
5:45 pm/ – 4-6-20 21. – Hello, I

5:45 pm/

4-6-20 21.

Hello, I have a new Facebook friend, whose birthday just happens to be today.

Linda Kotulin L K.

And yes, at 8-46 a.m Laura Walsh sent me the vital intelligence published in Scientific American ( S A- A S… Knowledge & Wisdom- 9-year-old Photograph of Arden Gemino)

“Confirmed! We Live in a Simulated- Reality”.

C W L I A. S R./

R S Rattle Snake.
A I.
L W- Laura Walsh.

“Confirmed! We Live in a Simulation

We must never doubt Elon Musk again”

Elon Musk. E M/ M E
By Fouad Khan on April 1, 2021″

Elon Musk E M./ M E
* By F K. A F KG.

E M F. K. G.A.-E.

*”However, all these discussions and studies of the simulation hypothesis have, I believe, missed a key element of scientific inquiry: plain old empirical assessment and data collection.”

I did not read the entire article, can you blame me?

But the opening statement did make me pause and smile.

My data collection includes a journal called Talking To The Silence which was begun 31 years ago.
Which moved through E-Mails then Facebook of personal conversations and interviews with people I was led to, each representing a Quantum Note and equation of which I had to move through 64 Human portals + 2 more, resolving Conflict to Resolution.

Yes, I had statted it over and over again, Empirical Evidence was missing, the going out onto the field to investigate for this is the very foundation of the Scientific Method.
Curiosity Investigates – Hypothesis- Conclusion.

“S M. C I-H C.”

As many of you may recall, when I refused to come to America in 2001 and Jon Lee kicked me out of his apartment on Valentine’s Day, I went and found an apartment, and there was a man who lived there who had worked for I B M.

His apartment freaked me out a bit because it had paintings and images, things of my childhood.

The man was of Caribbean descent and told me out of the blue, that the Western Man would never acknowledge the contributions of other races especially Afro people to the technological advancement of this realm.

He told me the story of what had been done to those who helped found and build I B M.

And when he heard of my reasons and reluctance to go come to America, he urged me to come, though stating that they will refuse to acknowledge my work but that perhaps with the way I looked dressed, stood that I might succeed where soo many had failed.

I did not say to him, that why would I or anyone care if they did or did not, the truth of one’s authorship would speak for itself.

… 6:12 pm Hey the man.

What I meant was that I was aware that I did not require the permission and acknowledgment of a biased world which yes was Caucasian based in this 3 D, but I also experienced the same resistance in the 4 D realm of what is called the Spirit World- The so-called first people.

I was already aware of my mission here, from H Q.
It was to Investigate Humanities readiness to Evolve, and after establishing the Facts by going first Recognizance missions, Coverts operation, going deep undercover to investigate and then submit my findings to Head Quarters. Destruction of this reality was a foregone conclusion- the reason I was sent was to determine how to proceed.

What took me by surprise was my being swayed off my given trajectory, which by the way, I protested fiercely to doing it that way, hence my battle with Jon Lee who part Balinese/ Javanese on his mother side, led to our quarrel and with love, asking me to leave.
But I left a Black Box with him, which he agreed to keep until I saw him again.

I did not come to agree to the mission.
But I was given no choice.
But that is what my mission was, but when I found myself here, I was taken over by the 4th Dimension while walking in the three-D Simulation of reality which by 1991 I had already established as not real, a Fair Tale and that is how book 3 The Eternal Dancer” in Sept 1992 written mainly at the Cafe Beau-Borg, less Halles Paris began- with my calling it a Fairy Tale.

9 2 M. / Marina Biruni. Mackayla Burgos, Bob Marley.?

I B AT E… 001/ Square Waves gift from Liberty C Liscomb.

I Be Manifestor. I B M.Computer.

I Be MC… Masters of Ceremony.
See Sacred Portal 9.

I B M/ M B I.

