
6/18/2019 20:37 – Facebook Post

6/18/2019 20:37 – Facebook Post

6:58 p.m right now

That’s the was the problem and the Con, Test of Patience and Forbearance Perseverance of this Script, is that I had no idea how long it would take..
And when I discovered, how the play works, and then in 2013. ( 33… 2O 13. B O M. 26 13. 39. 2 6 13. 21. U. 3. C..)
That it was now dependant on you, meaning that you would be the unaware echo resoonse..
I had no idea at which number it would all end.
Or what was truly the point of the play.
Despite my recognizing and reading it,
It’s primary lesson was not to assume.

But as the years trailed on, my impatience to get out of this Terrible Nightmare, did not serve me well.
Instead I had to accept that I was not in control of this Script, despite it having been written by me in my Beautiful Past.

This time it was taken over by my Reflection embodied called ERI Nri .. Emmanuel Nnamdi line of Chinedu Umeano, not Arinze Umeano
( Cu. Copper C U.E. C U. B E..
A.u which is Gold, to Kim Arthur Hines
And Ag.. Silver Moon
All conductors of Electricity

As many of you may have read,
That financially and material I have been sustained by Stephan Filgueria ( S.F)
Aka Esteban Miguel Filgueira for the 7 8 months.

7:11 p.m right now

And Sarah Kaizer.


S. A K.

No one who stands tall is confident and has beautiful pride can endure, such dependence from others, after contributing and engineering the Evolution Awakening..
And especially if, they have have no awakened memory or have no solid awareness that I am truth, or that everything happening in the world and in their Lifes, and the world in general is based on my solving these codes.

Or that the One Father, set they as well as me up, to support me as all the others who did, in order for me to complete this Script.

But both of them primarily grounded in this physical reality have acquitted themselves of that responsibility, especially Esteban.

And so, through my Experience, his prime motivation was love, and the possibility, of my being True.
T L. 20 12.
Machu P icchu.

It has not been easy for either one of us, because how can I force myself to pretend and suppress the Truth and the Expression of The Source which often takes me over, rising with authority and expression of Eternal Truth?

I found that though I had explained what was going on with me to E.M.F and S A K..
The reality is that to them, and most of you, there conclusion drawn through Expression and Action is still not conclusive that I am True.

And so, I have had to fight my Espirit and true self from rising, knowing that people would not understand..

7:28 p.m
My Sister Self Line..

My often seeming Towering Confidence and Expression, and so as both a Man and The Source, I had to contain myself, and respect the laws of Hospitality, and of those housing and feeding you.
Despite the evidence and facts listed.

A trial perhaps for all of us..
But I commend Stephen especially, despite every Thing caring and playing his role to the end.
The character though, which I am forced to play, expression which I can not permit myself to really say, has striven to bridge the gap by my Being forced to play less than I am, even as a Man.
Because either I should not take their generosity or I must acknowledge their point of view.
The bridge is Communication and conversation and then it is left to each to.decide if I am True.

Appreciation and Gratitude, I give with out reservation, but Tell me, if you knew that you were fueling, this entire world play, and your energy was being siphoned and put to this use, and lived through 63 Human Portals in 18 years and proved the Money Codes and it’s Truth…
What would you do, how would you interact when the very Script your in confirms that these two were chosen to be the foundation base to sponsor you?

The only thing, I could think of was to make sure I alerted each person’s to the True Play, after which only good manners, and once they decide that they have enough of me or my pointing out, figure out the way to exist with appreciation and Grace.

7:43 p.m

I work day and night now, galvanized by this unending experience of being placed in this non-stop scenario for 18 years non stop since 3-21- 2019.

I have no right to be furious with anybody, especially those who paid for my housing and cared for my well being E.M.F has always done.
Because the only fury I have the right to direct my Rage towards is the Author of this Evil Script which of course is the Collective Illusion created and projected by the Sum Total of Humanity from 4.5 Billion Years to present and especially the last 1million and 1 hundred thousand years

7:49 p.m

What monstrous cruelty, could from begining to end give a person such a fate, of walking through such a Script, designated for you to be insulted from beginning to end without confirming to the hosts, at this point the Truth.

