
5:58 p.m

5:58 p.m


5:59 p.m.


55; 89..


My Mother is E.C.H.O..I line…

Because my mother told me that when my Uncle told her of Her dream and he affirmed that he had, had the same dream, she mentioned that she said that over the last 27 years, and especially the the last 15 years, that I had been telling her all these things..

She remembered everything I had told her… though she had not given any indication that she believed me…

But obviously she had, which she stated again and again…

But this time she was much more Vocal…

And I recalled that in 2005, when I had come from Augusta Georgia…


( Recall Joseph Carey born in August and meeting up wit me with a Ridge Back dog.. S.T.O.N.E Ridge…18 Mountain View- Donna O’Sullivan 8-28 and Jonn Blackwell 8-5..

And Augusta, the young dude I met through Sean Bono and stayed with at Goat O’s home and the Green House in Soho…)..

That I had left the very day of Pope Johns Death April 2nd 2005..( 4-2-25) and that I had been conned into a play in the Spirit world, when I stood up for some one being bullied in the Grey Hound Bus…and knew as I stood up, that I had been at the same time, in the spirit world conned into agreeing for a play.. to help the poor.. the broken, the ones whose voice had been taken away…)

I will have older Face Book members to recall, my recounting of How my Grandfather took me to see the Eze Nri ( King of Nri) and had were talking about me.. that I suspected that I had been consecrated into the Ozo and a mission for the Nri people…

Which I later realized was to rescue the Truth and the pathway of the Igbo and O.I.Nri mission of leading the world back to Anyawu

Anya-Wu… Wu means 5 in Chinese…

Igbo Chinese…I.C

O.I.Nri Chinese.. N.C…

My grandmother looked Chinese…mix and my Grandfather Japanese Mix..Both were very Fair complexioned, especially my Grandmother- which made my Bio father identify me as coming from that line as a Child…Eden Paradise… E.P…

My Grandmother also tested me, by asking me to get her two bags of Rice, but at the same took me to the Spirit world, which creates forgetfulness…

In 2004, I sent her the money, and my mother was amazed and perplexed to see my grandmother so jubilant that she danced in the streets…Literally…

She left this world in 2008..Dec… 28…

When I arrived in New York, I stopped at Mount Vernon (M.V where the Husband of my mothers younger sister U.K-Eucharist Holy Communion Gathering of the Last Supper.. Last Super-Man and the 12-13 Disciples including Mary-Myrrh…)

He is a Doctor and Pharmacist and had left my Aunt ( A degree in Library Science) with her children.. for way too long.. They have since been united…

And I recall recounting here on Face Book how I saw my Grandparents, as I waited for my uncle, they were walking and I followed them unable to believe my eyes…

But then they disappeared…

Then how I could not find my Uncle.. He did not wish to see me because I had become someone to avoid in my Family because of my Journey and Gossip that the ‘Golden Boy..G.B was no longer Golden…

I also recounted how, i made my way down to Michael Frazer portal, and how awake and aware he was, and even had a battle with a Dominic character..Dominic Ka.. E.M.E..K.A..


And knew that Michael and Dominic where the same line..

M.D…Michael O’Donnell Darrin Morneau…

And How the it overlooked Madison Square Gardens and looked like a Gladiator Pit, which was the exact experience I was having..

Fully aware that I was moving through the Spirit world…

Then how I walked to the Cafe Bean, then at 1st and 3rd.. and was called Kudos…Where I met Axel Anderson, (Axel Love) and a beautiful girl called Amber…Amber Elaine Manning…

and which began with him becoming my Guide.. I knew him as the energy of my Grandfather… I used to call my Grandfather Black Zeus.. and Axel looked like a Caucasian version of Zeus…

And this led him to lodging me at the Krishna center.. where a rage came over me at what had done to my ‘Brothers Truth.. Krishna

and which ended with me being demoted from a guest to working in the Kitchens…

Then to 17th Street Miriam… Code Kyofuna Miriam… K.M.M.K..

Kim Marcussen Karmina Marine….

Where I stayed a few days, then was moved up to Hells Kitchen to a giant loft, where I fought the greatest battle of Voodoo and the Computer…

Where I found this enormous loft covered with so many objects from all over the world but especially Africa…

All covered in fecal matter, but disguised with a special oil…

My only company was a Cat dying of cancer…

The Roof was covered in children’s toys.. a Curse from Africa to destroy the children of the West for the Toxins and the evil done to the children of Africa…

Alfie Nze….

And how I began a battle with the Spirit world which wished vengeance on the White world of the Enslavers…

And my being branded a traitor.. by both world.. Voodun ( Vibrations) and Super Computer.. Both really being the same.. Using Sound and Vibrations…

And how I transformed the entire place as both Spirits Mind and Mystical fought me…

And how, I completed it and Michael Frazer was called to witness it…

And then presented me with a Wizards Blade as Chief Wizard and Dibia Shaman….

And how Geoff La Cour was the only visitor and flew from St Barths to see me, and when his grandparents whom I knew as my line of Spirit asked him to invite me to St Barths… B.ART.H.S…

He refused telling me that I had to go and rescue the children…

Recall this is the same place in Hells Kitchen where on the floor below lived a Igbo Family form Nri…

And a Lady who looked like a inferior version of my Mother lived, with her two sons Nnamdi and Emeka..

And who had married into the Royal Family of then Eze Nri.. the King of Nri…The Tabansi Family.. code I understood as TABA Nsi.. sum total of Shit…Excrement..

