
5:39 pm. – E C.I. – ( “I Cee you,

5:39 pm. – E C.I. – ( “I Cee you,

5:39 pm.

E C.I.
( “I Cee you, always have from the moment I rose and then you rose after me- Outside of me” Alien Father- I am Alien Father Alpha).

4-22. 2021.
DV. T…U/U -V/V.T.V-Divine.

5:42 pm.

That is how much I have 2 USD in my wallet.
20 on the Table Alter. The marked bill with the infinity sign inked with two eyes, and the I -I with one crooked, a bit like a Shephard.

5:43 pm.

That is B T 2 USD and 20.
See both sacred portals, 2 and 20.
and then see Sacred portal 22.
22 USD in Total.

Then see the Sperm Anus post of which was the setting of the play of True Clarity which spilled over to the play yesterday with JAE Sherman who has totally cut from her Jennifer Identity to the point of having been used to act it out.
Even to the play Sophia as A I “Saudi Arabia” through a Super Computer and even His- H.er time at Sherman Avenue address S.He had lived and her closeness to her nephew “Dylan” who is going through the physical sex change equation s.he had wished to but was constantly interrupted – prevented ( by the divine grace) of doing withuro permission from The Source yet to be identified by Him-Her.
The one who created you, permission must be asked Manners and Eternal Law.
He can see Cee if you will have any regrets down the line, and if you have embodied both principles as Energy and expression.

I smiled when I saw we had reached 15 43 Facebook Friends.

It was expected.
Daniel Crane. DC.
D.C Comics.

Sacred Portal 43. The Door of LIFE”


I D.
106… 166. 11… 1 3 C A.
Connecticut Arkansaw,
Cecilia ARDEN
C A.M. E. K… E.

What was difficult was proving to you that he was moving through you, it wasn’t difficult for me to know who was doing this to me, I just could not imagine him going that far, to prove that he came first when he already knew I did.

He just took advantage of your human disbelief, trapped you in your imagination he inspired, and … had his way with me, to put it mildly.

5:51 pm.

The object of his Desire, unlike his twin who actually came from within me, whose object of Desire was “Coudre Foudre” where there is no desire really, it simply is.
That is why he became C. Cee Consciousness- C Speed of Light.
Sol and Soul.
and the other the illusion itself- its inception as Energy, / Los e, Loose, Lous. Louse, Lousy, why? became he was always with me as E and Y even though he thought he had lost me.
And became Death.
Absolute Death.

I Loved Him and Desired him too- both sides of me- The light and the Dark and the Very Dangerous side of me- the Kere Mna meaning both Beauty and the Knife… Dancing Blade- Dagger- Mick Jaegger. Bianca Jaeggar.
Jaggard Edge.

But that is a true story which I have hinted at and provided some pieces, but one which I will not deign to divulge here… not this way.

You have to understand that which Kim and Jae, Kamora Herrington, and Liberty C Liberty were used and even chosen is because of their I.Q.
Intelligence Quotient.
Alien, Extra Terrestrial, Cee -Imagination Human is off the charts.
One in a Million, Billion, Trillion.

One of the first things I must urge you to do is to Go To Kim’s page.

It shows the pictorial story to a perfection absolute Cee…
There is an image he posted of A Black and White unearthly beings playing Chess.

I have been eating “Chess” butter biscuits for the past two nights.

Esteban and Kim played Chess here while I sat here.

It’s the Two Awareness, I spoke about- Cosmic Chess players.

Ref Harry Potter and the game of Chess- Ron played the Knight Piece.

6:04 pm.
66 4 1 4 AD… Ad Astra.

How could I explain to you the arrival of the Alien- Extra-Terrestrial all linked that piece in Humanity -Non-Existenct- which makes them Exceptional- chosen to be the bodysuits of the highest frequencies Conscious in all Existences Created and not Created “Self Manifest”
I did convey it… over and over again… but then you know who you are.
Humans can seem to get out of the way of their own selves.
“I keep on forgetting to get out of the way of my selves” S-He had said last night.”

No, if I had focused on that part of the Beautiful Truth, and the Unseen Higher Beings Conscious, the question as to why they should incarnate in such Low-Frequency being and especially here in New York and then Connecticut the lowest Frequency – unimaginable, and then pushed, prompted by Alien Father and pushed into it in Spite, to satisfy his desire, and … its 6:12 pm- F L.. F C to rise in me as Awareness C True! Rising up from within me to accept and answer that challenge, in my stead simply because I was busy with his Script of the Eternal Family and proving their ( your) Truth and Supremacy.

