
5:42 pm – The E Story of Comple

5:42 pm – The E Story of Comple

5:42 pm

The E Story of Completion.


9-11-2001- 21-3.


I-K- C.
I- A-A-E.


Jae Sherman came to me on the Balcony. She-He had said she wished to say Good Bye before I leave.
I had been contemplating that all morning and even told Kim Arthur Hinds Jr yesterday, that I suspect she already knew.

I responded, that I was not leaving today, but I had been contemplating going today, and I suspect that the only reason I did not act on that impulse moving through me right now, is because my body and my awareness. I had been looking around the room I have been quietly and her expression of common to the balcony where she has never ventured and her expression of saying she had looked around my room and felta quiet sadness.

I really wanted quiet, and perhaps her interruption and her words and expression mirroring my thoughts, stopped me, from the plan I had formulated today. And she was aware, that I am still angry with her, but it was more the play which I saw its Harmony, and all it’s logic and reasoning which prevented me from being truly angry, rather it was this playscript being real and a fact.

But suddenly, the very reasons that I am so desperate to leave, manifested as I felt myself soon in conversation with Jae, despite by true desire to be alone.

As I listened to her and found myself conversing, adding. nor did I shy away from her, it was different I could endure her presence without flinching or looking away.
She-He, was different, in fact even when I first met her and we had discussed, she was different and soon I found ourselves speaking and conversing, she had taken away my mind and heart secret desire, to perhaps leave today.
I knew that what is moving here Baphomet now back to Baphomet Beauty was talking to me, stalling me, and I felt that rush of quiet resentment and incredulity.

6:04 pm

Its my decision.
I have completed your script, and I have proven the Body aligned to earth and from here to eternity and even to I.

Jae was open, and clean and it was the easiest, I ever had spoken to her- I could tell by her responses that she was absorbing and understanding everything I was saying.
It had been similar though radically different with Liberty, whom only by breaking her down until she was so exhausted, could she listen, respond and rise to her highest self-understanding so easily that I often would pause and stare at her.

I was even sure I would post today.

The story of the E Line as humanities as the Natural True origins as the E aligned to Consciousness of the true Natural Planet Earth, 3rd Planet from the Sun was done.

Truth Manifests, 33 – 1. 6
Truth Manifest Harmony. 33 8. 1-6-8
Truth Manifests Harmony I.
33-1 6- 8 9-I.

I am currently at 1,853 Facebook friends- and as I found myself talking with Jae Sherman, I began to see what I was doing and explaining was my still be used to add the last touch of clarity to Beings to Cosmos to and really at Eden to Earth opening their eyes.

But in Truth, of observing the last of the confirmations take place night and even watching the series black list and the intel of the date 11-10 popping up that was the day that Jae Sherman moved in last year.

6:19 pm.

I was quietly incredulous, I had even had a filter earlier when I came and sat here discovered that the filter had on its corner in red ink the number 26.

I am still getting instructions from you for the day- ( Move 26 to 27- A-A, align it full stop at 28.
B.H. 5:28 Hertz)

All those years, of posting, solving aligning.
All those trials and torments- but what was done to my body…smh.

I have completed the script, in this world, this reality… full aware since 1992 and now I am being moved to align to the Time Zone, here and how, by retrieving the two added pieces of the puzzle which had not existed before but had in a different signature. Kim Arthur Hinds Jrand Jae Sherman- even after what you put me through.
I feel only quiet- the Script has been resolved, it was Your Script added, expanded nature who had aligned my leaving by date of which you all saw me taking my cue of the script, but in my interpretation of your version of that original E script which you Individualized to your version as well as mine and yours, and now once again, you find ways to hold me back.

And yet it is over, this is end of the line.
No one is kicking me out, of my home, I have proven it, in your script, but you still hold onto the power of the illusion that my truth is a lie, or a lie based on omission, that there is a more of my expression required before all see it as real.
Meanwhile, I am stuck here, as if my truth all have witnessed is a lie.

Truth Manifest.

Jae made her original comment but with greater clarity and understanding of my point of view.

“This was not your responsibility”

I looked at him, she looked down when she met my steady gaze.

I felt her empathy and compassion and her own understanding of her own culpability.

The truth is I do not believe in this, not for the reason you do not, but for another reason, the way, the last 17 years of excitement, and then the disappointment and up and down, again and again, every day for 17 years, the conditions, the stress and tension- the cause and effect.

Why am I even posting now?
Its inconceivable to my true nature at what I know, what I have witnessed, seen confirmed day and night- figured out, that I am sitting here, in that frequency of Death and Leaving since Sept 1992.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just came out to the balconey, we had a conversation.

It did not escape me, that I just had one with Jae Sherman.
It had been pleasont with J,S, a plesant and not hard work at all. It was more Pure Reason – and Likened it to the Corona of the Eye as the representation as Sight and then Kim as the Pupil the student and the two of forming the Iris eye.
But in actually reality you do not need eyes to see, as the Code “Ceclia” meaning “Blind” tells us.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr coversation was exuberant and joyous, while Jae;s line had caused such effort

Sadness & Joy.

