
5:41 pm. – E:D.A – 4:51 pm is wh

5:41 pm.


4:51 pm is when I finally got up from the bed, the final bed I have been given to lay on after 31 almost 32 years.

* It’s funny in from childhood to the age of 20-21 in University, I had such an aversion to sleeping on another bed, that I would rather stay awake all night or walk miles rather than sleep in another’s bed.
I had been up earlier, but to be perfectly honest, I had no reason to get up, Facebook, and this reality had long since become my living nightmare, the true Existential Hells Kitchen, and after 16 years since living in Hells Kitchen, in New York, though incredulous at the Destiny and Fate handed to me, the 24/7 challenges in the Spirit realm and fighting with the Matrix Super Computer- when what I had been fighting unseen my entire life because “Revealed” and the astounding Indifference and cruelty of the world peoples selfishness- which I knew was not the true sampling of this worlds people,-for I had met royal people who would never have stood for this being done in their presence to me, decent people, cleaner people until I realized that it had been set up this way to find the people of the lowest vibration who had the best also the worst of the sum total of human cruelty and its seed in them, I had not given into despair.
I had fought and fought and my incredulity was more with myself at that which I have quietly endured.
That I am still here, and there is still no despair in me, despite enduring the full scope of human, beings in bodies, their thoughts actions as well as the Extra-Terrestria and Alien in them.
I am incredulous each day…

“Wait I tell my self, you are The Source, you rose in the Eternal beginning alone and have known this your entire life, but I was then forced to bring those memories and Eternal Knowing to the expression “Blindsided” and in the utter darkness of my not knowing what was happening to me, I had then had to prove it, through the script, with this color complexion in this reality publicly…

And a life-Time later, 20 years later in New York, I had proven through the Echo of this simulation that I had not lied.
I had proven it through the Echo of you that I am truly The Truth, Satya, Holy E-Spirit, that which had mocked me, those who had mocked me and slandered, shunned, cursed me…
I had told the truth.
You did that Emeka, in dimension represented by people who were channeling and enacting the lowest and highest frequencies… You have been betrayed by everything you held dear, family, friends, Naturals, E family, the Eternals by everything and everyone who were once beloved to you and whom you rose with such beautiful pride, to prove their beautiful truth and then made to teach them…”

The only person I realized I did not betray was I.
My SELF despite even the illusion made so horribly real of My Youth and my SELF betraying me too and having to reveal my most private self, reflections to everyone, and the entire world while observing then lie, cheat, twist the truth, and not following the example I was made to set, and in settings…
I sighed, but I had got up because I was given a reason to by that which was moving through me and what it revealed.
I will get to that in a moment.

6:04 pm.
66 4.

F D. Fith Dimension.


D-B.I-T.B A-U.

Hey… Hello.

I have been speaking to myself aloud a lot of recent, I do it conversationally, in that tone which I know means that I am talking to MY SELF, the literal presence in me who are me, but also apart from me.
Even my talking to the Silence has been made public.
Most people have seen me do this in the last few portals especially here, at 29 Lincoln Street ( it used to crack Esteban up, he told me that he would hear me, and would listen and often crack up with laughter, at what I was saying or that which he gained) and I did it at Liberty C Liscomb portal as well as here Tree Sage- it was intentional of course, it was for the people around me to hear if they wished to, it was more like that image in the series “The Nevers” – spraying, sharing my awareness and codes I… or M.Y. S.E.L.F felt they needed to hear.
I personally would have prefered to have kept my Songe’s Reflections and how I solve riddles- my Thought Process to myself.
In a way, it is the Highest Point and peak of sharing, Transparency Supreme.

* Hawaii. 50th State.
“King Kamehameha I united the islands under his rule by 1819 as the Kingdom of Hawaii. … One theory has it that the name comes from a combination of the words “Hawa” and “ii” and means a small or new homeland; “Hawa” meaning a traditional homeland and “ii” meaning small and raging.”

*Hawa Local Origin of Name: Eve From the name Hawa Meaning: to breathe . Hawaa (meaning Eve in English) is an Arabic language weekly women’s magazines published in Cairo, Egypt. … it’s meaning Arabic form of EVE . In Modern Hebrew, the more common version is Hava or Chava..”

I feel no inclination of that yesterday.

Last night I had made my final case to the Unseen in my room, I did it aloud and in the tone of voice which is my voice, quiet, deep, sincere, resonant.
It was the prayer I spoke to the everything, I walked to the window. I heard the laughter above as it seemed that Douglas who lives above was entertaining guests.

