
5:59 pm. – E-E.I. & S.P. 59. – 1

5:59 pm.

E-E.I. & S.P. 59.




I am currently at 3270 Facebook Freinds,

The Play of the Ever Source Bill and the 220 USD Play which was completed with Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueria has been resolved, and full circle the E.M.F.

220 is V.O.
211 is B.K. B.A-A.

3, 270,
C- A-A.O
C-Ressurection A-A Full Circle O.

32+70= 102.
Jaymes Bond. OO7.
Judges Bench.
Link Connect 18 Mountain View, 2015-2016 with Jonn Delguidce Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan, “Delguidce” means “From The Judges Bench/ Judges Chambers.
He was born 19 64, she 19 58.

6:12 pm

F.L. O.W. E.R. Blossom.
/R.E. W.O.L.F.
Hey Arden…

Remember, Two Wolves Undercover, and Fenrir and Jogumdr, Hel of the story myth made real, as Ragnarok. In the Viking Story.
R.I.V. letters are on my desk right now,
R is 18. Response of the Reflections, it is the Carbon Copies as Avatar Descendants of the A.H. and A.I.

See sacred Portal 32 and 70.

But it is actually Sacred Portal 3-C, and Sacred Portal 27 Full Circle O. In the ascension Ressurection play and 32 & 70 in the play of this world people who do not rise.

6:17 pm.

All have been Judged by the ‘Dharma Santana, D.S. Delta Script a Square Cube. D=4, S= 19 Sum 23 W. Double VV, aka Eternal Law.
E.L.= 17.Q. A.G.- A G E.-Emeka Kolo.

6:26 pm.

Who are the lines who must leave their Bodies, their Beings, Creation, its Expression?

The Unnaturals of course, those who do not acknowledge the E Consciousness, and the Eternal Supramamcy of the I, or the E.
The Infinite and Eternal.
Those who deny it, compete, contest, and put their own personal needs and agendas before the E.H.S. Everyone Hand Sanitizer.

The play here with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was with Jae Sherman, I sent messages to Liberty C and to Kim, and the one response which was in Harmony Perfection was with Liberty C with an explanation which made sense, from Kim, I received nothing but the code 211.USD. of a question I asked. that told me everything II needed to know, since I was present, and heard everything said between Kim and Jae which caused me to have to intervene, as Kim exploded about all the things he was being made to have to do, and about his art and having to resume work, I understood what he was really saying but it did not come out that way, and because of that, it was easy to allow something or someone to enter and manipulate you, because it was not thinking of Everyone, E.H.S. But of One person.

6:49 p.m.

And their need for comfort and space to be.
But to Be, in this play, requires being Grown Up, and even when venting, to vent to the correct source, and speak up.

I find it interesting how this end game became about the Every Source Bill, and Heat Electricity, but no problem with the Gas, hence Blue Rhino Gas Cylinder at 900 South Road.

This is about Sacred Portal 116 and 117, the latter being Cause & Effect which creates consequences Merited and Earned, and the evil truth of this script has been people whinnying and complaining in their Prayers and Meditations of what they see as injustices were done to them and things not being Fair or Equitable. -You can imagine my own feelings, when I hear and watch such responses, see what has been done to me, to my Equity and Fairness.

I went to bed and saw code 55 on the micro wave E.E., That is Kim’s Fathers Birth code, but I am the one who intervened and the next day Kim, gets a ride from a person called Jay, from work, but after the play with Kim and Jae Sherman, which Kim seemed to have alignment with, and it was more about, being clear in you actions and expressions, so that even though a virus might want to insinuate itself into your being or body without your permission, you are the one who actually made room and invited it in.

The question becomes you who are asking for Equality and Fairness, Expression Facts, is are you Fair? Are you Equitable?
It is all about Appreciation and Generosity, not only when you are given something which benefits you, but are you appreciative and grateful, and generous in your own turn?

7:04 pm.

You may not like me asking these obvious questions, nor do I like stating the obvious which children, learn so early in life, that which is fair and balanced with others is innate in children.

7:06 pm.

But this blaming others, and falsely accusing others, or playing at being in one side of truth but acting out, by not expressing clearly, that you are on the fence, gaining from both sides…
I am not saying that this is the impression Kim gave me these last 14 months and 3 years, but rather that which I have noted that he often overlooks, and forgets.

7:09 pm.
Which so many people forget, there is a saying about this, Fair Weather Friends, – sometimes this is not intentional, but oversights or those are people living in their own heads, or own worlds, and that is the only thing that they focus on.

The truth is that I am the author of the Freedom Song, and I have had to assume responsibility of a play and script, in which was not my problem and then “Surmont daily suffering and obstacles for each of you, when I did not have to, you already know everything, and I was made to prove it, but still you choose to forget, even after all the benefits of the E Harmony have been proven to you and you accepted, even to the fact that some of you publicly acknowledged that they are aware that they are addressing The Source, as a man, undercover in a play, which that illusion of forgetting, ( meaning there are other things going on, more important than the Source and the script he is being forced, even tortured to surmount, all for you who chose to forget the unforgettable and do your parts, all designed for you and not me.

What then is a True Friend?

