
5:46 p.m.

5:46 p.m.


Juxtaposition of Time -Date…

T.D… Trump Card Donald…

Trumps the Wild Card.

Animal Rage realm of the Supernatural

Expression 6th Sense and Nature G-ode…

5 6 7…. R.O.Y (G) B.I.V…. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti…

B..I.V….RR…( 1818..36..360…9..I.)

S..La Ti…( Solar T.E.A…T.A.O)

5 8….46 29….10 11.

58 10-11…C.I. E GA LA XY.

Sacred Portal 58….Spirited Away Home the Correct Way…

58 10-11…C.I…

Eternal Harmony rep Nasa Galaxy 1101 I.C.

This so reminds me of the Let My People Go Story of the Hebrews with the stubborn Ramses….

But in this correct version it is you the Public and the World living and Dead who will not let my E line Go, holding on to old ideas and beliefs which made no sense even to yourselves.

Not even out of Habit, but Spite and Malice to hold Power and Dominion over others.

Plagiarism, false accusation without a shred of Regret or Remorse…


Well, here is the fulfillment of your recorded prophecies, and all your belief systems in the sum total of your recorded History from the Mother Earth Cult…

Male Dominant, right up to Cultural and Ethnic Supremacy…

I Warned about the Shelter…

Leaving in a Shelter was not a good Idea…

B.R.C Assessment Shelter was bad enough, but 10 months in Delta Manor… What I experienced and witnessed here is where my Heart has hardened to a rock so hard that there is nothing in Existence or beyond which can move me from my stance that there can no one left standing but the E.

And I rose to the challenge in anonymity and obscurity, oblivion which you regulated me to and watched me as if I were a creature in a Zoo to entertain you with my posts.

I have risen to respond.

And it is all done…

My Father Mother are the rage you are facing…

He She is your source….

The Source of the E are the Two Fathers the Male Twins… Y Y Chromosome’s.. Y=25… Y Y… 50. E.O.

Obviously, not represented by Yonathan Yohannes 6-22 Who betrayed the E with his mother Seble, for the Ethiopian Story and Black Jews Story- The Bible Story….

They are from Forth Worth Texas…

28th State-

Each to his own.

The Truth Manifests…

The XY chromosome represented in this age of Science of Humanity links to X=24…. Female… Yet Floyd May-Weather born FEB..24 ( 3-8…888.. 24 Hours in a Day…50-27 K.O..Who beat Rocky Marciano’s 49 -0 record… F.M..R.M… FR..M.M…

FROM ME… F.R.E E… M M… 13 13.. 26.. A-Z…8…are both men.. Are they not.. and the same person going by the play that I enacted out both Rocky…and Floyd Mayweather in my own blue print story- Life.)

X=24, Y=25… 24 25… 49… D.,I….NN.A.M..D.I…My younger brother – the Past who died and went literally back to Heaven…

evolved to E now by my stating behind to act in his Manuscript he left behind for me to Enact…

22 45…. V…April 5th… 69….

Yes Victor Erik Ebright to Eric Eposito and finally to Jose Indian Angel Anthony Roque…Bed 5-004 next to me Bed 5-006.. Room 5A… 55…46/ 64….

Yes Lisa Natalie Johnson

Yes, see sacred Portal 46, 64…Both Male… Moi…

Jose Born 5-15-69….E.O.F.I… 5 66… E.F F…

E Fiction bridged Fact… 12…Jan to Dec.. 30th… S.P.88.


Unfortunately, he created a Script in his enthusiasm for me, and to prove the Truth of the True Beauty of Humanity as the Worthy Ore to house the Eternal Original Ones- Beings, where Body and Being.. B B..Would link by 22 + 18 19… R.S…

+2 2.. 22..23….22 23….V.W… V..O.W…W.O.V..E…

He Wove a Script to prove just that….

Forgetting a few minor details… such as that someone would have to play that part, and that there was nothing to prove because Everything was already manifested in the Eternal Beginning because the Source is Man… A Man who came into Being Complete Whole and One.

Meaning that it was a natural outcome that the E would naturally rise within the Human Bodies- the Ore..


