
5:51 p.m.

5:51 p.m.



A-B.G-A A.A-A.A.

B 4683195 D…. 40….


I am not sure how to begin this post… so I will just dive in and present the evidence…and facts let you judge for yourself…

Just before I left to go the Immigrations office accompanied by my Case Manager…

Traihson came over, and gave me 5 USD…

He had made almost 20 usd before breakfast.. !

I was of course going to pay him back…

I was receiving a small gift code later on…

But my focus this morning was on what would unravel today,

after the equation of the Transfiguration which Nenad M. Djurdjevic had confirmed, I knew that the play with Traihson was at completion since it is 3 Fold…

Linked to Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka Dean Dunkwu and Nenad M. Djurdjevic….

Only now, am I figuring this last riddle of this script out…

Cassandra took me down to Brooklyn to Church Ave.

My codes had consistently spoken or linked to the Church, even to the favorite band of Jonn Blackwell and Donna OSullivan…

But I knew it was really about the Church as a place of Worship

and it being the Earth and the World…As well as the Human Body and its Electro Magnetic Field…

And not the Church and the Idea of God created by man.

As I rode down I found myself chatting with Cassandra but no longer as a person who had a job to do, but more as a key part of the play.. And she responded the same way…

I spoke about the play and once more I realized just how well she covered her knowing…

She had found the place we were going, and when I asked her if she had seen the movie Divergent, she smiled… The Book is better.. She had also read Enders Game while in High School… 7th grade age 13….

I never really ever though of age before, but I began to realize that I was so very comfortable with her and Traishon and both of the were in their early twenties…

My life had seemed to end at age 22-23….And I had not really aged beyond that point…

Not in my mind or being and even body really, except for my face and turning prematurely white hair at 35…

But I also felt at the same time the weight of carrying so much of others burdens, as well as the World and this Universe…

But it was not mine.

I realized why I was so comfortable with them was not really anything to do with age bit rather a consciousness…

She understood me with out explanation and spoke to me not as an older man but as… some one on the same wave length…

Just Traishon did…

I asked here when her Birthday was..August 9th she said…

8-9/ 9-8… H.I…I.H… See sacred portal 98…Diamond Hearing…

89 ..1989.. 27 years ago… When I began Talking to the Silence…

I was age 22-23…according to present code.

Today is the 27th…

8-9/ 9-8… H.I…I.H… See sacred portal 98…Diamond Hearing…s

Then she led me to the address… 22 11…!

11 22…Cecilia David… Both Born 11 22…

The last 1 U.S.D which Traishon gave me had code 34 written on it…

I told Cassandra that this is Enders Game, and though I was eager to get out. I already knew that everything is in Harmony…

But it was just that..

… Your Role Sucks! She finished…

Needless to say the meeting at the immigration was the most ridiculous setting. It was to a place to get a Green Card….

I had even brought up deportation… yes…I really wished out and Cassandra for 4 months understood why…

But she had found a place by herself which led us to a place to help you stay in the country…

Even when we left.. she burst out Incredible Unbelievable!

I was trapped here and the only way out was to somehow get my passport!

I could not even do much with an Birth Certificate…!

But the lady at legal services called Camba.. C..A.M…B.A

Jacqueline Acobes.. told me to check for my I 94 form on line which would state when I came into the country…


Cassandra had already met Traishon…

C.T… 3 20..

Do you see where this is going…?

Bed 3002… Room 3A…Arrival in New York 3-20…last code of the 1 U.S.D…

3 2 5 D..

For some reason I kept calling Traishon to Cassandra ‘The Kid at which today she protested..

K.D was the code of the last 1 usd..

True Life.. T.L… 20 12.. 32..5..

2012.. I began Posting…E.T… E.C…

It goes on.. C.T.. 32.. 23….

And today I came back after hanging out with Cassandra I then hung out with Traihon but this time I went to McDonald’s with him where he does his hustle…

I sat inside…

The money code had come but did not accept his I.D.. which was strange because everywhere we saw the number 23 appear usual a code of Harmony yet I had felt some unease.. nothing bad but a sixth sense that it would be delayed.

Apparently, I did not even require an I.D this time…

Nor a middle man…

All I had to do was get the sender to ask me a test question…

So it was delayed and Traishon took it upon himself to find me money to buy my American Spirits… A.S..

I really did not require it today, I would have preferred it but..

Yet he insisted..

Then he asked me if I checked the money for codes.. a marked number…

I had refused to check… I was sick of this play and Cassandra had hinted as we parted that I might perhaps like to ‘Work’ and write instead of heading back to Delta Manor…

I had to come up and meet Traishon for money code which was

M.T.C.Number 082 676 29800..!!

