
5:40 p.m.

5:40 p.m.

5 4… / 4 5…. 9…

E D…


B E T S…

E D B E T..S

E Doing Being E.T.. Extra Terrestrial.. Supreme.

The correct Expression of Earth 4.5 Billion years is code 5 4…

Sosa confirmed.

just as the Universe has been confirmed Outside of Time

through Rays McKayla highest self linked to her Anchored Self and linked through her awareness of the Script and play her connection to Holly McDonald who lives at street number 138, her initals H M, the correct alignment of Time- Age of the Universe as 8.13 rather than 13.8…

8 31/ 8 13… 13/31.. 44.. 8…

8/8= 1.

8 16… Esteban Miguel Filgueira

45/ 54….

8 13/ 13.8…Its really simply 8.

Which is why 8 13 not 13.8…

8 is the Constant..

I S… Unwavering.

5:54 p.m… Just as 4.5 is 5.4…Its the meaning which is relevant not the number- but the meaning attributed to the number.

6:00 p.m.

5 Expressed and Manifested 4… The Square the Stage..

5- 1… Leaves One who is 5 out of the play- as the Observer..

4 is a Square, and from the response by the People, Moved by the E, rather than addresses buildings and numbers-it is expressed as I stated in Human Beings, on a world Stage acting out the play of awareness of Harmony expressed and carried out on the World Stage… Not World Earth ..But a World Stage.

The confirmation of the code I created as a response to this riddle I was solving, made me attribute STAG i was seeing over a decade ago in the script before I was

brought by this Wave, Expression and Human Messengers to this Facbook forum; I had matched S T A G … E..

That I was playing the King Stag – meaning of the Royal True Nature of Being, on a World Stage…

S T A G… I knew was completed by adding the E.. Which is a vowel, it creates motion…

Thus it was not Stag but Stage- that I.. we were on.

I was aware of this as far back as I can remember…

Even as a boy. I was always aware…

But how do you go about proving it?

Empirically in a Riddle, Labyrinth, Maze, Virtual Reality Ancient Historical and Pop Culture game of Scrabble, Humpty Dumpty and Fractals of light Trap of Human Mind Games invented by…

Distrust a vote of No Confidence?

– The mere thought of tackling such a script could never entered my mind then when I was so innocent of the depths of cruelty and possibility brought into plays awareness through such a script…

..But yes, I was always totally aware…

But this play and script dictated that I solve it this way…

Revealing as one might gather by the Time Code above on the Heading,

E D.I.. B E T S… E D B E T S

It means that someone bet on me, in an Extra Terrestrial play of Sound and Frequencies…Translation Identification Energy Signature and then manifest it into form, from the Seen to the Unseen..

That i would be its Supreme representation… Human… a Hue Man..


S M H…

Supreme Manifestation of Harmony…

S M H / H M…E..

E H M… Facebook Friend from Persia…

… I knew about this, perhaps to this much depth and detail, because my focus and attention was not my will to look to- I have just been interested in getting out of this Story and the discomfort of my body- but yes, I am very aware of this dimension of the play and the…

A Scene just took place with Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah Kaizer just now- aligned and linked to this post…

And to the riddle of A-lien Father-

End of Sacrifice of many or even just one for the greater good.

Riddle has been answered through the play of Alien Father as the rep of the Black Hole- abyss which I have now taken over by carrying more of the Evil Expression of Selfishness and sacrificing others…by having closed the gap and solved the Riddle-

Let rise all the Clean- Naturals and cut out the unclean.. the illusion the Lie.

And in doing so, it formed a perfect circle of Pi.

Christopher Filgueira played that role.

He has moved to another space called the North End.

And then Rays McKayla arrived and a play of Stephen ( not Esteban) and John Mack manifested of the last play of Trust- Woman/ Man.. and the testing of the New 5th Dimensional Beings of Transparency test…

End of the battle of power Man Woman…. Last stage complete.

The Black Hole… down the rabbit hole… into Wonder Land.

*The code names of my brother and I in the higher plays, was Wonder and Ponder…

P.W… Waves A Particle.

Wonder Land is not a play of going down into the blackness of despair wishing you or another did not exist.

It is passing though the Tests of the Flesh of lets call it it Satan Lucifer Devil … The Great Witch..

The 3 who say they are One..

versus the 1 who is 3…

See Sacred Portal 86/68… 86.. Henry Ford Esteban Miguel Filgueira quoted today.. H F.. 8 6… Hindsight Foresight…

Sacred Portal 75… Piercing the Viel of Sound with Hindsight and Foresight.

I listened to the code and knew it was all good.

This was all the last riddles to be answered- the end of Sacrifice and Self Sacrifice and the end of the demons which have haunted the equation of Two Men and one Female-

and the trust between Two Men and man and woman…

Resolved through the understanding that all 3 are the Same One- different version.

The one who goes home is the one who comes clean.

Three new facebook friends… Representing the end of this E.T..B Play..

