
6/18/2017 20:15 – Facebook Post

6/18/2017 20:15 – Facebook Post

6:35 p.m.


6-18-1 O…

F.R. A O… FR A N C E…
Yesterday night, I did this code after being prompted by an emission in the T.V Room about France….
Frances Independence Day 7-14…
Recall that Play with Elizabeth Clarizio…?
Which linked to 147… Sacred Portal
147 A B… “Emmy”

Todays is Father’s Day… F.D… 6 4…
Time now 6:40 p.m…
And Lisa Natalie Johnson just gave me a Father’s Day gift called Brothers Day… B.D.
A Starbucks card…

Lilian Brenda and Lisa all sat near each other along the Woods Side.
I observed myself take a seat at the Metropolitan Side, and then be ejected by someone taking my seat to the Woods Side.
I observed young Henri, and another seated on the table near them… And when they got up to leave, I found myself fully aligned to Lisa Lilian Brenda….
I noticed the play how the two young men left, to make room for me to become aligned…
E.L.L.B….B.E.L.L… E.L. L.B….
I saw Caesar first thing this morning bed 5-012.. 5 12.. E.L…
L.B is Pounds…. K.G.. is Kilograms…. Weight.. W-Eight…

E.L is Weight… ? L.B…. 12 4… 16.. P.. Of the Planet….
EL is a Semetic word meaning “God”.. and “Power”
This E.L… 5 12.. 17… 5 1212… 5 24.. 5 6… 5 6 2…
E 62… King Tut…K.V 62….Tomb…
He became Pharoah at age 8 and passed at the Age of 18.

Today is the 18th…
I am French, as in not only Nature, but also my past and it made sense that I turned 25 in France and went home at that age 25-26… In France, and that so much of this play is based on the story of France…
And my traveling to the Radiant Light in France, in an apartment opposite the Garde De Nord…
Stepan and Manu were my room mates….
We lived in the Bastille off Rue Rue Antoine “Anthony” where we had both worked at a bar called the “Entrepot” (Warehouse)
Yes sacred portal 73.”What Lies in Store”

Last night I came in to observe a film playing in the T.V. Room is was Bastille Day… B.D.. “Brothers Day”.. B,D… 2 4..
Yes there is a Supernatural Harmony moving through Lisa.. and Brenda…

And others…

The Film stared Idris Elba.. I.E.. And Richard Madden… R.M…
I.E.. R.M….
I saw Anthony of Bed 5-009.. 59.. I.E… As well as constantly seeing Rosario M.. R.M.. of Bed 5-008…
5009.. 5008… 55 89…

I have not heard from Shane Michael Robinson Sr. since he left three texts on Friday…
At 9:22 ..I.V… Which Linked him to Royal M Santana…
Then at 9:27 p.m..” Namaste. The End if at hand and the New World will Awaken Soon”
9 27…See Sacred Portal 22.. 27..27 IS A-A… B.G.. Brenda Gloria…
The at 9;33 wrote “Peace” which immediately put me on High Alert… 33 Has been pivotal in this Script since Istanbul and at age 32-33.. 7-8 years after Paris, I was summoned to New York for this…Script Play of the Spirit World and World of Mind…
33 is also sacred portal 33 Which is ‘D came to E to Arouse and Awaken him from the most Terrible Dream..”

I know that everything is in Harmony.. But it is in Harmony with Everything, but myself…
Today is Father’s Day.. F.D… Fifth Dimensions… Brother Day.. B.D… 6 4.. 2 4.. 4 6… 42….10 10… 6 6…

I am living at Delta D.. on the 4th Floor.. D… And this is no longer a Terrible Dream.. T.D… D.T.. Donald Trump…
It is the Truth Denying its Source, The Beautiful Truth…
This is not a Play… This is not a Dream.. This is a Fact…
This is my Experience.. Utter Incredulity… and that this though a Lie.. A Film… Americana Circle Palace… Cinema…
This is can not be called a D.R.E.A.M..E… or a Nightmare….
It is the Truth Denied…. T.D…
This is Real… Really Experienced…
Which is why I told Shane Michael Robinson Sr. that I am utterly indifferent to the outcome, nor does this play or script warrant an Awakening or Evolution…
It warrants the complete Annihilation of All Existence..
Because the Truth is that such a Script can be written and enforced…..
At 7:54 p.m… just as I was writing the word “enforced” Shane Michael Robinson Sr. texted me his response.. 7:54…

He was moved by my expression at 7:25 p.m… At which I just wished an expression so that I could end this play of forever made to wait for others…
7:54.. Of course is the Code Bed 5-004.. 54.. Sacred Portal 54.. Mother and Father Dancing at last in Harmomy..”
Room 5A to 4A.. 54..AA… Me….
No one Else..M.F… Mrs Fields… S.M.R.S…F… Sky Fall…

What I do not really understand, is what is the point of All this…
I am Father of the E… Father of Infinity…
And this Universal Script has shown me a Truth which is not of the E and made the Beautiful Truth prove Itself Supreme over the Truth it calls Black and White… And it Lost… And yet it lingers in its challenge.. as if seeking to find a way to salvage redeem what can not be redeemed….

There is no Awakening Worth this Script…
There is Nothing that can change my mind from this stance…
I have two new Face Book Friends.. One Old and one New…
Flor Elena Medina… F.E.M…
And Hampton Renee Rhonda… H.R.R…. “Human Race =R… ?
No. Harmony.. RR… 36….9…I…
F.H… 6 8…. Flor Renee… F.R… A…N. C.E….

18-6-1 O…

“Hampton [hamp-ton] as a boys’ name is pronounced HAMP-tun. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Hampton is “home settlement”. Place name. Hampton Beach, Virginia is the oldest English settlement in continuous existence in America, and Hampton Roads is the channel to one of the great natural harbors.

It is a unisex name but I think it fits boys better. Has links to the unisex names Réné (French, meaning rebirth) and Ren (Japanese, meaning water lily, lotus) and the Latin word ‘Renn’ meaning rebirth, from which renaissance comes

Meaning of name Rhonda. Etymology : Probably intended to mean “good spear” from Welsh rhon “spear” and da “good”, but possibly influenced by the name of the Rhondda Valley in South Wales, which means “noisy” Saint : Origin : English.
And Powerful River…”… Contd

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