
5:49 PM

5:49 pm.


E Sacred Portal 49.


A-Y.T B A.

Yesterday, I was challenged, one more time by Nature and by The People whom it moves.

It was nothing really, but suddenly I became so very tired.

I realized that I was sick, not sick of body, but with interacting with people of this world… all still asleep.

I found myself asking Kamorah to bring me something over, I despise asking anyone for anything, even if it is their designated role given to them,:

– and Good Lord!, not by me

But by the one whom I call the Dark Prince.

Dark Phoenix.

5:57 pm.

E: E.G.

I knew it was a play again last night… but I am done with alerting people, not after all I have done for them, You

which He and S.HE have made me do for you and each of the candidates- the elected and the chosen ones as possibilities to join the ranks of the Eternal Family

Everyone had a part to play, including me.

This morning I saw Kamora’s message and responded.. at 5:11 pm, I responded once again.

I knew what it meant, the Time Code.

But I really have explained enough, something Kim, understands so well, telling me to explain no more.

I had explained and explained for one reason only, yes partly for Kamora, but really which was to do whatever was required to end my being part of this world, its people… For I realized that is why I felt so sick, yesterday night, it was not me who was sick, it was the effect of living in this world and this Script.This world, its people and having to be constantly involved with its people, alerting them, calling people out, correcting them dealing with Adults teetering between Grown ups, and adult Monsters, and thier constanly being aroused to the correct focus and then back to their old way of perceiving and adding insult to injury now enhanced by my activation.Their constant need for supervision, persons proven perfectly aware and moving with perfect sixth sense to A Fact and done unwillingly by me.

Indecision? No, forgettfulness, perhaps or maybe just driven by thier own ambition so blind that they forget over and over again what this is and that they are in the play of The Presence and the one used to lay and enact out Its Source. Using my tools. the tools of supernatural powers for ther self serving purpose and not the evolution of All Existence and being attentive that they are in an Enders Game.

Ignoring it completely unless reminded and called to order…

Sick in body being and spirit on focusing on them, this world and being involved with them every day and night and day with this play of bringing people home.

When it had nothing to do with them, you really but the lines of the One who is TWO.

6:04 pm.

To acting as a crossing guard of people acting like kindergarten children- the illusion of them who do not know how to pay attention or even how to cross the street.

Instead of the Universal Sensei directing each to their merited and earned their allotted destination after evolution or Existential Death… Yes, this realm is Death as the Lie.

Truth is not recognized, not even the most exquisitely beautiful truth which an entire species has been waiting for…

Why, is it becaause I, we do not look the part?

But we came in your dreams as i told you, throuh yoiur dreams and imagination to act out all the roles and plays which caused you fear.

Like Gandal[h and all these stories which sprung from your imaginations were we did enter and reside.. to inspire yourselves to see how we see you- without the garb of age and fear.

To arouse and awaken in the allotted time, to awaken the ones from a coma – comma. pause-death as forgetfulness, rescuing you from the Jaws you were headed for as D A D – the Maws jaws Grip of terrible Death.

But that play was over in 2001 when I wrote The Elegant Nomad begun at the end of 2001 and completed January 2002.

22 when I rose 6 7 months later.

And again The Elegant Nomads completed October Halloween 2004.

Yesterday’s date was 24.

The Family of T E N the E Family.

-from a play script not of my own design or making, but a Translation Version ( T V) of my twin self rising as another version of I. M.E, whose design was frankly a waste of my time.

Except for my reaching Arden via line of Esteban Kim E K Stephen Kim. S K. who came closest in the Enders Game Video play in acknowledging me as The Source- and the respect that role deserves.

E Kim.

Eternal Knowing through my Expression Knowledge which activated him and he recognized.

Just as it flowed naturally through Stephen E M F, from beginning to End. A -Z.

And that was not even necessary, as they represented the Alien Council as Children, Beautiful Illusions, I came for only that which is already Fact -Real Energy Expression.

Those already Free.

