
6/12/2019 17:58 – Facebook Post

6/12/2019 17:58 – Facebook Post

A Question of Power.

A Question which has quietly niggling at me since, I became aware that I found myself with out the normal power I actually have.
And finding it totally gone when I entered the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze on the day I entered the U.S.

I knew about me, having to do it without the power I had originally merited and earned.
I was not told, though when I realized what had been done to me, On top of being forced into this Contest End Game set in New York city, I began to truly question the intention and motives of making me walk such a path, trumpeting such I ntel in 21st century New York.

Meaning I would have to navigate this enture Scriot for what was meant to be 3 years, turned into 18.3 years.. powerless as a trail human being walking blindly through what turned out to be a weave web Matrix Maze, yet with full awakened memory of who I.am and all the memories and recollection of what I can normally manifest.

And then all over again, manifested generate from Generation X Gardens
( John Mack and McKayla Rays are called Generation X.ers
Yes, 4th Street Generation X Gardens.
Yes Professor X…?

But really X as in 24…. T E N. ?

In a way, On the way… but in truth it was from 2 4. Being Doing..Naturally E. Expressing.

That is the X, generating power from the potential of your Idea, Proposal… A reservoir of potential already made Kinetic if you have already done this before…
Generate Energy from nothingness
But this time, to generate it from negation?

That was impossible, because once done, infinite Energy can never run dry… hence the term infinite.


And yet here I was in a Script in which I was powerless, and then began to see the Ebergy which I had regenerated it even through negation, I still not generate the power to direct the will of this play to my direction.
It was about then when I began to see it manifesting everywhere with my energetic signature, but all used for something, and never attributed to its source who had done the work.

The power I was generating was not even being acknowledged, but on top of it, it was moving everything into my plan fueled by my exertions in the shadow of .. Death.
( what I represented did not exist in this world), though it existed every where unrecognized
What really Powers all this..
Power Ball

So what I represent did not exist..
The Source E
All is Exoression which generates Energy

Anything thus could be done to me.
Because I Existed outside of Eternal and Narural Law.

No I.D
Not Named
What I embody and represent.

In this 4 3 Dimension I had no name, despite everyone every where I went recognizing me, my signature energy so familiar to you all.

Call me by your Name
Can anyone tell me my name?

Does not mean that I don’t know the meaning of my name.


Eric Eposito bed 009. Then 004
0000. 94 called me by that name the first day we met once he saw that I was the new occupant of bed 007 …

49. 94. 13. M. I D. I
12:00 Midnight Noon.
Completion 12 12. 24
One Day Has come

Bed 49 E.K to bed 53 K.G.
*See Sacred Portal 53.. “One DAI Has Come”

Little E.T Sister
Line of power comes to announce ..
That The One DA. I has come.


Sacred Portal 35. ” C.E. The Point”

I would not have minds that they were Ancesters Universe…. Father Mother) siphoning of all the Energy I had generated from the Nothing and This.realms constant negation of the Prove truth facts brought to their attention and solved by me, if they had not left me in such an impoverished state.

So, I would go where, I was directed?
Twist my inner breath and muscles tendons and string, to orient me in the direction of what they knew, I would never voluntarily do..
Give a possibility of Existence Creation is Evil Cruel to have no logic or laws which prevent the unthinkable, the inconceivable could happen..

The pulling and twisting has been incredible intense the last two nights.

The Power to make me post.

Oh, but I am aware that I have been battling it back to Its Source along my my and Our Identity fully awakened in Everything Every one, every where

That is what this New York play was about


To move the Oceans to Obedience and Tame the Winds and bring the Tide of change through laundering cleaning…

That is the role of an Ancient O.I.Nri Priest.
They cleanse the lands and surroundings of animation..

But that is a story and has nothing to do with the Truth
We are E
News. Not a Story

A News Story
:Clark K.E.N.T.

A. New Story
You already Knew.

The True Story of the Origins, and Evolution of Man Kind…to S.HE..B.A.H.

By The Original Man and his Original Family the Eternal Family.

At Generation X Gardens while at 268 East 4th Street two boys were born to Albert Einstein Rodriguez Santana. And Ritz ( Martiza) Momtes and her daughter Majestic Rivas ( M.R)
Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana
I.V. T.J.


Reign Maximus Rodriguez Santana

J ( A F) B.H. T .K…O. T A A O. B F A.A.

His father nicked names the eldest

And the younger

I knew he was fully aware of the play though not awake to it…

And we observed Alien Father ( A.F) as the bringer of the Black Whole ( SUM O. C I SUM O
/ O M U S I C
And always arrives with himself as Sister Harmony Eternity ( her big brothers praise the sum of all harmonies)

You will recall the two boys and their sisters name code.
R M R. S

I V. John Thomas. 1 5. 4 in Roman numerals.
6 as V I. Or 5 -1.



Rainbow Spectrum.

10 1 O. 28. 2011. T.KO.

