
5:55 P.M.

5:55 P.M.




K.H.I…Kolo Harmony Infinity….

Round Circle… its an ORB!… A Signal in the Sky over the home of the Samurai Ninja line of Day And Night… (D.A.N…I..E.L..BROWN…

Da Vinci… Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Da Enlightens…Da Invinci Codes.. Invisible Invicinable…




H.A! I.


6:00 p.m.

Ascended Master.. Please Be at Ease….

It is done…

I would now like to address you who lurk in the Shadows Graceful Swift Spirits of the Dark Knight my beloved Brothers.. and now our Beloved sisters who have finally joined our ranks of the Ninja line…

And the Flash of the Light of the Sound of the Samurai Dragons of Existence… So beloved of myself and Ray-Monde R.M..


Beautiful Orb Warriors of Zorro…whose ranks our lone Sister Clara has filled with her Sister Seers now having fulfilled the requirements of Seer to Warriors of Sophia Lauren.. Amazon Valkyrie…

Amoza Born Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones Sarah Lagrange Sarah Nkem Blackstock etc…

The Impossible made Self Evident…

Welcome L.A.D.I..E,S..to the L.A.D.’S line of D.B…

David Brown and Daniel Brown.. My Brother Devi and Sister Clara Star Childs line merged with Nnamdi Noni Line of Earth Sea..

-As well as the Worlds…

Election Day… E.D…54…

Will be proceeded to 11-9…

No longer a 911 of Epic proportions manifested by the E.L..Q..



Anamla Qayin line…

You will notice that a U has been added to the word..as well as an L..




And Understanding and a Love of Life by their being from the onset reading my face book posts, as well as the C.I.A, F.B.I, M.I.5 M.I.6..And all International Intelligence Agencies in the World..

From Secret Societies, to the most ancient and modern Intelligence and Spy organizations in this realm to the 3rd and 4th Dimensions.

A great War was about to take planet in your World on Election Day today and tomorrow.. for terrible crimes of Yesterday

And the most dangerous threat of all was the most secret…

The Black Panthers of Malcom in the Middle Malcolm X..

Big Red..

Who is right here in this place Delta Manor represented by a Spanish Puerto Rican Dominican Pietro…

A Truly Big Bang… To set off the End of your reality as you knew it..

And you the people of the World where stuck between a Rock and a Hard place… A Literal Catch 22…11 22..

Hilary Clinton as the Wrath of Woman unleashed Destruction and Decay.. H.O.C

*Hoc means..

Ad hoc is a word that originally comes from Latin and means “for this” or for this situation. In current American English it is used to describe something that has been formed or used for a special and immediate purpose, without previous planning..


Donald Trump.. D.T…Dot… Ancient Germanic word for Death…

But Terrible Deaths…

This was not going to be done intentional by anyone… except by the forces which are behind it…

Which is not ISIS…( Meaning Throne.. Which is of course your Heart.. Thaddeus…)

And Al Qaeda… Yes Al.. Albert Santanta…the Ninjas of Dharma Santana… Cause Effect…Eternal Law…

*See meaning of AL-Qaeda..

Al-Qaeda (/æl’ka?d?/ or /?ælk??’i?d?/; Arabic: ??????? al-qa?idah, Arabic: [ælq????d?], translation: The Base, The Foundation or The Fundament and alternatively spelled al-Qaida, al-Qæda and sometimes al-Qa’ida) is a militant Sunni Islamist multi-national organization founded in 1988[28]

Yes, The Base’- The Foundation…

T.B…T.F…. 20-2…22 V…2O 2..4 O… 20 6..26..Z.. 2O 6…8.

6:31 p.m.


./ TT F.B…

Pi.. The Play represented by the ‘Seemingly Oblivious Doctor Professor Patrick Okolo Patrick Ikem..Okolo… P.I..O…

Best Friend… Harmony.. Resurrection or Destruction..

TT…The Portal is Face Book…

4O +8 is 48… Yes My Age as 1966..or 1967…or 19 68..

9 is 8 and 8 is 7… Same thing.

See sacred portal 48..Beautiful Death.. B.D…2 4… 24..X..24/42..66…Yes me…

The Original Assassin and Black Panther…

B.P..Brad Pitt… World War Z…

Beautiful Pride…

Which would rather ends its Creation rather for than to allow its Distortion into a Horror and Abomination it had become, Misery Suffering Despair Deception, Fear, Fer and Fake… FFF 666..

Marked as the Beast..And should have been put down…

Most of you will recall, that I lived in the Basement of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan for the entire 9 months- hardly ever going out…

Yes, time Travel through the Womb….Birth of Human Consciousness.

All. of you, as you have witnessed, have been moved by these forces of the E D line..

Even while you felt you were exercising your will and desires, (and you were) it was in perfect harmony with a much greater plan, much greater than you.

