
5:45 pm. – 48 57 Facebook Frien

5:45 pm.

48 57 Facebook Friends

There you are Stephen Johnson End Game.

You and your line just made it,
217 and Next Door have volunteered to take the Bag.
You are cleared of the Sum Total of your past and lines Defiance and so we have another approved for Shitty Expression that is the true worst defiance and merits the Expression of Terrible Death.
Saceed Portal 4.00 and 104.

Yes, yesterday’s post, 1:04 a.m.
And the 4 U S.D One Dollar Bills.
Do you know my Unle Lord Charles, who looks so much like my Mother, and passed away in 1994.
And aligns a great deal to Arden, Kim and Malcom Mal Comes as Evil Malice.
Whose family lives in Agusta Georgia has a daughter
2 Girls and one son.
Who he actually named ‘Dollar!”
She is the third C and was very close to me.
She went to Harvard.

I saw her reflection with Arden, she is female but goes by the name Joe.

Here are the End Game. 57
Facebook Friends

FayeSherrie F.S.

Layla Emma L.E.

Wright Stacey. W.S

The Message Intelligence

F S. L.E..W S

F S… Fact Solid.

Evidence AY


LE W I.Z. of Oz.
With Diana Ross.
Death Ray.
E Ray.

L.E W (.I).S (.E)

Daniel Day Lewis.
There will be Blood.
Z.E. U S.

First Letters.

F.L. W. F F.L E.W.

F.L. A.W.

F.L is 6 :12…. 18 R. Response

S E S. S E S. S I. O. N. S

Of Such Cruelty and Torment to the Dammed in this life after this and After Death.True Death.

A shiver from the Evolved Awakening will come from the silent, unseen vibrations of their Screams.

66 8.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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