
6/18/2019 17:43 – Facebook Post

2:01 p.m




Feeling Sensational
Facts Solid The Script Full Circle
Truth is Transparency Supreme.

Michael! ” Who is as God?”
Response ” Air Water Energy”

* Please, observe the play with Adam Waldron and my self as E, and his Hell Kitchen story with his Grandfather, reflecting in perfection my own story in Hells Kitchen and my writing on my page for years how I encountered an apparition of my Grandfather and Grandmother there and on Elm street where my Uncle Uche Nathaniel lived ( U.N… M.Bande) with my aunt Eucharist Obioma live. ( E O)

* Brooke Lee Lemery lived here, on Elm Street.

Yes Freddy Krueger.. F K. Was real and much worse than on T.V.

And how at Hells Kitchen witnessed by Axel Love and Mariane ( A.M.), I met a Woman from Nri and the Royal House of Eze Nri, my Grandfather’s world who introduced me to the then Eze Nri, she looked like a C.c version of my mother and lived on the ground floor..
G F. 7 6, with her two sons, Emeka and Nnamdi..

Thus, the Reflection was confirmed, and added was he reading the code makes Adam Waldron line of E.
A W E..

And so Awe comes into the World

Just as with the play of Stephen Johnson
“3301”.. “Perfection Attained”… “ipa” ” Erica”
My Sacred Journey was confirmed
As was Stephen reflecting the line of E

Adem Bakar arrival confirmed Magic re-entering the World, through the play of Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hines and Serenity)
& Benjamin C. Krajewski.
Book of Nature
Book of Father as Desire .. Will I A.M.

As well as the Earth And E Quantum Leap Jump Change represented by John Mack and Jesse Macias

And the Body, represented by R.M now M.R which linked Jesse as Royal Mayan to M.R..Male.
And Anirbas Lem ( Sabrina Dillon) to Frank Archambault and Alicia Norris to Freedom from the Black Hole, via Reign Maximus
F R .. / R F… A S… / S A.
Feelings Sensational…

*News of his release today from detention is the last code in the play.
F A is the code of 6 is 1..
Freedom of the Human Espirt is what this final play today represents.
To be finally “Switched On” .. awakened from Death, Numb… to Feelings Sensational as the E line arisen in the Clean and the True, Electricty charged and a activated by my constant expression for 29.. and especially 27 years.

As I stated so many times before, this is a Script, not my Script, but Father Mothers as Light and Dark, Day and Night as one.
Being and Body.

And the Lightening of the E.M.Field
Via the success of the play of Esteban Miguel Filgueira and L A W
Laura Walsh

The Black and White play, was my evidence through the solving and equating of the Script that the Black and White Race are literally Twin Doppelgangers, and all descendants of the one E.

2:43 p.m

It’s was a Riddle, our solving Natures Script with Naturalness and the Manu- Script which requires posting our understanding of the Script of Man and Nature
M A.N. Universal S C R I P T. S. CRI PT!.

The resolution of this Absolute Ultimate script was based on the Cause and Effect of Human Existence on Universe and Nature, the Translation of the Book of Nature.
And the answering of the Question of What is A Man.
Evolution of True WU Man..
And to prove the Beautiful Truth of Humanity as Naturals, really the Eternals, direct line of the E first 5 to rise, under cover in Human bodies as Flower Pots, and how on completion of the Script Nature would merge with the Eternals through the Test Play of Truth.
Aka, Perfect Timing.
And this through Conversation Converging Merging… Emerge from the Human Illusion of Being, into a new species called, Hue Man Beings.
Harmonious Beings, the original intention.
And the only vessel which could house and merge with Energy of the Source line.

This new species, evolved not by or through Nature, as had been the process of Human Evolution of the Physical Form.
But that was programmed in Dna..
But to be released from Nature as the 4 elements, “Umeano” the 4 Divine Breaths
Adem if you recall, in Turkish means ” Breath”
Linked to sacred portal 69..
To Kim Arthur Hines and Turkish Coffee
( T C … E C T. E.T. C I. Cosmos International)
Portal Jesse Macias 39.
And Adam Waldron
W W W. 69..

To move from 4 to reach 5 represented as E, and linked to the 4.5 Billion Years old planet
Linked to Nnamdi, born 4-5/ 5-4 1969
Whose name means ” My Father IS ..My Father is Present”
And what is the True meaning of a Father.. he is a Guide.. as the Wind.