After all the effort, all that was endured to arouse and awaken you in the language you are accustomed to especially, Imagination Pictorials, Fim Moving Logic Reason: Common Sense of instead vested self-interest.

Even babies and children do not act this way.

That is why instead of being described as Beautiful Illusion O-12-18… Lights Radiance, Living room – Space of Eden Eternal spring, most were instead called by Terrible Death, and even myself at one point, the liars and the expression of the lie.

Natures Children.

Nature source as False.

To be honest, I never had to faith or trust in such a play and script,espeically by what i had already lived and how i was fragged here to New York at age code 33. After already been here in 1999 age code 32.

The lack of my having Free Will and Choice was obvious to me via Durrek Verret and others who came that time, that this was not of the E. it was of Nature and the ancestors and the mixture of the Beautiful Ancestors held hostage from rising via the Body by Nature claiming to be God.

3.2 months at kims, 3.2 months at Esteban’s portal before even he was kicked out.

Esther Cecil. E C.

Isabell Cecil. I C.

32 32 is 64.

1 64= 65.

The illusion I was asked to occupy as my year of birth.

Why would any one, require numbers as proff, codes, can you not recognize those who are naturally on the same frequency as you.

Is that not where Fidelity, Love, Expressions rises as a Fact Manifest.

6 12.

6 13.

Numbers represent that you do not exist, do not know, do not see yourself or others.

If it is by numbers and Codes you recognize Fact Clarity, then it means you do not exist.

But even I have been stunned to the point of quiet, by the depth of the lack of respect of the facts and proofs presented to you all. And where you still place your priorities, that prioritize where you place your needs first, over the awakening of your species from such an awful existence, way of being which has given you such a world.

I am still just an after thought, and all I represent…

You have no idea how my mouth constant drops open, in incredulous amazemnt, at the suerety of what each persons, group, community, and their ego’s even after washed clean, proven true and alerted to the play script have contributed to it, seen its manifestation still respond.

But not even I could have predicted the level of response- despite it being a play of Death and Destruction.

How blaze and glib, clearly anyone would translate this as supreme indifference with a touch of interest when you are vaunted and codes with praise of what you were proven to be destined to be.

And what an absolute waste of expression, energy, and breath, and even awareness and focus on that which has confirmed already that it does not exist.

* ( yes it begs the question does it not, then where is the family of T E N and the one I call beautiful Death who have really kept me here and no manifestation complete.)

I used to torment my mind, at how could it be this bad.

The Ego- the self-entitlement, the ignoring of evidence, facts, acts proofs given to each of you- the refusal to do you homework or participate in your own evolution awakening… At this point!?!

When it is everywhere you look,.

But of course, it is Greed, Self interest and Self Promotion despite the guises and mask- hence the lie when the mask is uncovered, its not about the Facts, or caring about the people of this world, the cruelty which so many people live through, the poverty, starvation, rapes, murders, children being abused- concern is all plastic- cosmetic. Many of you already know this, that is why you trust no one, and my Sum made me provide the Facts, in your language to my vehement protests.

H.E I can understand, the compassion and passion he felt, I once felt.

But this world’s arrogance and the conceit that your petty. THat desire to be the boss, the one, the complete lack of Empthay and Compassion revealed that you really have for your fellow man-woman beings. The focus on everyday realities, your Agenda’s being the ones in Control…

All that being more relevant than the possibility of your world awakening and being transformed.

Of spreading the Beautiful NEWS or touching base at Head Quarters to make it happen…

This truly is the Most Terrible Dream at which at all cost, after doing everything requested of me and eating a Shit filled Humble pie to move through these last 53 years and especially the last 19.10 years.

S J.

10:19 pm… 10:20 pm.

J S… J T.

There is no one here.

I suppose that is what my posting today is about, walking in my truth- Yesterday’s play, Today and Tomorrow ( Y TT Sacred portal 100) is really about, right up till this early evening at 5:11 pm when I was prompted to look at my computer Facebook messages which you have no idea how much I loathe.

Using groceries need, placed in others hands right to the end, and having to see what it really means.

The evidence, that No one is here, which I posted yesterday.

