
6/17/2019 20:27 – Facebook Post

4:35 p.m

D C E.


F Q- T S.

I have a new Facebook Friend.

Adem Bakar

And I am still at 1266 Facebook Friends

Adem means ” Breath” in Turkish.

Yes, I am currently drinking the Mehmet Effendi , Turkish Coffee- a gift from Kim Arthur Hines ( Tree Sage)

“Umeano” my family name means “Breath”
Of the 4 in One.
Yes, Benjamin C. Krajewski 4 boys he is the 1st and came with Tree here the other day.

It is also sacred Portal 69..
” First Note’ Father Nature.

In Hebrew it is Adama.. which is also an O.I.Nri name and that of my first cousin who visited my page.
Odera Adama…
Meaning ” ”
It is written… and first born daughter of Beauty”

It also means Earth Ground… From the Earth.

Baker means a Baker:. bread.. Oven:

Hells Kitchen.
Rose from the Core of the Earth
Adam.. / Mad A.
Adem./ M.E. DA.

From Semen C
From Lava…Water Clouds Earth Pangea.

There is a self portrait, I made of myself and 3 others, in 1996 France, an exhibition of my work called “Portraits from within”
Mine shows me in three aspects: Me rising from the Earth as the Earth.
Me in a concrete Tunnel circle, arms stretched as it to break it, while beings above, circling a Round Table observe.

And of me as a Blonde winged being above all of it.”

Every single aspect of that painting has manifested into reality.
From David Roman Nicholason blonde with the winged structure of his chest opening
To myself and Keith Grant bed 49 and 53 – he was a mirror and worked on the enormous Oil pipe lines in Texas, representing me in the Sub Conscious, Sub Atomic Tunnel of Love..
And me rising as the Earth, married to the Earth.

5:10 p.m
5:11 p.mright now


Most of you will not remember or know, that I wrote often about my time in Hells Kitchen where I transformed a loft filled with objects covered in feaces and and oil, which hid the smell.
How I cleaned and had to transform the Entire space.
Or how a Woman lived on the ground floor from the Royal House of The Nri, family of the Eze Nri.
She looked startlingly like my Mother and had two sons called Nnamdi and Emeka.

And that my bio heritage is Nri.

Or that Benjamin practices the same Natural Magic as I do.
Where as the Nri High Priests, Peaceful Warriors ( P W Particle and Wave) practice the exact same of Instant Manifestation.
They say something and it appears.

Both Kim and Ben, have that Ancient Magic in them.

I was reading a post earlier of Science establishing how ” White People” came to be, and how Africans once covered the entire world.
And how the Caucasians come predominant in Europe and South America, Australia only 5820 years ago.
Pangea was African People of every Hue had migrated from Africa and occupied every corner of the world.
It is something I had already proven on my page.
But this article broke it down, in a scientific comprehensive way, I found extremely well explained and well done.

I was about to share it, but it vanished from my feed, perhaps I will find it and share.

But my point is of course linked to my reception of my work and the almost absolute refusal of the White Race of my findings work and Truth expressed.

And the stance of finding myself having to deal with being Seen as a Black Man in America and the extraordinary Love Hate, he, they experience each day not just here in America but all.over the World.

And the consistent constant negation by the West and Europe, of His/Her contribution to the Human Evolution.

It used to puzzle me, this depth of Hatred and yet at the same time a deep deep love.

A Question of Superiority which reminds me of the legend of Cain and Able.

This Negation of Manu- the Manu-script so marked and telling if you look at my page and the 7.6 years on Facebook, and my current state.

When I look at my Facebook pages, the likes, and the obscene of acknowledgement, the Silence and people’s expression said right to my face, the feelings I get each time I open my page, look back…
Is of a Hatred so indefinable, an expression so undeniable, that it’s goes beyond what I call evil, this hatred of the Black Mans Voice and Expression, and yet all Humanity trace their Source to the Black Brown race.

It’s is of course, of no consequence to the Truth, and Truth regardless of Beliefs of prejudices, manifests anyway.