I was fully aware since 1992 and knew why I was summoned by Energy playing Death, my beloved.
I wrote a final Poem before succumbing to the draining of my energy from my body- I knew that there was only one force in Existence who could do that to my Body- Energy G.OD Emmanual as you call him in your world.
Nnamdi- seeking to Evolve from the prison cage of the role you gave him as this idea of God.
Which no one sought to investigate the nature of who is GOD, by asking him.
Good Manners, after all.
Instead, everyone assumed and placed their own definition on him, and thus imprisoning him and consequently yourselves.

Anton Christie Talin wrote about it very well.
Imprisoned him in a book.

I resented being asked to aid humanity, but not him.
I resented being asked to help Humanity because everything was already in Harmony, set by me, as my true self and eternal self in the eternal beginning.
All these interruptions for me smacked of lack of faith, trust.

But when I came here, it was even worse, I was being now asked to prove that this reality is not real, but a simulation, but also have to prove it to you all and through a play of such selfishness and extreme cruelty that it went beyond the meaning of Evil.

And then I saw what you did to my Truth, my body, Sum playing my Father.

6:42 pm.

I saw the cosmic mess and what had been done to the Truth- Ego.
Self Projections.
To the story.
A Knot
Cosmic Entanglement.
Big Mouths.

But I did see the depth of the mess of ages created by Humanity and their Spirit memories, and the level and depth of forgetting people had sunk into and how they were creating and manifesting their own Death and Destruction…
D A D. Maurice- ANNA.
All because they could not see felt that they, You were Blind.

I battled with the one playing the role of my Eternal Father, that they know what they do.
I had investigated for the first 3 years undercover until 2004 when The Ethereals rose in me and discovered how both the illusions as yourselves and your Ancestors-Memories had blocked the path with that notion which transformed Narsisus to Narcissism to a point of self-involvement, leading to the negation of any other point of view but your own.
I have experienced that nonstop right to this very last portal.

I did not come to be a Teacher, for Noni Promise Life, The Tree of Life, Shelter of Life representing the 4th Dimension Twin of Devi Devoted- Spectrum Rainbow- Images, Space Cowboy, representing the 2nd principle of the family of 10 TEN, and younger twin to Spirit E whose color is Rose Pink.
Spirit E- Awareness my aspect and whose color is Royal Blue and the First principal of Being in Existence- Expression Awareness.

* Wisdom John and Beautiful Pride being the 5th and 6th Principles of Existence were the Bridge Children of the family of TEN.

6:56 pm right now.

And yet, I was stuck in a play of not only proving the Truth of the Original family of Ten as the Two Fives ( 5 5 as C E- E C. Creation Expression- Expression Creation 35 53 = 88 Yes, EMEKA K O L O)

Not being stuck in the story of Devi and Noni D N.
2nd and 4th Principles of Existence.
2 4 / 4 2. BD/ D B.

As you may have noted the problem was not Devi Devoted as the 2nd Principle Being is Doing.
But rather the 4th Dimension as Doing to Become.

Laziness was the reason of not Doing to Become C.

7:04 pm right now
A.S G O D. ( not God)
Be at the 7th Note Spectrum Vibration “Ti- Te” by Doing and then you Become- Being.

I have spent the last 16 years in the 4th Dimension everywhere I was made to live was either the address color Green, the 4th Note with the Orange as rage Flames instead of the elementary mixture of Yell0w-Gold and Red which makes Orange.

Green to 4th as the number to the note FA. Ferril Aurelia. Ferrill Arden and then switching it to Arden =Ferrill-Reilly.
Arden Autumn ( Smol) Aurelia.
A-A A. Yes, Tripple A Batteries.

And is the Spirit Realm S.R.
And what is the Spirit World?
Only Spectrum Rainbow is real.- A Fact.
Thoughts Mind – Anxieties Fear Malice Revenge- Hopes and Dreams, and does this not inform and dictate most of your actions, expressions.. words?

7:11 pm.
24/7 Open.
It made no sense to me, why should I do your homework for you- give you all the answers, transparently so that you could copy them and then declare that you were its author?