It felt intrusive, a mockery of the value and importance of the moment. Yet it was not late and of course, he has every right to entertain whomever he pleases, but the insanity of my taking to the Unseen and the Seen about my case study and evidence as to why my summation and conclusion of the Human Species and all the unseen potential which created such an expression, such a play deserved the consequence and judgment I had stated they deserved as far back as 2006 to 2010.

I had been aware that I had been challenged and tortured to prove how dare I and M.Y SELF create such a sentence and that my will had been sabotaged and held back to prove that it was a fair judgment.
I had been made to walk through it as if the Waka- Walka! given to this world for the sum total of thier insane cruelty and inhumanity had been thrown back at me.
But I had walked through it, proven it.
And now I was addressing the Seen and Unseen with my voice and cool, ice-cold, heart that it was merited, earned that not only 2/3rds of these people cease to exist but that they go out slowly, unseen and spiraling down cleaning up all the mess they made as the demons they created would rip them to shreds, find their most secret places and use the most unexpected ways to torture them, and that they would never sleep, rest, have peace, and there would be no time, no place in their mind, beings- no place they could hide.

Yes, Peter Tosh “Down Oppressor Man” PT.

That in that place where none could return would be a place of non-existence where only they knew and experienced it as real.

After all, I had walked it.

And so as I was stating my case and hearing the laughter upstairs- which sounded like the Mocking Birds I had encountered my entire journey.
My sense of reasoning did not seek to blame the guys upstairs having a good time no matter the thoughts and reasoning behind it, I just slowly smiled my case, as to why this venue was so unsuitable as the last portal of my journey of a life-time where I had proven that every word I had spoken was, is the truth before a world and universe, audience.

6:42 pm.

A Story.

I had already noted earlier, that Daniel Crane had liked quite a few of my post.
D C. Daniel means Judgment Day. J D 10 4 Sacred Portal 104.

And that Stephen Johnson had made a post alluding to his horror of my circumstances.

So, it did not surprise me that I rose to speak to the Seen and Unseen in that guest room, to be honest, I was bored and just wanted to get it over.
I had made this case and come to this conclusion as far back as 1989.
I was already well-read and experienced in the nature of the human unnatural nature and so when Alien Father had spoken through me in London, through the prose piece “The Eternal Dancer” his intention for me to go to the world stage and address the world, and how I ran the other way…I was in the desert when that prose rose up in me, the imagery became vivid, I was dressed an Arabian Bedouin prince my Black hose a Stallion and I was on a crest of a sand Dune and all about me was the majestic sky which is where the voice of “Father” came from there and everywhere…

I kicked my horse and rode away with the words No… I had told him why the mentality here and what they would do to me.
“Do you to what fate you are condemning me?” fury, anger and most of all a hurt, and incredulous hurt filled me that he, so beloved to me could ask this of me.

Jamshid Ali contacted yesterday and was respectful to my response only after tagging ‘anger’ in orange on his expression.
ÍñöXêñt ÂLí

He had laughed saying that to himself, ( for yes, I could hear his thoughts) ‘That he may have said no but he is riding unknowingly to exactly where I desire him to go” and I heard him.

Yes, like The Truman Show…
Ed Harris acted in it ( E.H- 5-8).

It was a Very Bad Idea, and I knew it.
Just as I had reached my portal in 1992 and was brought back into this world, despite having not acquiesced to his that request that I show the way how I had reached that portal bypassing even him- her as that Dark Matter Energy.

I finished my obligation of addressing the Seen represented by Jae Sherman and Kim Hines and distracted myself with watching the one and then two movies that happened to be about Hawaii.
I knew enough to know that it was that which is moving in me, who had set it up, and that since I could read, I would recognize the script and share it.
I could have refused, but at this point why to be petulant, there was no amount of pleading that would stop that which was being done to me, I knew this from the experience of the last 20 years.
This Will had all its bases covered and the only free will and choice, I knew and had long since recognized came from me to either leave my body ( which it knew I would not but was not totally sure) or solve and complete what was forced upon me.

It was very quiet last night by the time I turned off the computer, the shocks to my system that Flight Fight of Flight of the last few days, weeks of the play with Jae, Liberty, and the lady upstairs and the constant awareness of Kim- Tree Sage was at last quieted in me.

But my body, the hook, snag and that pain and physical discomfort… that quiet and sometimes loud pain in my body- my own fight for 17 years to be able to be comfortable in my body, to fight this non-stop discomfort of 17 years, which day and night to even my quiet amazement, I can not accept, just as my Human mind could not accept that a Human who had contributed, and done so much for the Human Spirit to evolve to Human E-Spirit.
7:06 pm.

