
6/13/2019 21:01 – Facebook Post

2:35 p.m



F M T S.

Focus Attention

Awareness Focus Attention.

F A.

A F A.

Good Grief, I have no idea how to start this post today.

And the only reason, I am explaining, one more time is because of Sarah Kaizer.

If you recall, the last money code play had the name “Sarai” on it.
And it linked to Sarah

Sarah has the same energy frequency of the essence of my Biological Sister.
And in the play, she represents the Process.

I knew that she represented the last of the Money play and Energy play.

As you may or may not be aware, Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah Athena Kaizer
(E M F. S A K.
E S. M.A. F.K.
/ K. F A M. S E. E)

Have been the Two People who have ensured my Material Comfort together for the last 6-7 months.
Yes, E.M.F shouldered the the bulk but Sarah also contributed a good deal.

The very last money code was the day I moved to Jesse Macias and Zions home.
140. A D O.
N.O. Natures Perfection O is Perfection as Symmetry.. when everything equates, everything makes Perfect Sense.

As you may or may not have paid attention to the facts of the play.
( Or the singularity astonishing Facts, that hardly anyone in the last 7.6 years on Facebook has asked me for clarification or said they do not understand.
Something which Sarah does freely which is why this post is dedicated and because of her.

I woke up today, and without truly having to understand why

* ( I already knew why from what had been set up for weeks culminating in a play of E M F and S A K. )
Recall how it was only
Emeka Kolo ( me)
Esteban Stephen
Who had passed through the Flora Restaraunt first
E and E S
Then myself and
Esreban and Sarah together

2 3.
And then
John Mack and McKayla Rays
After she graduated from Massage therapy school.

E E S -S

S S EE… 29… S E E. Supreme S E E. 47

( 47. 11. 28. 39. J.M. 12. L. “The Field” Jesse’s Book by Lynne McTaggart
Jesse Lynn M M. J.L. = 22. V. 26. 8 H.

* Right now on my Altar in front of the T.V are two bottle caps with V and H on them as usual I.placed then Naturally without Thought and read it, almost immediately after, in Hinsgight

I.had placed the V in red and Dark Blue background by the Wolf and It’s cub, on the Black velvet pouch replicating the Black Hole is Velvet ( Joseph Jesse) the Black W- hole recollected
The Collection Restaurant 1996 Jay Taun.. Quan. Chi.. Tao. Energy. Electricity. Air Current Wind Water. Flow/ Wolf…

Gracefull motion Grace, and just after, Esteban gifted me the Golden Owl gift linked to.the Goddess Athena..
Wisdom War twin line of Apollo Dionysus Dianna Artemis
I had placed the bottle cap with the letrer “H” on it Red with white and red background.
Red to white light on the Green Foundation Stone ( G.F S. )

Just noted a while ago in the Kitchen the number on the Oven as 6:19 p.m
F.S. Feelings Sensational
Frank Archambault
Emeka Mckayla..

F A M E M. Michael E M.. E. Chose.

F A. M E M E. C H O. S E

And thus, I knew that where I am in the Script, more Expression through post to land on
Feelings Sensational

7:04 p.m right now
G O D..
G F D.
76. D is E
Fa! Is Sol.

4 is 5. D is E.


Feeling Sensational

Sixth Sense Fact.

6 +19= 25
Y Chromosome
Male.. Man is Supreme as Expression and Sixth.
The Masculine
Emeka Frank
Esteban Jesse
John and Mackayla representing the Masculine Principle of Two Men In One manifested Woman.
The she who entraps.. contractions
Contract.. Promise… Feminine As Woman

And he who Releases …. Liberates
Sets Free… Being the Masculine Principle

7:11 p.m right now

Ah.. Always Released
Always Open
To giving birth to new Ideas
I D. E. A. S. E.S. E Spirit/ aka Spirit E
The First of the Family of T E N
And First Child of the 8
1 10.
1 8
1 1. 1 O 8.
The One B.. Being of 1 6 8
… 11. 18. B R. Being Reflection of Source
1 11. 9
9 11
11 9
2 9
1 9
3 9

7:18 p.m right now

I am sure you understand the Time.

7 18. Is G R
Golden Ratio
Phi.. 6 8 2012.

“And so in the City which never sleeps
He rises with the Morning Sun ”

Morning Star
Evening Star

Not Son of the Morning Star.
Mac or Mc..or De…

No it’s actual Representation it’s Source.
A Man

J.M. R M/ M R

J M M R …B . .. = 56.

Eternal Family.

56. 11. 1. 11 2. 56. 30? 3 ×O is O.
3 O on the other hand is 36. 36O. 366
36 is 18.

Joseph Jesse Joseph means Add
God promises only Abraham to multiply his descendants
A B R. A.M

Abraham Madu is that embodied reflection as my Facebook Friend.