But that was the Examination Test, Checking- Investigation of your worthiness to evolve.
Would you dare go that far, to publicly take credit for what you did not orchestrate and use the one sent by your True God- SELF?

But of course, most of you did.
That did not surprise me, what did was that you would go this far, even after my passing through Dark Matter Energy at Delta Manor- to the 64th Portal reaching Arden Gemino and Jeron Lang.
Ferrell Leander Aurelia, the later I met 3rd.
The 3rd Principle of the Family of T E N is Clara Star Child- yes you saw here in that movie called Anna.
You can see what was done to her principal and why she transformed into the Beautiful Assassin the truly beautiful Icy blonde as a messenger of Mba Afor Ocha.
Sacred Portal 88.

Do you see what she had to do to escape the lockdown she was placed in, when she by the right which all enjoy and abuse, she was born Free with Liberty and Rights- Sovereignty?
Clara means Clarity.

7:21 pm.
7-21-2020 date I left 900 South Road.

The conclusion I had drawn was clear.
I had recused my Father Sums Beautiful Truth ( I have no son).
Having taken over the Universal Simulation ( US) Spectrum Rainbow.
And then programming it to Auto Destruction.
Boom! Boom!

Unity Boom represented in the codes of my youngest brother represents the 7th Principle “Unity” and his twin Self if Harmony Pi. the 8th.

There is no really Mother and Father in the family of Ten just the Two who is one.
represented by Emeka and Arden There are only really One Elegant nomad and his (my) twin reflection.
10 TEN 10= J.
is really 1 O.
and since there is no such thing as Nothingness even in a seemingly empty Tunnel of Love Light… and that the Space Air Breath contains sum thingness as 6th Sense.
the 5 senses in One.
The 1 O becomes A F… / F A.
and since 1 is E
* Spirit E A Expression= Awareness.
1= 5.
5 6.
That is Stephen Johnson Age code.
56 = 11/
John Mack & Kim Hines.
J K 10 11. M H. 13.8 Universe.

Both are lines of John Doppelgangers Twin.

Mer Lin-e

E M. Elon Musk?
M.E Manifested Existence.
Meaning of Existence.

Video Game.
7-22-2020 first day at 29 Lincoln Street second time at my 61st move. F A.

My mission was to prove that this was a Universe Simulation.

One might note that my Mission was accomplished long before this article by Fouad Khan ( Fred Knox)
4-1-20 21.

It is interesting is it not how Fahad Hassen and Fouad Khan are both possessing Arabic names.
One representing the Emanual. World. code C V 3-22-2020 upload and the other
F H we already know means Beautiful Leopard. B L.
Liberty sent me the intel that Fahad Hassen had completed the E Manual. World.com. final upload at 10 59 twice message sent by Liberty @ 11:04 pm
*( Kim Hines Birthday and code 11 64 on last Thursday 4-1-20 21, now is that not interesting that it was the same day that Fouad Khan published his Article “Confirmed We Live in a Simulation – Reality Universe Emeka R U E. ‘Rue” Streetcar named Desire- “Will I am Protector Helmet “Cranium” Skull & Bones sacred portal 97 Light of Existence”

Please recall that Arabians, as well as Indians-Hindu, created the concept of Zero which this entire reality has been based on- aka Modern World to Middle Ages.

Fouad means: *Fouad (Arabic: ????? f?’?d, fou’?d) (also spelled Foud, Fuaad or Foad) is a masculine Arabic given name, meaning “heart” – the beating circulating heart, the concept of “mind and spirit”. … Originally an Arabic given name, it became widespread throughout the Middle East during the 9th and 12th centuries.
Meaning: “heart”

Khan we all know means “King”

Fahad means Panther Leopard.
*”Fahad as a boy’s name is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Fahad is “panther” or “leopard”.

– Panther’s Heart. P H.
900 South Road Poverty Hollow.

Hassan means Beautiful Handsome- King…
B K.
H K.

