
6/1/2018 17:56 – Facebook Post

3:35 p.m.

3:36 p.m.


33 E… Castle

Suffer Now.. Summit Later”

Is what I saw on a person T-Shirt…

Then a B P A.. With a Black Panther climbing over the wall of letters…

55 86 on a School Bus…

An arrogant older black man who carried himself with Wealth, wearing a Golden sweater seemed to cut infront of me after I left my meeting with Billy Hung.
I was amazed that I still called him out…
He carried aloft a New York Times and looked at me..

Outside a moment later a older but not elderly Black woman wearing a Golden Rain Jacket smiled at me. “Have a Great Morning ! She said.

She was more like the Golden State Warriors…
Fighting to get me to continue to play Zoroaster..
Zarathustra Mohammadi… Z M

Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn…

The Golden State is the 31st State…
And was represented by a Japanese Man recall him in BRC..?

Yesterday was the 31st…

I had passed the Test which Alien Father Alpha ( A F A) had given me through Billy Hung who was loyal to the Africa Story…
“Anyiam Kelechukwu”… A.K…”My eyes great and gives praise to The Creator; T C…

Klay A Thomspson..
Wadrel Steve Curry…
Kevin W Durante

Lebron Raymone James…

K W.K.L..
K S K L…

He did not recognize me as that, anymore.
But as a man whose intelligence he recognized in a limited way.
And I recognized his, and his true pure intention to help end the suffering in the World.

The quandary is of course, that one has to recognize you Source, The Source not to feed the Ego but because it will cause conflict in everything especially in understanding the process of the evolution awakening and communication and manners…

If enough evidence and facts have been given, to you personally, and then after 5-3.. 5-2 years, there is no acknowledgment of that and of the False Accusation F A leveled at the A Person who never lied to you by your own account, who turned out to be telling the Truth, and there was no acknowledgment of that fact, that what you did.. No desire to make amends…

I had mentioned the fact that he had kicked me out of his house, how his brother had harassed me on this Forum and then lastly what had happened with the Nasty Letter sent to Jonn and Donna along with my manuscripts which I had requested that he send to me the last time we spoke when I was in Albert Santana’s apart in 268 East 4th Street when I was on my way to 18 Mountain View…not only because it had not been acknowledged or addressed but also because the Beige Nissan Car license plate “A 76 6 MV” made it obvious by the its movement that day…
A 76…Sacred Portal 76…
6 Sixth Sense… Silver Surfer says No way to this play…
M V… Mountain View…

– The letter which Jonn and Donna received and read had advised to not let me stay there, or that I was not to be trusted.
I read it and it shocked me…saddened me.

4:00 p.m… 29 years of non stop Hurt and Pain..
17 Years of watching all these people whom I did not chose to interact with, but was led to by this Wave, to come to care for them knowing full well that they would betray me…

Sometimes by something as simple as revealing their Truth…
That everything which I had shared with them, engendered no Loyalty, not even necessarily to me, but to the Beautiful Truth of their Revelations which they confirmed over and over again as Fact.

I did not go searching for Billy Hung nor did I go searching for any of you as Facebook Friends, but I came to love many of you through the years and the constant sting of they betrayals of that truth, is the only suffering and misery I have suffered over and over again as Chris Franco testified.

The Pain does not diminish, I recover from it quickly ( I say ) but it goes so deep and it has been non stop since 1988 when my Sister asked me to leave her home..
Wole Badejo W B… Was witness to that play almost… God Lord 30 years ago!!!
And here he is…

And where is my sister, my brother… my cousin..

:Baby don’t hurt me no more” is blasting on the radio..

It is not the people who really hurt me that much, but rather it is the nature of this play…
29 years… Why… 29 years of giving someomr such pain because he would not let go of the truth which he has been made to go to such lengths to bring to your atttention that it is Truth and a Fact….

A Truth worth fighting for…such a Beautiful Truth of Existence, how it all began.

I can not listen to me Music or Dance.. because I am afraid that it will cause the stone facade I have made to crumple, that the ICE Man I have become in order to continue each day would crack and the release of all the emotions of the Hurts so deep one after the other day after day for 29 years will come flooding out.
I know that the day is coming when I must release all that I have pushed aside in order to move forwards.

I have no choice, and there has been no space allowed to me to grief.. to simply grieve.

I used to say that I had to go away to release the grief which would always remain as Beautiful Sadness, that was 8-6 years ago.
Since then the intensity of the betrayals have increased.

You my face book friends have observed it one after the other over the years..
No one makes amends.. hardly any one even apologizes or acknowledges and so many deny even having done something at all despite the evidence being there before the World.

