
5:54 pm. – E: E.D- E is 54 – E -I

5:54 pm.

E: E.D-
E is 54
E -I-9-20

E.K is 9-19-20.

I saw “a-like” and was curious yet quiet. as I wait for the Post Man- or Manifest Consequence, where I would not have called anyone, if the glitch in the circuit of Manifestation into Solid Fact into this reality of Harmony Manifestation, Harmony Consequences, Harmony E is back on at Automatic, where, and after this lull of Time- which this world and Count DR.A.CULA.
C.D. has held up, ( and kept me outside while being inside of Time and Space)

Imagine Dragons… I.D.

I just finished watching Castelvania, and now just like that, I find myself watching the anime, “Dragons Dogma” D.D.
There is no such thing as coincidence.
Just Synchronicity.
15 44 C-Town,

Now is that not O.D.D?

ADD One plus O.N.E.
T.W.O N. E.

Open Sesame.

Erika Chamberlin who I met in Paris, and who was there Before and after I went to the Light Fantastic Luminosity, and returned- And so that Drama Began.

Her mother was that African American actor who appeared in Sesame Street.

I know Count Dracula – Dragon Lord, Numbers Very well, my younge brother- Nnamdi, Alien Father.
Famous Light
Of Feelings Sensational.
And His play, our my, my True Story of Setting the Record Straight. S.R.S.

After all, he is I.
And I am Stranger, Foreigner in this world- simulation, not real or true.

Dracula was a story about Dragons, Vampires- Werewolves- Monsters, from my Brother Selves Imagination.
My Mother fears and sister courage in confronting a strange land.
See its Beauty, Harvesting it, Theresa Obregon, Laura Theresa. and evolving the Dragons Reason for burying The Treasure.
Gem Stones, Pearls, Rubies- you.

And throwing into the Trash garbage, and restoring the Garb of A.G.E and Rainiments of that most Sacred Truth Satya into living color, including all the characters you played so that that which was inside- as your Beautiful Imagination, could be turned inside out, to reveal that beautiful truth of the true heroic natures within all who are True.

6:22 pm.

Even Count Dracula had to go, to be replaced by his, her beautiful truth by leaving your behind the Garb of Age you gave us, by feeding us you Garbage and Bull Shit- hence we also leave bind for the illusionist & Liars, Terrible Death.
T.D. 20 4.
The X Factor.
Especially for that and those who Dared.

The Tape.
Akashic Records.

Oi! I am being moved!
6:28 pm.

I had no intention to post all this- so much of me, this experience, is an unraveling script.
Somewhat as how Mark Anthony and the story of Cleopatra meeting Julius Ceaser – unfurled from a carpet.
Or yes, as an Onion, Layers upon Layers which bring tears to the eyes and then reaching the center, and there is nothing.
Yet in that nothing, is planted the seed of New Life.

Chris Filgueira. C.F. 36.
Anirbas Lem 36 Mutual Facebook Friends..

* I have a strange feeling, as I lay here posting this on my belly, with ye, physical discomfort as my body unfurls in this awful last play of the illusion of Time- the Lull-Stop as well as, The Pause,
that this moment is the Most Sacred and holy moment of all in this Beautiful Exquisite but in the end positively banal and mundane story of The End.

To be honest, I can not even imagine after all I have written, that this Brother. F.L. L.F.L. A.G. E.K has anything else to say.

Holy and Sacred huh?
Yes, it’s like how a Lotus Flower.
F.L. LOT.U.S Blooms in Water and Sewage-Shit.
Bull Shit.
You Shit that you cast aside to become a real, solid fact.


But there was a real problem in getting rid of the accumulated waste of Human-animal expression- Unnatural not real.
But since this Simulation Matrix is also not real, well a solution was found-nothing to recycle, not anymore.

6:43 pm.

There was a lot to get rid of.
And the stench…
A Master Perfume had to be created, one that could transform like a Lotus Santana, the stench.
“A Perfume Scent/ Sent, one of which All Master Perfumers Pray For. ( I wrote that Poem in 1992 in Paris, “My Lady Paris”) M.L.P.

I was reflecting about how true it actually is, that I have been fighting sd my mother sadly stated, every day of my life since I was born.
I was contemplating that and my entire Life Existence, right up to last night and right here right now.

6:49 pm.

That I have never had a peace of mind- all I have done is Fight, but with my E Spirit and E-Motions- I had paused, who can conceive and give such a fate and destiny to another?
But then I said, to myself, but see what you are proving, see what you ate doing, see what you have done, called to do.

To change, transform, kill destroy but only frequencies illusions lie.
And the power it had like an indestructible and unmovable spell.

Ink Death.
Ink Heart

And obviously, the last, Ink Spell.

9-19-20, Bella… 444.
I-S-T.- S. I S Truth Satya.

I saw myself literally doing that a few days ago with Stephen Johnson- Stephen Popiotek

And Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
and Liberty C.

Will they and the lines they represented ever truly understand what it took, even after they Ascend and Awaken, after Evolving “Growing Up” but not Old in my presence, some of you have been with me for 10 years, and more…

But does it even matter?

And do I even really care?

7:00 pm

It used to matter, that someone should know, should understand, the true cost, it took to simply tell The Simple Natural Truth.


7:04pm. G.O.D.

I just got a message from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr his weed man is on his way.
Its 30 USD.
I found I have 31 USD in my wallet.

Azure A.L.F.L.
A.O. C.E S.P/ P.S.
= 1. A.

7:06 pm.

Its time I ended this post, the spell is broken.

I saw myself for the first time as a Hero, I was shown a Mirror yesterday, I feel it was my Mother or Myself as I and I.

It was nice, but do you know what, I really did not care.

7:09 pm


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