4 Winds in One.
To make a Quantum Leap to the E realm from the De-Vine Play Stage.. Stag- E. S T. A.G. E.
To the Origins of E at Eo
Emmanuel Okoli
Eos- Dawn
Individual People all over the world, had to choose consciously which Wolf to feed as we navigated through the Cause and Effect of Human Existence on Universe and Nature,
Pans Labyrinth
The Maze of Hephaestus, Deadalus, Hades Pluto.. Dantes Inferno ( D.I) Okwu Mmuo..
( O.M) and through Lightness and Laughter bring clarity Light through Alchemic Transformation of all the horrors and traps test illusion Demons & Angels, in the House of Mirrors Reflections and not only clean up and balance the books, but pass Father Mother Natures Examination Test- he as Satan the Tester Challenger: Mother as Lilth who challenged the right of Existence of Man..
And A Man being the Source.

All A test or responsibility manners and appreciation and gratitude as we leave behind Earth School by proving ourselves through their Scriot Exam Test ( S E T. S E T I. S E T H. Seth McBean..
Isis Osiris
Anu-B-IS. Hour-U.S.

That we In Deed, are the Sources of Nature, in which we had to prove that Expression and Conversation is the Source of all Energy in Existence, Everything moved by Expression and Conversion brought Harmony and the Harmonics to rise
E O… now at E Fact
H F. H H. *Herman Hesse at Hells Kitchen

This E is 1
Harmony 2 who are 1. 1 who is 2. 44 8. 16 24 32. back to E.

5 and 8
Andrey Klebanov
13. MAN.. McKayla Rays

E K.
And M.B. Z M
From 1 who is 2 Men
Came S H E and E S H. U.

And thus, we as E having read Natures Script and Book, put words to Natures Symphony a.k.a Natures Creation, all things big and small, transforming the Hologram and Universe P.C of Universal rage at Creation of Humanity, back to Natures Symphony and the Harmonics True Humans be as Naturals.

3:39 p.m

And so just as the Tarot, card number 15, in which the Devil holds chained “Adam And Manu-E.V.E”
The Energy of Eternity is released, outside and Inside, from Beyond and from Within.
But only once the Equation was resolved of aligning E from origins 5.4.. 8 13/31…to 4.5 Billion Years old planet to 13 8 billion year Universe
5 4 4 5… 9 Circles 9 Orbs. 9 planets
Isabelle Ilic
Ikenna Iheanacho

R Robert Rachel Red Roof Plus
18… 18 years in the US A.
2001… 3/20. J.J.Lee..

And then to I.
Small e as Big E and Tall E..

13.8. 8 13. 21 21. U U. W. Double V.
8 13/31. Rep Brooke Lee Lemery
8 4 4. 44 Brooke Lawn
88… 16. 64. 80. 8 O. H P. 8 6. H.F

Until God is Satisfied ” see meaning of the name Isabelle Elizabeth.”

Harmony is Perfection
Harmony is A Fact.

And so as an ordinary man, placed in what is my personal hell- which is being forced to be dependent in any way on anyone, financially materially, and face down all the obstacles of the Truth and Proof that this world Energy Consciousness, Mentality is really not our Home.

Awakened Remembering Memory
A R M.
This is what I had to Consciously Aware Do and prove.

By respecting the Rules Laws of this play, despite it being outrageously unfair, with all the scales of balance, pitted against what I represent, except for Father my Son who secretly believed in me because only He knows my “Secret Idenity ”
Staten island 9-11-2001… I. K T O A..
( Kings Templar)
I A-A B F F A!

4:01 p.m
4 O 1
D F A..

4:02 p.m right now
42. J.S.M.
24. E M F

4:03 p.m
Door of Life.

This was His Her riddle which I had to Resolve Equate and Correlate
And the E under cover
C O R E. E J.S M.
E R O C…K.S.
See sacred Portal 3. Linked to 2.

E = C Me 4/3.

You were meant to be able to C me..
See me and Identify me, just as I did for each and every one of you.
You were meant to solve my riddle, just as I solved decoded and the Beautiful Truth of all of you.
That is Love, C, through Conversation, A person Being and Doing..
2 4
6. Feeling Fighting Forming Facts and Feelings Sensational full circle to 8 O
Harmony I was proving to you.

What is my Beautiful Truth?

Is there reason you could not see me, consider me..?
29 years
18 years
7.6 years.. look back on this Facebook records and observe my consistency,
Did I do evil or malice to you?
Did I not do every thing, to help you rise,
To sing, to transform, to see again
Feel Sensational again?

What evil did I do to you, except to inspire you, to enlighten and energize you, empower you, though a Script so demeaning, but I never let what I was feeling, negate the Beautiful Truth in all of you.

Was it a Fair Exchange?
Was your response to me Juste?

What did I do so wrong to all of you, for fighting for you to see the Beautiful View, so that you will rise and shine. transform recollect..

Do you see your hatred to me?
Your response to me personally for my desiring that you be free..
By a simple decision I took, despite being horrified by the Script you created for me, of a constant negation of my Equation, Equating weaving, I did not falter..