A constant battle of should I stay or should I go, each has chosen to see me, and what I represent in their own way, with none rising in confirmation of my being True.

And yet I have The Script, I am encouraged to finish by their being no door to my escape or leaving this world’s mentality.

And reflection of value.

Where my Expression and Truth is constantly undermined and challenged, and yet after 18 yrs no.one rising in my defense or praise to acknowledge my achiement as a Man and a true loving Big Brother.

Usually before this play took over my Being, the natural thing and polite thing would be to leave, but then I would never have placed my Self in such an absurd situation if it not for my absolute certainty ( and Pure Horror) that this is actually the way home, and the play of Pans Labyrinth, The Maze and Matrix.

8:00 p.m

You can not imagine the struggle which I have been in and through, my Beautiful Pride saying, “After all this work day and Night ” they can not see me?
And the Truth that this is the Long Trail home which leads to the Evilution Awakening of the world.

This is how it was at 268 East 4th Street, where I was forced to wait 4 years in that space while fighting to find the portal I knew and the Script all about me confirmed.

8:04 p.m

I have experienced for 13 years, people’s enthusiasm which then transforms to resentment and finally full blown rage.
Frustration Fear… ” is he going to stay here forever, forgetting the blessing I bring with me, people end up seeing what they see as my need..
Frustration builds as they observe my body and it’s suffering ( which I generally hide)
Anger rises, and suddenly I am this person who was often reduced to be treated so badly that outsiders would protest..

Fritz Venneiq
Rachael Devon Rios Sessions were witnesses, and perhaps one day, of course after manifestation they will testify.

– A Grown man who asks nothing forced to live on Hand outs, precarious existence, where at any given moment he could be asked to leave, constantly tested, spoken about behind my back..
Screamed at by hosts, and people the Script and Play directed me to, forcing me to stay and complete the purpose as to why I was led there

8:13 p.m.

Just so I can find the way H O.M E
Not for me but for you who have forgotten the way.
I realized 13 years ago, after the conception of Royal Mayan and I was asked to leave, and summoned to return after Reign was born and later diagnosed with cancer..
Then cured when I was summoned- this last part when Reign was suddenly diagnosed with Cancer after I had been told once more to leave.

Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna may recall that scene, play of 33 at the Bean and me living in the Forest where I drew a full circle which Albert Einstein Santana saw the same day in his vision dream of my drawing the Full Circle but from Here he said, to Infinity.

I often wondered, how people who recieved these revelations, dare to forget them, by slowly diminishing it’s Value and occurrence and in consequence, diminishing me, until they address me in ways so abhorrent, through Sound or Silence
Thouggh I prefer Sound .
At least that is more honest than vieled in shadows pretending to acknowledge me or the E

It’s a quandary, how far can it go..
Hate me..
18 yrs
7.6 years, knowing there is meant to have been a portal 15.. 14. 13 years ago, waiting in obedience, enduring waning respect until they become screaming insults, or quiet..silence.

Words and actions which can never be forgotten and the True Experience of what it means to have no money,income body or Friend who will stand up publicly for the Truth you were made to sacrifice every thing..
Everything One… so that they who abuse you, mis use you may rise.

Cleaning up the Universal

Until E M. Is F.R E.E.

So here we are at 1268 Facebook Friends

Completion of David Roman Nicholason line
11 22 p.m
C D ..

And arrival of Sam Somer
1268 Facebook Friend

Sam means the Name of God…or God Heard..( Ishmael means the same thing.
I S. S I.)

Somer means “Born in Summer”

S S. 38. Add S S. 38 = 76.

God’s Name Is SUM MER..
The Sum of the Sea “Mer”

Adoala Mary Jane

A M J.

REM. THE Reminder.. M U S. I C
Is the Music that God Adam ..heard.

8:37 p.m right now

But for these past m

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