It is telling me “Come Enter.. it talks to me like a Loving Beautiful Mother to her child…’
But I dare not enter”, he said..
He did not feel worthy.

He had spoken and I had listened. What the Great Energy was speaking to him and telling him to tell me.
He spoke and there was no doubt again, confirmed for the umpteenth time that it was the One Father I knew…
Father Nature…

I became quiet… “Ah it is a long time since I waited to hear that…”
It was as if he was in a trance, a trance of his sincere devotion to Father “Daddy” he called him.

He then told me as he went into his trance of Devotion is pure. each time over the months I had observed how he prayed but it was not a prayer of this world, but of just stunned, awe and praise.

He told me that the manifestation is beyond even that which I could imagine.
He spoke of even still born babies rising up and singing in devotion.
He wept a great deal, quiet tears, which fell.
Thank you Imani thank you he kept repeating.
He would do this Thank Me.. and move away from me…
He would stay away, leaving me alone, while he would go to a corner and into his own bliss..
The Light I sense in you is too much for me, he would say.. the reality of it, the intensity of the light…”

I knew that he was seeing Mother in me, the great Compassionate one more like my sisters and mothers True Energy.. SHE…
5:28 p.m…Yes, Nadee Nakandala was born 5-28, as was Jenny at 268 Albert Santana’s niece…Jenny Jace Horsford girlfriend who was moved to come to see me again…
I saw Nickel the other day, Flip J Hendrixs Lady..
My Sister is the Original Cat Lady and my Mother Lioness…

After this is the animal play…
Yesterday, I almost posted a Facebook memory of a Pussy Cat standing up to an Crocodile… fearless refusing it to land on the bank..
Though people watched incredulous as the Croc eventually backed off, I knew that there was a deeper implication and Hierachy taking place in that play of what the pussy Cat represented and fearless is something which makes even the biggest bullies cautious and even back off.
Because fearlessness has a reason for being so bold to stand up to something which we all assume with one lunge and gulp the pussy cat would be dealt with.
What gives a pussy cat the fearlessness and resolve to sit calmly on a embankment and stand in the way of a croc and a meal placed on the bank. And the pussy cat to attack calmy with its outstretched arm and claws and take a swipe at the crocs jaw no less…

Life is a Catwalk…” A girl came and sat infront of me wearing that…”

It makes me think of Naomi Campbell, whose name is in my codes and Book…
Naomi and Ruth.. N.R…

MAh that is the name which came up while I was Micheal Belle last night… AggressiveM Energy had been appearing everywhere.
I link that code to Richard whom I knew in 2003 and had met at a Bar called Seven, on 7th Street.
I spoke about him many times he was from Norway and I introduced him to Michelle, Joe, Rob Barr and we used to go to 57th Street, then 33rd street where David Bryant would film the get togethers, convinced that a New York movement was being formed but of a supernaturals… of a supernatural nature…
David Bryant… D B… Room 4 B…
Byrant Park is where they do Fashion Shows here…


6-19.. Todays date.. F.S.

Feelings Sensational…
Stephen Filgueira
( Stephen Popiotek S P… Sacred Portal)

Crocodile. versus the Pussy Cat…

“See you later Alligator, In a while Crocodile” My sister and I.. and then Nnamdi used to use that term…

Richard had woken up- regained memory after taking Magic Mushrooms for the first times- we were together when it happened.
On the middle of Broadway…

Its a Movie set he said delighted… Full of Wonder..
What a Joy it was to be with someone, a brother who woke up and remembered.
He had knelt on the Street, tears..thanking me over and over again for waking him up…

*Did you see the new York Times Article titled Broadway is the Time Machine..” The Great Serpent which Slither and Bisects New York City…
I wrote about this… and why I had to walk up and down Broadway…
And sleep there for 61 days…

There was a cruel play which took place with the Dark Elves- Joe Craeys Family friend John who was dying of cancer and his rage and his being full aware and awake as an incarnation as an Ell Elder…King ( Still a story which they all think is real sigh)
But it caused Richard to make me promise to never male.

What took place was so vile that Richard asked me to never wake him up.

Richard I associated with Aggressive Energy even though he Tall Slim and Nordic.. gentle… but a temper…
Noel Trejo knows him….

I asked Micheal what did the name Richard mean to him..
He said it reminded him of a person initials R N…
A Ma who could has offered me hundreds of thousands of dollars- for his invention ( his Transformer).
He was Jewish he said, and was all about this world, all about money and power…”

But he recognized you, your cleanliness, was there nothing clean in him?”