A BRA.- H. A.M.. ( D E. Di E Mari E ” Anna ” Land On Grounding L O G. Book
As E ART. H.
Not a Science but an Art…)

108. 1. 11 1 O 8. 1 6 8
108 Hamshire Bay
Windsor Park
Winnipeg Manitoba
Then we moved to
105 Wiltshire Bay. Wilt Chamberlain
Erica Chamberlain
W C. Wash Close.

… yes…

Please see Sacred Portal 118
” Ekwensu The True Black King of the Demons of the African Pangea underworld opening the veil to reveal the Source of “Anna”
Meaning ” Earth Ground ” in O.I Nri Igbo.

You may have noticed
*( and Lord knows I decoded it enough times and explained it when it came up on the Big Screen and small screen Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix
E.M.Field, outside, on our laptops then phones All linked in one to Facebook, the designated forum then to satellites & Moons- the real play.. and then into Space and then into Energy’s Wave Length to source at Eternal Realm, and “Infinity Symbol”, anc grounded back through Earth and the Particle moving through Time and Space..

A F A.

That is why it was never a good idea to see only through your point of view, which is why Me Manners Portal aligned to its full circle of reasoning why it’s better to include Every Ones point of view present.
Because by deciding that your cultures truth or Process is the way to S.E E
or defines consciousness or reality..
You could end up in a black hole of non existence, especially when you die..
And now, even worse now that the Play of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix is at an end.
Regret terribly having not shown Grace..
The green Foundation Stone I had been challenged to find by Sue the owner of the Green House, I had helped build into a sanctuary for E.T Humans and then an Art Gallery in Soho 2006.

61 days later, I found Generation X Gardens
268 4th Street, and once again knew I had reached the end of the Universal Simulation of a model of the Full Circle of Existence

*Little did I know the work I would have to do in the realm of Nature to restore Nature Symphony.

On E street, older and attentive ( if any exists) face Book friends may recall.
Is where I eventually found what the Avatar Descendant Sue, had sent me to find

Amazing Grace A.G. 1-7..Ag..Silver Moon..
How Sweet The Song..” H.S. T S

* It ends at “The Song ”

H S ” He Sings!”
Liberty C Liscomb
Thomas Lang sin.
5th Child. Male .
Liberty Freedom.

T S. 2019. 39. C.I. Cosmos International- Tree SageTree
Jesse Macias age code

I Sing A Freedom Song!

6 19

H.S. of Harmony Supreme. Perfection
E H S. P
P S H E.
Post Script H E of Harmony Eternity

Which I did.

Once I saw Tom Bocek and Stephen Johnson
Both like sacred portal 91 Ms Manners
Madame Hell Fire Ire, ici, I C I full circle Here, Hear..
I knew it was being confirmed that I am her Source same self principle.

S J.

B J…

Blue Jays live in the backyard of Jesse Macias home where I stretch when I can find a moment not posting script.

I knew I.had been impulsed to connect to Sarah for clarity of her awareness that she had to be full aware of which Wolf she was consciously choosing to Fed.

Was the Truth I represent as E
The Eternal Family
A M messenger
Proven in every language of this world’s realities.
Does She acknowledge or better still, does she of the reo of the 3 stories in one, plus her 5th the Individual acknowledge recognize E.

Or not

She represents
Hebrew / Jewish Creation Story – The Creator
Greek. Gods.
Russian ” Kaizer” Kings Totals.

And the 4th that she is of The line of The Elegant Nomads undercover a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

And that through Evidence Facts Interactions Conversation..
Reasonable Explainatoon that she recognizes and members through me the Eternal Realm and me.

Not simply words ( no one has their memory back) but by actions gestures manners and recognition of his ( My Truth and Love ..and Devotion recognized with her ( your) selves.

They Unseen judge not you

I am made to alert you all, as a last act of Amazing Grace.

It does not matter if you chose not to read, listen hear or pay attention
That in itself is a descion made.

All evidence facts proofs, tests have been submitted for public appraisal by me.

8:51 p.m

Each person has to decide on their own, and all the reps are here present, or were once Facebook Friends or and all those who had access to my page, on Public Acesss

The Play Script made sure that all its intended around the Globe got to see at least one post, read It and decide to investigate or ignore or judge me as you do
And dismiss me as a ridiculous fool..
Mad Man.

It’s was to get the final proof of the Truth She had represented in the Play Script..
She represents the Last Last Chance..

8:56 p.m

H. E.F

P.S Jesse Macias noted the time as 5:20 p.m as he rushed off to his ” 5:20″ meeting
Yes, the rescued and true line of my Beloved brother Bum Bum
Aora Rathbum

5 20

Energized Bunny
E B. O. Fact.

E K W E. N’SUE. K A.H.

Emeka Kolo
W.E World E
Knowing of all
Declared the Greatest
Seer of Seeing the Invisible
Realms Present Right Here

9:01 p.m

Sacred Portal 91

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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