And that is what I quietly surmised at 5:11 pm.

No one is Here Present apart from Kim and Jae and now serenity in bodies physically present and only one in the Consciousness of understanding the play.

No one truly recognizes the presence of The Creator or The Source moving everything, including your destiny- determining your destiny.

E D S ( E D EN )

E Dharma Santana. Eternal Law= Q.H.

E D= 9. EN = 19.

9 19

I S.




/ The Source I. E K

I S.

It makes me want to move my head and roar in laughter.

and say, Alright, I understand, i get it, can we move on now to the My Resonse that this Room with a view this Space Universe World Awakening belong to me, and not you, And I shared everything with you so you would be qualified and be able to enjoy that which you could never have imagined as beautiful.

So trust that which you are used to, and that which is your point of view, and your eyes which see only that which you choose to see.

Can we move on now, I am satisfied by your response, and how you are when I am present and worse when I am not there.

10:33 pm,

You can understand how I simply wish to move on to the next stage.


The Terrible.


Because despite the evidence and work non stop He imposed upon me to alert you to his presence, and that it is he who is moving everything, your life, your works, your jobs, you’re staying at home…


Belongs to he who is the meaning of H O M E. and Homme.

And still, there is no response which acknowledges this.

They will not respond until it is too late.

People had called it out, a few throughout the years, that the people of this world will not acknowledge the Presence of the Truth and the beautiful truth until it is too late.

That I was aware of, but this…?

So were many of you.

You know the world and its people, you have interacted with them, seen then with their masks and mastery of lies and trickery.. saying I am for real, I am genuine, and then a moment later…

After all, that was endured, so that you would have the evidence of it being a fact.

Dear Lord… of course, yesterday I felt sick.

So, I suppose, I am posting today, to complete that which I posted yesterday and that the line of Kim as an Individual ( they very few) who would rise in the second wave, and Terrible Deaths rage of making it so difficult for any person or line from this realm be added to the E Family, because of how bad the mentality of this reality is.

Yes, I am moving everything, but through his script, of which he sets you up in situations in which he allows you to chose how to respond, and through that, he makes his final decision.

He makes his choice.

This about E K moves the 11 back to 1.Awareness -Awakening

Alexander -Arden- Aurelia.

And so when I finally walked to my computer, with and the code on it was 1 14.

Yes, 114 Grant Moore.

A.N. / Neil Armstrong, Man On the Moon. M O T.M./ MT -OM.

114 Grant More 114 G M ( 7 13= 20 T)

Keith Grant Bed 53, I am still confined in the age code 53 and 36 ( minus 17 Ardens age)

W Brad Pitt 12-18-63.

Keith Grant.. KG; A F K G= 25.

G M the two boys at the Fair.

It was never meant to still be at 26. A-Z, Thanksgiving Day A-Z which took place when I met Zion at Jesse’s place, was already done.

With Kim it was done again… as if a force could not bear that Kim would be released Gold WORLD WORD. Golden Bond, Golden Gun

A N G M.

Arden/ Alexander 147 Manifests.

Not A Ng as code for Nigeria.

114 is yes the birthday of Kim Arthur Hinds and- but this was not about Nigeria or my bio family, it was a play of the two E A, a man, and his youth.

Nor was it about the Alien Council of the babies children – already played out in perfection by Jeron Satya S Lang.

It was about the two Lines in One.

O E A.-F. O C E A N. 11 and 8

114 A-A.D. = 6.F. 15 letter O is actually 6. F Ferrill code.

Keith Grant bed 53.

E C.

Eternal Consciousness.

Expression Communication.

Energy Constant.

It was not about me teaching, lecturing, reminding people constantly.

If they were actually the E C then they would enact that truth without my being present or having to fight to get them to pay attention.

It was meant to be Total Recall.

And yes, rescuing you from The Terminator.

My priority was never rescuing them, but to find the E Family and in truth, they recognize me instantly and know exactly how to respond because they created the code names, in which I would recognize them instantly, played out in perfection by 16 year old Arden.

