
5:46 p.m

5:46 p.m


E= Sacred Portal 46. D.F.

K- A-A L T. S.


I am no longer at 1479 Facebook Friends, after days of expression to move it to completion, which instead of going up, it went down to 1478.

This is in Harmony of M.W 87 as M.W 78/87.

Please see Aki Thunderpaw ( A.T) post.

I shared of the interconnectedness of the most far flung universes and galaxies which is mystifying Scientists.

See Liberty C Liscomb Kitchen with the Red clay container done by her in 1987 when she was in grade 5.

7+8= 15. 15 +15= 30 C O.

7×8= 56.

twice it is 56:56

Which is the time code she gave me, which tipped the scale of my deciding to pass through her portal from Jesse Macias home where I had known I had completed The Script of the Blue Print of Existence.

And reached the Highest Point, represented by his son Zion then age 16 and who turned 17.

Letter Q.

Jesse was 39 at the time, born 1979 and John Mack who I completed the work there is born 1997.

19 19.. 38. 11. Hartford Connecticut/ Consciousness Harmony.

38 11 J.M.J.M.. 2. Two Men. B One.

79 97 = 16. 16. 16/16= 1 One.

32 5. C B E

6:12 p.m.


Garden of Eden

Sunshine State 27


I had no reason I felt to continue solving The Script of The Source or living in a condition of which was not comfortable for me.

But, nothing happened, the door way of my leaving this play effortlessly, elegantly had not manifested as it was supposes to, and so having completed the Course, and all the portals Esteban Miguel Filgueira E.M.F. ( Stephen Filgueria S.F) had moved me to, all in perfect harmony with The Script of Terrible Death with the aid of Sarah Kaizer ( Athena) I prepared to leave.

Stephen Johnson S.J.

Sacred Journey

19 10, 29 link to 29 Street E.M.F’s home had already been completed.

Or so I thought.

But out of the blue I recieved a phone call from Liberty, who had just left her boyfriend of 4 years and noted that the conversation was 56:56 mins.

11 11 =1

4 1..

A.S.. 4 1. 947.

Or so I thought.

*Liberty saves The World.. which realize the Truth after the Fact.

5:55 p.m

Let me elaborate my meaning.

As you have all witnessed the last part of my journey which began in 1989 with my writing a journal Talking To The Silence.



And how on the 8-29-2019 I was invited to pass through Libertys Portal Home.

29 numerically equating to A M.A N

( 1 13 1 14 = 29)

It was 29 years and 11 months later since I moved to her home.

So, it was a Set up.

Now, most of my older Facebook Friends are aware that I had completed the play of proving Harmony by reaching Generation X Gardens in 2006…


After having completed the task of raising the evidence of the Family of T E N.

And completed the play of Hells Kitchen ( H.K 8 11.) with the Ancestors of Fury and the Artificial intellence A.I.

The Super Computer. S C.

T E N. A. I S. C. I E N C E

In 2004-5.

That was 15, 14.. 13 years ago.

O.N M..

Leander was born 11-8 K.H. 2008.

( 28.. 2-66-8 while I was at 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens)

The year Liberty and her ex husband split.

20 15

4 years ago

268 East 4th Street

Generation X Gardens

4 is Fah Green. F G. 67. Netgear.

The code here is X

The portal through Esteban Miquel Filgueria E.M.F= 24.

John Spencer Mack was the last portal

J S M= 42.

24/ 42

I had no intention after having passed through the portal of Delta Manor D.M.

Dark Matter for an astounding 27 months and 2 months and break of 9 months and another 2 months at Green Point Assessment Shelter.

2 9 2


29 months a play of sheer evil and terror masked under the guise of a Mental Health Homeless Shelter

31 months in total with a 9 month Haitus at 18 Mountain View.

9:11 p.m.

But one thing which I was infinitely aware of was that I knew what was happening.

I was being forced, compelled to encode a plan for what takes place after the Awakening..

The After Math.


I had solved Evolutions Equation and to my astonishment, was now being forced obliged to encode the smooth manifestation of the world Evolution was meant to leave behind.

