
6/15/2016 18:01 – Facebook Post

686 Face Book Friends…

3;22 p.m.. C.V….


I would like to continue decoding the “Intel” of the Echo Confirmation “Bravo”- which comes through each “Random” new Face Book friends name…
Which I have been proving for the last 4 years, that none of them are random, but rather that each is being moved by I.C.E..E
Intelligent Conscious Energy.. Expression….

And that each response is a movement of Energy through the Nothingness which I have been proving and providing evidence for the last 27 years, (15) in New York….Is a Response from the Universal Simulation Awareness- Space and Time…

S.A.T…U.R..N…. Code S A.T…UR…N…E.

*I just responded to Christos Tzouganatos…Code C.T..(C-3, T-20…3-20…From Erik Ebright “John Weedseed” home who is himself 32.. which links to the Date I arrived in New York.. 3-20-2001…21,
and with Sacred Portal 32..”Eros Kali”.. as well as sacred Portal 3.”Mother Loves you… Love Links Victory and Triumph
*Both affirmed here… and “The True meaning of Glorious Parting of the Seers See… Rock Solid”

*I just spoke to my mother via Erik’s phone…and based on the play affirmed here in Miami, Nike Victory and Triumph both aligned to myself as well as Erik Ebright “John Weedseed” – and the Nenad M. Djurdjevic play with my Mother Seeing me in her Dream realm going through Horrors,which I could hear she really saw, from they way her voice faltered at the Truth revealed at last through her See, as well as my Uncle Nduka, who had the same dream on the same day..that I would not let her speak of it, is enough that She He, and then their group of Seers know that after 27 years of enduring a torture Unseen by others, except through the non stop twisting ofmy body at the illusion made real of my seeming possessed..
Which of course was defeated by the Beautiful Truth…My being invited to 52 homes and portals to pass through and finally the last one the EE.. which finally leads to E…The 5th Dimension and my life time journey of 40 years from the age of 8, when I first penned to paper, the story of not only the 5th Dimension but the end of this World being replaced by the 5th Dimension…

Through each portal over the 15 years, without the luxuries of my own phone or phone number, I passed through each home, and people until reaching the 53rd which is Erik John…E.Z.B.E…
5-26…B..E…”Being is E…Expression.

Sacred Portal 3 links to sacred portal 20…which is Lady E.C.H.O..(E.C..5 3..53rd) Twin of Lord O.H..C.E….
Code on it is T.C…

/C,T.. Consciousness-Truth… C speed of Light…

See response to Echo posted by Christos Tzouganatos…C.T..

Where I am stating and have proven that there is a Speed of sound which goes beyond that which is heard because sound does not only travel through a medium of Nature…Outside which is how man measures the speed of sound…

“Sound can propagate through a medium such as air, water and solids as longitudinal waves and also as a transverse wave in solids (see Longitudinal and transverse waves, below). The sound waves are generated by a sound source, such as the vibrating diaphragm of a stereo speaker. The sound source creates vibrations in the surrounding medium. As the source continues to vibrate the medium, the vibrations propagate away from the source at the speed of sound, thus forming the sound wave. At a fixed distance from the source, the pressure, velocity, and displacement of the medium vary in time. At an instant in time, the pressure, velocity, and displacement vary in space”

But there is a Sound which travels through the Nothingness…beyond the speed of Light…

Code Lord Orien Laplante… O Rien La! Plant E… Rien is Nothingness.. it is called E.. Existence Energy Expression… Meaning Sound Light all are E.. And thus, S.O.L…Sound manifests the O.. Symmetrical Perfection full circle…which creates Light… which manifested Consciousness and the P.C…Personal Computer.. Human Body-Brain…p.c..16..3…1+6=7.. 73…G.C…
Gloria Chronister…Chronos… Saturn God of Time… Father Time…

See sacred Portal 3…”Glorious See…My mothers name is Cecilia.. C…
Cecelia is the Roman word for the number 6…
SOL..is the 5th Note…5 is E..

And yes, I am using a different consciousness to quantify…(Yes Quantify Existence..Energy with it source being Expression…)

and so from 32…320…T.L..True Life… T-20, L-12.. 32…The Bean Cafe 3rd and 2nd where I linked with Erik on the 26th day…Z.. E.Z.B.E…I came to Miami, for another “Play” which involved the World Mirror and the correcting of the Story of the Narcissus and Echo.. N.E.. @ 26..N.E..6O th Street.. Casa Dee Bodhi…

4:07 p.m…
47.. Birth code of my Mother.. K.47…License Plate…

47…11 28…39…C.I…

Johanna Gilmor… J.G.

