
5:58 p.m.

5:58 p.m.







Yes, I am still here, in a relentless Script, which has done everything to Destroy and Tame my will by imposing and throwing every impossibility at me to stop, give up.

And yet, instead of making me crumple by the sheer weight of the impossibility of this Script and prolonged extended show of Its Idea of power, it has only served to not only strengthen my resolve, to bring forth the consequence of such script manifest.

I bounce back stronger each day, because each day I observe the truth of my own Intent manifesting around me.

Much like the Black Panther suit which absorbs Kinetic Energy and redistributes it.

Notice that Kinetic Energy is K.E…

It forms my Initials backwards. And Erik Killmonger forms my initials forwards. E.K.

( Backwards and Forwards… B.F…2 6..= 8…

I have already linked with Flip J Hendrixs and passed through the portal of apartment 6.E and connected with him, who represents my reaching the 6.E…which is me as the code of 65/56…

I have a great love for Flip J Hendrixs but if he chooses to not pay attention and rescue himself from this Matrix, there is nothing I can or will do about it, I have already passed the Test of reaching him and then aligning the equation through him as I have done with all the Embodiments – the People Avatars Descendants, as well as those as Facebook friends.

Thus representing the Spirit World as Space and the Physical -Natural World… S.P.N./ P.S…

As well as the Material world which is that which Created, Woven from the Two…

S.P-N…M… That was the play with Sam yesterday and the cup of coffee with the code number 56… 65/56…11 11 4 ( 1)… 4 1.. DA…

Spirit Physical.. Nature Full Circle ( L-ion King) Material Expression… which Money to my eternal disgust was used as the Measurer of value- a true act of malice if there ever was by the Source of this Maze Riddle…D-Evil… the Spirit – Ghost of Jealousy…

* And yes, I am solving right now, beginning with a sense of Nothing, and from the nothingness of sentiment which I feel for this Script, Expression Knowing.. E.K, Rising from within me, of what I am meant to solve…

S.P…N OM ..E…

Sacred Portal Name ( Same..S.N… Sha-Ron Nickel.. I have passed through… as well as A- Alexa, as well as Ethan… and Leo who was here yesterday and met Flip J Hendrixs.

it forms the N A M E… S A M E… And since Alexa is also known as Jada…and Flip was moved to share 10 usd with me yesterday, meaning his higher self is acknowledging me as TEN.. Which is letter J…

And Father Kamel..Perfection

K…Peter Nyarkô bought me Tobacco.. but Flip J Hendrixs bought me tobacco first.. 11 usd… He bought the color I prefer. Wine Red… and when I went with Peter, there was only Light Blue…

Earth and Sky…

J A M E L..

At 10:20 a,m Jamel Salter age code 33…born 1984 ( which is my date of Birth listed on my Face book page for the last 8 -9 years…Which is my real age I morph to since I have never really existed here except in roles of age codes representing different codes of a Script.)

Jamel has never contacted me out of the blue.

But today at 10:20 a,m he did.

N A M E.. E..L..

J A M E L… E…

K A M E L… E…

N.J.K…. 14 10 11….44 =8… 10 11 8…

I do not see Jace Horsford… so he is not the representation of J K H… I am…

Leo Mia and Larry were here… L L M… And Robert to my Extreme Right…and now Will…

I did not acknowledge any of them except the two who acknowledged me… Larry and Will…

The rest.. apart from Mia.. perhaps… Do not exist for me…

Already in my mind they are in Non Existence… though there is grace for 17 year old Leo…

Jamel Salter…

Sha-Ron Addison…

J.A. S S… J A ZZ…

S J…S A…

Not the Spirit of Jealousy…

Ghost of it..

For anything to move, it requires Energy…

Potential.. P P… 16 16… 32… 5…. E…

E.K… Emeka Kolo.. Praise Completion Well Done… To the Prince Manly Warrior of the Circle Round…

O R B… it is my Father who is KING..I am in His Story… I stated this over over again… I am playing his Son and Sum so that he could rise to the E, Embodiment of Eternity…

This is what Flip J Hendrixs represents… Father … It is His Story which was perverted… Jamel story, they are the Two who are one in the Present…

A.B B A.. 147 was the passed.. the Past…

8:04 p.m.


They are the ones in the present… C C..C… 3 3 3… 9… I.

Will is the only one left here, he just told me that he has transposed his PHD thesis into a Book…

The Title is William Cook..