And then there is my Body, what I am going through… and recall that I entered the system in 2015.. and then exactly one year later to the day was brought back…
A Year and a Day… the extra day I added intentionally…

I arrived here a few minutes early…

I am living in a Mental Health Homeless Shelter in this “Morphing State”- one after the other people arrive and leave
For some reason the Shelter has not fought to get my Passport – which is really all I require.
i have been her 20 months…
And spent 2 months at BR C Bed 007…
I was at Jonn and Donna’s for 9 months and then Eric Ebrights for 2 Months…
Do you recall what I endured in both places.. and then at Alberts Home.. Then on the Streets…
That was 2016… T.P…/ PT…
I spent 2 Months there is 2015.. when I met Keith Grant.

I arrived here at Delta Manor the Bronx 9-16-2016…
I P T P…
I P T P. Full Circle..

Do you know how many people I have done the work with in New York. in Their Homes, on the streets…
Of New York…
At the Bean Cafe..
At the Delta Manor…
Starbucks Cafe…?

Is there anyone loyal to the Truth.. of Their Revelations which I was sent simply as a messenger to Affirm Confirm as real, to not give up…

Dawn Piercy
Jace Horsford… to a degree
Micheal Belle… McKenzie Belle…

The World wants my Suffering to feel better about what they have endured in this life and the Lives they had led when i this Story..
But after 50 51… 52 Years is it not enough…

Of course, I understood from the moment that Billy Hung came back that it was a full circle and a play.
But I was glad to see him… despite it all because he came with the fact that the Horror i was experiencing was real..
Because he had experienced what he calls the Gnomes…
And I had passed him the Intel I had gathered through my experience with that realm which he had only a taste of…

No, I never say anything to belittle the experience of the other, because there are very few Human being who could endure through Mind and Being that which Billy had endured.
But I am bound by the Truth, by the Facts… that despite my being fully aware that my being brought to Face Book, to expose my entire existence was that very abomination I finally indentified as “Old Age’ in my manuscripts “The True Conversation Bwteen Ahtom and Energy”

Billy was upset by my having mentioned that event in Mountain View..
He said it appeared as an Obstacle…I have no grudge to anyone, I know how to fight back.
But more than that, it makes you aware of the persons you are dealing with when they refuse to acknowledge the deep deep cuts they delivered to you- they very wounds which cause people to become violent, murderes, assassins… Killer… Sadomasochists…
An act of self preservation.

No. it only baffles me, because I notice how people respond when just a fraction of the same thing is done to others.

Billy sent me a message today finally responding to my enquiry as to where we would meet..
“I am always explaining myself, clarifying- it is another form of Torture, akin to my having been made to make myself Naked exposed in every way to everyone on a daily basis for 6.5 years on Face Book,

“Oh Joy Double Talk and mocked my stating “here” instead of “There”..
He had decided 9:30 a,m..
I C O…
i arrived a few minutes early and picked up my phone, to find that it was exactly 9:30…at 9:31 just as I was texting “I am here”
Billy Hung strolled in… “Impressive” One minute late..
but today is not the 31st…
And my expression :Here: which he had mocked, I was here…
I.C.I… ici at 9:30 on the Dot…Ms Lilan was sitting there.. 48 years in Parchester…

I had felt the sadness deep in me when I opened my phone and saw the message.
Yes I could have erupted in rage as the Source Creator.. “Steve Curry”- but I understood his Human experience of what he had endured.
Just as I understood the many peoples experiences, it did not excuse them in my eyes for betraying their Beautiful Truth, but I understood the pressure of this reality.
The desire to rest, to feel some sense of safety, Love. even if it is an Illusion.

I had given then a horror in exchange, a War and battle going on so indescribable, that I who had memory and had spent an entire life being trained and fighting the Seen and Unseen could not believe the extent…
But I know why it grew such a force.. this Old Age… Anxiety Worry. Thoughts… built up.. no release…
Because people let go so easily..
Because people could not look at themselves in the mirror and take responsibility for their part in the destruction of “Paradise’s Nursery and Play Pen.”