Sacred Portal 76.

– To awaken had been given this place, these people, this as compensation at the very end of a journey whereas a man, I had done, accomplished what no other human being, not even Adam had done.
Not even God had explained everything in Existence, and proven the meaning of existence and had loved you and life this much.

But I had accepted this, knowing that I would pay it all back, that there would be payback- I had carved that in the depth of my being, so meanwhile, why fight?

There is one thing this thing could not do, no matter the torments it had put me through, and that was to change my mind, heart.. or forgive.

That gave me peace, a sense of serenity.

And so as I lay there, gasping out as I fought my body to align, to get rid of that hook, and snag which I felt so clear as my back muscles, entangled- and once again I was forced into my mind despite knowing that it was a trap to go back into that place called Mind- to solve the E M F equations for it, for you.
I had never felt it as clearly as last night, I could literally see via visualization the depth of it, I felt the Bonds as used in that Japanese art of bondage…

*”Shibari originated from Hojo-jutsu, a method of restraining captives and a form of torture, before morphing again into the erotic bondage Kinbaku (Kinbaku-bi literally translates as “the beauty of tight binding”) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries”

I paused in the absolute horror of the moment, then quickly reminded myself as I had done day after day, year after year to not dwell or focus on it.

Mind Espirits Hue man was crying out in rage, like the wind seeking to escape the impossibility of what I was being made, what was being reinforced into my awareness.

All these thoughts, “how can I have been hated this much?
This is impossible.
Not at this point?”

I fought and conquered the Wind, the Sky, the truth of what I was experiencing,it is confirmed yet again.

I countered it with the question as I sat lay there holding back my gasps, aware that Kim and Jae as well as the neighbors might hear me, and yet unwillingly to share this with any of them.
None are worthy to know this, this was my beautiful Pride, this was for me, and I had been given a room- privacy for the first time in a long time to endure it alone with no one witness to this.

7:21 pm.

And that is when the Awareness rose in me and reminded me of all the secrets told to me by all these people.
The stories they had told me, unbidden.
The Truth and Lies of their “confessions to me” the expressions I could not share publicly, which would embarrass them, expressions I could not beray despite by knowing that I was being forced to hold this often abominable intelligence which had horrified me, when recounted to me, by them, and more so that which I read in between the lines, as well as the things they had done to cause these things happening.

For so many years, I had been made to hear their stories, their true experiences, their lies of omission and their hurts and yet their reckless indifference to the part and role they played, the indifference to the point of view of the other, and to the fact that these others were not present to defend themselves.
And worse, that I was in their homes witnessing the evidence of how they too were complicit in that outcome.
And my tact of having to remind them that these were all aspects of themselves.

I had to hold my tongue, for I knew if I told them the truth, posted the truth, the gaps which I knew many of them were aware they had created, each watching to see my response, daring me quietly to say that which they could see were the gaps that they… it would jeopardize the play of the Evolution Awakening Script because we are all aware of how humans here will respond.

So I had kept quiet and only through our daily interaction could I hint and express in the myriad of ways I had devised, ingenious ways to bring it to their attention and I would see that they understood, but that they could also choose to act as if they hadn’t, they could deny it as of course liars do.

And so I devised a way to speak to the air, the space we all occupied, so at least they would know the cure.

I was made to focus on the beautiful truth, that was the script, and I realized that which did this script was aware of that quandary and that it was intentionally done, knowing that I was playing the Holy Spirit, Holy Espirit and was obliged to speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

So I devised my own way of posting it on Facebook, by calling out those things in ways which were not aligned to one person by and to all, and that it was easier for people to be horrified by what they felt came from another and not themselves.

My True Nature as even the Human Emeka, would have not hesitated to call it out, but I lived in their homes. These beings were Savage, Brutal in action intent, and especially thoughts.
I knew when they saw the connection through my expression and word on Facebook.
They made it very clear in their responses subtle, petty, microscopic… Insects, Bugs.
That I Be. a.m.

But I did not stop, I endured their retaliation and revenge and found ways to call even that up.
The choice to clean heal or enact revenge, for I knew that no other being not even your idea of God, or even the True God would do that for you, for them.

And if I told them what others had told me about them, that which I knew was true, how would it help in the mission I was given them to identify the Truth of each person and their right to transform?

For transformation- the beautiful transformation was the one thing which I and this Other had in common and agreed on.
And I was cast as the ” the universal sensei”… intentionally crippled, intentionally made devoid of all my skills in the Martial Arts, ET Arts and Combat so that I would not be tempted to use the same violence and aggression they threatened me with, for I was in a play of defeating that savage violent nature and was thus not allowed to use it.