But what is the Origins of such hate?

That refusal to acknowledge your Source is the Black Brown race.

I do not have the Black American experience having been born in England and grew up in Canada and Nigeria, before returning to London and Art School, but I have experienced it nevertheless, especially via a viz preconceived ideas of Indentity, and the limitations placed on people of darker hue, of what they can or can not do.
Intellectually, especially.

I have never been a color.
I have always been of the E.
But my experience of Racism, especially the most subtle, and often unconscious kind, and when my complexion shifted from very fair skinned to dark skinned when I began this journey to darker and darker, I always understood this as being intentional and part of the Script of Nature who wished to show me, give me the experience of the Darker Hue.

… What I have experienced, what I have seen is the meaning of Absolute Evil, and Self Hate..
The refusal to acknowledge your Source based on the Color of His Skin.

That, that factor would actually cause people of that “Color Mentality” to reject evidence facts proof of something which gives Love Truth, Consciousness Beautiful Expression
Solid Facts
Shares everything
Dies again and again
Resurrects again and again for you.
But still, no matter what I or any of my kind would suffer, endure, share.. help you see rise to, remind you.
That fact remains constant.

It’s makes me wonder, what the Black Brown man woman has done to you.

You negate his history and consequently Your history, you negate his intellect, you reduce his History, discredit him or her at nearly every opportunity.
You block access to his knowledge.
And disrespect him, her to such a place of refusal that this Hatred no longer even makes sense.

Because by defacing Him, by Erasing her, by seeking to keep his Truth Silent, you are doing it to Your selves to, because even your Science teaches you that he is your one common ancestor, holder of the Keys of the Library Akashic Records
Way home out of the Maze Labyrinth.
Who is the Reservoir of all D.N.A.

Albert of Generation X Gardens, once told me that no one would really listen to me in the realm of the Impoversihed, which I was aware when I first came to the U.S, that my last journey would be amongst the Poor and the Working classes, that if I came in my natural elegance and wealth, successes through this material world, that no one listen to me.
That you needed to see me broke, in poverty worse than the worst of you.
He said that is why, I was not allowed to enter this world with my power, and why They took everything from me, even my physical beauty..

My body and my Face and my power even my ordinary human wealth.
And only then would people listen.

Instead, from my experience, it encouraged to do all they could do to exploit, dominate, discredit, plagiarize..

Just as what was done to the Truth of Human History, the Rape, the Erasing, the Discrediting, violence, rape and the systematic destruction of His spirit, with actions, words gestures is what I have literally walked and experienced for the last 29 years.

I lived it..
And after 18 years in New York and 7.6 on Facebook, the riddle which caused me such thought and troubled me so in response to all this work.
The leaving a person with an evolving body, proven, who passed your test..
That sense of demanding and entitlement which still startles me, the rudeness and the people’s expression of their helping me, their Material aid being of much more value than my Expression Energy Healing, solving your riddles.
How people highlight only that I lived 29 months in a Shelter, rather than my life work since I was 8.

They way I have observed people show absolute no respect, demanding knowledge, Explaination.. Punishing me… with Negation, use words of such cruelty, to ensure that you stay in your place..
Where despite every thing you have done, accomplished, they will mutter to each other or say in a moment of inpatience..

“Your Nothing but a bathing ape..”

I would not have brought this up, if it hadn’t been for this response to my work being so troubling as well as my Fate given for not seeing color but just family…
And the post, I must find for you confirming my own research and memory posted on my page.
Today and for the last week about Africans and Pangea.

You do realize, that by denying your Source and refusing to recognize him, her that Energeticaly you cease to exists, and exist only now, because The Source, did not let you go, held onto you, until His manuscript was completed so that you could see His point.
Who he is, so as to be reminded of who you are.
But the moment he disowns you, concludes that you are nothing like He is, the moment he connects all of you to Him as One Family.
Giving you proof, facts, empirical evidence, reason, beauty.. love light lightness of his Logic and Laughter…
He can simply Cut the Spirit which connected him to you. Sending you out of Existence and into the true meaning of the Black Hole of your stinking ideas and secret thoughts.

