
6/11/2017 21:42 – Facebook Post

8:30 p.m.
8 3..

Do not bring me Dishonor..”

That is what Majemite means in Isekeri a Nigerian Language…

And it sounds like something my Mother or even my Bio Father or Grandfather would say….
More my Gra

Like for instance my name Majemite Jaboro meant the catcher of witches who came from Jah. ‘Aje’ in Yoruba means witch while Jah is the Rastafarians’ God.

Fela also changed his middle name to Anikulapo (meaning “he who carries death in his pouch”), stating that his original middle name of …. Jaboro, Majemite…

Majemite Jaboro….

In Spanish, where the name originated and is more prevalent, it is short for La Virgen MarĂ­a de los Dolores, “Virgin Mary of Sorrows”, and is often shortened to the more colloquial forms Lola, Lolita or Loli…”


You can look at Sacred Portal 66….

The Head of the Great Witch and the Computer Geek…”

The Human Body was made in this play to be Death, and that its Resurrection, its coming alive, aware signified the Evolution Awakening…
The Body Alive…
That is what has been happening in my body for the last 16 years in New York…
It is the thesis which Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions did in her university degree..
I was led to people all over New York, each who had a piece of the puzzle which confirmed all my own Equations, Data and Findings…

And yet, as I found myself pouring out my Heart.? No, Experience in a summary to Kristen Green and her post of which she states that she has a theory that the that The Speak through the D.N.A…

One then wonders, if this is yet another set up of which there is no one rea and her post of which she states that she has a theory that the that The Ancestors Speak through the D.N.A…
And yet anyone who has read my posts is aware that that is what I have been doing…

Would it not be so easy to surmise that Kristen Green is being set up to take the fall… her line, as the great Witch as Evil… Plagerism..?

By who the Meddling Rage of the Ancestors, Woman… Men… I already know who is the Great Witch….
And it is she who is so pure but used her own point of view, to distort the Truth.
Not intentionally but because she was blinded by the purity of her own intention that she could not see…
Could not see the truth – her own blind spot.

I am sitting here, at Starbucks, after finding it intially closed and I went to Dunkin Donuts.. where I could not get on the Internet. But I was drawn to talking with Kristen Green, and my Spirit flowed speaking to her so easily… I wondered a bit as to why She, was the one, the only one apart from Elizabeth Clarizio that I felt this ease…
But I also had witnessed her harmony… beautiful even when she refused to send a money code… It was never about that…
Money… this is about Truth…

And so here I am sitting with Brenda 55, and Will, and Robert…
I met and was introduced to Brenda;s elder sister who looks amazing for 68… her name is Gloria…
And then I met Lisa Natalie Johnson mothers…
I was dumbfounded, she reminded me of my mother and looked so different from the image Lisa had given of her…

I recognized the play, the set up…
And of my own sister and mother… And the sadness in me, is beyond anything I could have ever imagined…
But the line of my sister is safe… And the Great Witch has been transformed back to her Beautiful Truth but at a price that…

I can not even begin to state….

9:43 p,m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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