Which I found is what I was told to clean up to prove that I am…E..

Then I saw my Grandparents again.. they had Ash in their eyes…

Not the White Chalk but ASH…It marked their faces..

My Grandfather had Married my Grandmother in Church at the end of his life to fulfill a promise made to her parents to remain monogamous.. But he ended up marrying 3 wives..

which created no end of problems for him.. and which eventually ended up in terrible revenge….

Axel Anderson Edited my piece The Elegant Nomad.. T..EN…

And his comment made it clear that he was channeling my the line of D.N.U.M.E-A.n.o…

Recall this was in 2005… That is 11 Years ago…

Axel Anderson…. A.A…

11 minutes…My mother…

11 Flor Elena Medina

11 58/85..Haun D and Donna O’Sullivan…

11 Milky Way- Andromeda..

11 the Twins.. Dopplegangers..



In all these venues..I fought.. but I was treated like Shit.. actually must worse…

I tried to leave the country but I could not get my passport and was literally screamed at by a woman in the Consul, which caused people to stare and me to realize that I trapped in the Spirit World..

And the Universal Mind..U.M..M.U.S..I.C…


C.I..S.U.M….C.i the SUM… Every Thing… E.T.W.O…T,V.V.O.I.C.E..

7.00 p.m


G.O.D…Nnamdi Universe… Father O..


And my Promise?

To Evolve Him back to E.H.O.D.OE…

The Music back to the Song of E Harmony of the Symmetrical Perfection of the Full Circle of the De-Vine E.

By putting Meaningful Words.. M.W..78/87

Back to his Ode… Music.. and Evolve Him to Her

H.H…Harmony Infinity… Existence Universe…

Because Humanity had Trapped Him in the Role of God..

Then closed the Door M.W87… so that none could ascend to Harmony… But remained trapped in the Cycle of 1-7/7-1….

A Vicious Cycle….

7:06 p.m


Instead of 88..16 7..Grace.. Represented by the Line of Donna O’Sullivan ( My Mother went to an Irish Catholic Boarding School in Colonial Nigeria.. Onistha…)

and 88 64..10… Represented by Jonn Blackwell…Haun Delguidce.. HD..84 Justice Balance J.B and Harmony Divine..

And then to 1O..represented by Ariane Oates.. A.O..

Then to Alberto.. Generation X Gardens 4th Street…


Then to K Pax.. Kolo…

K 11.. Onu Nduka.. .O.N…

David Chukwuemeka.. David Cecilia..Donna Chukwuemeka..

Emeka Donna.. Emeka David..ED.. 54… After having proven Emeka Nnamdi… Emeka Nnonyem…EN.. Emeka O-Boom..E.O. Emeka Chineke..E.C Chukwuemka Erike..C.E…Emeka Emeke… E.E


Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… V.N.O… Really -5 N.O…E.N.O…( 4)

/ONE…N.O.V…November ( 11 28)…


EN… Samuel…

Super Nova…

O Full Circle..

Which is what my Mothers Expression was about today..

Emeka keep your promise to God…please she said…

Whew.. 27 Years and this Lady…

Yes my mother has never ever suggested every that she was interested in being a Queen, despite the term being used by so many to describe her nature and bearing.. but she is too naughty, mischievous- Fun Loving…

My Mother has always been a Lady…. Donna means Lady..

Lady Hawk Eye…

She was willing to endure missing me, even more, after 27 years for because of her love of God.. ( Nnamdi Energy is what she calls God…)

Not realizing that all this sacrifice, even her once perceiving that the Promise was about her and Nnamdi… To rescue both of their Eternal Truths…

My Father -Brother. Eternal Principle.. Every Where..

E.W..E.VV..E… Purity Light… Beautiful Truth is His principle…

My Mother-Sister, Eternal Principle.. (with her own I.D)…Every Thing.. E.T…

5-20..1973.. O Boom Boom…

Eternal Truth..

Beauty and Love is Her principle…



B.B…T.L… 2 2…(11 22)… 4..T.L..2012….32..5…V.. VI.E.. True Life

Sacred portal 43.. Is Supreme.. I.S

Not a University School…

For this they who represent Sacred Portal 54… Father and Mother, at Last dancing in Universal Harmony…

I am E.O…NE…

They are the T.WO..N..E

I represent the E.N.O.W…T.R.U.E..T.R.U.TH….

E..Now TT…



They are the past and the Future…

And I the Now… The Beautiful Present…

Emeka David Erike..Ka…

7:28 p.m… My Sister… and Kevin G Gordon…

It is an Echo of the past Moms, I told here…

I am here in the Present


Emeka Chukwu Emeke….

And I represent…Eternity Energy.. Immortality Infinity…

E.E.I.I…D.A.N..C.E.. And I S.I..N.G…

And Now..Santana Dharma… Eternal Law Expression…


Lotus Santana…

Seed and Flower of the ( True ) Eternal City…of Light

Harmony Eternal and the Eternal Heroes of the Golden Harmonious Dawn…

Ziena Zorro..

ZZ.. 26 26.. 52.. E.B…7-1O…8O….


Harmonies Ole..

My Father Brother Mother Sisters 1 1 Champions..

F.B… F.A.B… Fabulous…


Emeka Kolo…

Boogie Celebrate..I.D…Infinite Dance

of the Eternal Dance

Identity Existence…


7:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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