Link E B T Card play at the Assessment Shelter with Micheal at from bed 005 when I was on bed 007

5 7/ 75…

It took place at Staten Island E B T.. Card play was link to 47…

who brought the 4 7/ 7 4.. 28 Days… One Month…

into Existence… 7 7… 7 7… Sound Color Chakras Sees…

I link to the number 1,500 00 USD… Investment into the play by me…Loan.

And the play linked an E B T Card 1500 to Chris…

E B T…

Confirming from the line of A-lien Father Alpha…

Eternity Evolution Existence Ecstasy – Beautiful Truth.

E B T Card… E B T C…E.H…

8 13 Infinite Harmony Manifests…

Not Manifestation is Harmony…

Manifestation = Truth…

M T..

Harmony as Infinite rose as the One Eternal Truth and Constant..

It is…

just as all Expression came from the 5th Dimension on a 3-4 Dimensional play.. 3 4… 3 rises to 4… 44…8…

4 rises to 5.. 3 rises to 5 through 4..

55…E E..

5/5 ..5….Ten 25.. Y… Chromosome Male

I Y…

The I is the One who is Three.. Y and Two V +I… and I.. I I…

I I I…

All from the One I.


9 +9.. I I..

Isabelle Ilic

Ikenna Iheanacho




Flip Inverse…



F A… 4th Note… 6 1.. 7…

5 10 25… 35.. 40….C E…D O…ING…

4 O.. 46…

9:46 p.m.

add sacred journey of The Elegant nomad… of Wonder and Pondering the True and the absurd.




11 1


E B T Card..

1500…is 15 OO…… 15th letter is O.

15 15 15.. 6 6 6….

18. 9.. I

12.. 3…C

6.. 6.. F.

Mirrored by C A Filgueria… C A F E…

Infinite Consciousness..

FA C T… E…

That is the equation of the E.T A-Lien Father in the play of E T Supremacy.

Pinky Sykes P.S.

Edessa Skye Jenks….

Sam Be Mixing

P E S…. S B… J M..

J.M… John Mack… 10 13… 1 0.. 13… 14… N. 5.. N E.

Skyes come from the word Sky.. and means Sheltering and Adventurous..Free Spirited

Edessa is

The meaning of the name “Edessa” is: “Name of Macedonian town

*Alexander The Great was from Macedonia…

That was the name I first documented rep by Stephen and

then linked to his Father…

Portal Alexander…

*Origin: Greek, Persian. Popularity: Familiar. Derived from Daryavahush. The name of several ancient Persian kings, including Darius the Great, who reigned for 36 years. He is mentioned in the Bible, along with Darius the Mede, ruler of Babylon.

Other names. Related names. Dariush, Dario. Darius (Persian: ??????) is a male given name. Etymologically it is the English transliteration of the Persian name Dariush, meaning he possesses or rich and kingly.

Darius ruled for 36 years… C F…Christopher Filgueira

Conscious Fact… Chukwuemeka Frank… Franco..

Chris Franco…

I met him at Age 12 when he lived in Chelsea same building as Nikoma – A Supernatural- in apt X.

Y Chromosome Male.

X Chromosome source male.

X Y… 24 25… 49… Bed 49.. 2015… 15… 1500..

Bed 53 Keith Grant… K G… Wieght…

Carried the Weight and Wait of the world…

I was last weighed 202 K.G..B O B..

Another code Esteban Miguel Filgueira mentioned today.

His last two phone digits are 94..

18 94… and Christopher’s 049…

18.. 94… 18 Prayers…

49 is Existential Death 5 4…..

Expression from the E manifested the play of Natural Evolution to the E…

And the play was to link the 1st Chakra to the 2nd stage, to the 3rd Earth to the 4th Space which links us to 5th – Through Expression Conscious Considerate and then through the understanding expression through Hindsight Foresight…

Sixth Sense was used to prove E S P…Energy Spirit Plane T.

Which creates Clarity I C.. By th trail we leave behind the understanding of the Vision Full Circle of the nature of Harmony comes naturaly but all with those who come clean-

No Secrets just secretions through Expression which leds you to

I Create…

I See

I C… C I…

I S…S I…

I I C S…

I 3+19…22…Letter V.

I V…

I Vie.

I Victor…

Da Vinci.

The One Victorious Identity of the E.


And yes, I am fully aware that my Father Brother Son used me to BET… But not a sacrifice… Because that is how much confidence in A.F.A has the confidence in me- and cees me sometimes more than I could see in myself as a man boy undercover in a script which defied belief.

1230 Facebook Friends.

L C O.

A B C O…

10:31 p.m.

I wrote a bit about that on my page through the years, but not I did not go much in detail – for that story and true play was not of this world- nor did it require your belief.

10:33 p.m.

John Mack… Remained the one constant- out the play of the One Four…

D A.. 4 1…

Rey Burgos R B… O R B…/ B R O…



E O…

10:35 p.m.

J C E…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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