
6/14/2017 18:03 – Facebook Post

Its Crazy…

4:32 p.m.

How have I gone so far…. How did I let 25 years pass solving these riddles and aligning these codes… Reading Patterns…
How did I let myself go so far…?

My contemporaries are Heads of Major Co-operations, Professors and with Families some of them with kids already in College….

What is wrong with me…?

Why can I not walk away from this… ?
It is True. Ariane Oates unwittingly gave evidence that I spoke the Truth, that I am Literally in a Labyrinth…

Lisa Natalie Johnson as well as Lisa Levine.. As well as a host of others including Rob Barr’s Friend acknowledged that my physically body is going through something out of the ordinary and Lisa Levine got it so right when she said she felt a presence a boy.. a voice calling from my Liver and that something which she could not explain was pulling my body out of alignment….

I have been in a shelter for Mental Health in the Bronx for 8 almost 8 months and 2 months at an Assessment Shelter…

I have proven that a Human Being can document through awareness the Full Circle of Existence right to this place where there were Three Cinema’s The Circle, the Palace, and the Americana… The Very anchors which have followed me since Paris which I have painstakingly documented as the sign posts back Full Circle to the point in Paris where I reached Home…
The Origins of the Species and the Door to True Life….

I know that I have followed a Trail, of sign posts using sixth sense and following the trail which led me to 268 East 4th Street and then to the Forest of Pelham Park and the Streets of New York… I passed through the abyss and History of the World aligning correcting and then documenting and writing it down as I did when I began recording my notes in the Journals called Talking to the Silence… Which eventually led me to Delta Manor… I had so many opportunities to walk away.. to get some form of a life back..but only if I denied the Truth and the facts of my “Mission” and the undeniable symmetry which I could not only read but which would Respond outside of me and confirm that this horrendous terrible terrible pathway was and is the Original Pathway I recalled descending before there was even a World…. At the Birth of Everything…And Everything but the present, this present, ( not the True Present ) confirms this…

I the proudest and most Independent of men have lived with nothing, not even sponsorship ( except once) in proving a Truth that I do not even believe in.. that one has to prove and explain it… Being… Naturalness…

But I have put the impossible into words while the Sanity of the world crumples around me…

I have been on Face Book for 5 years… 5 years and now almost 3 months, presenting my evidence to the world that Humanity is Evolving but only through Expression Symmetrically Explained.
And that we have to manifest our own Evolution by being aware that we as a species secret through our Expression – Stream of Consciousness and through of Cells..Mitochondria Dna – Energy which when linked and read in Hindsight… “Sol..! Sew a needle pulling thread.. Meaning if we link these two Expression…
Expression through Naturalness… and Energy through Secretion “True Nature” these two I and I, we can literally use awareness to link to understanding and move E E.. I and I to EE… E…I and I…I… E.I/ I.E…Exemplification Embodiment of the Idea of Being in Existence to Fact and reach the portal as a Species of feelings Sensational… Eternity…. Origins of the Species and Awakening of the Species back to the future where we are already Evolved….

I came in Face Book in 2008-2009…
I posted my Creation Story in 2008-9…
I announced the completion of the Manuscript “The True Conversation Between Energy E and Ahtom in 2010….
And in 2012.. I began speaking to the E.T Human Line and the True Humans ( The Naturals the few who managed to still be their Natural selves and not be governed by inherited fears customs and cultures, from past to present behaviorial patterns.. but fought and rebelled against it to free themselves to Be.. whi they naturally are…)…

Five years and 3 months I have been speaking. explaining Teaching Demonstrating and giving a different expression of how to be in in Existence. Not by telling people my opinion but by Being myself and moving through Time and Space and recording how I naturally perceive reality….

5 years and 3 months… of non stop posting and talking and weaving and linking Life… as I walked through the worst fears of Human Existence, while being impulsed and stimulated and challenged by all the Ideas of Being in Existence, while living in non existence…
Where you are not seen, heard, understood, after spending a life time listening to the stories of all the people who intersected ith me on this path….

5.3 years to reach Elizabeth Clarizio code and Eduardo Corona…
Melvin Er-er was a 13- 14 year old middle school student when he became my Face Book friend…how old is he now… 18.. 19…

A University degree is 3-4 years…

I have been lecturing sharing everyday… that a person who came upon my writing and my point of view and followed it would have had now a First Degree and a Masters on the Unique Perspective and life of a man called Emeka Kolo… who is offering the World a Beautiful View of Being in Existence…
A Beautiful View while walking through the worst worst worst views of Existence… With nothing but his Truth…
Enough to inspire a whole generation to know that there is someone in the World who is walking his Talk…and sharing it as he goes through it…
Sharing how he sees each experience, experiences which cause people to goo insane, to break them. to make them commit suicide….I have been walking through the dangerous and the the terrible.. the fears of a modern world….No family no support no one to talk to and share the experience of physically going through the process of Evolution..
Walking through Human rage, hate jealousy, violence, all the viruses all the reason people use to give up on their most precious truths… because they could not see the proof of their being true…
Because the world was so demanding…

