
5:54 pm – 5:55 pm – From Futuris

5:54 pm

5:55 pm

From Futurism

Most of my Facebook Friends are aware as to why I am sharing this on my News feed

But I would also like to you to be aware of Language and Perception, seen and understood from a Species behind the C – Speed of Light is and will be obviously be very different.

For this realms Perception one might call it A Vortex or a Black Hole which Aborbs everything including Light and Radiation
And for another beyond the Idea called the Black Hole, B H.
It could mean a totally different thing, even a chapter of a story narrative or even a tunnel of light in which the Black Hole could simply mean Beingy Harmonious B.H.
With every thing in Creation Existence
So where so Shall bit and cannot pass through.
Another may pass uninhibited as if passing through nothing at all.

6:04 pm


So much one can explain but that can only be understood by an Awakened World.People.

6:06 pm

Sacred Portal 66.

But if your entire reality is actually a Universal Simulation Awakening to Awarenees and your entire system of Percived reality is a Narrative in which Energy is really Expression Hatmony.
Then all you perceive all your laws will be overturned into nothing

Then Everything Harmony

And all you would see are simply symbols and Energetic Signatures

Road signs in a Story that has already ceased to exist

Definitions closed and limited of True Meaning and by Mystery as Perceptions Limited to what has become one realities Perception which not only becomes a World Universal Agreement binds and locks down other possibilities of its truth and meaning.
Until the truth of its meaning is discovered and understood by all when it is too late.

Rather than set a things in a definition and meaning I have suggested that one remains Openn Minded
Open Hearted
To other possibilities of the meaning
One would have thought by now that humanity would have understood this by now considering the new discoveries taking place about the true nature of this Universe and it’s TRUE Operatijg System not being understood at all.

Take for example the mystery of Dark Energy
Or aka Dark Matter Expression which only in the last 20 years has been observed and understood as Sixth Sense and moved by the Attention Focus of the Beholder.

6:21 pm

It takes a more Logical Immersive Art and Scienve to understand the Universe rather than just causual observations scientic.
It requires transparency in the True nature of how what is perceived as phenomena and one point of view to understand that the Entire Universe is actually in you Individually.

Thus even such phenomena such as the “Black Hole ” exists in All Natural Creations at especially all in one in Natural Harmonious Being who are literally of D.N.E.

Which in this reality is called D.N.A.

/ A.N.D. A.N Delta.

Why was it named DNA was it a coincidence?
An accident that it forms the word

And what does ” And” mean if not to Add or Join?

D.N.E…/ E.N.D.

I have a totally different way of perception of reality.

For me was represented by the appearance of Nevi Ehko
At yes, I am here with my Body aligned to Delta the 4th Realm which undercover here, I see all Humanity in a story of Thier History Memories traveling as if Lost in Space of Not Knowing.


And in my own version I am E Speaking about a Dimension called the 4 point of a square, a page of a book
4 Seasons in the Western world.
2 in others .
And the 4 Divine Breaths Expression merging into One.
4 in1 = 5.E.

And that is the Point.
The 1 point as E.

Your entire reality began as a Story.
Your Ancestors used Stories then they became allegorical Parables and Teaching tools even of Memory… as well as Hypnosis used till this very day.

What is Science in Comparison to the Art of The Stery Teller?

When it was the True Story and it’s not being understood or maligned by others placing thier meaning and ego centric ideas over it which has caused the mess that Humanity is in.

Perceiving all through one point of view when there are even in a Circle from with a point converges and merges into Nothing – Trandparent Light and in a Flash! Light.
Its gone.

Passing through a Black hole Idea?

Or the Understanding of All Creation is made of Harmony of the Nothing is Expression.

N E…. And that there is Something
Sum Thing which is the Point and that is that is what ones leaves this realm with even taking ones own body with you…but leaving behind the mystery to those left behind
The Open Secret


6:48 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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