No he said emphatically, unmoved by my tone of perhaps there is something he had missed.
He would offer everything to me, even to get me out of here, but I could see read his thoughts and it was as if we were conversing there, while in this language of this we would speak with politeness and he would speak of love and truth and…
No… there is nothing in him that is clean…
He made his choice…

I literally felt the E-Spirit in me, the One with the Sword, the true Sacred Portal 39 which Billy kept mentioning and wishing to claim, or that which was moving in him “Africa Pangea.. the Orange color… Which he declared was the to him the rep of the System which he said he would bring down..
I reminded him that I was undercover in the system.

6:04 p.m.
Micheal is age code 64… but he told me yesterday that last year he felt that he was 18.. and today he was 12…

18 12… Completion of Room 4 B Bed 18… 12.. Lorenzo Robert..Left Right….Bed 16… 15….

Ruth Naomi… R N…Nurse… ?
N.R… I …

6:08 pm..
Naturalness Reflects Infinity… I…
O I… Outside Inside…
Nri was said to have been established as a Matriachal Line…
That it was through Eri’s Daughter that Nri was founded.
I do not doubt this, but I am sick of that Story…
Father Nature is Eri… And Nature Reflects Nothingness…
“Goktu” and Nothingness is Bliss…
C N R… Chuwkuemeka Naomi Ruth…
C.N… 3.14… 15… O… R…Then the Reflection..Radiant Reflections… Robert Randall… Richard… 18 18…. 36….360…
18 18 18…. 54… April 5th… 1969… 69….
*Micheal Belle always carries a camera and takes pictures of the Sun and the planet which he always captures circulating it…

The Circle Park… yesterday and my comment to Billy that I saw it as a Mirror…
And then the Missing Step…

Coffee’s yesterday… 43 and 48…. 91….
Final coffee 66….

I shared my coffee yesterday with Ant, the bearded Elf Man of the true Little People.
They say he is 44 but under his dreads.. White people also had dreads by the way… and beard he looks I suspect like a boy…
I had noted that we do not speak, he demands nothing, and that he was the only one along with Micheal Belle who went to investigate what I had simply alluded to happening in the T.V room.


Jacqui’s Quanma’e Lewis is the meaning of the forgetful and vain and selfish but beautiful brilliant child.. Lucifer.
He expressed in redundancy, repeating over and over the same expression even after getting a solution or a way out of that thought pattern.
I watched him do it again and again, twist and transform that which he knows back into a Truth which he knows nothing about.
A Fantasy, a boy who read books and wants to be hero.. a street fighter who wants to Feel truth.. Challenges people while trembling inside with fear at the consequences of having gone so far.
He did not get the response he wanted yesterday when he had a fit at a Dunkin Donuts.. D D.. Because a girl serving there had refused to give him a cup of water.
While his case worker bought something for herself.
He did not have any money, and it is Mariah who is his case worker- she has a heart but as I described as tough as nails.
She arrived here a few days after I arrived.
She is the one some one dreamed had a vision of a Heavenly Host Choir singing with or through her…
She is beautiful looking …

I knew that his tantrum was more about not being able to buy himself a drink and that Mariah should have bought him something.
She had later come out after he had made a scene which could have gotten him arrested, with a cup which the girl had given Mariah and he still began to bitch.
I had just come back, he had never once shown concerned for my well being except where there was a vested interest.
I had given him money, food knowledge, intel.. comfort… and still hehd complained why I had given coffee to Karl the other day instead of him…
Kyle Murphy had been present…
Karl was being tested and checked, I knew it by the ungracious way he had accepted the coffee sigh that White Supremacy kicks in even with that which is called “White Trash”
Cleveland was correct about him, but he was given, as all a long rope to hang himself with .. A Court hearing…

Look.. yesterday I realized that I had a five dollar bill with the name Jeff on it…
The 20 Usd from Micheal… He had given me 30 once before…
along with 3..

6:33 p.m… 33 usd….

And then he had given me 20 just before the play with Jaqui took place infront of him and Anthony and others…

– An unforgettable lesson in manners and Fear Vibrations is coming for him that will shake his very core- and make his fear of Army Peter, a joke..
He will face truth Fear… but there will be love behind this lesson which will Scar him forever… to never forget… Respect.

