
6/11/2018 19:27 – Facebook Post

The 13 Astrological Sign…
And the only Sign which is Depicted as a Man.

My 69 Vans were are size 13.


6;43 p.m..
Sacred portal 43 “Door of Life” Eternal….

My Equation for Energy ( Source of which is Expression)
E=CMe4/3… Pyramid Triangle.. PT…
The Point being Perfect Timing.


Image below by David Jien
D.J../ 4 10… Dee Jay… Di Jay…
4 1O… 4 in 1 Full Circle.

David means “Beloved”
Jien ( J I E N) means ” Life’ in Arabic as Jian
From Chinese ? (jiàn) meaning “build, establish”, ? (jiàn) meaning “strong, healthy”, or other characters which are pronounced in a similar fashion.’

By Tom Bissel…. T.B.
Twin Beings.
T=20 B=2… 202…
22 V…

Michael Pollen Drops A.C.I.D….
M.P.D. A…
Micheal Patrician David Alexander/
A D.P.M…
Awareness Dawn Piercing Manifests…

6;38 p.m.

It was a Battle to come here today,
apart from the fascinating and often alarming Teutonic ‘Plates” ( bones and muscles) moving in my body,
and my Teeth- I would have not been in this cafe today, but as usual a series of exceptional and now ordinary events,
brought me back.

One of which was this, image I showed Randall Michael Wiltz last night as we in the T.V room.
Randall is a busy Lawyer, who is running up and down fighting many battles, while having a E.T Consciousness which is so recognizable and linked to the Eternal Consciousness of Infinity I represent that it is actually difficult not to hold myself back from speaking to him as if I were speaking to the Line of E.
I am fully aware of the line he represents and why he is really here in the Shelter- He noted could be seen as a refuge for the few sane left from the insane ..
( We both burst out laughing.. I can list a thousand better Sanctuaries… with less germs, and no people battling their Demons)

I had noted to him that Justify had just win the Tripe Crown.

( I did not bother to elaborate that I had been aware why and how he won… Or that I had bought a 3 pairs of very good shoes for a record low price which I could not explain or desired to that it was a code of ‘Walking in my Shoes literally.. Two of the Shoes- and the only pair of Jeans :South Pole” S.P had not belonged to me…
I have never worn used shoes before…. the Micheal Jordans and the Reebok but I was aware that they were a code.. M.R../ R.M…
The once which I replaced them with are Brand names.. Van size 13, Timberland 11.5 and Converse V T C…… Timber Land… T L.. 20 12…
Yes, I almost wept with the ridiculousness, the absurdity and just how far this “Game” has gone.. and yes i grapple each day with the implications of such an absurdity having replaced the B.T
Beautiful Truth of Existence Creation.. Order Logos.. ( How can Majestic Magnificent Creation Existence permitted such an absurdity? So absurd that I Doubted and questioned the Authencity of this is this Genuine…? )

Do you see the code..?

13 11.5 11… V T C.. That is the literal order which I bought them… V T L..C…..V 2012 32… 5… V E C….
28:33 USD… 39;83 USD.. 37;48 Usd…

– A

7:06 p.m.
76… S.P.. 76.

It would go this FAR…? To shoes sizes and Make..?

13 M… 11.5… K.E…. 11 K…
See the sacred portal 13… 115… 11…
/ 11 5 11 31…. Now see these Sacred Portals…

Randall saw a Horse, that was the first thing he saw in the image- I had just finished telling him about Justify winning the Triple Crown.
V T C… Vans Timberlands Converse…
Victor … Justify… T C.. * See sacred portal 20..(2O) It is Lady E.C…H O..:”

Then he saw the Butterfly.. Transformation… ( which is the first thing he told me after we sat at the same together here after a long silence on my part distancing myself..)

I saw the man First…

Later on I went down stairs and saw Kyle Murphy… ( Robert) ..
He told me that he is going to a concert on the 28th…July 28th… With Karl… ( same name as the late Pope John Paul)
The concert is called the Wave… July 28th which is my sister Birthday as well as Kevin Wavegordon… Kevin Gordon Gordon… K G G… 11 7 7../ 7 11 11…
I smiled briefly, “You a aligned”
He grinned widely, :Everything is now falling into the place/”

“Your back on the correct Wave Frequency…” ( Recall our first Conversation…all recorded here)

He then took a moment to apologize saying that he was wrong, and that would I accept his apologies for his behavior, “I was being stubborn, I was wrong and you were Right.. and you were just trying to help me”
And so, with startling clarity he spoke in the alignment of the E frequency and all that I had been put through…
he was acknowledging his part…

“I was made to Justify myself… to every one for what they already knew or chose to forget…”

He replied that he wished to Justify himself to me, for his actions by apologizing…

7:22 pm.
G V…

What could I say…. I had to justify myself to every thing in Existence and had been punished to a point which was so beyond words..

Then Kyle, turned to me with his phone, ( he was one the phone..)
‘Emeka I want to introduce you to my best Friend… His name is Randall…”
I peered into his phone and a Blonde handsome young man said Hi… and then his head disappeared…
Yes.. That is Randal I thought quietly to myself… a Blond version of the Light complexion of Randal much as my Grandmother .. and incredibly my skin complexion before.. but I was even lighter…

“What appears to be happening, in a neurological sense, is that the part of the brain that governs the ego and most values coherence — the default mode network, it’s called — drops away. An older, more primitive part of the brain emerges, one that’s analogous to a child’s mind, in which feelings of individuality are fuzzier and a capacity for awe and wonder is stronger. As one developmental psychologist tells Pollan, “Babies and children are basically tripping all the time.”

You don’t necessarily need drugs to enter this strange, egoless realm of consciousness: Near-death experiences, meditation and fasting can get you there, too. But psychedelics get you there quickly, while greatly intensifying concomitant feelings of oneness with … whatever it is the quieting of our default mode network puts us in contact with. Some may call it God, and others the cosmos, but even atheists come out of psychedelic therapy changed by the experience. “You go deep enough or far out enough in consciousness,” one researcher tells Pollan, “and you will bump into the sacred.”

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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