
6/14/2016 11:36 – Facebook Post

8:21 p.m.


13-6-9…M.F..I.. Masculine Feminine Infinity (96/69)…. Male Female Individual…

6-13-9… F.M.I…Frequency Modulation I…

Vicky Moiane Sydaphasavanh… V.M.S.

Musefiu Hammed..M.H…

Ilkin Arslan Goker…I.A.G….(I Am God…Morgan Freeman…M.F)

Yolanda Bakwena…Y.B/B.Y…

Cassius Ramone Hill C.R.H…I.S…T

Raghupati Rai…R.R… (R=18…36.. 360 Degree’s)

Vanessa Ernandez… V.E..

Elizabeth Ellison… E.E…

Gloria Chronister…C.G…(73)

Miranda Turner… M.T.

John Weedseed… J.W..(J.C)

Johanna Gilmor… J.G.

Helen Udekwu Jnr H.U…J.

Jason Galindo… J.G…

Its a Code.. Take the First Letters of each name and go down…

B..V.M..I..Y.C (Yeshua Christ)..R.V (R.E.V)..E.G (The Example)
M.J..(“Mary Jane…Weed Cannabis)…(Mirander Miraculous, Mirror…Worthy of Admiration Reflection in the Mirror…World Mirror)
*See sacred Portal 34…C.D.. John Weedseed..is the rep World Mirror..J.H…108..of the Closing of the Flower of Life…
J…in Balance..

Last night I had a conversation with a young beautiful ebony complexioned man, called Messiah…about his friend who had passed three years ago.. His very best friend… And he revealed something to me which he knew I would understand…
“I can literally feel his presence, even his Energy and Touch.. it is incredible…But I understand how it is possible.. but I would never tell any one because I could not explain it…

He told me because he felt.. knew I could explain it…
Of course, I can and have… Parallel Universes E.E.. merging at last into E…One….E.O..
His friends name was Jason..

Jason is my 680 Face Book friend…
Messiahs Best Friend….he spoke to me about last night…
At the End of the Flower of life 108…
There is J.G…107…Sacred Portal 107 is “Release of the Universal Idea of Clarity..7.00…And from out of the Blue..VENOM….V.E..NOM.

*Already The Venom of that which is beyond the Scorpion has already been acted out and confirmed…

But to read the code one must have at least learn the “Rules of Engagement” of the Play…
How the I, and the World and Older Face Book friends saw for themselves, how I came to establish the Meaning…of codes like M.V… M.V…Mountain View… 18.. Where I lived 9 months with Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan, before coming here, to 26 N.E 60th Street, after a 26 day Break in Manhattan Alpha Bet City.. Lower East Side.. L.E.S…Loisida…”LOI SI DA…”Sida” means “Aids” in French… Si Da means in code “Yes Father”…Aid means “Helper Rescuer” in English…
Not the name of an “incurable disease”

Only by establishing meaning of the Meaning “Which is determined by the conclusion of what happens to you while existing in that Time and space.. or play of that place in which numbers, letter, words Symbols are used to indicate it…
and it must consistent…as in my case for the last 26-27 years.. and the last 15..and 10, in New York…
And in the public case, the last 4 years and now pushing 3 months…

*Incredible…4 years 3 months!… Every bloody day!

Anyway… Which ever way you wish to read it, the 14 Names.. it forms a code, meaning and message…

Victorious Moi-A.N-E…(Could not find the meaning of the Mozambique name Moiane)….or Sy-Da-H.P-As-A-VAN-H

Musefiu Means “Rescuer.. Helper..”

Hammad means “Praised”….

“The Rescuer and Helper is Praised”.

*.. Also my 666 Face Book Friend with Beata Hulliger-grassl…B.H.G…M.H…
Code B.A…H..G H… ( B A…H.I.G.H)

Ilkin means “First”…Ilker.. First Man…Iskender..”Alexander” Defender of Man…

Arslan means “Lion”.. Lion Witch and the Wardrobe..

Goker means in Turkish.. “Brave Man of great achievement from the Sky…” It also means in Persian… ‘Spring Rose!”

First…Came the First Born, The Defender of Man, The Lion Hearted Brave “Saviour” from the out of the Blue Sky.. The greatest achievement…Spring Rose.. And brought the transformation of Winter White from the Blue -5th Chakra… A Voice and “Voi”-Way which changed Everything…


Yolanda…means Violet Flower… ”

*Violet is the 7th Color…

Code Yolande Makha..Y.M./ M.Y
Yolanda Bakwena… Y.B.. /B.Y.

“Kwena” is a Sesotho word meaning “crocodile”, and this animal is their totem…

Violet Flower is the Crocodile…

Crocodile represents “Power” Survival.. Primal Strength and Creation…”

‘Sobek (also called Sebek, Sochet, Sobk, and Sobki), in Greek, Suchos (??????) and from Latin Suchus, was an ancient Egyptian deity with a complex and (literally) fluid nature.[2] He is associated with the Nile crocodile and is either represented in its form or as a human with a crocodile head. Sobek was also associated with pharaonic power, fertility, and military prowess, but served additionally as a protective deity with apotropaic qualities, invoked particularly for protection against the dangers presented by the Nile river.
The origin of his name, Sbk[5] in ancient Egyptian, is debated among scholars, but many believe that it is derived from a causative of the verb “to impregnate”.[6]’…

Violet Flower is the Crocodile, the Power, Survival…through fertility.. Impregnation…Semen…. The Phallus of Life giving Nile… Contd

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