You do realize that don’t you?

I suppose, that is why for me personally, being in a Script which shows me the Nature of Nan as being intrinsically Evil, versus me representing Man as Beautiful Perfection,
Harmony Perfection..
..was an insulting waste of Time, I would have cut the chord a long long time ago, how can you not recognize the qualities of the Source in being?

But this is not my Script, it’s of my Son playing my Father evolving through a play of Brotherly Love, ( B.L) to being my Equal ( to the Sum Total of my past.. We can never truly be equals, for when he catches up, I have already passed what I did before)

It is His Her Script, and was the source of our quarrel, his notion that Humans are real, instead of Beautiful Illusions ( B.I… 2 9)
A work in progress, completed only when they reached 89..
But they can never reach 9=I.
Only White Light returned to Orginal beginning OH but now with their Identity

Harmonious Beings
89. 17.. Q. Quantum

But only the E line and Their Source can Transform you at Q, and move you to Harmony
Harmonious Beings

And as for the Eternals, they are the line of the Originals direct like he of the first 5 who rose with their Source E

Only that line as 98. Infinity Harmony rise to the I by being able to exemplify I.E.
Which is what the John Mack line has achieved 5:11-115 And even then His line must act out after the Awakening .. Being E Conscious and Aware.

6:50 p.m right now

Laura Walsh

Code 54. E D M. line of E
B P. S. F E.
2-16- 19. 65.
Beautiful Pride
Sensational Feelings
Solid Fact. E Exists

And yes, I am The Source
Who recognizes only Two.
J.M/ M.J
J M J M.
Jump Man
Mary Jane
Michael John.


And yes, I am fully aware that I have been denied by the rest of you,

And that I have understood the point of my Espirits Truth, by forcing me to walk through this Script
And that he too, has seen my point as to why I refused.
And that my view point was more complete than His, because he did not take in One person’s point of, making me gather all of yours, but not mine.
Reflected Mirrored through all of you through your response to the giving of the Greatest Gift of All.

I would never come in the guise of a beggar, or supplicant, a vagabond, prophet wizard druid or soothsayer…
I would obviously as A Man.
Which is actually what the Source
A Man

7:06 p.m

Searching for his family, beautiful family to gather them for the Awakening.

And yet these were the roles which humans cast me in, and refused to see me any other way.
– An intelligent man. Who had something interesting to say.

And the unwillingness to see through my being and doing.

And refusal to give True Praise.
As to what I was forced to prove of what is the Nature and Origins of A Man.

7:11 p.m right now

Ophichus Aclepius
Odera Adama. Omega Alpha
Which is that he is the Ressurection of the Truth
And that despite this Fathrrs Nature Script, Book walking through the Spirit World ( till 219 South Whitney to Freeman/ Fair Field)
Hells Kitchen to
K. A.H..
I still was able to rise from the Pit of constant negation with the Beautiful Truth of the Manu-Script and with Reason prove manifest Evolution Awakening
5 1
5 11
E K.

I can never express in totality what I truly observed through this experience, things which you as the public can not see, because of your mental state and stance on what is True and What is false.
Or how you demand people walk through existential hell first, before people will decide if they will hear you..

And see you….?

Don’t make me laugh

I am fully aware of how the vast majority of you see me, so insulting it’s hard each day, harder to bear.

The self evident facts are clear, my only truth worth to you is what you can gain.

Knowledge Wisdom Understanding
… most of you have constructed an Illlusion Delusion of how you see my Being and Doing is my duty to serve you.
And my ” suffering and Torment ” truly not your problem and concern.

To Cee/See me is to Love me
To Recognize me is to See me True.
Consciously Choosing Beautiful Expresion no matter what you do to me, and my Identity.

This Script is of the Past, not the present, and so the Past had to catch up with the True Present at last.
Fiction to Fact…Faith is “To Know” in all things exists A Reason
Aora Rathbum

It was all to bring Dawn.
Awakening that A Man, your Source used expression to Evolve you..
But only recognizing the E in you. The only thing which I have proven real.