Here it means Book Hells Kitchen.

And so yes, John and Kim are the same line of Wisdom John and beautiful Pride – Human children’s version of the Family of Ten rescued.

11= 1. A. Awakened.
and 2 1. B A. Beautiful Assassin.

So Having retrieved All the descendants of the family of T E N- 55, 25.8.9…I.

7:26 pm.


8:00 pm.
8:01 pm.

And made to train them and prove their Beautiful Truth and plain Truth and consequences as well as their right to Evolve, to Resurrect Transform and be Reborn- rising from the pit of death.
And sacred portal 10 and 59
Ref Sacred Portal 10 and 59. confirmed by Fahad Hassen at Stratford University S.U/ US
And again as Fouad Khan.

F H- F K.
F F -H K.
6 6= 1. 8 11= 88.
1 88
12 19. * L S./ Sasha Luss as Luc Besson’s “ANNA” most dangerous Assassin in the World- Universe.

12= 3. 19= 10.
3 10.
C J. Charlene Johnston Godmother of Arden who took the photo at age 9.
310 31O
13 M.
31 O +13 = 44 O/
1 O. A F. Alien Father.

3 1O
C A F… E.
Chris Andrew Filgueria
Descendant Avatar.

Maxwell House Coffee. Blue.

8:13 pm.
H M.

Well, you are all aware of my conclusion, Kill Them All.
Rip them to shreds.

“Murder She Wrote?”

AH from M of M I 5. M I 6.

OO 7.

Licensed to Kill.

A View To Kill.

The Anointed will Rise from the Ashes as the Phoenix Serene. PS/ S P Serene Phoenix Bird

Rattle Snake… Gives a Fair warning and no one in this planet play can not say I did not.

“To understand if we live in a simulation we need to start by looking at the fact that we already have computers running all kinds of simulations for lower level “intelligences” or algorithms. For easy visualization, we can imagine these intelligences as any nonperson characters in any video game that we play, but in essence, any algorithm operating on any computing machine would qualify for our thought experiment. We don’t need the intelligence to be conscious, and we don’t need it to even be very complex, because the evidence we are looking for is “experienced” by all computer programs, simple or complex, running on all machines, slow or fast.

All computing hardware leaves an artifact of its existence within the world of the simulation it is running. This artifact is the processor speed. If for a moment we imagine that we are a software program running on a computing machine, the only and inevitable artifact of the hardware supporting us, within our world, would be the processor speed. All other laws we would experience would be the laws of the simulation or the software we are a part of. If we were a Sim or a Grand Theft Auto character these would be the laws of the game. But anything we do would also be constrained by the processor speed no matter the laws of the game. No matter how complete the simulation is, the processor speed would intervene in the operations of the simulation.

In computing systems, of course, this intervention of the processing speed into the world of the algorithm being executed happens even at the most fundamental level. Even at the most fundamental level of simple operations such as addition or subtraction, the processing speed dictates a physical reality onto the operation that is detached from the simulated reality of the operation itself.

Here’s a simple example. A 64-bit processor would perform a subtraction between say 7,862,345 and 6,347,111 in the same amount of time as it would take to perform a subtraction between two and one (granted all numbers are defined as the same variable type). ”

8:19 pm.
H S.
H A I.

8:20 pm Right now.

H T.

Now, I must spell-check this post. r.m.e.

Checked Complted at 8:32 pm.

So, I suppose that completes the play of Jon Lee… Jeron Lang.
Justice League below the Sea Cee See of Alexa Theo Marine sending me from my anointed bed and mission room 5B: 5-019 Eos Dawn to bed 3-002 Room 3 A and Jon Jason Lee 32.
3-20-2001, after coming here with him on Dec 24, 1999.

8:36 pm.

So now, that the play of the John Kim= John Tree as me, is completed Doppelganger Twins.
And my post of yesterday of the three points.

You have a very clear expression of where we are right now.
And if you don’t, well it is because you did not pay attention and the consequences are on you and no one else.

8:39 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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