
6/11/2017 1:45 – Facebook Post

12:56 pm

6-12-1. F L A


I never expected anyone to truly believe what I had recounted.
And being brought to such a forum such as Face Book, made it obvious to me that this whole “Set Up”, had little to do with finding people to support, and work with me-
Yes, some did try and many of you unconsciously did, and quite a few wished to help. But so so few understood even a particle of what I was saying and doing.

1:02 pm

I always knew deep down inside, that the experience was to inconceivable for it to truly be understood, and this Script, Riddle and Equation- I was trained for my entire existence and life for- and summoned to New York for, was designed for me to carry alone.

No one knew of the E, despite having met scores of people who lived in different dimensions underground, along the way and groups of them as well as the Ones and twos appearing out of the Blue.

There was no one here, this was all set up and became what I refused at first to really acknowledge or address…
– A Game of Thrones
A Contest.

And the Inconceivable.

I did try, to move people but I could only move that which was real.
The E.

No, I was brought here for a Battle, Challenge and Examination.

And in that such a thing could even exist, played out under your very noses, meant there is no God as Humanity so ardently decided they must believe in.
At least not a God of Justice Love Light and Fair Play.

That Seat is Vacant.

But one seat which is or was occupied was the throne of Malevolence Cruelty and Hate.

I can never find the Words the describe the Nature of the Hatred and sheer Cruelty of this “Force”- given freedom in this Dimension you call the World but I call the Story.. The Library the Book of Records of a Library of the Sum Total of Human Existence transformed into one Book

Ariane Oates
Olalekan Babalola
Kasper Lomholdt Serup
O M and Group.


A B O O K. L S. I E. O M G

A Book Of Lies

That is the Truth vindicated for today but as everything written here over the last now fast approaching 62 months, will only be understood in the near future after the stupendous change now actually around the corner.

I promise you all, that you will see this all with new Eyes…

Pans Labyrinth was the Sum Total of Human Expression whittled down into one Book
A Book of Lies

This has been my Prison for 31 years
Well 48 but only 31 of them was I aware.
And 35 yrs when I suspected..
1982 when my brother Nnamdi passed
1:30 am.
away age 13.

But it is 25 of them, that I was fully aware
( I have always been awakened full which is why I could not fully ground here, and why my life has been the Definition Epitomized as Alone- not Lonely, but alone. This Script designed it that way)

And for 25 years I fought in realms which Humanity depicts in Movies and Fantasies- ironically hitting so much closer to the Truth than anything else like Science and Philosophy or rhetoric.

Pans Labyrinth
The Maze of Daedalus
Translated into the Book of Human lies and then Transposed onto an Arena in the Setting of New York City and given to a few chosen candidates to race through.

Humanity was the Ransome

I am the only one who was not destroyed
It was… A Test.

1:43 pm

Suddenly, I do not wish to speak any longer.

Good Night.


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