27 months in the Shelter, starting with bed 5-019 “Eos. Es” meaning “Dawn”

27 years ago 1992 Emeka, Stephan Manu.

To John Mack 2-27-2019. J S M E.K

29 months in the Shelter for one stretch
months at Green Point and 27 at Delta Manor.

2-27 .. John’s Birth day

29 B.I .
Led by Stephen.. Esteban Miguel Filgueira to portal 29 his home.

29 years since beginning my Journals
Talking To The Silence
T T T S. 60 19. ( 6-19-2019)
6O Sixth Sense to Full Circle
Fiction Fantasy Fact – Reason
666. 18. Field. E.M.F. 24.
Harmony E.M.F. L.A.W.
8 24= 32.

And I realize now, that I have 32 u sd in my wallet right now

Jon Jason Lee. J J L. 32
Brooke Lee Lemery

Arrival in New York 3-20-2001.

Bed 5-019 same day sent to bed 3-002. 32..

5:32 Hertz.


E: H E.M.F
Fair Field F F. 66..
Freeman- Fair Field Fact Harmony
Proven Fact
6-16-2019. Yesterday

Come Come, if you were paying attention. The meaning and Alignemt was clear.

Bed 5’019 to Date 6 O 19.

Emeka Kolo to Frank Archambault

E K F A @ C.T. S.

I am not Father- I play his her Sum.

50 19. 60 19..
69. 79.

Nnamdi Emmanuel 5-4-1969..
Talking To The Silence 79
Blue Print of Existence..Sacred Portal 79
Sacred Heart
Solar Plexus.

I was watching a series yesterday.
An Angel & Demon working together looking for the Anti Christ.
The Angel had discovered the only book of Accurate Prophecies.
So he uses it to search for the boy called Adam

Adam Waldron
Adem Baker
A-A. B W. 27. Black White..

…as he reads the book, every thing becomes clear
” Could everything really be that simple” he mutters to himself.
Dialing 666 666 on the phone, he gets Adams parents of the Anti Christ.
He is reading from the book what the prophet seer wrote which she predicted he was saying when she Saw him hundreds of years ago in her vision, which the Angel years Adam say in perfect timming, and at the exact same time the Angel is reading it..
He instantly Recognized it as Him.

8:06 p.m

Not an iota of doubt.

I paused the film, mouth slightly open,
” and yet on Face book and all around me, for years I have been demonstrating this, showing them how to read.. when this understanding of Synchronicity Symmetry, just as I knew and made me so puzzled and troubled, people have pressed and denied what I was so obviously pointed out.”

They refused to see or hear me..

8:11 p.m

Hells Kitchen.

14 years…

“So you see Father, I was correct and now you have the Facts,
They Know what they do..
And they have denied you, by denying the message and the Script you made me suffer so much to deliver to them”

Evil so inconcivebable, that even your One Father Mother refused to believe even me.
Sending me instead on this J.S M.E.
Journey/Journals Secret Mission
Awakening Eternity ..Present Here.

And that was his Doubt,
The Truth doubted me… it’s Source
And sent me to bring Evidence Facts Reason as to how that could be.

And at the same time, as bringing the evidence, I fought the liars deniers and the Evil, cleaned up your mess of ages and my Fathers,
Father Mothers Truth as well as Their True Nature and intention by proving that They are not the parents of these Human Illusion, and completed the mission raising Lord A B.. E H S
And S .H E. B. A..E
Same person but He came first,
He is S H E. BA H.

8:27 p.m right now

My Point
My View

P.S Bakar Misin. Means in Turkish
‘Will you Look”
And it is also the ancient word for “Copper ”

Adam also means Red Man…
But since it all in Turkish

Then it would mean “Will you at the Breath of the First Man.. colored as the Earth; Red Copper”
Chinedu Umeano.
Chukwuemeka Umeano
Cecilia Umeano

“THE Eternal Spirit rests, stays with the first man. The 4 Divine Breaths in One”

11:14 Edit
A A A D.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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