I never did as you did to me, I never transformed into Evil Rage or Wrath
Only into the Beautiful Devil and now Beautiful Rage as Terrible Death but only to cut out the lie of you called Human Beings.
The illusion of you, that part of you who lies and is a lie.

4:30. 31 p.m

The possibility of my Life being not a Fools errand, the intelligence which you deny me, of knowing and Explaining…
This posting from the moment I get up to the moment I sleep.
My non stop expression explaining while weaving, the body twisted evolving but held back by the Truth and your Expression, the silent quiet ones of vile comments which my body and being hear.

Have I ever Lied to you..?
Have I not been. Truthful and Honest with you, even to the point of taking your hands and pointing, spelling things out, nursing you, healing you with my posts and expression
And even through the years, and I knew it was complete and yet I found myself amazed that it was still going on, did I not buckle down and figure it and come back to you and explain with the Universal Echo, moving through you to confirm my Explainatoon as True.

Did I not assume the role, play my part, tell you I am The Source when the Script demanded it, knowing full well how most of you would respond.

When I was forced to ask for donations, from you, did I not provide evidence of it being a set up?
Intel through numbers of the next scene, set in the play..
Did I not stay in memory and consistency despite so many intent to find fault and capitalize in what you saw was.me being wrong, did I call out in blame to those I lived with who sought to drag me down?

And has it not from Hells Kitchen the burning of a person’s spirit, the defiling, defacing of my Soul and Body, still I expressed explained fought the unseen and seen right in front of you.

And yet, with all that, most of you fought me, saw how money was used against me Sacred Portal 50 ” Ego Oge” 5 O.
Chose to do the same thing too..
See me through the guise of Need when Money brought to you, blessing came to through my ” Son Father ” blessing you for housing me, while I solved.the riddles of your Existence

Until I finally accepted your ugly Truth as True.
As you enacted, so it is

Got news of my passport on the 16th and then on the 3rd..
They want to investigate my letter of complaint.
16 is P
3rd is C

Did I not give evidence of my passport being delayed as being part of this play to keep me from leaving and not completing the Script.
And of secret forces operating from behind the veil, and others in the Shadows.

Big Brother is watching you
George Orwell

MAN G O. M A. N.G. O is F. Friend
M.I. ( 3rd Note Earth) A.M.I.

Golden Owl.

* Esteban Miquel Filgueria
Stephen Filgueria was born 8-16- 1984.

O.G… Emmanuel at Delta Manor
N. A M . E

Why was it so easy to negate me,
Ignore me, treat me as Delusional
Lie to my face that your on my side and then my in wait to betray me, shock me, electrocute and execute me..

And Still I rise.

From the Ashes of inconceivable hurt, Pain from such cruel venomous expression vomited on me, because I saw you, see you, know the Truth of you in truth and as the lie.
I rise because I saw you conning, Comming with your Con Test a mile away.
I was waiting,
I was ready
I was prepared..
And yet, to my surprise, it still hurt.
It still caused me pain to have to interact with that which is not my beloved family of E.

For I know what a fully embodied arisen E behaves like…


What was so hard to absorb the Beautiful Truth of my Being Doing, Saying Demonstrating Explainting Equating Exemplifying that it is we who orchestrate our own Awakening and through Beauty Expression Awareness Memory
B E A M. Flowetry Verse…

5:19 p.m
E.S. “Es ‘Dawn Aora.
5:20 E.T
Northern Lights
12-14-1987 Christopher Filgueira

5:21 p.m


Why was it so easy for you to dismiss me, dismiss the evidence, dismiss my Expression and voice having entered the world stage.

To not to the Right Thing R T. Right
See meaning of the name Benjamin Joshua Melendez
B J M.

Insinuate that I am liar delusional, a Mad Man instead of calling my name as Adem Bakers post did, said..

“Give Praise …
And 11 22 2018 ..
Thanks Giving..”

That is the meaning of my name
“Emeke! Emeka!”

“Give Praise.. and Thanks (for) Giving ”

Ikemefuna. (My Strength and Will did not fail me”)


Okolo: A Man in his Youthful Prime. Adem. Adam.

Okolo-Bia. A Warrior Spirit Princely Man.

Kolo of the Circle,Round.. Dance of the Full Circle in Slav, Polish



Book Five.
Sacred Portal 120.

Why was it so hard for you to call me by my Name?

Or call me by your Name.. Energy Harmony Perfection

I already knew my name,
I just came and was at first game, to help me remember yours.

But you used my Truth my Love, my Conscious Creations , my Being and Beautiful Expression against me.


5:41 p.m

Because I came this time as an ordinary man who remembers how Extraordinary we were all created destined, evolve to Be.

5:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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