-Rather a Cosmic play of Balance and Accounting…


Yes, I suppose you can call it that, but I rather prefer Cause Effect…


Which went against the Base and Foundation.. The Blue Print and the Weave of Existence Original intention and Indention..

Its I.D.. Not Idea, for this World and Reality as Nature quietly proclaims, is not an illusion.. Only people, the life’s they are leading, as well as their manner of Being and Building their World..


I..Dewight, Eli-jaj, Amoza…Raul… Wolf.. Fenri..

I..Dean Elizabeth Ariane…



Royal Reign…

Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions

Rachel McWilliams Young



Listen… H..E.A.R….

All were being moved including Al Qaeda, Isis, U.S.A..Russia..All.

Aryana Luna Leone..ALL.. By the Moon of Le One

its Lions Roar… Sun Rah..

I.D..E.A….(51…Area 51)

This is and was never an Idea..

Humans were…

As Denise at the Delta Manor remarking about her 8 year old son disrupted his class.. And then informed his mother it is because of the Teachers.. they are not qualified to teach me

And how in Montana, where she lived, which is predominantly white her elder son had excelled to Student of the week to student of the month then.. year in such a short space of time…

She had said, That she understood her kids point of view perfectly but that though she does not lay her hands on her children, that she is from the old school which dictates I brought them into this world and I can take them out…

Yes this is the old School… And thank Goodness a New School’ of Samuarai and Ninja..

Dark Lord of the Northern..N.I..and now Southern Isle…have merged..

See 53;37 usd sent by Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka to Dewight Smith..

Nnaemeka lives in Haarlem in the Netherlands… N.I..E..

and Dewight Smith as in the Black Smith..Hephaestus in the Western Legend..Awaka Black Smiths Warrior Wizards Ninja…is from Staten Island…

N.I..S.I..North South.. of the Body… Nature Sun…14 19…5 O..

Have merged through viewing through the E.C .G.C..E Clarity…

Sacred Portal 89 is Diamond Hearing.. D.H..48..Once more linked to myself…The Dark Lord…

Yes Darth Vader…

D.V… Durek Verrett…who was sent to bring me from New York in this illusion of War between Night and Day…

It wasn’t a War between Angels and Demons…

It was a struggle to Align the Torso Chest to the L.E.G (Gel) which could align the Evolved body to Stand up straight.

Something my body had been unable to do..

Because of the Air/Atmosphere Environment of this Consciousness’ was fetid corrupt

Link a Rare Bloom of Flower seeking to grow in this Soil…

Apollo Perez…

Only by Purifying and Cleansing the Air you, we all breathe could this new Body rise.. Aligning and Linking the Two Hemispheres into One…Line…

7:09 p.m.


Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence..

Which is why Earth and Nature were linked to Evolve..

Allan…ALL ANNA..to Harmony E…

It was always the original plan…

And that is why World Harmony Peace had to be resolved…

Because the Human Body is so obviously linked to the Earth and Stars..Heavens Harmonics..Existences Expression..



Gayle King..


7 11…

Elizabeth Clarizio Line…

C.L..L..C…3 12.. 12 3..Had to be aligned which it has been done with Mitchel in bed 3012..Replacing Dan… Dan Dewight.. DD 44

Dean Dunkwu play.. had to move to M.D..

Patrick Okolo..M.D.. M.D.M…

If the Air could not be cleansed..to Sacred Portal 26..


36…Day and Night…

7:15 p.m…


Daniel Maman..

Fathers Feminine Nature…

Poseidon Neptune to Aphrodite Rising from the See…

Recall the posts yesterday of the Black Ant on a Whorl I called it on Andrese Harris Burton post shares..

I have the true Wave Rider Whorl symbol given to me by Jonn Blackwell recall…

It is Ivory.. (Elephant Memory.. Emeka Joseph Ejiofor..Holds the Truth.. Jonn Delguidce knew but was loyal to Donna O’Sullivan see..

but he..His E-Spirit knew..After all he gave me Everything I required to complete the mission as well as the First 80 usd.. which though in the sacred portals it shows two Women who are One (Donna O’Sullivan and her Daughter Sophie.. D.S) it was originally two men..

One who transformed into the Physical Embodiment Vessel of Woman while the other sustained the Feminine Source expression which became Woman who had to become..Lady Wisdom..

Lady Awareness Wisdom..


Luke .A Wilson…

Lauren A.VV..Washington..

Hilary Clinton line…

When I crossed over in my Dreamy Vision…

As I walked back accompanied by Cassandra;s True Consciousness

from a play with the Dark Laws Lords of Earth my Beloveds..

We saw rows and rows of Ladies in police uniform..

And Military but with bodies which strained belief in its Grace Elegance and Languid Ease… Long Narrow like Stems of some great flower..

Lotus Santana….

Eshe Chuki Asale.. Yes E.C..A… her clarity…

See the play when she joined the E.Play…

She lives in Queens Park where I had lived in my sisters apartment when I graduated from university in 1988 and moved back to London as she had in 1986…

Yes Dewight Smith you said 86 today.. I heard you…

And yes, my Dreamy Vision D.V…4 22…26.. 88… 26..8…888..