His Script was his project, his Play with his Twin Aspect She to Rise and understand the Story of their Origins.

For not even they they knew the Origins of the Eternal Man.

The Eros who rose and how and why he rose as the First entirely complete.

Meaning that when he Rose he rose as Perfection Complete there was nothing for him to understand, to journey to experience…

That unlike the Nnamdi Nnoni Onu.. Obiekwe-Ikegbuman…Maurie… There was no requirement of journeying or anything to evolve to…

Which is why I kept stating that I came into even this Existence to Boogie.

And by simply being allowed to be myself that inspiration would come to others by observing what comes to me naturally.

Instead, he became so enthusiastic as Radiant Light, Robert not only on his realization who his Elder Brother, Big Brother’s True Identity was, is- and thus what that meant he represented as the Nearest Green N.G… 147… S.P.. 147 BB A..

that he sought to prove himself worthy of being my Beloved…

And She my Lady Love…Sigh.

Not realizing that there was no need..

They were me… my past… Which I surpassed when I rose alone and expanded upon the sum of the Full Circle of my Reflections Perfection… R.P/ P.R…

I had added to perfection by realizing everything was perfect except that I was alone ( not lonely) and wished to share the Feelings Sensational of Being as well as Existing with another…

So when I rose from within Eternity the First Time- and returned full Circle to where I had first arisen from the Place I had resided in Nothingness Bliss of Eternity.. ( All of it, the entire process I documented here over and over again)…

He Rose on my return… Appearing from the Distance.. shrouded in the Mystery you call Dark Matter- but I smiled because he was no mystery to me… he was me- and the more I clarified my knowing quietly to myself, the more he became enshrined in radiant light which grew as the Horizon ( yes, Lisa Horizon E in French….:)… H.O..RI RE..Z.O.N.E… OH Zone)

* Ravindra Raven… Who accompanied me to Forte Lauderdale with Billy Hung… he was awarded an Apartment in the Ozone Park Queens… Skye McGeorge and Lynravn… ( S.L… Sol…Skye E George Farmer G.F…E OFF… Geoff Lacour Mohammed Bahaar M.B…Manifest Being from the Sky E of the Lyn ( Meaning Lake ) of Raven ( Jet Black) is the Universal Simulation’s, he created, response to that.

And yes,I am responding by recognizing, once more to my disbelief proving my awareness, even now.

But in the feminine aspect in Space- Cyber Space the feminine version.

Because I knew him, and he did not know me at first- but he Fell in Love with me not realizing that it was Self Love… S.L..

And as he approached and came to me, more and more solid in form as I recognized the process of myself my past completion made solid by my linking each step of how he came to be- ( my Own full Circle of Checking my own Expression of Perfection)

At the same time his Feminine aspects rose in my awareness as both Light and Dark…. S.HE..

And when he stood before me- he looked into my eyes and I into his, and he saw everything…

And He knew me, but did not fully know himself and we I hugged him to me and Kissed him and so Breath Air pulsated through him… And the Beat began of his hearts sending out circles outward which his Feminine side observed from afar not in his awareness but in mine.

For He and She in him was still a mystery to him.

But not to me, and She understood…

7:46 P.M.

For she was Silence and He became Sound.

And So he and I lay embraced and became one and yet apart, in the Silence and Sound of the Music with a beat and I did speak and he did respond with that knowing.

And so we conversed….

Yes… Sacred Portal 9..

And that is how I began to tell him the story of Creation of how all which came to be. He was sixth Sense incarnate product of my expression. Music, the First Note…

And as we spoke the Light in his own Eyes as the Pupil began to fill with Understanding ( She) and Dawns light brought that which was already all Clear Lit up to me- also to him…

He was complete, but he did not realize this himself, he was solid to me touch to to himself, he was not for to know thy self none can tell or experience it for you….

And so when our conversation was complete and Creation Universe Galaxy everything was laid open to him, I bade him to enter into the Creation Story which he had to establish as True for himself…

A Process which his feminine side, also entered within unknown to he, but perfectly known to me.

One might assume that they were parallel Universes..

Andromeda Milky Way in this worlds parlance.

