
5:39 p.m.

5:39 p.m.



A.X…A -B D…

Being is Doing… B+D= F…

Being and Doing leads to Fact manifested as Solid Evidence of Universal Law… ID.E.A to Expression I E..

Energy Music (Spirit.) Manifest Harmony….

Meaning all comes from the Eternal Realm and through Expression the Invisible ( the Vision) becomes Visible ( Fact)

Being is Energy..

Doing is the act action of Being Expression Natural..BE N..

BE..N… Benjamin C. Krajewski… came here today.. B K…

Kelsie BissellK K B…

Benjamin Joshua Melendez B J M…

Link Being John Mack …

Eternal Law is the process of manifestation of the Unseen to the Seen witnessed by All.

Mirrored and Reflected in all Creation Nature and Humanity..the work in process of refinement from the Seed to the Tree,as well as the Human Being a work in progress learning to become complete by understand how to enact this very truth which the Source 123 E manifested…

We are now at Completion of that Equation of Death Darkness as the illusion called Matter moved back to the Light.

Represented as the portal of Christopher Filgueira, C F whose portal and Testsand Point of View I had to link.

Chris represents the Silence…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F.. represented Sound…

I had to pass through their portals rep by theor Fathers as Alexander Darius, and mothers Donna Lisalynne.. D L..

A D.. 1 4.. 5..

D L… 4 12… 16…

E P…

E P J was the intel John Mack just brought to me…217/71… 320…C T..( Common Thread..Sacred Portal 20 Lady Echo…T C..True Conscious a=Truth.

and E P J…Linked to Johnny New-Man…who lives on the 2nd Floor with Chiefy…

217 my older facebook friends will recall is the code is the Trail which has been following me since 2006 and linked to The Transformer at Delta Manor…B Q W P…And whose meaning was resolved to Beauty Being is Quantum, Wave Particle…

And has linked to John Mack (Jump Man) and Rays McKayla who both lived here last year with Johnny Newman J N.. J M..

R M..(Burgos) ..

The Jump from the 2nd Floor where they lived to the 3rdFloor where we live is the story of the Quantum Leap… 4 Years a Leap Year… O…Proton Electron Neuron O P EN…

April the 4th Month means O P E N..

Izzy Chris’s daughter is 4 years old…

Rays McKayla gave me intel yesterday of codes Warrior 17 Green.. which she then corrected to Eden Warriors.. E W…/ W E…

320 is the date I arrived in New York almost 18 years ago…

3-20-2001… To the taxi driving me from J.F K.. Airport playing Janet Jacksons album Control- an ominous indication of the play I knew I was entering in New York, was about Control.. and Power…

And my finding myself in a play script on a Universal P.C of which I found myself having to battle to wrest Power and Control from an Altered reality,Altered Human- unnatural s,to bring about an end to the use of Control to exert power on others and by proving where the True Source of Power comes from Truth…not just any Truth but the One Truth which creates instant manifestation confirmed by Lady EC H O…Solid Response…

*Emeka Christopher H

Emeka Chukwu…E C..5 3… ( Bed 53… Keith Grant 2015)

Eros Cupid… 53..8…Full Circle of 1 to7…Solfeggio,Rainbow..S R.. *Solierys Rosario…(Rachel Session 2011-12 Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions)

Thus Sound Full Circle moves through 6th Sense to manifest from the Unseen to the Seen.. Expression moves to Solid Fact…

* In perfect timing Stephen has evolved his name back to Origins original name Esteban Miguel Filgueira,S.F having been attained Solid Fact..Felling Sensation..

Aroma Cologne, (Colon…. Jordan Colon J.C) Perfume..Scent…Sent…

E MF..

He just sent me a text at 6:13 pm. F M…E…

The third piece of intel EPJ….Linked to New Man…And Mckayal’s u tube video of herself called New Me N M… J M..J N..J J M N… J O Y…J A Y…M A N E…

N .. E W…Eden Warriors ( to retain the vibration wave and way back to Paradise-never lost…

Link Eros Psyche… Echo Narcissus… E P…E N… E OPEN…APRIL…

Linked by Brian Dempsey..B D…Being Doing..