3 8…was in Harmony Chukwuemeka….everywhere…

and as we crossed the Magic Looking River, Stream (of my conscious expression) now Brooke (See sacred Portal 5..) a River Bed (3002..32..5) which had become a RD..and now a Narrowed Passage way…

I understood…

Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka had sent me 50 usd he said..

53:37 usd arrived and the message was clear..

A little bit more expression required to link that which is the Source realm of the Physical realm.. That realm of the Holy Isles.. Sacred Isles of which the Ground is Holy…Pure…Directly linked to the E.I..Realm Eternal Isles…

7:37 p.m…

Where the Holy Esprit family Live.. the Link called ‘Cou the a throat Chakra Voice.. and to be linked with expression so as that alignment could be perfectly aligned.

But it had to be done by the Original Two Men…

Chukwuemeka Nnamdi.. C.N…/ N.C… N.C.E…/ E.C…N..E

Which is what I am doing right now…

7:40 p.m.

Only because Patrick Okolo did not send me the monies he promised in time.. Not his fault because he is representing the IGBO people which means The Forest People of the World.. Cave Men…

C..A.V.E! M.E.N.E.. not the Horror story of now… Cave Men..?

C.M.E 43..In a Cave in the Jesus Christs story, which turned out to be really Joseph Campbell.. Camp Davids Bell in the E Den studying- Scholars.. Scholarship… (Which is why I was so stunned that I did not even merit scholarship for me work except by Bill Hung..B.H…28… Which is what Patrick Okolo who I have not seen in 28 years would have done, if he was not meddled with until I completed the codes of 788 Face Book Friends..

See sacred portal 88.. That is my Sister Line there.. the other Ikem Okolo…I.O.. My sisters e-mail was Nons01…

But if I did not have at least some money to buy a coffee or ensure that Dewight Smith and I doing the grunt’ work.. Did not have at least some monies in our pocket..

There is no way on Earth I would be here right now…

I would have dropped the Ball..

My posts yesterday was sincere as well as the one Michaël Trahé commented with a Sword- when I was about to go to the immigration office, but could not see Cassandra to or later the play which caused me to pause….

So yes, I knew my sister line undercover as Guys… Male..

were present right here and remembered…

Knew.. despite the terrible illusion of indifference to me and my reality..

My sister and I have not been in the same room together alone, nor spoken more than three times nor seen each other but twice-thrice in 27-28 years.

The Last time I moved out of her apt in 1989…Queens Park.. Literally… Park the Car.. Body Vehicle…

Sacred Portal 98/89…Is Diamond Hearing… It shows A Cool Chic.. Puma…/ A,M..UP…

Its a code.. I loved and still love wearing Pumas..

Volga Yildiz used to wear them.. Yes same Line…

Turhan his cousin line of Boom Boom..

Ah.. Here is the confirmation..

Prince Panther is here in New York and wishes to meet up with me… P.P..16 16.. 32… He texted me at 7:44

G.DD… 7 44.. 78… 7 44..16..P…To G…


And to 7 28…My sisters birth day and 64-65 code…. 7 28. 710..

71O…8… 7 28.. 7 88… 7 16…77..14 5.. AND 49…13..M…D

Mitchell Dewight… Mitchells Friend is called Spirit..

Albert has that Tatooed on his Stomach..

One Spirit…

D.S sleeps right besides him..Bed 3100…Bed 3120.. 3 12O..

See Sacred Portal 120… Emeka Noni Fritz Venneiq…

Notice in the Sacred Portal that She and the Lady Adams Family.. So long, slender are both indicating me…

8:03 p.m.


Hilary Clinton…

9 8 3..

98 = 17.. Q..Queen (Kings) of H..

And 89…98…72… 72+72.. 144…Ascended Masters…

N.D… 14..5…4..

54..Super Nova… S.N,,

South Northern Isles I…



19+14…33.. Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka 2 years ago..

Yes..My sister made it a point to tell me years ago that she was in Amsterdam to give a public address…

8:07 p.m.


Good Sacred Portal 87 Confirmed that it is aligned with the E.Isle and the E.S Isles and this Circle. World..

S.N..19 14… 10..5.. J.E… 1O..A.O..E…F.

Alpha Omega…6…Fact…

I was left with 40 usd..

I bought some American Spirits…extra..

I have 26 USD .. 20 in my Jeans Two tens…

10 p.m.. 10 a,m..

Patrick Okolo

8:11 p.m

Elections Aligned to the Evolution Awakening Plan E.T..C.K..

…The other 6 dollars is in my Jacket Pocket…

Near my Heart….

E.Thaddeus Chester…. El…Will… E.VV… E.V.E

8:13 H.M.

Harmonious Manifestation..

Whew Damn… Woods

8:14 p.m.


Land of Milk and Honey. Sacred portal 15…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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