African Histiry One of the Seven Principles of the Liberal Arts…

By William Cook…


Link Cecilia Wiebers.. .C.W…And recall that there are 7 colors in the Spectrum Rainbow… Sha-Ron and Sound…. and 6 senses…

Red is the First Color to emerge from out of the Blue of Transparent Light…

* Yesterday night, at the Shelter, I discovered Two large BIC Lighters in the Ashtrays besides the second bench… Orange.. and the 1st Bench Red… each seemed placed there for me to see… Non of them worked… I reached into my pocket and saw I had my Blue one which still worked…

O.R.B…Orange Red Blue…

B R O… THE. R S…

Blue… came first… not ORB… Earth Planets and the True Stone From Heaven.. Asteroid Meteorite is the One.. who is also Two.. Brothers E landing on their PLAN E.T… Peter Nyarkô…

Jamel kept texting me while I tried to sleep and at the same time get in touch with Flip J Hendrixs…

He asked about the E… called me the Pink Panther… P P.. 16 16 32… 5.. E… Red and White A.H… I prefer Rose..Panther…

And ended his text at 12:52 p.m.. from Brooklyn.

Last night out of convenience, I charged my phone at Lorenzo’s bed socket… 4-015…D.O.O… S.P 40…Ria Casey H Rankin liked it… and O… I only observed my actions in Hindsight…

6:54 p.m… * yes that was the total amount given to me by Flip J Hendrixs.

It is also the age of the man whom Cleveland introduced me to even after I had made it clear that I do not wish to do any more work with anyone.

He was born in 1954… then he linked my name E M E K A.. K O L O…5 Letters and 4… 5 4…

Which links to Jose Roq 5-15-69… formerly of bed 5-004 while I was at 5-006… 54 56… meaning that I occupied two beds at the same time.. as well as 5-008.. 5-010… 5001… 54 56.. 55 46…

See sacred Portal 55… and 46…

Cleveland made a fatal mistake in doing invading my privacy…

And taking my laid back nature for granted as so many do.

Recall that he was granted 55,000.00 usd and that it was put on hold for 23 days?

What he did not realize was that he was being given a test by my E-Spirit of the past….

Sacred Portal 23 is revelation of the person behind the veil..

Who was responsible for your blessing…

Who had done the Work with you which saved his life from his heart condition over and over again…

I had done the same work with Jamel Salter and his Bleeding Brain which is not bleeding any longer enabling him to work and go each time with an ambulance to the hospital or feel that at any moment that he might die…

I had done the same work with Blair Andrews who believed that the knowledge he has was driving him insane..

7:04 p.m.

G O D…

I did the same work with Ray who kept on being sent to Pyschiatric Hospitals and wished to leave this World.

Cleveland is the one you may recall who gave me the Times Magazine 1968… while seated besides Jamel and Blair…

7:06 p.m.

Cleveland had asked me for 3 dollars earlier… meaning that his E-Spirit acknowledge that his ability to C came from me.

1968 is the code of David Roman Nicholas 11-22 and the date is linked to him and my mother… Cecilia David.. C D…

*The Coffee I received from the Arab Bodega today is number 34.. C.D..

When he asked me for money, it was the second time, I said no, I only had 5 usd left, from the monies from Flip J Hendrixs enough for a coffee at Starbucks and thus one more day of this obscene script…

Cleveland was meant to be giving me gifts, monies..

Jamel had given me 7 usd.. the only person to ever do so apart from a person called Bill who gave me 3 usd… yes C.. ( is there no end to the Insult done to my worth contribution and value… 3 usd for bringing Consciousness of the E into existence)..

3+4=7.. C.D.. G.O.D… 7 O 4.. 11 28… 39/ 93… C I…I C..

I was seated at the computer which Tyrone Melville vacated for me.

*I asked him what all the commotion was about the search for him, he told me that he has now signed for a one bedroom apartment and that he was meant to move out yesterday…

Not Get Out… Move Out.. M.O…

*Malije Okoye.. M.O… Modus Operandi… and OM.. Power

Cleveland came in and sat down in the computer directly opposite me, and put on a film on his DVD player…

Black Panther… a much better version that that which Igbo Anthony had played yesterday at which I had turned my back to it…taking Daniel seat… It was the seat made available to me, which suited me just fine. I had no desire to see it, at least not such a bootleg version.