J. A.F..

A is. For Alicia… Alicia Norris
F is For Frank.
A is for his last name.

He will be released meant to be 6 19.
S F Took me to visit him via Anirbas Lem to free Dillon his son, and grandchild from the watchers
And Frank Archambault
F A. T H. E. R. Last of the One Fathers Completed Orginal Fractal Reflections

He was born 10-28-1972.

See my Sacred Portal 72..A Being Line symbolized by one man Being freed from the Spider Womb of an Opium Den.
The portal was inspire by an Energy Marina Burini was carrying.

I left and arrived here from South Whitney on the 27th Memorial Day, 51 years and still despite my Life experience..
Still in the Sun shine State.
A Nick name given to be as a boy and as a young man.

72 is Green Blue 4 5
Earth Nnamdi … The Past.

27 is B G. Blue Gold.


5:13 p.m

5:14 p.m


N is Nature Nnamdi..

I gave some one my Power .my Heart to hold in trust.

Command Power.

Why did I choose to give my Heart for some one else to hold.
Devi.. David.. Beloved . Davinci…?

I did not really need it.
Nothing here is Real..
It was a Story I.came to correct
I could feel without it
It’s symbolic and I placed it in the safe keeping of my Beloved… Beloveds..
The only thing real to me and the Source of my.power
My Beautiful Pride and Truth of the Eternal Family

5:20 p.m right now


He would return it to me when I had completed the mission.

My Being is my power and that is what these Ancesors and Father tried to take away from me, the impossible which Father as Reason allowed so I would give meaning to reason and show Reason alone is Able..
to allow one to break free of the spells, through Being, since Being is Doing and both are TWINS
Light Lightness is Love.

And one can understand by these numbers appearing with myself, Mackayla, F.S..
That the power comes on to Feel Sensational Feelings when the last aspect of Father Mother, Alicia Frank line unite.
Are Free

Free Dom
Freedom Song.

And Father as Reason wished to anscestor who wished know why one Being no matter who should wield such power.
That such Absolute and Ultimate Power would corrupt.

At which he I was his answer
He is not as you.
His power is his Heart and Cee..
But Power is Merited and Earned not given to those who can not wield it responsibly.
Only the E may rise with the power of Harmony
And it’s Command and Power Source
Is from the One it was originally given to, then taken away merited and earned all over again in the worst scenarios who shared it all over again with all, but gave the key to access only to those who merited and earned it by reaching the Highest Point.
Harmony and Perfection
Bestowing Blessing and Divine Grace
And Divine Justice

( Well, that’s all very interesting.. but..
A blind spot… what about what you put some who did it all before, earned it and made him do all over again as if more like a challenge to find a weak spot so as to perhaps make a claim..
To find out why did Power not come to you.. naturally as it came to me?)

5:43 p.m

And if such testing and trial is allowed to one being .. why not every one at some point.

And then would not all the E Family have to go through the same kind of Chalkege to be qualified as Equals?

5:46 p.m


2:47 p.m.

Now 3:08 p.m

247 5439…

Our Telephone number at 8 Hamshire Bay and 105 Wiltshire Bay, Windsor Park, Winnipeg Manitoba.

38.. C H… I… Energy Quan…
3 O 8
3 6 8
Christopher Filgueira. 8
Circle Filled with Infinite Harmony.
C David Roman Nicholason 11 22
C is Cecilia/ Chukwuemeka C Speed of Light
3rd Planet Earth.

Caecilia means “Blind ” but linked to her Intel by adding ” Roman” to her Name in her incarnation as David.
One see that Cecilia also the patron Saint of Music, is alluding by choosing to add Roman to her Name in her incarnation as David, we understand that She means “use the Roman translation, which means 6.

This O 15th letter ..
6th sense, is 8 Infinity Harminy that is what fills the Symbol of Perfection, called the Circle Ball Globe.. Orb.. /

C H. .. Consciousness Harmony/ H C Harford Connecticut 5th State.
83 69 code planted on my H.P blue computer
By Erik Ebright at Mi-ami… The Sunshine State.

And yes, many of you might recall I moved to Jesse Macias and Zions on the 27th.

Awakening Ressurection .to the 27th State.
And yes John Mack is born the 27th.

2 7.
Blue Green.
5th 4th Color.

Windsor Park
Royal House of Winds Or.e

I have many of the Family as still Descendant Avatars who have the name Windsor in their Lifes Blue Print.

David Roman Nicholason was born in Windsor Canada .

Perhaps you can make the connection?

Link Dan Brown
The Knights Templar
And the search for the Blood line
Of the Annointed .. not the chosen
Anointed By Eternal Father Guide, The Wind Beeatth. Air Waves. Energies
The One Beautiful Expression
E 8
The one which Manifests
Solid Facts
Feeling Sensational
On Awakened

The Gift only Merited And Earned Naturally

No desire for power but who know what time I with it.

The Incorruptibles Incorrigible Beautiful Devils

The Eternal Immortals

T. I.E


E.. I.T.

5:58 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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