
5:51 PM

5:51 pm

The Body As Living Art..

T….B.A .L.A


Tom Bocek

Tom Benzian..

Anthony Bienke… A.B…

L.A!…121… 6th Sense…

*( Yes I am weaving using the Ancient and E.T Method and Wave..

Weaving a Fabric of Existence)

October 31, 2015 ยท

Departure of Beauty (Eros Narcissus Adonnai)

From the Realm of Lies and Alibis

Note the Time.. 5:51 pm .. I am in room 5A…

But really Emeka in Area 51…

10-31.. 20 15…

TEN… Rahul age 31 is on his way.. 20 T.. Truth… gave me a money code of 1 and 5 yesterday..

*Rahul just arrived…

2015… 35.. C.E… 8… H.. Sacred Portal Desire…

Eros Narcissus Adonnai.. E.N.A…

no longer D.N.A…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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