I am the original 114 Grant Moore. This is why I landed there, the first day I arrived in Connecticut, and was lodged there by Esteban-Stephen Miquel Filgeruria.

But it was also an indication of my mission brief, who to bring home.

Its not coincidence that I am at with Kim at the End.

Beginning at 114 G M entered the 5th State and completed of the 5th state E Kim with the Bystander Jae S.

Or that Serenity is here age 5.

Or that Jeron turns 23 months today W V V.

E- 2-25-2019.

Aligned to Arden 6-12-2003

F L W F L VV. 6-12=18.

Alexander Grove. 23= 5 E.K born 8pm

I am the original 114 A-A D, A N, K D- see Nathaniel Thomas Bywater born 4-11. I met him with the code OM on his hat and he gave me the perfect response confirmation and intel of the play i was in in the spirit world and what was done to me and the challenger and the great Serpent as the Woman claiming supremacy and the Shamans who took over Father Natures Truth.

Intel which I already knew, but which he confirmed.

that was the play of Beautiful Youth as well as the Naturals as Extraterrestrials representing without being awake or in memory the Eternal Truth and expressing it with 6th sense.

They were meant to come to me, not me coming to search for him… Her them until finding out why they were delayed by nature as truth denying them entrance into the play and this World Story, not allowing them to rise in this world but only in the 5th dimension by proving it real through this insidiously evil play in 5th state Connecticut- proving the E in such a setting.

hindering the E who instantly provide the intel, they waited for me to acknowledge as they being undercover and aware, and I would solve their codes, as it was agreed.

But this notion of having to coddle, endure the insults and insubordination of that which could not recognize their own source, source vibration and knowing, doubting it challenging it, denying it, say yes, then no Prove it to me?!

And evolve them to the E by training them, coaching them without paying Tutition as is the law here, or by not paying tution saying that it was of no value to me, the knowledge…

When these are your literals laws ( including Student Debt) and if you do not pay and say it was of no value to me, then you are negating the very knowledge which brought you into existence and so you can not it exist.

Can you not see how absurd and ridiculous to me.

To E -A -E Family?

10:57 pm

Having to acknowledge that which does not exist, and that which is yet to exist in a nonexistence reality where truth is denied as well as common sense because if some part of you does not acknowledge your source, or some part of you do, yet you make everything about you, and not the evolution awakening of the everything.

It obviously means that you do not exist. That is common sense.

It was never about rescuing the Children to become grown-ups and join the E Family, if you were qualified then it would happen naturally.

Yes, a new species and the line was being formed, a version of which when they graduated that that line would join the Eternal Family, but that was to happen naturally as reflected by Jeron Satya’s play.

A Baby, Aurelia a 14-year-old, then.

Jeron came to me, and gave me the codes nonstop, he found a way to communicate with me, using body language, his toys, everything he could and he was constant from beginning to end. Aware – Expression which led to the facts.

I was never meant to come to Kim’s apartment and he was not even meant to be here, he came here because of Esteban and I suppose my self, nor did he orchestrate it, which is why I only did the work with him, here.

And yet it only he who qualified based on his merit, and the chance he gained by having me here.

And why in theory and practice he gained from this and I was able to align him to the truth of Alien Council to Alien Father and finally to Aurelia and now Arden.

But the 53 E C= H .O.

53 E C= I. his Eternal Spirit qualified but his Human Avatar self can not rise on the first wave, but the second because of what his human self played out- meaning that there is a pause for him to merge by himself to the E Family when I am gone and because I am aware at how well I indented it into him and his own dedication I see only he and the few of his line on the other side.

Its is obvious that something wished Kim to Fail at all costs.

forgetting that Kim was one of the very first person i met when i arrived and that he came to 900 South Road.

I know who betrayed him. you should have figured this out by now, that which challenged him and who I had to fight a being not of Light or love or Lightness but simmering resentment of the W O R D moving to W O R L D.

W O R C D.


11:04 pm.

And just look at the battlem how long have I been posting just of Kim?

I did not do this at Esteban’s portal he was mostly in Oregon or at other apartments, one part of him I knew wished to give me space.