I walked around for a bit, dazed but not really surprised, as I thought to myself- I can not continue to live in this Program..

Traishon had asked me not to call it a Play anymore..

This is not a play….. and he is write….

It is more like a video game.. a computer game..

And so, I did not look at the money he gave me for marked bills..

I was tired of this…

But as I sat at 1980 McDonalds while Traishon who was pleased that I had come with him, to see Where my sandwich’s come from’ he remarked.

I chose not to burst his bubble by stating that I never ate McDonalds… well hardly ever…

But he made 10 dollars in 40 minutes…plus food.

I know he did not like to hustle and ask people for money…

But he was stoic about it.. until I get a job…

Or you The Creator…manifest it…

He stated that I was The Creator as if he had figured it out, knew I was undercover and that I had agreed to enter a System program to get my family the E who could not come down from their minds in the 4th Dimension until the bridge had been formed…

Since Nenad M. Djurdjevic;s revealtion yesterday my body has been acting as though it is about to experience the Transfiguration and Transformation.. but I was over that, 16 years is a long time to be given false alerts, despite it seeming more real than ever….

My problem of course, is my inability to conceive that such a play could be intentionally scripted and foisted on someone to play…

Especially me. yet each day the confirmation of that fact grows stronger and stronger…

7:04 p.m.

Enders Game is in my bag right now. I began reading the Authors introduction.. I recognize his voice…

The same way that Cassandra sated when I asked her about what she thought about The Elegant Nomad…- You go into the Truth of people…You just dive in to retrieve the Truth of People..

But what she kept on saying was that she can hear my Voice…

My speaking voice through the pages.. which in itself is the highest compliment…

But Enders Game is about Gifted Children.. G.C..E..

And I realized that is what my work has always been about.. Gifted children..

From myself called Special and the Boy with 50 Talents and the burden which gifted children feel, the Isolation which was made manifest in me through my having to Talk to The Silence because I could not find people who I could converse with who could relate to the way I saw things…

And hence, my journey beginning in 1989, to find my Family..

People such as myself, where there was no requirement to explain…

Everything you say Emeka is Logical, even the end of the world scenario as being the evolution of both the System and Nature…’

Cassandra said in that errily calm manner…

After I had asked her why she did not think me Out there or mad…

And so when I sat at the McDoanald’s uncomfortable with Traishons Pan Handing, yet aware as I had told Cassandra, that this was a Script…

He asked me to check if there was a code in the money he had given me….

Then he had asked me for two dollars in exchange for 8 quarters…

I said I would give him only 1 dollar.. and gave him the one dollar… which left me with one…

I looked at it as there was the code staring at me… it was marked with the number 40…

That is three One Dollar Bills he had given me. one after the other.. after I had met up with Rob Barr and Shannon… and the 100 usd which was marked with 500 or 5000…

To the First one # F.D R Music Cinq…. i

Then the First with a code from Traishon was marked with the number 20… then the one marked with 34…

And now this one marked with 40…

20.. T.. Truth Traishon

34..C.D… (11 22)

40…D.O… T.C.D.D. 20 3.. 23…5 56..(11) 1..4 4..18 16..(7) .8 O

20 34 40…. 94!.. I.D…

I require no I.D to pick the code monies!

Just a re-arranged test question….

T.C..E… E.C.T… E T.C… 5 3 2… 3 2 5….that was on the last one dollar bill..

Three 1 Dollar Bills…

the second one had K.. this one has B… K.B…

B 46 58 31 95 D


I had received a text from Vivian Lavey… which confirmed 1331…Time was set on.. even though the clock she had looked at was an hour late.. it was stuck on that time….

And then 7…

B.D… Brandon Dement

46 Sacred Portals 46 First Drop

58 Spirited Away..

31.. Resurrection… Anastasia Hart.. A.H..

95…Departure from Her Fear of the Void…

/ D. E.I…A.C…H.E…F.D…B…

Room 4B… D.B…

D is the Example Eternity Infinity Awareness Consciousness

(13-31… 4 4) Harmonious Existence Fifth Dimension.. B!



Of the Infinite Ache of the Fifth Dimension Body.. Being..

Which was meant to be the unbearable (Bearable) Lightness of Being..

8:05 p.m.


It is as a stated… all my posts are my programing coding with the use of words…

This is the language of this current generations C.O.D.E…


8:07 p.m.


8-9/9-8… 98.. Sacred Portal Diamond Hearing…

I asked here when her Birt(

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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