
5:O6 p.m

5:O6 p.m

Oh my God…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic don’t you see?

It is not a physical gate of the past as J-Eru Salem…S A-L.E M…

As the Past represented as the physical but in this age it would be Energetic which is the Source of all Physical Manifestation.

The Golden Gate and the Eastern Gate is the literal Embodiment of that E.V.E.V.the Male Female vibration in One…MF/FM

M is 13

F is 6..

13+6= 19.



The three people I met when I came to 268 at the stoop of 277..

Represented on the Energetic level on F B.by

Ana Leonardo Caixas

Inês Guerreiro

Sarah Lagrange


Affirmed in Being by Andrese Harris Burton

A.H! B.


/11-28 me..

Letters to Numbers…L.N (I.E.E…L.I.N.E..E)

Name Date…ND..14+4=18= A.H..1+8=9=I

A H I..

A Hi.. A Welcome

A S…I..

My former hosts Intials A.S..

Santana means Constant Stream of Awareness.

The Golden Gate and the Eastern Gate I’d


It is a Expression Vibration…


E G.O..

Not money or ego or Oge or Time…

It is Expression Graceful O full-filled Perfectly.

Fulfilment of the prophecies but in the age of Discernment..

Holy Espirit

Reasonable Discernment.


That is the Road.

The Atomic Expression aligned to Energy Atomic only after Expression Embodiment Energy

555 alined to 1..

15.. O

125..A B E…L.E..

The task laid before me which was different from the script, was to Raise Gode..

B-eau TI (7th note) Eastern Gate O..

I did that in the East Village E.V.

At 268, Zeina Hanna

It ended that way with God and Man speaking as one.

And to prove Evolution 77 14-5..

77×49..D.I…Igbo IS.

Flip I.D…N.O.M…E

Nuno Ordens Miguel..Emmanuel

Time 5:28..

The horror of this play was acknowledgment was placed in peoples hands of this world, with the assumption that with the evidence presented through the age and language of Reason people would not only link the evidence, rise up and Awaken.

But it back fired – the people ignored the Evidence and Reason as Nahid noted, and have been instead waited for a miracle of God, rather than appreciating the miracle of a man presenting such Evidence -Truth.

Don’t you see..

By placing the Discernment of the Evidence in humanity, waiting for them, trusting them but not taking into account that humans are not in the age of reason but insanity.

For only the insane would ignore Reasonable Evidence presented from within and affirmed outside for 38 months..

They want the miracle God not of man..

Is why I am still sitting here, looking like a fool after 14 years of being forced to do it the way of Father Mother…

And not the way of MF..

Me Father Grace Gardner…

Which is the way of putting the play in the hands of the E.

The Eternal Ones within humanity who have not been allowed into this realm..

Leaving me Alone.

The GG is Being 1-77-1 in two realms seen and Unseen

Masculine Feminine

Outside and Inside OI

All aligned anchored in the present..

Here and now

I.have fulfilled all this…

With Reason.

You have no idea what it feels like to know such a betrayal.

To put the outcome of my passing through home in the hands of Humans after presenting all this evidence.

5:4O p.m.

To know exactly this outcome, to have warned against it, refused this journey, then forced and bound to walk it with the same outcome..

Is this not the Definition for Insanity..

To wait for God..

The Truth of the People to do the right thing.

When the one True God is Harmony..

Where my portal opens up in perfect Harmony …

Instead of proving that no computer or program or hypnosis or spell can infect the E line planted in them.

There is no one, no secret power, no evil, no Aliens, no mind contriol, money, no C I.A or government conspiracy able to take away or E Truth of Being in People.

As my former hosts mentioned Gode told him, that no matter what he said…

There is no Excuse.

You Exist It had said

And since you Exist you know.

And so if that portal is not opened I will forced to go into a Shelter meaning all.my Truth Gods Truth the O Truth has been denied.

Non Existence.

I keep trying to go to the Shelter to simply end this stalemate but I keep being delayed by this play.

5:49 pm

E:D I…

By the passed.

5:5O _p.m

Who refuse to acknowledge that all the scriptures knowledge was transformed into Energy and Atomic as Expression E and Reason AhTom..I.C.

It is crazy…

But must end today

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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