
6/1/2017 10:14 – Facebook Post

8:55 pm

H E E.



Fact Resurrected Full Circle in Being

A F A. O. A.B

Afa means “Name”

The Summary, “The Facts and the Name has been resurrected fill circle and is now in Being.


Which name and which fact..?

I have a new Face Book friend Cecilia Kulas C K.

Which represents my initials as well as that of my Mother’s.

As I lie here now on my bed waiting for to me the last action of this 61 month and 16 year challenge linked to a money code with Professor Lota George Odabi, the overwhelming sensation is it is time to leave Delta Manor at all costs and immediately.

How did I stay in this place so long, a Homeless Shelter for Mental Health in a crumpling world system fighting such an existential battle in a setting of men who are Homeless many simply trying to get back on their feet. Their first priority being to get out of this place where Hypocrisy Deception Pretense and “Brown Nosing” is the norm..
And a Mans daily battle, is simply to survive the battle of retaining his self dignity and self respect as he passes through a caricature of a system which I must say, in my empirical experience do not give a damn for about you true well being, just the bottom line.

How is it that it is through these men, that I had to pass through and speak to their Eternal Selves to raise that part of themselves so beloved to me to complete the Challenge and Riddle?

9-22 am

That is the Birthday of Royal Santana linked to Caesar Rivera I know that I have retrieved his Eternal Self by the arrival of Igbinosun Osasenaga Crys as a face book friend.
As well as his brother Reign Santana by the Arrival of Marvin Sanders
R R that was the Riddle Anthony Malgrens Esprit gave me yesterday Russell Betrands Paradox R R
( R B P. R Beautiful Pride. B R O S. Brothers)
-I must have solved it, by resurrecting their Mother’s Espirit Ritz Montes
Because of the Universal Simulations response Cecilia Kulas.. C K
And the arrival of a new occupant to bed 5-002.. 52.
A Stevans who has the same initials as Albert Santana the Father of the Boys and as you are all aware, my host for the last almost a Decade on and off.

9:38 pm
I came downstairs this morning to see the He and Rosario in the Caged Terraced each on opposite sides North and South
He alone and Rosario with Mickey.
And then later Caesar Rosario and Stephan. C R S.
I am the Y. C R Y S. I did not join them, and never will- different stories.

But I even as I went searching for Caesar Rivera to at least let him know about Lota George Odabi sending the code, I felt it unnecessary but I went.. Which completed the equation O I C RYS
A S is now here, but I am no longer reporting the Links and connections…

I have moved through men in a Mental Health Shelter and ppl and their homes for 16 years 24-7, solving riddles, fighting unspeakable horrors in the Spirit world, unspeakable horrors done to my body, fought for people in the present whom their ancestors who meddled with the play, sent me to- so convinced of the story of Hell and the End of the World.
And treated by the ones I was sent to with the illusion of consistent betrayal because this set creates confusion, Competition jealousy and Doubt.

That I can not be what many suspect I am
How could that being be treated and brought so low.
It is better to believe the Worst rather than the Obvious Simple truth staring you in the face

9:59 am

Appreciation Gratitude Encouragement
Courtesy Respect Loyalty for this exemplification this journey…

I Laugh
I Listened
I Saw
I Observed
From my High Seat
My Rock Solid Truth..

No that they would not respect this
I knew that.
It is too easy not to believe such a story
Which is why I refused this mission.
It was too much to ask
But then I was forced.

IO Crys had 2253 Face Book Friends
S Marvin had 25 Face Book Friends.
And now Cecilia Kulas. C K has 22 face book friends…

V. E.C
V… Victorious.

Nsukka, to get my Mother who was left
Just as I and my Brothers in living hell.

10:14 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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