
5:56-7 pm

5:56-7 pm




There is no doubt that I am shocked, stunned, speechless by the role designated for me to play and the purpose given to me.

No doubt, as most freedom lovers, such an idea of fate, destiny, predesignated roles creared before you were even born is an anthema to your ears and sense of being…

Why even exist if we our destinies are controlled?

To fulfill some higher purpose, a plan perhaps…

Because we decided to assume a certain function and mission before we were born or even concieve…perhaps.

Yet, in my case I have supplied non stop evidence that this cardinal law of Existence was taken from me…

I was not given the choice.

Nor told of the mission.

Nor would I have agreed because as I stated earlier again and again, that I had memory and proved that I had memory of the Truth of the Master Plan set in motion before time even began…


The very power and energy which the First Being rose with.

That first memory which exists in me

Is he me and am I him..

Yes, I know so because of the extraordinary fact that despite this hallucination of a life I am leading, right to a shelter when yes, I do have other avenues of escape, despite this crippling inconvenience of what is going on within my body.

Oh yes, it is intelligent.

Oh yes, it rises in the most inopportune moments..

And yes, it is real.

But I have been a quiet warrior all my life, not physically violent- or even the considerable physical prowess which I had before this condition bound my body in a sort of Spell which replicates the current human consciousness of excuses and reasons for thier inability to rise…


I realize it as I sit in the Shelter amazed by my own calm and refusal to deny the Beautiful Truth of my E family and the Harmonious awakening which manifests all things naturally to its fruition.

This is the consciousness I have proven into Existence this is the wind and Consciousness which many have ridden on and experienced in thier Life’s when suddenly things all click and va Voom…

Everything moves into place and makes sense

I have spent a life time behind the viel, backstage, in stage, in the audience and even outside of the Theater of Life and Existence itself as Man and as Divine Being

I know what has been wrought behind the scenes

The so I can not deny the Truth.

I can not deny that everything even my own body has impeded me from denying this truth so that I may live a life which I so desired…

Of Bachavalian Fun mischief sensual and nonstop adventure…

For this is my true nature..

Not this Boy then man then warrior playing all these characters of human prophecy to be understood.

Sigh, if anything hurt my pride most of would be that…

Playing these characters to accommodate the unequal setting of my being compelled to live with so many people and of course, horrified at being in thier space worked only on getting put and fulfilling the task of the reason I was there.

14 years is a long time

26 years is a long time when I am still considered even here a man in his prime…

A life time is a long time…

To live without family or love

Or sex or warmth or understanding or bonds with people other than which serve a purpose of a mission.

For even the people grew weary of such an embrace even though it really was because of them that I am in this predicament..


Why can I not simply get up from this shelter, this bed of thorns, this 24-7 linking which I assure you I can not put to this small Facebook forum of 1/1OOth of what I know and uncover each day.

I am the fool perhaps who can not sacrifice the Truth because it has given me a life time, an Existence of constant Energetic warfare..

Emeka was born fighting my mother states from the moment he was born.

But Why…?

But I know why. .

It is because I could not give up the Beautiful Truth..

I could not live any other way.

Am I better than those of you who did

Why Yes, I am.

Because I held onto what is most precious to the Individual and the Collective.

That truth in us we still yearn to see in ourselves when we creates movies and stories of our truly Heroic Natures now scarcely seen..

A when a whisper of that Heroic Human Spirit which ancestors and acients used to foil the based lesser barbaric and savage nature of Humanity recognizing those things as not being Human, they moved forward stepped forwards upright to evolve..

Imprinting in the D N A a love letter from Mother and Father.

Remember who you are.

Remember where you come from..

Remember what defines you…

Certainly not a shelter..

Certainly not people who contributed nothing to society but thier predatorial Hypocrisy and lying Natures…

What defines me is what I do…

What I did.

What I stand for.

This is what defines me.

I do feel sorry for my mother..

And I have oftened felt saddened by the song and dance and truly joyous Emeka I could have shared with the world.

But the Espirit of Jealousy hindered that and gave me this role instead..

What a role…

What a thing to ask and demand and enforce on anyone and yet even now, I witness its undeniable smile at my circumstances..

And it silent acknowledgment of my stance and beautiful pride in how I handle it.

It bestows nothing on me for that.

I would not have expected anything less from you other than that.

And in that It, the Demon the Sadistic Maschochistic arch enemy of all Existence..

The Abomination of Nothing to be appreciative for…gives me the highest accolade than anyone has ever given me since this journey into the 9 realms of Hell 4 Times. .


3O6 Face book friends began from the noment the light of my entering this world through my mothers womb.

Because I took responsibility.

I speak for myself and others who did so, speak up for yourselves for this was my experience and I can not speak for you…

But I can speak for what I know is true in you.

Proven true in you in this Facebook Play…

The Beautiful You..

And in the streets of New York, in your homes. In moments of vulnerablity that you I defend with my very Existence itself..

Which I have been called to do so again and again until I lay prostrate in a shelter unable to move with no aid from any system – a system destined to evolve

But I never shirked responsiblity…

Not even when in my forties I was called out again.

I could not believe it but once again I walked the path of that truth…

Walking the plank before the whole world..

Peter Pan.

No Emeka can fly above all the Spirits of crucify ing me because I see the play

Of the Loop az from Green Point to Forte Green to 4th Street to 9th Street to Bed 49…

That this is not the story of my Existence.

This is the Story of the poor and the Lie of Existence I came to overthrow..

By proving only a way of thinking creates the Viscious cycle of poverty which in itself is a lie

Kieth means From the Woods… Where my things are still at.

Mckingsley means the King returning from the Woods and the Battle Field which I returned from…

Grant means to bestow it also means Great and Tall…

I am Tall as for Great.

We shall see..

But I was told to rest…

That I should rest and gain my Strength.

In a shelter I had demanded of Nikoma and the Espirit of N.

In a Shelter it seems.

After all.

I could not walk away from the Responsibility given to me to hold no matter how each day I wished to walk away..

I just couldn’t because the Truth of it was and is bigger than me.

But not Greater…

And I suppose that is why I still roar.

My indignation.

7:23 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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