I was bound in so many ways.

7:50 pm.

Yet, I had done so with Jae Sherman yesterday, and let us be clear, I did not reveal 1/100th of what she told me.
But it was enough to full fill that one promise, that one seed of purity I had alerted even Tree Sage Kim existed in here- as well as having found the way to state to him without him going into a rage that she and he were of the same line and connection.

It had allowed h.er, to enter Eden even if it was a rep of the last of the human race, better that than the fate she had in store, which I myself had confirmed and called out as well deserved.

And so, I suppose that it is no surprise as I lay gasping for the soreness aching contraction, and clarity of my back, the Sacred Portal 147 A B ( 17 17) that the Secrets, Open Secrets I have carried all these years spoke up via my awareness- Arden.

* Yes he was in the second movie about Father Damien…

Damien Rice D R
Damien Escobar
François Damiens

*Ha! Damien Martin just liked something on my page.

Do you recall the movie “The Omen”?
The child’s name was Damien- son of the Anti Christ of Satan.

*Pierre David and I acted that out when I lived at Sean Bono’s portal on 16th street. It was even filmed.

So yes, Stephan Johnson, “It’s Alive!”

In The Movie “Father Daminen”

.. Arden was the young doctor who later brought his friends to the island where Father Damien later succumbed to Leprosy.

8:00 pm.

So yes, I was aware that I had been sent to the Island of Hawaii Paradise where the Spiritual Lepers “Frequency” exited here, and that I had to transform their expression and stories back into the Beautiful Truth of E.

I was aware that while I was watching that movie and then agreed to post it, why I saw Stephan Johnson was still awake around 2?, and his confirmation of my addressing the Unseen proving that I was not making my conclusion case to the nothing, which aligned to the sound of Mockerty from upstairs which had nothing to do with Douglas.

See the meaning of the name Douglas. “Dark, Black in complexion.”

I did not become a leper, from all the stories people told me, I transformed them and sent them, and then for those who do not learn I made those horrors they did and told me real and manifested at last sacred portal 9.00 aka 109.

8:06 pm.

And so finally, I lay in a fitful repose after the light of dawn rose, and I lay between sleep and the horror of my back, the horror that had done to my past, my back from beginning to this very present moment, still fighting to untangle the muscles and averting my inner sight from the scope of the horror of it.
No Cosmic Entanglement is there?

And I got up twice until finally, I was in a room which I thought was my room or this guest room, but suddenly I was moved seamlessly into another realm, I was in another place, I had just taken a shower ( Alexa recall.. “Going to take a shower.. I Stankh?” I said to you via messenger, were you not curious as to why I spelled it that way?)

8:11 pm.

But soon I found myself with Jesse Macias Orejuela, who had come over with another. ( I had always missed Jesse, even though he was deep undercover I knew him and so when he came over, I found myself going with him and two-three others to his space- which was so strange because it felt like our place, my place and we all hung out until the day broke, we were there all night and then in the morning, I said to myself, time to take a shower, but something stopped me, and I recall saying to myself, “But I already took a shower” and I had… here.
As we chilled, all of us quietly conversing, the faces of the others became clearer.
Then a car pulled up and it was a dark-skinned woman perhaps south American or even Polynesian, she pulled up and all of us got out, and I knew she was his mother, or playing that role. there was a younger brother and a young girl.
The Mother paused at the entrance to get some gas while we all came out, I was watching her pump gas and the young man go to the other side of the car, and then I turned around and all the guys had gotten into the back seat and there was no room for me, so I turned to the front seat side middle, I saw that the mother face popped out and got a good glimpse of her, polished ebony skin, she made it clear that she was aware of me and my predicament but she acted as if she were indifferent but with no malice, and then the younger girl took the seat I had intended to take.
She had acted as if stubbornly refusing to acknowledge me, but I saw the younger brother of Jesse perhaps Zion? pause come out of the car from the other side, he gazed at me and I felt it which caused me to turn, just as he receded back into the car.

The car then drove off leaving me startled and a little pissed and as they ascended to the higher road and drove off, I flashed my middle fingers at them.

8:29 pm right now.