This action of my understanding did not make accept peoples responses, I had at accomodate and adapt because I am in a Script which gives the illusion that I am ‘Ridiculous.. Absurd” in my tolerance to people abusing me.. the TRUTH.
Because nothing happens to them, because I am cast in a role of the Lamb.. the Bleeding Heart.. the Living Sacrifice which i spurn and shun with every breath I breath.
But when you are cornered in a Script, in someones Dream. someones World view which makes no sense but insists that you stay in reside in and play the absurd role of Sacrificing for the “Greater Good” while the Greater Good. revel in this and grow spoilt.. then selfish.. then corrupted rotten.. Evil..
then to Evil Beyond…
Which finally takes shape and form and comes back as Echo…Embodied as Universe Existence Truth- responding…
“There Is LAW in the Universe… you know this!”
Truth Manifests…
Truth Responds to The Liars… to Deniars…

..And a Script which with foresight sacrifices Its Beautiful Ones to the Altar of the “Rage of the Gods”

“Sending them into the world on a Suicide Mission”
Eric the server here just said to some one else…

5:04 p.m.

My Coffee was 6 77.. The man who sat besides me Charles E Btanham with is code 31/ Something which someone said came to 9.9…
Which I heard 31/450… 6.888888
Which is I…
Links to 77 450 The Bathroom Code…

My Coffee is now 607… 6 07…
It is 5:07 pm.

How much suffering is required..

Billy Hung and his brother Tom both represent africa…
I knew this…
Tom had studied Chinua Achebe “Things Fall Apart”
Billy had contacted The Late Proffesor Catherine Acholonu
C A C A… ( caca… Shit… Nsi… Tabansi… was Eze Nri at one point..
The OINri started as the Most Beautiful Expression of moving people.. A Mission of Inclusion.. A Civilizing principle…

5:11 p.m.. E K…

* It is my body aware… my child the boy in me who keeps moving me to see the time…
I do not really care that I am in Harmony of perfect timing PT..
I already know my name… I P T P…
All I care about is my Well Being… and that I have been in a Shelter for 22 Months straight after a culmination of 29 Years and 17 years ..

C A C A.. 3 1 3 1…
No it is 1 3… Sacred Portal 86.. 1 over the 3…3 /1..s 4..
Delta.. Umeano… !.. MOI!…
5:17 p.m.
E Q..
5:18 p.m.

See the post I shared of Arinze Umeano…
The mission Yesua gave his 11 Male Disciples ( and the 11 =2.. Mary Martha)..
See the codes…
The Numbers are links because everything in this reality is made up Numbers…
The Original Idea Natural Response I… ER I…C Expressed was go out and Share…
( T..O I .N R I.. E… R … I C E..)

Instead it was corrupted, the “High Priests became Traders seeking wealth – moved by theWealth they saw in their travels..
Does this not reflect Temples of money lenders and Pharisee’s in the Middle East Story…
And is it not the current World Story… “In God we Trust’
While worshiping an Abomination… “A Man dying the most painful Death on a Cross… ?”
2000 years and 18 Years you have kept him on that Cross perpetually Dying for your Sins…?
Then go to Solo Mon… David.. Bathsheba… and Queen of SHEBA…
And then back to 9th Century West Africa,,
Go back to Ancient Egypt.. ( Moses Ramses… M R)
To Ethiopia..
And then go back to Ham… H..A.M…

Then Link Anthony Malgren RM 5A bed 5-009…
Billy driving his mother Honda Accord.. 5900..
5A ( 51…) E I.O O…
Allen Murray 12-21-61… RM 3A-3 012… C A. ( 3 1) . C O L..
/ L O C…K E T…. K E R… KK… EE… T R…

R M… Randall Michael Wiltz.. Formerly bed 5-10
51 E I.. O O…
31 C O L…
M R… A E… OO I E.. A C…L O C…K E T… K E R… L O C I…

*Kirtan Locket… K L… K O OL… Air Conditioning.. A C.. S.P 36…
K E.. K E… T R… B R…I… GHT…(7-8-9) H E O

The Second Coming… Things Fall Apart ( T F A.. 20 F A..! 20 6-1… Today) But they did not Things did not fall apart did they..?
They instead feel into place…
F.A E E..
Fractaling As Emeka Eze..

Byron Yeats… B Y… Kyle;s Brenan B.Young… age 39 witness to Home as E Ga La XY.. 1O 11..C I…

Tony Young… Anthony Young…
B A… Young Young… Y Y… 25 25… 50… E O.S…
Anthony Bienke.. A B…

The idea of Billy and the ancestors and the people of this reality rejecting the Truth of the Source where all idea all inspiration all manifestation came from. In favor of the notion of the whole and that all are Equal…
Is a Lie and a delusion..

Because not all are equal because they do not contribute to existence and creation and society and hence that is why till this day there is a Value and System of Worth… V W…

And Respect…

All have Equal rights… but all did not create equally…

And without there being a Source how would things have prevented from falling apart?

5:56 p.m…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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