
5:54 P.M.

5:54 P.M.



How strange is it not, that the only reason I am posting today is because of the intervention of a beautiful young woman on a park bench outside 147 The Bean between 1st and 9th, wearing a Black Cap code 47, called Nahid which means

Elevated Praised and is the Arabian name for the Goddess Venus of Love Beauty and Grace.

And yes, she looked spoke with that lanquid beauty of a Goddess in human form.

Felicia Eyiuchw Onwughalu..



Felcia happens to have 71 Facebook Friend which you may recall is the date I proved that we are in a Matrix.

It is also the code of the Silver Computer of Marina Burini gave to me, now in David P.Gils possession.

Felicia is also the name of the woman we as a family in 1972 passed through her portal in England on our way to move to Canada, a portal my mother did not wish us to pass through at all cost.

We did,

In always regraded her as the Great Witch because she looked the part complete with a mole on her nose.

We arrived in Canada in our home on Halloweens day and something had changed in all the members in my family.

I could not place it but it seemed we had passed to an alternate reality..

Which crossing the Atlantic really is.

But it affected my family in subtle ways

I lived in Silence it did not affect me..

I wondered why but it was as if I no longer full recognized my sister even my mother father – it was as the movie Spirited Away or that a part of them had gone undercover..

Less Nnamdi but I noticed a sudden change.

Something about the America the middle passage…

Anyway this is the name of that Lady Felcia..

Which actually means Congratulations

EyiUche means to Wear ones Reflections or thoughts make them Transparent.

Onwuaghalu Means Death Went or has gone away

Congratulations for wearing your reflections transparently before the entire world, for this has Death as it was known has gone away.

As with this entire play, this translation will have to be affirmed.

*Hopefully, this will include ending the torment to my body…

6:45 p.m


Intials F.E O..

Is Sacred Portal 65 O..

For the line and play of Billy Hung as consequence for his stance full Circle..

Of course, that is if I am literal doing what I said I am doing.

Our Cause and effect non stop influence the outcome of our Life’s and destinations..

One moment your on the way to being a great light next moment because of a choice made you become a literal Black Hole.


I am it would seem released from being and incarnating a life time of an Existence given to me as the Black Hole by proving non stop that I am Existence Being Harmonious…

Ah..that makes sense now, they gave me the role of the Black Hole…my whole life…


But I refused to celebrate Pain and Suffering given to me, instead I proved Existence Truth is Harmonious.


A H B…

We even have the same tattoo!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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