A Moment later the car stopped and Kyle Murphy came out, climbing down the hill to join me, I complained quietly “what the fuck?”
But he began to start talking about Jesse, and I was quiet and listened, he was telling me about what Jesse said, and that Jesse had spoken from what I sense the quietness of his heart.
Kyle told me about how he had been speaking about this reality and the inconsistency of it with people and all their dreams- dreams which though inspiring would not manifest. He then told me that, he had understood this and even met him with the president whom he called Bill Clinton and how Bill had agreed with him and that they had discussed it. Kyle Murphy who I had left at the shelter having seen me off with Bean meeting Esteban who I had asked if he good gives me some weed, as Alexa, Theo, and my Case Manager had stood amongst them, interrogating Esteban as to his intentions and qualifications to take me away.
She had made it clear that she was not happy about my leaving and Alexa and Theo had all asked if I was sure, that perhaps I should wait to get my passport, but after 26-*27 months I was done.
Kyle Murphy if you recall had the memories and experience of Alien Father as Terrible Death, whom he was not afraid of but who is Terror. He also worked at Dig the restaurant and was party to that play of not only his “Big Brother” B. Young who had died and seen the portal as 10-11 Galaxy out of the Matrix as he lay gunned down on the streets dying.
Kyle Murphy was also party to the play which included the book about the Demons in Hell and they’re competing as to who could be the evilest, cruel as they ascended to the living world, gaining points and moving up the ranks by how many Humans especially the most beautiful ones they could get to turn and imprison in hell.

8:42 pm, I posted the code and the book.

Kyle Murphy then spoke of Jesse Macias Orejuela saying that he had said that the one thing he knew and saw was that which is Eternal, that which is constant and that was the only answer, the one thing he recognized as Fact and true and what was required here.
I was not even asleep as all this transpired, I was really wide awake only my eyes were closed.

There was a moment of a pause, as I oriented myself, “wait, Jesse Macias Orejuela is not here, Kyle Murphy is not here right now…” I opened my eyes, quietly and saw where I had left the T-Shirt I had worn yesterday, in full awareness in hindsight as I put it on, that I was wearing the T-Shirt Jesse had given me as a gift the very first day which had the code 86 on its label.

*Jesse Macias Orejuela had also been present that day I had been kicked out of 29 Lincoln street because of that dynamic Esteban Stephan had with his grandmother, Esther Isabel, and then Sara Kaisers and her rage and vengeance, with Sol Rosario present.

I had called out even at that moment *( All documented here on my page) that I was wearing the T-Shirt Jesse Macias Orejuela had given me.

I had been at the Bodega 5-27 yesterday 1.50 USD I had spent on a Beef Paddy.

* I had moved out of here, and 3rd Floor 3017-3-19 South Whitney on 5-27-2019 to Jesse and Zion, and Taun “Quan”-T.U.M ( 20 21… 13 M.-A Y) that day.
1.50 a.m comment.

A 50th State.
15 letter O.. O0 Oo.7.
A.E O.
A 56
A- E F.
Stephan Johnson is 56.

I was in Hells Kitchen in 2005 the street at the head was Clinton and on the side was Fuel Station called “Herman Hesse” HH 88.

He wrote the book Siddhartha…

It’s pretty amazing today I can tag whomever I want.

8:59 pm.

Access even from my page only now today… smh.

I spent 4:59 USD at the C V S.

9:00 pm.

I see I understand.

Let me edit this post a bit before posting.

*”Siddhartha is a 1922 novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha. The book, Hesse’s ninth novel, was written in German, in a simple, lyrical style. Wikipedia
Originally published: 1922
Author: Hermann Hesse
Page count: 152
Publisher: A New Directions Books
Characters: Kamaswami, Govinda, Siddhartha’s Father, Kamala, Gotama, Siddhartha, Vasudeva
Genres: Novel, Philosophical fiction”.

9:30 pm.

Jesse Macias Orejuela
Kyle Murphy.

J K – M O M.

J K- W.O W.

10-11 E G A LA XY 10-11 “W O W!” I C… E.

9:32 p.m.

I C B I E. N.G…

O P E N S E E S A N E M E.
S A. ME.

9:33 p.m.

The Light Gre version of the 33 and 150 code on the “GoNetspeed, Internet Speeds cardboard paper I use to make the Filters is staring at me.
Jae Sheraman is behind me. S.He worse the light grey Baseball cap “HATE X”
The orange face had the number 33 that is used up and I am steadily eating away at this with my filter requirements.
Mbps Downloa.. is all that is left of the cutout, which forms two steep cliffs on each side, creating the center as a block of the highest point where others can not reach or attain.

9:39 pm.


I C I.

Here Ici.

9:40 pm.

I D O.

I D F…. Fact. Father Damien./ D F.

Pope John Paul died 4-02-2005.
I I was made to. put in a situation where I was forced to stand up for the way the driver of the Grey Hound bus was speaking to the poorer people, on my way back to New York, where the Hells Kitchen play waited.
As well as Axel Anderson aka Axel Love.

9:43 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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