
5:47 p.m.

5:47 p.m.

E-D.G…11 28…. K..A-A B.H…

8-21-37…10..1 O..

H-U-C.G… H.U.J… H.U.A.O…

21-8-1 O….



I write this post, as I have written most of my post during the last 5.5 years, to the Future Present in you.

Todays Date is the Code… H.U…

And we have experienced the Total Eclipse…

And I have already received the private response acknowledging that it was the Challenge of the Elementals- Titans Elves Fairies…

E.F…5 6… Expression of Sixth Sense…

The Power of the Universe as Energetic Frequencies…

Order Logos.. O.L.. Code Orien Laplante The Great Spirit

I.Q… Intelligence Alpha… Awareness.

Who challenged and Lost the Alpha Bet..

Yes, you can call them E.T.

They have responded privately, some moments ago and through the codes which I have been intercepting and reading publicly (decoding and translating) – while responding.

Of course, to tell me privately, is not enough.

It must be done publicly, made aware in All Human Awareness.


For there is nothing, not even I am able to rationalize that what they literally did was possible, despite my seeing it in startling detail. Just how far the Universal Simulation -Computer they took over to declare that they were and are the Builders and Maintenance Crew behind the Logos of Nature and Creation.

The young Japanese Chines American lady moved over to the Woods side, a while ago.

And Robert V sits besides me with his One Punch Man..

O.P.M….Yes, it is me…

O Physical Material….E.O…P.M…Brings the True Sun Set…

Total Eclipse.

T.E… O… 20 5…15…

The 8 Ball of Destruction she represents in MY Equation, moved by my Will is the not in the Metropolitan section it is in the Woods Section.

W is 23…

M is 13…

23 Double U..? That is called the Woods Nature line is Will…

Will Woods… WW…2323.. 46… They as Human Spirit…

There is no such thing as a Human Being… Human Body…

Humans are Shadows. Spirits.. more like Ghosts.. Programs.

They are not real.

Just as the Body is not real.

The only thing which was temporarily real was their journey through the Reflection Milky Way to become…

M.. Manifest… M=13…31.. Robert… Lisa Natalie Johnson confirmed. ( God Son 31 years old and she quoted what he said to her when he was 13… 31…is 44… I am in room 4 bed 4 at Delta=4.. 4 4 4….E=C,EMe 4/3….)

There is no Double you as Spirit and Body…

6:09 p.m.

69… No such thing.

Only Manifest Fact M.F… OF Being One.



Manifest Embodiment of the Full Circle of Symmetrical Perfection.

Thus, the young lady seated in the Woods as the 8th ball the chain reaction added with Sacred Portal 114 ( The E.T Shadow) and the Shadow cast on the Earth during this Total Eclipse covering 48 States from Oregon the 33rd State to South Carolina the 8th state…

( I have 8 USD and 60 cents in my Wallet.. 86…14..N…5..E… 48…x is the Past the Body is the Past Manifest in the present…8888…North East West South… 16 16.. 32…3+2=5..e.

There is no Double U…V.. Double Victory.. yes.. double Understanding, Double of You, Double Universe…?..Non?)

Thus.. yes… the activation of the death of anything and anyone i duality…

48 States… Sacred Portal 48… Death as Transformation or not at all…

Transform to What… Twins?

Tom.. ?


No One.. Mot…Word… The World and the Word in one Expression. WW…

The Middle way… That which Divides… Kasien Thompson..

Kasiens means that which distributes… Shares.. New Intel..

Beautiful Truth… The Twin Beings are One…

World and the Word.

Hence, this post is the Coding through the Word, of the Absolute and Total destruction of anything that is not in the Eternal Harmony of the Manifest Embodiment…

M.E… E M E… K A…. K.O…L.O….W..E.

As I once stated, over and over again 2/3rds of the World population cease to exist, because of holding onto old ideas, programs, beliefs…

The Extension of the Last 5 years, which was against the Original Plan did not do anything but make things worse, and put those who sustained and retained True Nature and unfair burden of added suffering. All in the name of a Harmony of the Feminine nature being conned by her Two Brothers that Love is Compassion for those who do not even exist.

And she not being able to tell the difference because if the flip flopping of the Twins, seeking to find a way to clean up a mess they made, but only in succeeded in making it worse, by not coming out and stating their intentions and ASKING for help.

I will not go into that…

I do not expect anyone to believe what I am saying or Even Announcing what I am doing… Not unless you have done as I have, which is to go back and read the entire script to see the Evidence.

Which is why I was never concerned with the Non Existence Opinions of People who had no idea how to be their true Selves, and no Hueman being would have allow me here alone posting the and solving the Riddles of Existence…

Only the Line of B.V.K.L… the 444… 12…And the Reflections… Add 6… The 18… Are here with me represented.

And none of them are with me in the Shelter Delta Manor…

I am alone there.

I am thus, completing today the code of the destruction of the Human Body and the Human Being… The Spirit World.. The Great Spirit as of this Moment.

Why America and not Africa…?