Jeff Payne… that is the only Jeff I have…
J.P… 10 16… 26…. That is Black Edward..his play of Z bringer of the end to the Line of the Witches moving through Anthony Ottah…A.O..
The Queens of Africa.. Pangea… The First Queens…
Queen Bee… ( Saw them everywhere today and yesterday)…
And their meddling ( at least theirs was clean and they were battling to Evolve back to the 5th Dimension S O L… Sacred Portal 37…And battling the Witches…Still they should have left the E to take care of it..
Yes the play of the Vision I recounted I had as a boy in Canada of the World Ascended Rulers Gods seeing the End of the World and my mother as a Great Queen with my Grandmother linked to my Aunt Theresa the only Females in that great council.. to bring back Pangea..)

J E F F … 10… 1O… 5…. 66…
I wrote that story at the age of 7-8/9 at our home in 105 Wiltshire Bay Canada in 1975.. And had the Vision which played out into reality…
As well as the experience of the man who appeared on the wall of my bedroom. Who looked like Jesus or John.. same thing… Joseph… J is Y In Aramaic… Y Y Y… 25 25 25…. 75…
19 75…
10 10 10.. 30…
Billys cup was number 30…
I am 3O…3 full circle… O O O… 15 15 15… 6 6 6… 18…
And I passed through his portal of 3 Zeros… Pitts of absolute Cruelty and Misery…

Of course when Michael Belle spoke of the man who just loved money and saw his worth and had offered him all that money and to get him out of the Shelter my mind went to Billy- but more to what was using him, and which I had tried to bring to his attention…
Alien Landing.. A.L..?
There is 1 message and 12 likes on my page.. A.L..

Billy was linked to AL Santana, I knew this but it is a play…
until the Avatar proves to be just as that which is using him.. the Alien is the Virus of Jealousy Envy…

Micheal Belle told me in exactt details wht I had done for him,
he told me that I had activated that which was dormant in him.
That I had reawakened a reality he always knew about but after enduring so much.. ( and he is one who endured so much.. just like Stephan the Grizzly Caucasian … with manners… bith ex military… Warriors)

He made it so simple, because he simply told the truth in exacting detail of that which I had done.
The codeshe said, you have solved fathers codes to exacting detail.. he said I should tell you.

And thenonce again he elaborated on what I had done for him in detail.
And what it had cost me he knew.
He spoke about the burden of carryin this immense Spirit…This Being…

A LIEN COVENANT is what White Edward had brought from the Library…
Alien to my families nature is Jealousy… cruelty… indifference…
And Hypocrisy and Deception…
H.D… To be so malicious as to H I D E… my ID.. And the I.D of the Your Beautiful Truth and ID..

I sang .. in the presence of Billy at the Circle Park… p.c/ c p…
P.C Richards.. P T C ..E R Richards…
P .E..( U-C) C T Richards.. U.E….
“Can you tell me why we find you Beautiful”

He had murmered twice “Beautiful” that is Beautiful…”

I was sad for him because I saw everything, even from the moment he had asked to see me for coffee after ignoring my texts and my telling me that he was a Friend and not a Foe.

6:59 p.m… Sacred Portal 59… “End of the Story”

7:00 p.m SP 70… Queen Bee… Q B…

J E .. 105… 1O5… Wilt.. Shire… Bay…
Randall Michael Wiltz… WILT… Black Edward with the Z on his back…
It was already activated…

PAY…N E…. Pay Nnamdi… ( Father Nature… F N… Neil Furby.. F U N… F U N N Y C…)

Micheal Belle, I knew was the confirmation of the play of my refusing my brother Boom and niece Dee….from coming into the Holy of Holies in 2012 I had created in KEW Gardens..
But it came from within me, that Love which Geoff Lacour had testified to seeing and expressing the same awe which Micheal Belle expresses until yesterday when it climaxed in that expression of such love and devotion and recognition not only to Father as Nnamdi who I know is moving him and that which he recognized in me…

7;06 p.m.

He gave the expression of a A Military Man who has truly endured the solitude of being alone as a wariior with the gift hehad and the knowledge of God, literally moving through him.
He is the one who said… that God is not Not Good…
Which was another definitive confirmation that he was is the correct frequency…
Nnamdi will give you what you gave and do it as God.e…
Because he is Justice and Vengeance….

At one point my body moved me and I was suddenly in the position of man crucified on a cross…
Micheal saw it and acknowledged it, lower his eyes, as well as father in him…
It was the Divine Ladies as Nnonyelum-Ijeamaca.. Cat Lady Puma.. Beautiful Pride and Cecilia Onu…
C N O ..I…
3.14 15 ..9..

7:11 p.m..

