
6/13/2018 21:45 – Facebook Post

9;29 p.m.


My Coffee has the number 13.
And today is the 13th.
My younger ‘Self’ Crossed over at age of 13.
i have been proving for 36 years, since he passed in 1982 almost to the day he was born on Easter, that there is no Death, that he did not dissappear.
Rather that we were in Riddle and Mission of which we had to prove Death is the Beautiful Transformation.
And that those who Die and now do not come back, but face the Terrible Death…
Linked to Sacred portal 104 ‘Com Pass me’ is because they would not transform to their Beautiful Truth.

They persist in living in the Lie of that which they are not, for whatever the reason, fear, of not being accepted, not being good enough.

I am stating here that the Gap – ‘AGAPE” Brotherly Love…
B L … Understanding Expression is the code..
“Philadelphia” Star Bucks.

The Gap was the filling of that Void of Expression which bridges the the Illusion of the chasm which came to be known as Zero by filling it up with an Exchange between myself and my Brother or Self… Younger Self…
Tony Young
Brennan B Young…
Kyle Murphy’s big Brother…

And then expression would be bridged of two Parallel Universes.. seemingly so, by creating a Link between I and I…To form the symbol H.
And by my gathering all the fractuals of him – scattered through out Everything including you, to bring him as the Everything back to be present here in this manifest reality.

This includes the Wave of Music.. which brings the Eternal Realm here and to be activated.

This is the Wave Music which I know has held me and my body here at Delta Manor…
It is his Play and thus, despite my objections I have followed him even to this place and stayed here for 20 months reconstructing everything including the wave which leads me elegant and eloquently home and out of this place of the final testing and the GE OFF La! Court…

9:42 p.m.

Oh yes, I am tired… so tired of this Script play scene after scene of Hurt and Betrayal of people who have become shadows being given a chance to rise….to transform.

But only they, you can choose…

I can not do it for you, no matter how much effort I put into it.
I can only share the intel..
And each decides if they wish to acknowledge and act upon the Truth..
By recognizing through my being, my being used as an example of the that which it is to be Human…
Naturalness and Beautiful Expression..

Bean Emeka…

9;45 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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