I have walked for 16 years through the greatest seat of Capitalism, I have been a Scholar and a child of Royal Ancestry. educated and thrown with the Wolves whose life”s made them feel that I was the example of everything they could have been but where denied…
I am have been labeled a Black man in a White World and a White man in a Black world and at best an E.T and an oddity…

Larry just introduced me to his Wife.. Chiolo… I believe she is Japanese…. I had over heard him complimenting my body…
My body has been in agony. a quiet agony so quiet that I desired to leave it, to depart from it so that I would not have to feel this constant metamorphosis which does not complete… which I have been going on since I arrived in New York 16 years ago…

Psychological Torture. moving through a Maze… of within and the body and outside, the world of Truth and the World of Lies… Aligning documenting, fighting to get your attention in a Script which does not require your attention only uour co=operation to prove a Truth…

I take my cues…
I am alone with an Eternal Truth…living so precariously for 16 years with nothing.. proving there is nothing to fear… while conquering my own Humanity and my Eternal self both horrifed to the point of a constant silent scream going on deep within me..
This is Impossible.. No one can be given this destiny….
No ones free will and choice can be taken away from him..
Who wrote this Script… Who is able to have the power to force me to play such a Role..
Who did this to the Beautiful Truth…

And how could it force me to to tell the Whole Truth… My entire Truth even to the memories of being the Source… the First to Rise from the Nothingness… To make me discover this through equations, weaving and stream of consciousness on a Face Book Public Forum.. in this world and then compell me to retain and sustain this in a Mental Health Shelter….
To take monies from only certain designated person and then provide evidence to the World through codes and numbers and proofs that it was designated… That it was and is a Script and that this is not real life…

Brenda presented me with a gift card for Ten USD… From Lilian..

You have to Write.. She said… I had this voice the force move through me say that he has to have coffee and he must write”

The Play is over. I have no money left…I have nothing but this….
I do not wish to take anything from anyone for codes or a play…
I did not set out to prove anything, but I have proven something which makes even me. bow and raise my eyes to the Heavens in Awe…

But now that Y is completed… there is now a a Z and as I slept or not slept in the room of 14 men snores, and farts and all manner of men with broken dreams…
Men who despise me for standing tall and refusing to be broken and other men jealous hateful because of hurt shown them…
And men who are quite and noble who should never be have been brought here to this trap… this Viscous circle.. this System of Numbers.. of revolving doors.. Where the men are seen as Numbers and no one really fights for them to be free..
They give them housing and the system makes sure that they can not pay for it and thus they will be back…
A viscous Circle…

I am not even American…

Lawrence introduced me as the Professor.. and Man from this world…” this is how he introduced me to his Wife….
Whose name means Wished for Child… The same meaning as the Name Mary….

So it was Shane Michael Robinson Sr. who came to my mind as I slept…
No more! No More of this….
But I contacted Shane… FENRIR… Devouring wolf confirmed through the codes of this play…
Devour Consume Destroy this Lie.. Make the Z real…

Why do I obey… why do I still post…
What is wrong with me when I know already that this play this Script has not redemption…

Carlton, Literally Round man in Girth, played Bob Marleys Redemption Song when I went back to eat at the Shelter…
I almost felt tear come to my eyes… They, he would never know what those words really meant to me…

Caesar Rivera was on right hand side… Bill was on his Right…

There is no redemption for this play.. there is no redeeming feature… Nothing can be redeemed from such a play…
I checked ad checked… there is nothing…

Later on that evening I found myself singing a different Bob Marley Song.. I could not stop myself…

96 Degree is the Shade… Red Hot oh yeah i the Shade…

There is no Redemption Song…

There is only the Sword… about to Drop…

Hurry Up….!

I do not know why I obey … this Evil Evil Script and Post and work on….

5:59 p.m.

6-14-1 O…

F N ..A O…

O A N F….
Link Code Neil Furby
1-28- 2014….

6:00 p.m.


6:01 p.m.

61… FA…

Welcome Jonathan Scott…
Link to Jonathan David Frechette… J.D.F… Fifth Dimension 1 O… Justice….
J.S.. 10.. 19… and Supreme Justice… Court Records Balanced from the Judges Bench… The Judges Chambers… J.Delguidce…

6:03 p.m.

What is wrong with me… why can’t I just stop….

6:04 p.m
Fifth Dimension…

…Because I am not allowed to…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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