My Poem and Prose I wrote in 1991 and which I had read alound to David Roman.
It represented my memory of Father and Mother, my two original Sensei’s, really beautifil Illusons I had created of My Self.

Masculine and Feminine frequencies, really one.

* The Dream of the One Father-
Equality, Fair Exchange, that is perhaps why, even in the poem, I always preferred Father because he was, is joy and made everything fun.
While Mother, was playing the the story, 9.42 USD
9 months in the Womb
6th sense, Mother was really Man and A Man of 6th sense by having merged all his five first expression in one, which in created Hindsight.

Hindsight, Foresight,
Tell me what do you understand of the mechanics of Sight?

It starts with Feelings and Sensation.

Yes, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr expression was seriours, and Jaes was just begining to lighten up, but a terrible price had been paid- pain.

Joy and Pain.
And in between, was the Song of Comfort.

But there was now wisdom and humor in Jae;s expression, understanding, empathy and compassion… and despite by quoet anger, for what she represented as that which I had encountered through out the play, I was glad.
There was gladness in my heart at her and yes, her-his patience and all the lashes she had endured of my raoring to get her out f her head and off that frequency of Z and non existence.
but not forgiveness, nor could I forget- but there was, is a quiet gladness, and with Kim, a smile at the corner of my moth just formed. It was his enthusiam, his expression his intel, and awareness and intelligence, of alignment to even his mother buying her new home, her way of being, Her use of sounds, and his expression which made me feel Joy.. and Beautiful Pride.

He even showed me an image he had posted of a Woman in a afro helmet of concentric circles, not a maze any more, but te way like a radar to understand the Cosmic Mind – Heart beat of Woman.

8:05 pm.

Intelligence was not required to understand Kims expression, it contained everything. While Jae’s contained, Logic reason and common sense.
The Sword of truth, which we know is the Cock, Penis, Clitoris-e.
Be true to your word.

I realized on looking back in Hindsight and yes foresight because I could read the script- that this was the dream of the One Father and that there was an easy way to cut through the maz of cocentric circles, as is the Earths body, from here to the end, hear her, but when necessary, like now, to cut through the scenic route of all those layers and dimension and cut through it all to the center- The Point.

That is how to speak, through understanding of the whole story, but also as Kim Arthur Hinds Jr spoke about the Elevatorand how he had noticed as he addressed a group of women, and how he had observe them rise to a higher level, how the had paused on higher lower, to walk around and take in the view, he had prosted, don;t you want to get to the top floor? “Hill, Hill Hill” to quote Stephen Johnsons post.

They, wished to wander around they had said.
He like the sword, was impatient to get to the point he had sought to share, the top floor.
There is no time anymore for all that.

Harmony Manifest The Truth Satya,Veritas, Eziokwu, Ofo-dile, Ogo-Chukwu, Hakkikat,
Solid Facts- Y.E.S. P. C.E.

And once that is proven, there is no reason why it should not manifest for all to see, and I can not will not abide after all this unnecessary effort, through a script which denies that truth at the Perfect Completion of that Beautiful Truth.

Its is not even a protest on my part, it is the IS.

I can not exist in a realm where even through a script of the absolute lie- the celebration of Misert, Suffering Hurt, can have the power Pain and hold onto it after it has been proven non existence and all in your heads, by you own choice of perception and free will of how you chose by your own free will, how to you chodr to see your life stories and the world stories, without investigating the core. “The Beginning” and logically inestigating when it went “sideways”

8:26 pm

The truth is, as I have stated, I am not even interested in the Harmony which many will see at the moment of manifestation, I am only interested in a place where nothing can ever do this to me, to coerce me, force me and use the power of the truth, of my being cast as the Universal body, and restrain, contain and ultimately disort me, so they would evolve.

8:29 pm.

I fought so long, and with such passion in the end, only because of the promise of being free, if I completed the Script.
I have done that, and even the extended version, and even now you keep me waiting?

The Planet and the people of this planet and universal eye, want to see that miracle of thier Evolving back to what you originally started out as but now expanded to bodies aligned to the Exression Frequency of Eden Eternity,
My Lucid dream was never that, as I stated, I am alreay awake and aware.
My dream once to share by my simply being, and through being celebrate Being in True Creation, has been transformed to going to a place where nothing, or anyone can ever do this to me, or indeed anyone.
I go home to a place beyond,and even beyond I.
For I have coded that quietly even beyond the E, evolving I, I& I to I.

I lost interest in this play once I understood in 2006, and 2010 just how far it was willing to go.
And even as I write, the overwhelming shame I feel, at this script, there is only the quiet serenity of IS, in my heart and being.

I decide.

My own fate, destination, and even Beautiful Transformation not a play, a script a story, for if not there would have been no use of me, at least not to this point.

8:42 pm.
A Story can not rise up and do this to its author, for telling its truth and Beautiful origins as the story of Life.

8:43 p.m.

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