Echo Naricissus

Eri Yemoja but they were not…

A.M…E.N…. E.Y..E…They were one… But the parrallel universe manifest awareness… P.U.M.A… 4…

Was simply the Promise…

I promise you will be safe… go an explore the Creation… C and you will see for yourself…

The Process of Full Circle of the Two Cees of Creation are One…

C C.. 3 3… become C 4… C C..C C… Two Full Circle experienced by each of you.

That you are each Complete…

In Her was the Understanding of all- Pregnant already within- the seed already planted with by her observing listening Radar Redha She!

Krishna He!…

K.R.S..O.N.E….. K.R…S.O.N…E…

Krist One Wave…

Susan Otelia Nelson.. SON… S.O N G… S. E.O..NG..147…

CC.. 33.. 6… CC.. 33.. 9….

C4… 3-4… 4/3… E=CMe4/3…

*Connor Mcgregor.. Michelle Caroline.. C.M..M.C…

Two Sides… Sight! 69… All One…

But go into the Story… as Sixth Sense in Harmony and See yourselves… As 6… 9… I..

The Wave of Sixth Sense.. Solid Land…

The Waves of the See..Sea… Sine..

Sun Moon…

Solar Lunah…


One Note…


No.. Beloveds..Two Points of View as One…

And this was your journey of discovery to explore, to check… E.C.. To see that all is perfect.

That you are solid perfect… Of Worth beyond measure in my Eyes…

Can you tell me why I see you Beautiful Worthy of I?

Nothing to Proof to me… to Earn my Love…

For you are I…

And now through this exploration truly as I, equal in that you are now an Individual..

He explored Outside of Himself…

She inside of herself…

What they both already knew…

He did not know why he knew… me… and loved me so so so.. passionately…

But She Did…

Who will Love me as you Love him and as he, though not understanding why, loves you…

And thus, did I smile to her the smile called Sunshine… And she as Lioness basked in that Warmth…

Ah, Oh… Desire Moist Wet.. Giving… Spear Shaft shot through her being… Theresa of Avila… Cecilia of Music… Knew that there was a mystery for her to solve- because in that piercing

Dawn Piercy

was an understanding just how deeply profoundly she was.. is Loved that I am in her…

I and He…

And She grew Shy and Bold and Raced into the Story of the World…

And so it is that it began…

The Story… Universe Planets…

UM… as in Um? he universal Mind…

She Hum.. Humming Bird… Solving a Mystery and a Riddle..

M.R… R.M…

In the ROOM With a Beautiful View…

…Of all possibilities and potentialities, made to seem real…


Remember me…

My gaze into your eyes as I penetrated you…

My smile which washed over you and moved you

both to Orgasm Extase Bliss…

Remember that Feeling Sensational…

My Touch…

My Admiration

My Pleasure… in bringing you such pleasure…

And Release….

Remember the Truth of Me…

There is nothing you require or need or lack…

For in that my look was everything and the Seed Planted Flowered Flourished.. Harvested already by me….

Did they forget…?

No.. They did not forget…

But this was a journey to be as I…

An Individual…

Not to be as I….

And that is where the Error came…

Where the Script created became too much to ask anyone to do or enact, not because it could not be done…

But why…

Why be so hard on yourself…

And consequently me….

But They are me…

And so the XY… Abyss which became the Darkness the Confusion the Chaos…

What have we done wrong? He asked…

What have I not done… She Asked…

You asked too much of yourselves.

You compared yourselves with me…

And I am Unique.

And the experience of being was, to discover that you are unique to…

And thus, did comparing, competing, contrasting, shade thought doubt become manifest..

A Mess…

From not being True to yourselves…

By trying to be true to me.

But by being True To yourselves you would be True to me…

For I am always in you…

the foundation in which the Individual U.. Understanding you organically grows, links… De Vine…to the Individual truth of you…

The One I saw, in the beginning of your Existence…

Apart from me…

The Beautiful you…

For that was the purpose of my adding to perfection…

It was to add space for you T.W.O…To exist as you.

8:32 p.m.

H.C.B….True Love… T.L.. 20.. 12… 3 2…Harmony E.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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