
6/11/2019 2:52 – Facebook Post

6/11/2019 2:52 – Facebook Post

1:31 a.m.

11-6 -2019.

I truly wish to stop posting that which is already too painfully obvious.

I wish to stop recording, for the very near future when you see the results of this life times work.

18 years of wandering I must get home and independent.

This work, doing it without people really paying attention and seeing enduring expression beyond belief.



1.38 p.m

Evil exists in this Holographic Universe

It’s Expressions which cut to the very soul.
Betrayal of confidences, words used against.
You begin to understand why people provoked to such a point by people who use the law, their wealth, position or and privedges against you.

You understand why people explode, get violent kill and black out using those moments of blackness to act out rage justified

You can not afford to not be financially indepedant..
You will be torn apart by words in moments of rage.

18 yrs of this, weaving from everything a thread which links on a loom and paints a picture.
7.6 years of verbal abuse, raging at me as if my circumstances were not witnessed and confirmed.

Despite working 24/7 when things do not go as planned, or delays..

There is no reason by now, 29 years later that I should still be living in poverty and unacknowledged for the work done and the code breaking and self evident facts.

Where is my power Ocean and See, and yes a hueman can vibrate to a level of consciousness that he or she can move the sea to its mood.

Move all creation, after all we are the Universe, only now one has been able to prove that empirically and embody it until now.

There are beings here who are truly demonic, it’s true.
Angela & Demons

They do not accept reason and with rage or pretense of quiet compliance seek to wear you down.

Shaming you to submission.

You all know how people interact now, in this world..

It’s insane…
No wonder so many are terrified of the world.

Do you have any idea of how cruel it can be?
How cruel “Good” People can be..?

But that does not bother me so much as the slow slow process of the Awakening

Oh I know why, but I contest and contested the reason.
7.6 years to reach on Facebook and the playing field sacred portal 76

Does that tell you something?

It was planned that I walk this path
Okwu Mmuo…

Saint Ukah Mmuo Obinna
S U M. O

Walk through Hells Kitchen literally where your Spirit is raped so violently over and over again for walking the path of Ezi- Okwu.
What is allowed to be done to you, said to John and you must take it, if you wish to get to end of a play created for you to build a path through the Blackest Heart..

Who hold nothing Sacred
Especially action and words.

2:06 a.m.

There is so much I have experienced but can not say or even post, I post what is required of me to manifest a weave dictated by a will which can not stop.. moving me to completion uncaring for me personal feeling 29 years
43 years of fighting for the final manifestation which ends the Hell Fire and soul damnation for proving the Beautiful Truth.

2:09 p.m.

Defenseless apart from my Truth.

Don’t you see, this horror of my existence seen in pieces by your own experiences in life

What did this journey in this idea of Life turn you into…

What can power the Universal Simulation to give such a mission of weaving everything you experience, meet see, hear, and all the people’s stories into a weave that leads all to see the Holographic world decompose, while people seek to do they same to you?

Instead of applaud you…
Destroy any Moment of triumph with their complaints and critiques to prove that you are no better than they.

But I am

2:16 p.m.

For even in my greatest rage I am justified.

The Evolution Awakening I am speaking about is that which none of you have ever imagined a power you can not argue with, for it keeps records Akashic Records of ever act of barabism.and intentional cruelty, including the extending of this play meant to get people ready and clean, but which instead transforms in an excuse for people seeking to bend you to.their will submission.

To tear your heart out..

I am indestructible..
No one could stop me from expression air my voice

I am more dangerous than all of you combined in your foulest moods but I am never unfair or let myself become a demon not matter what the liars say.

This is truly a cruel cruel workd, and it’s is truly the Good who are the cause, the so called Good People who already fight demons in them which then rise and create the devastation truly beyond even evil.

I have witnessed walked In this Holographic Universe and have seen the mastery of how words that gift has been used, Transformed into mastery of Dominion
I have seen just how far people are willing to go..
And hold grudges which defy reason but hey reason be done, the point is to win using words which cause irreparable damage.

Some one is attacking, consistently your core.

No, you really have no idea of the Awakening which is manifesting through me..

There is no forgiveness, if you sin against the Holy Espirit… and challenge it’s Truth.
Of yes you can challenge, but you’d better truly truly know you are correct, because I will rise and answer that challenge.

Judgment Day
Jesse David
Sacred Portal Terrible Death
Com Pass me”
Was done at last… when I reached this portal.

To much mercy was given at my expense and the expense of the Truly Beautiful..
Bah! Humbug To the Hypocrites who claim they’re good people.

Give me Clean and Natural, any day.

I am still posting..
At this point…?

My brother tried to usurp me, discredit me, sought to play God.
5 6 years ago my older Facebook Friends night recall that play of which I was first blamed made to pay and it turned out I was correct that the inconceivable had taken place.

Feed by Contest Jealousy, at first just a seed then fed by that illusion which grew into evil it whispered to that brother to take my place.

I will not go any deeper into this, except note that that play was allowed to go on so long to prove which brother did the inconceivable and set up the Beloved in such a trap to make Him, falsely accused the one Truth as the lie.
The lie which he once pure, had now become.

The God of Evil and Lies.

I see you always saw you and knew that you were no brother of mine.
Something different from us.
But I loved you anyway
But I could see you very clearly.

Is that what love is, any way
Too see even the ones you love ready to betray and destroy you so as to make claim to the greatest price.
To be God.

And the funny thing?
There is no such thing as God
The closest definition is Harmony Universe Perfection Attained Supreme Source is

Is this was this all about..
All these years…
Of course I knew but to let it carry on this far..
So I look to the Ghost in the Machine
The Phantom of the Opera..
The System was haunted by something real and not real.. the shadow of doubt
The result as to who is The Source.

2:49 p.m

I promise soon you will understand all this and it’s meaning

Right now, I documents because this mote than even the regaining of my Powers

This record on Face book is my personal and my right to remind me…
Why I must be avenged.

2:52 p.m




Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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