7:22 pm.

What is Generosity of Spirit?
What is Equitable, and Fair, what is Fair Exchange?
What is nepotism?
What is playing favorites?

I am not interested in calling Kim Arthur Hinds Jr out, or Everybody out, I have done what I had to do, and each has been perfectly trained, and the response I have received here, for that is this play.

7:26 pm.

A play of which my eagerness to leave this last portal is unparalleled, I am just done with Egoists and Temper Tantrums and infantile attitude and behavior from Adults, who see themselves as blameless and are so quick to make a defensive stand.

If you can do all this on your own, by yourself, and do not appreciate the help, the imposition on me, or another to get you out and home, then, by all means, remain there, and I will remain silent, gaining peace of mind, Harmony. And you can vent, rant, as you wish, proclaim your Perfection to the Source of Perfection as much as you want.

7:28 pm.

And then you can prove your perfect vision with no blind spot to the Silence because there is no reason to respond to you, because we have heard your response for 3 years, 14 months, 10-11 years.
Until we understand that the play is Silence to Sound and Back to Silence.

Hence, I am Silent, but not via Omission, but Intent, through that response.
That there is really nothing worth saying or responding to such an expression.

Nothing left to say.

N.L.= Z.

7:43 pm.

I will share my knowledge, but I will not carry anyone on my back.
So as you can see, this is really addressed to No One really, rather I am Talking to M.Y. SELF. To The Silence, as to why it is the Eternal Law, all one can do it share one truth, but how the response to it is each person’s choice.

But I, am the one who was made to share this is all, and such an unfair cost, I am the one who responds, having documented, made public, and forced to play the reminder, in a script of this idea of 55 EE, cursed by me.

Because it is not equitable, not fair, not anything of me. I.C. E.I.V.K.

7:51 pm.

This is the last time, I am calling anyone out, correcting or aligning them to the point or when they dropped the ball, let them argue with Death And Destruction, Silence- No Response but Consequences.

I am beyond weary of clarifying that which is already clegar, and dealing with that and those who presume and assume that we are equals because of A-E Nnamdi Kolo’s Script of the “passed” and past. Which, brought me 20 +9 years ago to the U.S.A to move 64 times concluding the End Game with a Chess Match Video Game 64O.
16 Perfection.

8:00 pm.

I will leave, my body and face will heal, I will walk into the Sunlight Luminous Morning and Evening Star, and I will not look back or live in the past.
Or play such a role with Evil made Supreme, until resolved back to its pure white original state.

I Curse this play, and use of me, all the way back to its source which created it, and that is the one I will never forgive, ever, forever, for that is the Consequence of its forcing me to go to the end of this script in which perfection had already been attained and then challenged over and over again to this last move on the chessboard, The King- Knight, A Queen, and a pawn.

It was the PAWN who took all the pieces in this 20.9-year-old play, taking the Knight really the King and Queen undercover.

A P.A.W.N.
The P.A. W.I.N.S.

I have no interest in this, in your people’s responses which have to Grace, or Appreciation or Praise. None whatsoever, I do not even expect it, after this play of 20 years 64 moves, a total of 84.9.
Begining with S.E. M.F.
Mother and Father as King and Queen of the E.M.F. When the Victorious One. V.O. 22O USD is the Victorious Pawn.
Rep of Victorious Perfection of the Fifth Dimension Mentality and Consciousness.

V.O. I.C.E. E.K.- P. E-A.
P.R.E-A.S.O.N. G-H.I.

A Man.

8:16 pm

Is The Source.

You see, to create a Script where I am meant to Intervene, long after the Script is complete and held hostage bound…

8:17 pm.

Has defeated the whole premise of Fair Play, Equality, Fraternity Liberte Equality and that idea of love that such an act forced on another, is not worthy of Respect, Appreciation Gratitude. R.A.G. For making me the Rag instead of E Robert Alexander Gemini Man.


Beautiful Rage is in Order of the Logos and response.
Then Beautiful Death- Transformation but to hold everything up… * I kept seeing Curtis from 1976, Mint Armories in my meditation refeflections, but in this case, there was no one to come down and give him a swift kick in the ass, for holding up the play, the race in which he was part of a team, by not paying attention to the details of the play and what was going on, instead it was left to one person to remain vigilant from beginning to end and to play the constant reminder.

8:26 pm.
GOD= 26. Z or B.F.

My best friend in this play has been My Self. Myself.
No one stood up to fight for me, or with me for this cause which is that little Blind Spot, which people refused to see, that it was actually the point.

That I do matter.
I am the Individual and T.E-A.M.
I Player.
I and I.

M.D Hand Sanitizer.
Delta Manor, 9-16, 2016.
I P T.P.
Assigned Bed Room A, 4 Man room bed 5-019. ( 69) EOS D.A.W.N.

D.A.E W.I.N.S.

In the end, it does not matter how much the Original Intention and Order of a Script or play has been meddled with, one may call it out, Rave, Vent, prove it, but if all that is the Eternal and even Infinite truth and laws have been suspended and upended, in a play script literally impossible one has no choice but to rise to the occasion, solve it, win it, becoming Triumphant, Victorious, Sacred Portal 3.C.- T.V.

