
6/14/2017 21:31 – Facebook Post

8:22 p.m.


Incredible… !

I should have realized with all the codes of Ten….
The Ten Dollar Gift Card Brenda organized from Lilian…
Which means “Graceful Lily Rose…”

And Brenda representing the sacred Portal 55.. As the Past…
And sacred Portal 9 “The Elemental Goddesses” with the Two Fair Oh’s.. “We choose our God Kings…”

Aten, Tut… Amon- Amun- Amen Ra… even in my Original Creation Story the voices and the codes of the Amen Ptah…
Even my own memories of Self Creation linked through E-Rose to Egyptian Pharaohs…
But I had written and decoded it so many times over the years….

And then when Ariane Oates posted the Female Pharaohs I made the comment…
I linked the Resin like sticky quality of what was happening to my body as Mummification- ‘Breath Life into the Bones” Ezekiel…

I always knew this..The Non stop links to the Egyptian Book of the Dead… E.B.O.D….E BODY… The Universal Body…
The Liver.. the play of the storage of the internal Organs of the Body and how they are kept in Jars… Jose Anthony Roque…
Linked to the My Great Grandmother… my Grandmother.. My Mother and My Sister… The Black and Red Tin box passed down from My Grandmother to my other and then my sister…
And when Brenda brought the Mrs Fields Box other day with the Sword of Steel.. Fer…. Neferetiti…
I knew, but I was so bloody Tired…

i knew it when I first saw My great Grandmother and then later Iman- when she rose as a Top model…
i recognized here as the Copy My great Grandmothers form… the way they walk… Even to my Girl Friends in boarding school Barbara James and Mary Jane…
I had to link the last of the code of Nri to Egypt and Kemet…. That the Sensie warriors were not only men, but then primarily Women…
I saw it again when Elizabeth Clarizio sent me 15 usd… it was sacred Portal Jolly Green Giant who is the E.T Who arrived in the land of Women…
At the same time, Wonder Woman the movie came out… WW… 23 23.. 46.. Code links to Lisa Natalie Johnson..

Iman married David Bowie…I.D…D.I… NN AM DI..

I recall knowing exactly the line of my Great Grandmother… I had her memories.. her long legs.. her racing through the forest… A Warrior with a Sword… and of such beauty…
I have this memories and when the Snow and Ashes exhibition on 2005 by Gregory Colbert.. while I was fighting the Witchcraft and the Super Computer in Hells Kitchen…
Axel Love and Michael Frazer will recall…

I knew, I saw her- I remembered her and saw the ideas of the way we were….

I tried to tell people… Marcia. Doctor Ashua ‘Conversations with Angels’ all remembered Egypt.. Even while at Lisa Levine place at 97 Green Street…
I was entombed and mummified, that is what people saw with their third eye…
Ritz Montes saw it and told me, Albert Santana saw it and was told that he could not tell me.. but he did tell me… He saw me in ancient Egypt and then through the ages.. even torn to bits by the crowd and a rose thrown at me by a friend who afraid of the Mob, joined then and tossed a rose at me as they descended on me….
He had the memories of my in the Sufi world and so many other incarnations always of betrayal and destroyed…
Torn to pieces Tortured….
They were true but not real… because they were all stories I had passed through.. Which is why Marina Burini will recall that the friend- a truth gifted man from L.A. whom she had arranged to test me the first day I came to her house and who said that I had been here so many times and that this time I was here to play…
Marina herself had the experience with me of where the memory of her as Mary Madgelena rose and she acted out that Bliss in front of me.. and then when she came back to herself, sought and fought to come back to what she recalled was the most unbelievable state of bliss…
But it is always doubt. doubt which makes them come down, and perceive me later with suspicion even after each has their revelation experienced by themselves…
Every one I lived with had a revelation off recalling me…
Every one… It was not my problem if they began to doubt their own experience because they saw me in this reality… playing the same character going through yet again the same Torment again through the same doubt of their own experiences….

How did they expect me to be or incarnate in this Life time?
And especially when I had played all my roles…?
Marina Burini’s friend had stated it… even I recalled him.. Father and I was even angry with him which he knew why and chuckled…
He recalled some of my identities including Ghenghis Khan….
G.K.. 7 11…I proved all this to the Dead.. or as I was passing through the Halls of the Dead….

And it never occurred to anyone that if, the Universe and all these people were having these experiences with me of a moment of Total Recall… That I it meant my journey and expression was True.. And that I have been battling and gone through a journey from my moment I was aware in my mothers womb to this battle in every dimension that I had passed through things and dealt with things beyond the Supernatural and the strength it required. To walk through This World and still retain the E consciousness of Eternity and not deny it despite what was done to me…
Or what it meant to be a Living Mummy or experiencing the past in the present simulatneously all at the same time of repetition of the same tortures and torments..?
Or the will it took in Human form to prove each one a story and not real while made to go through it…
This was not reincarnation it was a journey of Muscle Memory which I as being forced to translate into Reason in this age…

Or did it not occur to people that I had a right to be pissed off if over and over again messages came that in this Life time I was meant to rest… That I had completed all my Roles in this Human Play and this time it was left for Humanity to evolve themselves by putting all the pieces together themselves…
And if they failed then they failed… That was the test….

There is a new Tom Cruise movie “The Mummy” Sofia Boutella… ( Sacred Portal 37… Sophia O Lauren.. SOL.)
Ahmanet… AH..MAN..E.T/
See Sacred Portal 81..HA….
Nefertiti ….Wife of A.TEN…

How else was I too tell the world what was happening to me,
I wrote the evidence down each day, for 62 months…
K.V.62…. The Tomb of Nefertiti and Aten… N.A…. A.N/NA…
11 22… C.D…O.N… C DON… C Donald… as in the meaning of Donald meaning “The Universal Ruler” which is E Harmony…
That Energy Chi… which moves through everyone and whose laws had to be re-introduced into this World Consciousness of Forgetting so everyone knew the Rules.. The Laws ..The Eternal Laws and why… All Explained…
Aten brought in a new Age….
It was not the Solar Reigns as in the Sun…
But the Sol Are…. 5th Dimensional Consciousness….

How can Eternal Beings worship a physical representation …
Idols.. even if it is of nature…
Anyawu in O.NRI Igbo is Glowing Eyes… Bright Eyes….
Chukwu is the Mystery who does not stay eternally invisible…
Invisible Visible – Invisible…. I V I… 4 6 4… 9 5 9….It was a puzzle the riddle of the Sphinx to be Solved…

I wrote this over and over and over again… giving evidence proof facts, demonstrating it as it flowed through my Cells, my voice my expression….
Linking and weaving it before all your very eyes..
The Book of the Dead..?
It is the Human Body… as the Liver… It regenerates…
Breath Air … Amun.. Creativity is Fertility into the bones the muscles and it will come alive….

9;30 p.m.


Lord, this has been a chore…
I wish to simply go home and end this convoluted tale…
There is no Dictator who rules from his throne…
Eternal Harmony is a Frequency…
5 28… It Inherits the World…
The Eternal Law… E.L…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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