No one piggybacks a ride on my back.

No one can put their needs before The Presence and The Source E or the Evolution awakening of a world so corrupted and full of such a lie of being in existence, that they put their needs and desires before the Evolution Awakening of this realm.

No one.

E C is Empathy Compassion- Humanity.

E C is E Cee’s I… Infinitely.

Believe me, I do not care who sees me, shows empathy and compassion for me, it was my other Selves play and the E Family rising now.

5:57 pm.

My one desire as you all know, was to get away from this world people and its condescending mentality of which people place their needs and desires before the evidence -facts of the evolution and awakening of an entire realm.

Whatever enacts that, tell me what else can they be of existence?

Any thing of E K?

Hence, no is one here.

This is Non-existence.

114 Grant Moore…?

A whisper came to my ear as I lay in bed.

Moore is E -Room.

8:00 pm.

meaning that the moment i stepped into 114 Grant Moore, Connecticut the 5th State.

I was in the version of the play of the E Room.

A Shabby Motel is what Natures Ancestor as N A 14 1, had given me as reception as their response to me Eternal truth.

This is why I arrived here already in fury, and the Black Panther appeared as I stepped out of my room, and stood in front of Pan-Era restaurant.

It was already fait accompli.

All of this was just a waste of my time, and in a way, it was really about rescuing only Esteban’s Spirit and Kims Body

8:07 pm.

And Chris Filgueria Christ consciousness leading me to 900 South Road to Chris Gemino.

Everything was already done complete by the time I reached 900 South Road.

Please see Sacred portal 114.

It depicts 3 lines a child and then an American Indian as Nnamdi and then the Viking Shadow as the Shadow of death shadowing, trailing the Two and the Shadow Viking aligns to Arden’s Liscomb ancestry.

Recall the cemetery at Yale, Liscomb- Dunn

L D.

L D- 16.

It was rescuing them actually from me.

As Eternal Law E L= 12 5 =17.

8:16 pm,

I have Estebans E-Spirit.

And now I have Kim’s Body -Ego.


5 7 O.


F G/ G F.

5 7O

5 7 6.

Enders Game Fact Victorious Awakening.

Yes, it was E Father as W Brad Pitt who insisted that I rescue his line, now reverted back to mine- from himself as the most terrible Dream- The Most Terrible death for the disrespect to his Source, a man he sent into terrible death as Guide Father- and transform him back from Rage Terrible Death and back to himself as Beautiful Death- The Transformer


Transformer at Delta Manor.

8:20 pm.

H T.

8:22 pm.

H V.

Done His way, a way in which did not take in my point of view.

E K… is not me as Emeka Kolo.

represents the rescuing the Beautiful Truth, of Eternal Knowing, played out by Esteban -Stephen Filgueria and Kim Arthur Hines, and Kamora Liberty-Jae S.

I did not require to prove it in the Sacred Feminine because this was about the Y Chromosome and the Y is not a gender, it is those who have retained the Eternal Being of Youth.

And Youth recognizes and knows how to respond to the Presence of The Source and his expression of the Truth Naturally.

114 Grant Moore.

E Room T N A R TG 411

God is Truth. D.A-A. D K. O…

O G M/ M G O.

F G M/ M G F.

It wasn’t you or your truth I was proving, It was His… His Hers.

And in his truth of the All existed all of you and that proof that his creation and expression was perfect and that he was alluding through this script constantly to me as C E…

Consciousness Example of Harmony which reaches infinity as I.

Representing the Individual Constant Expression of Devotion to the truth even to the death and beyond and no matter what I .. we are made to endure.

But to not take this seriously, to forget what this is, and whom you are addressing, despite 9 years and 1 month of constant addressing, reminding, prompting…

You can understand how this is all extremely absurd to me personally.

And why there is not an iota of forgiveness in me, for him but more especially this world.

What is death?

To me, it is the ultimate relief, of leaving this realm, its inhabitants, this constant sickening

8:39 pm.

Leaving my body, at this point is a price I willingly pay, just to get away.