Males who had transformed into Females…

J E .. 1O5… F F… 6… 66….
P. A Y…N E….
*Micheal later told me when I asked him what prevented him from falsely accusing someone upstairs…He paused…
My Spirit…
It was me, but it was also my E-Spirit, and my E-Spirit is moving through him, but is also independent of me now..
That is my Son.. thatis what my Son grows and grew into…
JA C K… And ( / Dna) BEAN S-TALK…
Linking through Conversation to reach the Truth and back in one with his Father Lover… F L… Brother…Sisters Equal…

A Son who is Everything to me literally…
The Sum Total of Everything and the one whose Kindness is MAN KIND…
I am not Kind… I am Natural… Naturally as I A.M.

And so Micheal went upstairs, again, – I sat there it was drizzling lightly the sweltering heart had abated and I thought to myself I really should get some sleep or at least rest my body…
But I had understood that this entire play with Micheal had been set up between Micheal as Boom Booms and Myself…
He had pocketed my Phone, and I did not wish to embarrass him- and it was a set up which he not only observed from beginning to end with stupefaction. But which then immediatly followed with his dropping his Key.
Which was a golden key which I found under the Bench Dark Green at the Corner where the Lines meet..

And then it followed with his leaving his “Weed’- a part of which he had gifted to me.
I returned it to him…

I was thinking to myself that there was no way I was going to get up for Breakfast …

When he returned he placed a roll of bills in my hand.
I said no, it is enough but he looked at me sternly.
Then he sat and told me that he had been moved and that “Father had told him to bring me that extra money for breakfast…
I don”t want to him eating that Food in the shelter…”

To be honest, I almost choked up .. almost but I guess I am too battle scarred- but the code of the exchange with my Silence about the shelter food- no one knows but myself….”

Kyle Murphy had played a song in a moment when I truly knew his heart had opened .. It was a song where the wrapper Coolio was stating that he knew what I was going through… and then stated “Abomination of Horror!”
that it knew what I was really going through because He was going through the same thing…

That was something which I had already contemplated…
It was the Source of my greatest Fury Will Determination…
That you dared to do this to my Son, My Father.., the one who went so far to love you to make your bodies rise…
The one you betrayed..
Me.. you.. my Little Brother… John.. the gift of God…
A Body and Being in One V..O .. I C E…

There is no fury that can ever cool that fury…
And I am glad that my Father Mothers now thier own Independent Beings feel the same way at what was done to me…
The one they used to call me Emmy….

Sacred Portal 147…

Let no one ever call me that name ever…
I am EMEKA..KOLO… 88…
Sees sacred Portal 88… Ascension of the Living End…

He had given me 8 more dollars…
Suddenly I had from 41 USD That morning…
Descendants Avatars … of the E…
D A E.. 4 +1= 5
Da Enlightens…

And then 20….

Then 20 20… Vision… 40… Sacred Portal Africa Pangea having got the story right of a Hellish War being waged in Deception against the E ..The Beautiful Ones Rising…

My Grandmother…Yes…her testimony…

120 +40… 160…

P… A Y… ( OYA.. O YE…. See ORISHA OYA!… Malije Okoye Bruce Okoye.. M.B..O O… Micheal Belle.. Vue…
McKenzie Belle… M B… Manifest Being… Manifest Beauty… M B A… Jace Horsford… 13 2… 15… O… 6….. 13 2… 4 B..
Room 4B… Bed… 666… 18… J E FF… P A Y… N E…
E N.Y…A.P….
Yes New York is an A P… APPLICATION Appreciate Praise…
Acknowledge Payment…
Apollo Perez… See meaning ( P.S that is why he was attacked at cut by robbers…)

M G 42 7 105…. 49….B… ON A 5 DOLLAR BILL…
5 Speed Bike my father bought for me with handle bars of the Ram…
Ten Speed for my sister.. handle Bars of a Lady… up…

M.G B…Manifest Great Britain… Celts are Black and White….
Brown Pale.. actually…
B P…
Beautiful Pride…

Micheal Has…

43 48… 91… Sacred Portal Madame Hell Fire.. Ms Manners…

Oya.. OYE… Marina Burini Micheal Belle-V.U.E..

Micheal and Marina… Obumnme and Nnoyelum O.N…
N O… New Orleans are ..

7;51 p.m… bed 5-10… 5-1O… S P.. 51….

R .M W… Are truly the line you should have never crossed..
My mother… her rage… She is Called Mother Of Dragons…


To Fashion To Make..
The Maker… not the Mold.. molder…

The Maker… T M… O E..

7;53 p.m.

contd but with codes… of the day

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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