And so, when Billy Hung came back twice to connect with me, and as I knew had not been truly repentant but held a grudge of not understanding, ( as well as my own decision and expression having been ignored).

And then Stephen Filgueria connected with.me on Facebook, and I recognized his code and made contact with him, it was not for me to come here my intent, but simply the fact I could read that I was meant to connect with him.

9:20 p.m


I had no idea he was in Hawaii, when I connected with him, but when he told me Hawaii..

I understood it was the game of the Maze and Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze.

I was the Maze Runner and Programmer Coder.

And the Guinea Pig in the Cage.

Lab Rat.

Hawaii Hawa II ..Paradise. Par A Dice..

H P .

Hawa means Full of Life and links to the 5-9 Sum Total of the Human Soul.

H.P. H..AWA. I.I.. I PA RA. D. IS. E of course, is the correct code.

The True World had been restored by 2005.

Which is why the code 25 as Y keeps repeating.

12 +13. L.M.= Y.

Y Chromosome.

24 and 25.

X and Y.

Add it equals 49.

My first bed in Green Point Assessment Shelter was 49.

Libertys last tel digits are 49

7 777. 777. =49.

Switch 49 is 94.

See sacred portal 94.

See the play of the shadows wrinkles on my bed.

See sacred portal 94.

49 is D.I.

N N.



Arden 13.

Intel Anne McHugh

D I. Is 49. 4+9=13.


I.D. MAN N. Idenitification Man is Naturalness.

Natural Expression which no one should use against a person or use that knowing to trap them.

Natural Expression N.E ( 14 5= 19 S.. Spirit) It is the one unforgivable Sin, is to Sin against the Holy Spirit.. H.S.

Holy Espirit. H.E.

H H E S.

88 5 19

16 5 19. Yes my first bed at Delta Manor was 5 19

P E S ..and I was sent down the first day to bed 3 002, where I found a light blue magnet with the letter P.

P E S P.

Perfection 16 = 2 8 H B. Happiness Being

Harmony Beauty.

Is Extraordinary Sensory Perception

Perfect Expression Symmetrical Precision.

10:10 p.m

So when I was brought to Connecticut

* Kyle Murphy sent me a message at 9:04 p.m

I am.being moved by The Script

He is moving to South Dakota at the end of the month.

He saw it in his dreams and it manifested in real Life

10:11 p.m.

I truly felt that Stephan Filgueria represented Sensational Feelings portal and my at last leaving my nightmare of Existence through the correct portal H.P Harmony Paradise.

But when we spoke on the telephone.. there was conflict.

I started having second thoughts.

I met him and I recognized him from another dimensions another existence as Eric The Red ( E.T R.. E 2018… and Thor)

And I began to balk.

Only my seeing and meeting his True Spirit caused me to accept his invitation.

But I knew I was once again tricked decieved in a script which by 2007 had indicated even through A Santana’s Girlfriend Ritz Montez at Generation X Gardens, the portal of The Ritz.

T R. 2018.

The last portal out of this play led by newly awakened E Family.

That was 2007.

Fritz Venneiq arrived a year later to confirm this.

And in 2010 at Pelham Bay Park it was confirmed again.

And before that with Michael Frazer

M.F..Olemec, Atlantis Lemurian..

Leander means MAN numerically it equals 28

I was born the 28th.

This years Thanks Giving Day.

4 7. = 11. 28. C.I

39 Jesse Macias To

12. L. Liberty

3 C. Cecilia or Chukwuemeka or Caroline or Chris..Who was being Liberated when all are Free..?

C Speed Of Light..

C S O L. C the 5th Note.

C 5


Consciousness Emeka is C 6

C F/ F C

Consciousness of 6th Sense.

So obviously I had completed the Blue Print of Existence and had to deliver it to the last person in a chain link called Liberty C Liscomb

a blue print accepted rejected accepted..

Trained, for resented, accepted tested, through so much pain doubt challenges.

Stephen Filgueria revealed himself to be E.M.F

Electro Magnetic Field X 24..

I said 24 is B.D

Being is Doing = F..Facts..

