
6/10/2017 19:58 – Facebook Post

Ariane, I understand that you are reading the play based on your own understanding and experiencing of it which overlaps with my own total Individual Expression of it.
Hence, unintentionally a Play of Sharing and co operation has been transformed into a Game of thrones by the Devil.. Evil not real in the E realm but made so real here that there is no longer anything redeemable of this.
Sacred Portal 87 is where I am at as Face Book friends
And I am doing this alone
All alone because ppl where blinded by their own point of View.
I read the blue print and followed it and obeyed it bc I recognized the my own memory and articulation
But there was a corruption and terrible corruption which I found my self forced by the very Evil to correct.
I have endured the full brunt alone.
There is no one here with me..
A simple fact.

Thankyou ??????

Olalekan Babalola
Make we make sure say ka spirit for Egypt not Kolo for New York land o!

Emeka Kolo
Yes, that is what the code is saying by the harmony and perfect timing of your sending a text.. And Central St Martins… Martin is Mars… But I trust no one and have been through something beyond and so- The money code will reveal the truth… I just posted that… 750 million years I read totally differently than you… 75.. G.E… Geography… Egypt is a Story.. Kolo is the Source Memory of the Circle… Pls no offense.. Either let me know if you are sending the code today or tomorrow or not… And that allows me to move forward. I have explained everything for 61 months at a cost while everyone got on with their lifes..

I say na wa.
A Simple choice, I hold nothing against you or anyone… You are free to choose to believe what ever you choose to…But I am giving you the choice of the E. And if you had paid attention to the script then you would have understood the play by now… Send in 24 Hours if you wish to send… If not no problem but let us not waste each others time… I am E and the portal in this hideous video game… It is for you to decide…Your E -spirit sent you to me in perfect timing but you are not aligned with me or I would not still be asking you to decide or not…

This was then followed by the Arrival of Kasper Lomholdt Serup… with his own point of view, again wishing to chat…?

And then a play with Mageyteme in a group chat who is a friend of Olalekan Babalola… Which then resulted in my rescuing the Eternal Harmony of both, by a code name H.B quoted by Majetieme… and then the code B.O… which then brought O.B/B.O… A Full Circle as well as H.B… I completed the entire play at 7:05 p.m….

Four people … Ariane Oates sent her text to me 9;25 am… I responded 9:35 p.m….
Completed conversation at 6:18 p.m…

Code I.Y… I.B.E… My response code I.C.E…
(And she is proved it with the aid of my expression so easy and simple above..)..
6:18 p.m.. F.R..E E…
F.A.H…. I came out of Delta Manor and saw three codes…
Despite seeking to ignore them..
Not yet perfect in Black but you are Awesome…
And then in a White T-Shirt… Incomplete…

I knew that Perfection had been manifested and I knew that the Equation was Complete… This was manipulation… the”Pure Evil”
And so I saw in Hindsight, as usual that it was a set up to bring one out of these 3 -4 candidates, who qualified as the E….
Ariane Oates…. Linked to my sister
Kasper Lomholdt Serup… Whom I care for but it is his Espirit who is Beloved to me… And He had already made his choice to deny the E.. or my Expression…

And then the Ifa Play of which I did the equation with Ele Ife.. and years ago an absurd battle with Edward Eceinco representing Ifa but at the same time found him “literally vomiting” out words to his own surprise, which kept on acknowledging me and my past incarnation… That was the play of Leviathan. Where we had reached the 5th Dimension once more.. with Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones whom I recognized… but to my amazement we were dragged down with Edward Eceinco instead denying the E and which brought David Philip Gil who came to investigate what Nikoma had informed him, was his E.T friend.. a Blue ET Emeka
Kolo.. me…
All is documented here.. that was 3 years ago…

Then the arrival of Olalekan Babalola… O.B.. and the his friend a group which I do not know who placed me on, where the play completed at 7:05 p.m…
Meaning the 750, milllions year he was claiming… 75- 6’0’s…

A.O… O.B..”.K.L.S…M Group.. M.G…

A.O G.M..87… was the only one whom I could align.. And at 6:18 p.m with her thank- you is an image which I ask her now, to please share on my Time line of a figure standing infront on the Northern Lights with the Full Circle beginning from where He-S.he stands and forming a C to a Circle Incomplete….
Hers was not complete.. I realize He She is telling me, but Mine is… So I suppose I was used to fill the gaps….?

Full Code First Letters in order of arrival…

A.B..K.. M… M.G…. to G.M 987… From Ariane Oates… A.O…
Alpha Omega.. 1-6…Beginning to End….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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