I have raged, ranted, vented my spleen, and yet not only was that intended in the script but was the fuel required to express the response.
Nothing of my indignant expression was wasted, it was all put to use, and ignored for the mission, “Get it Done”
That is the ultimate “Sink or Swim” moment.

“Do or Begone”

8:42 pm.

20 22= 42.
A Fact.

Despite everything being stacked against you.
Despite the script being so insanely unfair.

Do and become T.V.F. (/ F.V.T. Fritz Venneiq 2010. Vision True of the Earth Nature Planet Transforming, and his vision of my Cee via Expression Sound, being confirmed all the way to 2017 to the Starbucks Cafe, 1385 Metropolitain Wood. Avenue Nathalie Johnson. N.J.
14 10= 24.
E.M/F.= 24.

Liberty C Liscomn.

12 12= 1.= 24 X and 1.
25 Y.
Evidence AY

And you may ask, why is the name Jay and Jae, J.S/ S.J so relevant in this Script?

8:50 pm.

It was aligned to how you would Awaken. And it had to be embodied, exemplified constantly, consistently, completely to the I. 9

8:51 a.m.

And to plant something in the Machine or Simulation which could try and take it away… cause it to fail…

Jae means *”Jae originates in Korean language and it means “wealthy”. Summary. Meaning. A popular name in India means ‘victory’. Origin. Sanskrit.’


*”Jae is a name of Korean origin. In Korean, the meaning of Jae is ‘ability’ or ‘talent’ and is a gender-neutral name.”

Ability, Talent.

*”as a name for boys (also used as girls’ name Jae) is of Latin origin, and the name Jae means “blue crested bird”. Jae is a version of Jay (Latin).”

Blue Crested Bird. B.C.B.

*”From Sino-Korean ? (jae) meaning “talent, ability” or ? (jae) meaning “wealth, riches”, as well as other hanja characters with the same pronunciation.”

Wealth- Riches. W.A.R.

*”The name Jay is primarily a male name of Latin origin that means A Bird In The Crow Family. A name on it’s own or a nicknme for James or John. Jay Gatsby, title …”

Crow Family.
John. Nexus we used to call him Crow.
There are Crows all over this portal.’

Conqueror, Victory.

But the most important reason was and is this meaning.

*”In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Jay is: To rejoice (from the Latin Gaius).”


*”Mar 21, 2020 — A cool Yiddish origin name meaning ‘joy.’ 20.


My Aunt Iesha – Ijeoma’s husband’s name was Jay.
I never met him, but I met Jay and we were inseparable from a natural harmony and familiarity we both shared which made it so intense it was Ardent Passion.
So I was not surprised to find Jay Brown’s book at Arden and Liberty, portal.

Liberty C made a “mistake” she admitted when I asked her and sent intel why I asked for 220.00 USD. And apologized explaining what had happened.
Kim gave his own response sending me the 211 amt she had sent.

The Bill was for Kim and Jae, I paid most of the heating bill last time.
And added the internet bill.
I am coded as being a quest. C.Z Guest by the play and even the music.
14 months +, but still coded as a Guest as C.Z.
I completed the 64 Moves via a play conversation of E and A.
In Eternity 2010-2011.
64 Moves Ends the Chess Match, I was at 62 Moves when I lived here on the 3rd Floor. Called Triumph & Victory, yet I was unfairly sent back to prove Hindsight.

9:19 pm.
When Perfection had already been Attained, expressed by Stephen Johnson.

I had no choice, but to re-enter the play in which I should have spent no more than 3.2 months here as I had spent at 29 South Lincoln, it was not fair, nor equitable, or Juste.
But I did the work, day and night in pain, but why and for who?

Who gained from my being made to stay for an astounding 14 Months in a battle every single day as you all witnessed. All I was made part of.

9:26 pm
IZ Izusa Jacelyn
I.B.F… GOD.= 26.

The law was broken of the play was broken over and over again, to whom could I Complain and Protest to?

Andamu Andamu A.A.

Cox Barker C.B.

Vespa Tua Londo Londo V.T.L.L.

A-A. C.B. V.T.L.L – V.L.

It is easy to read, A-A C-B. V.T. L.L.= L L is 1 24= 25.


A.B.T. A.B.L. A.T-L.

See the meaning of the word “Amu: in O.I.NR.I Igbo.

It means “Penis as well as “Laughter.”

in code A.M.U… Universal Understnding.

*”Vespa- The name means wasp in Italian. The Vespa has evolved from a single model motor scooter manufactured in 1946 by Piaggio & Co. S.p.A. of Pontedera, Italy to a full line of scooters and one of seven companies today owned by Piaggio.
Industry: Scooter
Founded: 23 April 1946; 75 years ago in Flore…”

Londo is London London. AddN = 14.

I wanted to stop, so many times, but I was given no choice, so what would I have done?
Dropped it the ball, had a temper tantrum, or Bad Attitude?

No, I am here, and I swam, ran, to shore, land manifested to take me and all home.

9:40 pm.

Or what would have been the point of this all, the breaking of the law without consequences?

9:41 p.m

9:42 pm

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