
5:59 pm. – E-S.P 59. – 12-11-5 – L-

5:59 pm.
E-S.P 59.



I finally got out of that Bed, I wanted to rest-sleep, couldn’t but the intensity of the actuality of my muscles twisted got me up.

6;12 pm.

6:13 pm

I only heard Jae Sherman, in her room talking with her cats.
I haven’t seen them in months.
But I woke up speaking aloud, I realized it helps with the pain, but that it is also programmed, and even the bed I am lying on is part of it.

There was only one thing on my mind, which was to walk and to move.
It was not Jae who was really on my mind but the play she represents.
Pearls wave was all over me, and then Norman Bates, -Named after Mommy Dearest, Joan Crawford and Alfred Hitchcock’s movie Psycho, and Alaska was really within the words I was saying aloud.

Before I opened my page ( fighting with the resentment of this still being in this End Game) I made my coffee and could not help but note that I stopped it at 16.
Yesterday, it was 0:01.
01 is my Sisters code.
I am The Nomad 1999.

6:21 pm.

6-12 pm.
6:21 pm.

For some reason, as I spoke aloud and heard myself, I could not help but wonder and ponder for a moment, as to why I sounded delirious, Happy despite being in great discomfort and pain- I am angry, mad but Happy?

I had to pause and chuckle, to comment to myself aloud, “There is something the seriously the matter with you Ol’ Chap”
But then I found myself answering my question to myself immediately, “There is nothing wrong with you, you have held on to the Most Beautiful Truth through a script created to see if my essence could be destroyed.

Then I saw that I had messages
From first Liberty C-A.T. 2:11 pm B.K.
It made me smile, she was the first person who came to my thoughts, then Laura and then Sabrina Mel. ( Anirbas Lem)

Liberty told me with laughter and Joy that Arden ( the Dick Head chuckle) had come home with his fathers former Black Honda Pilot. ( B.H.P), License Plate A-A 45009.

And yes, see the time above.
4.5. 009 and Jaymes Bond 007, 009.

Then Laura Walsh sent me a message at 1:04 pm.
Her words of the strange energy and, Ah! there she is she just popped up with a like.
I only had to read the Time Code 104 Sacred Portal Terrible Death to understand what she was feeling, I can read my Body.
So I was also very pleased.

And then Anirbas Lem sent me a message at 11:03 pm- K.O.C. A-A O C. it was sweet with an apology since she had a dream vision which I had appeared to her, and she noted that I was upset with her ( I was and am, but as a brother to a sister line, and she spoke the words and formula to make amends.
I chuckled and Humph, I said wickedly with a secret mischievous smile inside.
After all, what is Love?
Consciousness, Conscience, Conscious.


When I looked at my message, I just saw the order that they appeared Anirbas Mel.
Laura Walsh.
Liberty C.



I am currently at 3046 Facebook Friends.
I was at 3036 lastly (12- 66) and add 10.
S.P 30, and 46 C.O. D.F.
CODES “Cloak of Death Expression Supreme.” C.O.D.E.S. and now with the Black Honda Pilot.

Nnamdi Arden was my Navigator in the past and I was the Pilot
My Grandfather only drove one of his fleet of cars, he had a Driver for his Favorite Mercedez Benz but drove his personal car, which I saw him drive in fury that day in 1979 when my parents separated and threw my Mother property out of the balcony with our house help Frederick starring in fascinated horror at such anger and temper tantrum, that he stayed with us, – my mother, after the divorce and until I left in 1988.
My Grandfather drove a Dark Blue Honda Accord. H.A. evolved to H.P.
Harmony Perfection at Poverty Hollow.
H.P. P.H

7:00 pm.
G. O O.
G.F F.

Just in the nick of time, Liberty is set to move with 2 Gemino’s and two Liscomb Langs on the 15t to Virginia on the 15th.

So I am off to 1544 C.Town Supermarket, to take that long-delayed walk, to stretch my Rigor Mortis like Limbs.

7:04 pm.


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