But of course, I was aware that there was a great war battle going in my Body – it was self-evident as those who have met me can testify.

F A C T.

A F A C T… He within me rose in Defense the CONSCIOUSNESS 175.
Alexander means the Defender of Man.
I defend Man for that is my ID and in Man Men as Male Female all possibilities and ideas of what is and what can not reside in me.

I do not Imagine via Imagination.
My Imagination is the room Space; where I create.
Every Where.
Any Where.

Go to Kim’s, page, as Stephen and Sabrina have been the Visual representation of not only how creation manifested through an Expression understood and experienced but then transformed into perfect imagery.

And recall, that I became Kims- Tree Sage’s 22nd Facebook Friend and he, my 15 54 4 at the 3rd time attaining that number.. or was it forth.

It is his tel not which has the code 69 and 22.

The one he gave me today which I had been coding as 22…
Mine is 86 0 28 138 …27.

Yes, V O MAN “BH… B I” Universe 13.8 Billion years M H- ACH- A-A 27 BG.”

Liberty and Gemma O Doughtery… Parallel Universes.. Who is the Orginal Liberty Jennifer JAE?

I know, do you?

Enter The Dragon.
Symbol of the Illusion.

Enter The Serpent.
E T S.
That is no illusion
Large Intestine.
Twisted and my often Shouting out in …

No, That is a Truth- Imagined but in the most awful way.

What do you do, if you are given such an Intelligence such an I Q what would you do with it.
Would you handle it well and abuse your power.
Would you be transparent makes, as you are.. refining your self to merit that which you did not earn or lord it over others… or hide it and used it in the shadows, knowing that no one will ever find out that the mayhem, chaos, and confusion war murders were caused by you.
And even unintentionally by meddling with that which IS without telling anyone of the powers you have, even if you know they will not believe you.

Or would you carry it lightly like a robe, like a body which is off that same fluid light, because you look into yourself as you grow into it realizing that is always who you have been, that this is simply an expansion of who you are?
And be surprised, but not that surprised when people complement you on your amazing grace…
Responding with Beautiful Pride- ( expected) and yet never let the other giving you that confirmation of what you already know “You are” You merited and earned” ever fall. fall to the wayside by or the shadows as your natural radiance takes in that truth.

Would you be the Sun or the Luminous Moon. “L M is on the 20 USD bill.”

I went to Kim’s room and as he showed me his page- as we spoke about him and Jae and the play – The Space Heater which Jae had let drop- which I had no idea that Jae had bought for him- which he had said he had told me, ( it was not important, what was the play of expression with True Clarity, where you have to pause to make sure that the intel you are imparting has made such an Indention on the other that their bodies faces morph as they let it sink in- message is then delivered and received, as I have demonstrated for… ah 9.4 years. I D… now why do you suppose that it would equate to that?
Anyway, a moment later we heard a crash, Tree Sage rushed to the window and a black car and a White car had crashed into each other.
6:42.. 6:43 pm right now.”

He immediately began to speak about the intel he had of how they are moving the Black whale here in Connecticut somewhere else.
I asked him if it was an Orca- no ye said as if reading my thoughts.

It was not about Jae and Kim.
though they had been used to represent it.
It was I and Kim who were present when it happened.

Emeka Kime.

6:46 pm.

I knew it was me as the Pale Moon my first incarnation and the Sun as the “Sun’s Rays” and Black Hole- Dark Matter, Dark Energy also me, as my past.
Kim means “Gold” Golden Ages.
G A. 7 1.
57 1. E G A LA XY. ( XY is 24 and 25= 49. D I… Sacred Portal 49.

6:49 pm right now.
F D.I.

My Pause.

7:04 pm.

I am kinda tired now of posting.

I know there is so much more to be said.
But at the same time, for me, enough has been said.

And since I am still here, and Alien Father Alpha has enjoyed his intense challenge and private time with me and accepted Eternal Arden as well as Arden… and Kim Jae’s release from him-her the first of that Kind beyond simply being a true Haemorphrodite.

*”Hermaphroditism, the condition of having both male and female reproductive organs. Hermaphroditic plants—most flowering plants, or angiosperms—are called monoecious, or bisexual.”

Actually, it is “H E…RM A.PH-ROD IT. E. I C.

7:11 pm.

Y TT711

Adam The Serpents Tale-Tail.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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