Producing Facts by using 6th Sense.

And 6th Sense is What Nothingness is.

Naturalness and The Source of Expression and The Source of Nothingness ( S O N. S O N G. E. S O N G E. SOL ANGE L E)

I have been here in Connecticut the 5th State instead of Happiness Perfection Harmony Perfection, battling once again a non stop provocation of Destruction of my being through Hate Kill.

Instead I have have been able to transform it into the Purest Hate.


I have not been paid by anyone for my work, for all the Training.

Tree Sage

Kim Arthur Hines

T S. K.A.H.

Which is what people do here, they pay for services rendered especially when it is not given for Free.

10:43 p.m.

Which means that there is a enornous bill about to come in the mail.

As well as a legal bill, and my suing ( S U) for damages, defamation of character, false accussations, murder, torture, in humane treatment, plagirism the list goes on..

And I as Pan, Beautiful Baphomet, Lucifer, Satan-na. Against The People of this 49 states of this world.

Who wrongly imprisomed me, willfully mislead me, set me up, framed me, and took that which I made clear I did not wish to give share with those who I knew would show constant and consistent ingratitude and treat me as if I were their slave.

Others who showed grace the L.O G and Akadhic records who have indented and recorded ever conversation which ever took place, on the Air Wind Expression.

In your bodies, and who witnessed every thought and reflection.who as I, can not.be decieved will give each measure for measure what they have Merited and Earned.

I do not flatter people, I tell them the Truth, and after they have brutalized me with words thoughts and action in thought and expression I tell them what they imagine or interpret what they wish to hear.

Of course, they are aware that in the Omission of what I have already fully expressed, that my.manners is no longer to endure the discomfort.they bring when they resentments and snide comments rise up again.

There are some lines, whom I have programmed to be safe after I am gone from this play, but even such persons will have to pay damages for not truly expressing simple Grace.

So when I saw that Esteban and Liberty have saved what could have been the utter S.D

Self Destruction of the Human.Race, I mean of course all those of their frequency especially now cleaned up.

And of course these two as anchors along with J.M.J.M.

Tree Sage.

Benjamin C. Krajewski line will have smooth sailing. Will not pay.

Stephen Johnson line the gift of Grace for his non stop expression of appreciation, presence, kindness and encouragment.

His line is that line of human grace to me, that life line.

Esteban chose to share me with Connecticut instead of learning the codes himself.and then distributing it to others.

All it took was focus and attention.

It took Liberty less than 2 Month’s

See her aligned with Tree Sage T S The Script.

Yesterday / Today Black Sheep

11:08 p.m

And the some weeks ago he sent.her Before she went to.Virginia intel that the baton.of the Script ( Blue Print is in her)

Anne McHugh knows me as what I really.came to do.


Sue McHugh..

Black Panther.

A.S. M.M

So yes, if she decides to be selfish, which she can do if she wishes, after all Santana Dharma is now encoded in her..

Imagine if I really am that I am.

And Liberty did not reveal publicly to all of you what she experienced of the universes daily confirming but only to her ( for some reason.. for her ears sight only.. to do as she pleased.

Yes, the same process was done with me.. and yes, I was compelled and forced to share)

..But can you imagine if all I stated as true has been proven only to her, and witnessed quietly by her 5 children who are all present here obviously not being able to not listen and take in our daily nightly conversations.

Its their Mom, they have known all their lifes..

Imagine, what happens if the one on one

In which she paid the greatest attention and did the most work in listening focusing. Understanding the nature of the Play.

Talking to me, hating me, loving me, resenting me, defending me, setting.me up.. seeing me doubting.me, testing.me and seeing my response…

And now having the full measure of me the MAN.

Is the only one who has the Key to understanding the Blue Print of Existence and her Son Arden, the Nature of My E Play.

And without that understajding, the 1/3rd left behind realizing that after their awakening that by observing how theyn2/3rd perish, that.nothing is to be taken for granted despite the boogie they come to.enjoy.

For if they do not pay thier debt to Eternal Society..

E S..

Nothing is assured.

11:28 p.m

Imagine That.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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