Again my back was turned to Cleveland though I got up to see the clarity of the version It, he was watching…

I was seated right behind him, my back to him, he was watching the Black Panther, and then he made the fatal mistake of introducing me to this man with the message he came to relay to me in such an insulting way, of which I was forced to clean up the message… MANSION STREET… MAN SI ON… 7 letters.. STREET.. 6 letters.. 76.. Sacred Portal 76…

MAN S ION…/ N. O IS N.A.M..E.. Same thing really..N.O/O.N..

Dejeuner Sister of Alexa.. Really Petit De jeu nez..

Then he gave the codes of 17 and his Father … I was bored… and quietly furious with Cleveland who I had warned over and over again not to disturb me…

I told him three time…I am going to kill you

He laughed I know I know… he said laughing…

The man asked why.. He was told and pooh pahhed it,

So when the work was complete, I turned to Cleveland and said that I am curring out his entire Line out of Existence….

I said this pleasantly, as I had spoken the whole time.. pleasantly…

He was watching the Black Panther… The past.. that play was over and he failed to recognize it as me as Flip J Hendrixs had done from the first meeting…

I had worked with Cleveland for over 8 9 months…

He paid me nothing yet, Flip J Hendrixs had to pay me 54 usd?


I tear his line out of Existence, the Wave which brought him into my presence….

Now.. back to Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy… and this ridiculous play, which made the fatal mistake as Jose Roq ( J.R) noted of severely underestimating me

K I N E T I C… / C I… T E N… I.K… 9 ..The Elegant Nomad… I.K…Ikemefuna Kolo…. I Know.. Everything..

-It just rises in me on a Need to Know basis…

P O T E N..I A L… P.O… TEN… I A L…L E… L=12… 3..Completion…

12 3… 15.. O… 6.. F… Alexa Flip….

123.. A B C… Sacred Portal 147… Blair Andrews Conscious…

Tyrone Melville Respectful… T M…

Cleveland….? A Lie… lazy.. Begone his line and take everything that was given to him through me,,, and leave him back at Zero…

Which is what was, is on the card given to me by Gerson M Presil…

Zero… King Court 9 11.. I.K… Crime…

It reads God Messiah Prophet… G M P…/ P M ..G…

Number on it… 646 27027 66….

7:41 p.m

Yes, G M P… Gods Mobile Police came to hand a verdict to Clevelands line… Zero.. Non Existence….

Yes, the man was delivering a message to me and a verdict to Cleveland…

And that is what made me feel a quiet contempt for the messenger, which I told him, and which Cleveland urged him to listen and hear…

You use codes and proclaim yourself and yet you have do idea of the message which you are being are and were meant to convey…

And yet you are proclaiming yourself publicly to me….?

And E.K…which is 5 11= 16 ..P..

Potential Energy… P.E…16 5.. 21.. U… Universe Dark Energy, Dark Matter…

21= 3…C… Consciousness Speed of Light which moves through Space called Dark Matter.. Dark Energy…

It would have been better for this Force, to have let me walk away than to continue to contain me in this play and answer to this challenge.


That which is fighting me and that which is containing me in this Script what people call Good and Evil, has simply no power over my except as an irritation of which I can measure just how far people past present .. are willing to go to deny the Truth…

And thus, be able to deliver Consequence…. and in this case it goes to a place of limitless consequences… a terrible terrible fate..

It should have never been allowed to go this far because the Consequences which must manifest as Eternal Law…

E.L… Emeka Lorenzo… ( he kept ranting today about my Father wanting to take me home…

That I was so angry and pissed off .. and stubborn…

My quiet response, is I have no Father… not any more, for no Father could bequeath such a fate to his Son or Child…and Such A Father should be given the Consequence of being that which is an Abomination of Jealousy and Competitiveness.. War with his Child… Such an abomination is not a Father… It is a Lie…

I have no father .. never had a Guide… Example… or one of Blood all turned out to be Lies…

8:31 p.m.

8:32 p.m.

But I have Brothers who were once Sons Song Songes but we shall see.. for now there is only me… and perhaps 10 20… Jamel and Kamel… Twins… 10 20… J.T… John Thomas.. Penis… 30.. C.O.E…

8:33 p.m

Oh got my coffee from Eric… The number is 95… I.E… That is what Flip was wearing….on the 28th the day I went to his Apt… 95.. I.E

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