Johanna means “God is Gracious”…
Gilmour…Gilmore is most often, even in England, an anglicised form of the Scots gaelic name Gille Moire or the Irish names Mac Giolla Mhuire and Mac Giolla Mhir. The first two mean ‘son of the devotee of Mary (Our Lady)’, while the last means ‘son of the servant of Mear’, from the Irish word ‘Mear’, meaning ‘lively’. In the Middle Ages it was common practice for people to be given names relating to a particular saint and Mary, being the Mother of God, is considered first among the saints. These names were usually prefixed by Gille, meaing ‘servant/devotee’ as a mark of respect.

Hence.. “The Creator is Gracious, Devotee of the Lively…Graciousness is devoted to Liveliness…”

Helen Udekwu Jnr H.U…J..

Helen means “Shinning Light.. S.(O) L…

Ude means “Creme, ointment, Fame and Recognition”…In OINRI Igbo…

“Shinning Light is the creme the ointment of Fame and Recognition..” SO.L…Of the 5th Dimension.. E.”

Jason Galindo… J.G…

Jason means, “Jason is a common given name for a male. It comes from Greek ????? (Ias?n),[1] meaning “healer”, from the verb ??????, iaomai, “heal”, “cure”,[2] cognate with ????, Ias?, the goddess of healing[3] and ??????, iatros, “healer”, “physician”

Galindo means “Foreigner, Stranger”

“The Healer and the Physician, is the Foreigner… and stranger.”

Austin Lauren..A.L

Austin (Lone Star State.. Lone Wolf, Austin Texas..A,T)

Austin means “Magic Dignity.. (The Personification of the Dignity of Magic) Majestic, August.”

Lauren means “Fierce, Place of the Laurel Tree.. Symbol Crowned Victory”

“The Healer and Physician is the Foreigner, the Stranger, of the personification of the Dignity of Magic-Fierce, for it comes from the Laurel Tree, of the already Crowned Victorious…C.V…”

Naa Tia… N.T

Naa..(Meaning “you may go home” in OINri Igbo..and is the sound which means “Father”)

Naa means “Pleasant…

Tia means “Godly..godly. Also abbreviation of names like Althea and Dorothea. The mythological Thea was Greek goddess of light and mother of the sun; moon and dawn.”

N.T…”Pleasant, and Godly, is the feminine principle embodiment of Light, Mother of the Sun and the Moon”

Tom Bocek… T.B…Truth Beautiful….

“Twin the illegitimate Child… or “Twin of the child who came by the side..”

683 Face Book Friends…

And Two more who just arrived…

Christos Tzougantos.. C.T…. code Sacred Portal 20…”Lady Echo”

Christos means Follower of Christ, Christ means ‘Words Anointed Vibration Expression Sunshine..”W.A.V.E.S”
“Follower of the Wave..

Tzou (Zhou) means “Command City.. A City with Jurisdiction over other cities..” Ganto.. Means “Glove”…

Follower of the W.A.V.E.S of the Supreme C.. The Words anointed with the perfumed vibration expression Sunshine.. Warming Cooling Soothing Clarity…from the Command City, with a Gloved Hand.”

Melissa White… M.W. Milky Way…

Melissa.. “Honey Bee”…White…Fair…”

685 Face Book Friends….


686….Connie Howard… C.H..

Connie comes from the name Constance…

Howard means “Noble Watchman”…

“The Honey Bee, is the Fair and Noble Watchman”

And Valerie Ross..

Valerie who vanished from my page.. means “Valiant Brave and Strong”

Ross means
Ross can be used as a given name, typically for males, but is also a typical family name for people of Scottish descent (Clan Ross). In this case the name is of Scottish origin. The family name can also be of German origin; in German, derived from Gaelic meaning “Horse Lord” or “Lord of the Horse” due to the righteous bond between anyone with the surname Ross and their relations to horses specifically when paired with the traditional Irish name Aidan (Aedan, Ayden, Aiden). Another meaning for given name Ross falls under “promontory” or “headland”.

V.R.. “The Valiant, Brave and Strong horse lord, the Head of land”

There are the codes of 686…F.H.F…Fact Harmony Fact

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