Because America .. Emerica gave birth to Efrica…


Pangea.. The One Great Original Land Mass…

One Universal Body…

Was..IS America.. ;Land of the Free…

The True A.M..E.R.I..C.A…

Africa was the birth of the Slaves.. The Ones who left the Garden of Eden and who became enslaved by Fear…

Who had questioned the Creator’s as the Creator and thus were invited to go out and Explore the find their Truth.

Out of Africa…Return…

Thus the Destruction of this Lie interface Story represented in this realm in the Physical Geographical rather than the Energetic, which this World Parallel Universe

now set up to be destroyed, not the land mass, but the Energetic Expression of it…

The Shadow.. cast by the eclipse, is simply and Energetic Representation of you own stories…

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff…

The Healthy from the Unhealthy…

And so, 2/3rd will perish… not die…

Simply Cease to Exist…

It takes place in the Blink of an eye…

That is the Power of Harmony…To infinity.

Which I was forced to set up for 48 years of my life… and 4-42 to set up when it was already written.

Harmony is the true form of Order Logos…

That which Humans can not imagine, could not see, just as you could not see the links I could see… but which made sense in Hindsight…

Such as Pawan Arora P.A… 16…1…Public Anouncement

17…Q.. Quintessential that you pay attention and Transform your expression and align it to Total Eclipse of the Heart

Bonnie Tyler…

Lisa Tylor… To the Beautiful Truth… Love is True…

Being True is Loyalty… to the that which you have always known to be true.

B.T… 22…

L.T…. 32….


6:47 P.M.

Sacred Portal 47… Which you noticed is when the post started and where we are not….

5;47… 6;47….5 6… 47 47… Is Sacred Portal Enter the Abyss

All activated by what I was made to live and manifest right to 10 months in Delta Manor….

47 47… 94… I.D…

56..94…. E.F….I.D….E.L…

11 13…

11 11… 13/31….

1-4… 4 4…

Angela Dawn…?

Alexander David Dionisio… yes… A.D.D…Jose

1 13… A.M…

1.4… A.D…After Death…

Every one is about to Die…

Everyone but those who rise, wake up will find themselves in a New World.

Everyone will Sleep…

But not everyone will wake up…

Only 1/3.. 1 3… A Promise I made…

A Promise Kept… Sacred Portal 31.. See it…Rebuilding Erection Reconstruction

Rise ass Immortals.. With Immortal Bodies… I.B… 9 2…

Self Regenerating…

And those whose bodies can not… simply means they are not in one…

Not of 5-28… The Love Frequency…

5;28 Hrtz…

The A.X.E.L… 1 24…5 12…..1 6…5 3… 1 6 8….

Pawan Arora shared my Sacred Portal 46…First Drop… Fifth Dimension… See the Time Schedule of the Eclipse Landing I decoded for you.

Pawan means ‘Purifying Wind…

* See the Transformer code at Delta Manor… B.Q.P.W..

Arora… means Dawn…

Yes the E.T… Extra Terrestrials 5-20- 73… Which is me as Oboom Boom!… That power of Unity Harmony…

U.H… E.U.H… To destroy Humanity… H.U…MAN IT Y… All the Horror Yes… They were the cause but the E.T went to Far…

Humanity are not real.. That was YOUR Test … As was the test of by Twins Sons Brothers and Sister Line Noni.. Lisa to discern that which is True and False… That which is a movie… a Drama and that which is Real Actual True Life…

That was YOUR Test to enter the Realm of the Beautiful Devil… Moi.. the Boogie King and the Boogie Man…

To enjoy Sex.. Sensuality Touch … Feelings Sensational…

Yes No…

You were also being Examined too…

Everything was being examined… To qualify to Evolve…

And you dared to Test and Exam me…

The Tester Checker… E.T.C… I.E…?

Ah.. Well I have passed your Test…

Seen how far you went because you were given the power of being nearest to the Source..

But Surprise! Surprise!…

The Source is A MAN…

H.U.E…M.AN… IT… Y… It is Why there YEE…

Without I.E.. You can not Exist… But I exist easily with you or even that power you used to challenge me, and still I won…

And am Victorious…

Begone with the Humans you loath so much into the Abyss

You deserve each other and are an equal match in that ability to sustain the Conciet of Hatred and Superiority…

But Evil…?

Pure Evil which is Blameless… ?

There as you have seen I am Supreme…

I do not use any of those your tools of Manipulation Torture Torment…

I simply allow you to Belief in what you have chosen to Believe and I even give you the Hope and The Rope to hang yourself…

H.R..O.P.E… Human Race…

For how can there be Hope when there is already Harmony Manifest in your being here .. and in Natiure…

Or a Rope… When Everything is Linked because they are all One… and Individually Apart…


7:15 p.m.


7 6…

Awakening Sacred Portal…

After Death…

When .. if you wake up….

And if you dont… you will find yourself in a Nightmare beyond belief.. as impossible as my existence and expression of what I have lived…

But in your case… You know… you know why you are there and that that in are really in that place of hell where Abandon All Hope All Ye who Enter Here Is Made Real…

Dante’s Inferno… Infer NO…

Dante De-Vine Comedy… D..D.C… That was the correct play..


7:19 p.m




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