But I am still here, obviously because it was about completing His script, and one blind spot, which transforms him to E Completion from Terrible Death, rep in the Universal Simulation Awareness U S A from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. J B.

*Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is an American politician serving as the 46th and current president of the United States. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the 47th vice president from 2009 to 2017 under Barack Obama and represented Delaware in the United States Senate from 1973 to 2009. Wikipedia

Grandchildren: Natalie Biden, Finnegan Biden, Maisy Biden, Robert Biden II, Naomi Biden, Beau Biden Trending

Born: November 20, 1942 (age 78 years), Scranton, PA

Height: 6′ 0?

Spouse: Jill Biden (m. 1977), Neilia Hunter Biden (m. 1966–1972)

Children: Hunter Biden, Beau Biden, Ashley Biden, Naomi Christina Biden


J R B. Robinette means Faucet- Tap in French.


Yes, I met Robin in Belsize Park with David Campillo, Eric, Nicky.

( little Nicky as Kim often quotes)


46th President- See Sacred portal 46- 64.

J R B. / B R O Jay.

11-20-19 42. KT ( Kings Temple) A-A T S BD…

Age code 78./ 87.

Chris A Filgueria 1987.

Kim A Hines 11-4-1987.

Larazo Dorado – 9-11-1987.

Do the math, it links to Kim as in meaning Gold:


Larazo-R. Golden.

Lazarus Golden-

Thus Spoke Zarathustra – Nietchze

meaning Return of the Eternal Hero of The Golden Dawn

H O T G D.

An Entire Story held up to complete the essay i wrote when I was 7-8.

8:56 pm.

held up by the Beautiful illusions B I in the lions Lie-Ons Den?


I, living in what was my bio Fathers former Den age 7-8.

Me, the Lie ions Den instead of the L-IONS DEN?

Beings I D is EN… Enfin…smh.

Emamual Nnamdi

Eternity- Naturalness.

E N= 19. Letter S. 10 J…

Satya Jeron. = 29 B I.

10= 1O AO… Athena Olympe.


Arden Fred…Kim-Keith- Kolo Grant- MO-ORE.

46 in the past. 42 is the Story of 24… E M F.

12 12 1 24 25. Y… B E.-A M.E K -A.

The Past, Your Past holding up The Present. The Present and instead of taking advantage of that windfall, it was taken for granted… that perhaps there is no awakening after all.

Back to business and usual and that the one who was used to prove that The Source is a man, all his evidence efforts facts are thrown into the garbage, making it concrete that you think me, all of this, the long waiting ( for you) makes me the ultimate Fool.

Because your awakening is my responsibility, not yours.

9:07 pm.

I have nothing to gain, from doing all this, except being released from all this work imposed upon me, and now I am of complete indifference, simply content that I have responded to Everything and All whether I leave my Body or not, its irrelevant now.

Nothing can change my mind about my conclusion of this script and its response.

And I am the source of nothing and nothingness.

9-11 pm

The past went too far as well as this idea of what was God.

I live in the present and the present is all there is.

The past does not inform the present, in the Present the sum total of all that was and could ever be, is present and it simply IS.

9:12 pm

Conclusion – J R B.I D E N

You now know who the original is.

And that this is not your Awakening as you have proven by denying and taking action movement acknowledgment public or privately, so it is your Extinction and the awakening only of the E and evolution awakening of the A-K..Being Aware Of All Facts.

11:15 pm

K O. Aligned Kamora and Olusanye Bey.

A-A O.

A -A A .

Each to thier role. I have got Isaiag line and Olusanye Bey.

Kamora line, this last play if her line goes out with a Bang of stays to rise, is enturely up to her and her line and what she, they decide to act out.

Terrible Death as Prince P.R IN C E

Natures as Cruelty. N C

W BP… Kali Aurelia line I will Eternal Arden, will them this one to Judge, themselves, I will abstain from this particular case.

11:20 pm.

K T.

K B O. O K .. E K

Good, I let you be the judge it was not my play script nor my idea I just obeyed… you.

11:21 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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