The plat of Darkness Dark Matter… Death,was completed the day Kelsie Bissell came here,

The Gap of memory which I had been solving unknowingly since I first wrote the story as a child in 1975, and then consciously when I set out from Nigeria,returning full Circle back to London where I was born, and began to write my observations of this strange world I found myself in as I searched for my familly of E,in my Log Book I called Talking To The Silence…in 1989…29 years ago…

*The new E mail address which was given to me by a person at the agency I bought my phone from is KOLD 5575…

29 Months in a Shelter…

29 years…29 months… leading me to Esteban Miguel Filgueira home code of his address 29….57…

55 75… rep Erik Ebright..E E… Christain Edwin Edwin

C E E…C 55…Ethereal Elemental..

Attained when yesterday Ele Ment became my new Facebook Friend as I linked with Rays McKayla

E M….

Chris has not been around since yesterday..

I knew he was Free,because I had understood the play he represented which is the Gap… was the Gap…A GAP… A G A P E..

Agape meaning Brotherly Love .. J B L…Speakers Chris uses…

The Play and Riddle, I had been solving (most times not even caring to be conscious and aware of it) is about theopening of the E YE to see.. itself…

The Equation of E..Particle and Wave beginning as One…The One Constant which then gave the illusion of dividing itself, into particle and Wave….then through the process of Eternal Law moves through the F M band… FM E…/ Electro Magnetic Field to rejoin itself ( After Diving into Two on passing through the Prism.. Pyramids Triangle,Bermuda Triangle… to create a Story of Time… Creation=Time…

Time ceases to exist when Creation Time .. Common Thread..

C T…3 20… 5..O…E O…

50th State Hawaii…

The World is the Prism Triangle where this Wave and Partcle…

Music and Huemans…had to open their eyes to See and link the Particle and Wave back together…

( link the power of Music and Humming… and people… That is a perfect example of how that Unity is established and how by being Naturally True..T RUE…Ti! Are U E…?

Te! 7th Note,7th Chakra..

7:00 p.m right now..

Crown Chakra Vision..7-1/1-7..88..E C H O..16…P…

Perfection is attained and why Beautiful Expression =Truth..

That Truth can only be Beautiful, full of all the 7 Ages of man,woman…True Knowledge expressed, merged back Full Circle into One…Perfection.

Expression Perfect..J… In Balance 10…1010….2..Through Being.

M.H… rep Rays McKayla Manifest Harmony…

Milky Way 13.8 Billion years old… 13 8…12… 21…212..2012…

Earth; 4.5 Billion Years Old…9…

21 9…

219 is the Address of the Whitney House I am sitting at right now…

John Mack is 21…

9… April 5th… 9…

U I…


C I…

Thus the Gap would be 13.8-4.5… 9 3 billion years Gap between the age of the Universe and the age and birth of the Earth…

93… I.C..

Please see sacred portal 93…I Response… Alejandro…

Izzy and Cash /Dollar line of my sister and Chris rep my Mother Brother Cecilia Nnamdi… C N…Cecilia John… Onuabuchi Nnamdi.. C J… O N..E…

Cash linked up to the play by linking with Esteban Miguel Filgueira and thus to the play..

Cash is a very close friend of Christopher Filgueira..

and God mother to his Daughter…

Izzy Cash…

Izzy Chris…

Ikemefuna Chukwuemeka…

Thus,the E Paricle and Wave had to linkthe Beautiful Truth even in this World Play of Time,to open the Eyes to See through this play of Time and at the End of the time leave the 7th Chakra and the Prism Triangle, idea called this World and exit the prisim, this world storyby linking 7 back to 8 Origins…

13 8…In order to Manifest Harmony by aligning to the Frequency of the Universe Milky Way and thus leaving the Body called Time as an Illusion and rising to the frequency wheree Earth 4.5 Billion Years adds 9.3…I. C…

I Consciousness

I Create…

I C=Speed of Light… SOL..

Aligned in perfection with Universe 13.8…

Thus Earth rep by E ART Harmonious Being… To Universe Vibration.. and with the two aliened and now one…

138… as Wave,,,, Spirit Awareness Music… Harmonics…

And Hue manity rep by the an Individual.. The First… to do this and then 2 3…others responding…

And so both Body and Being… B B.. ( Black Berry according to John Mack.. and which is correct)

Particle and Wave… Are now one meaning that both the Body and the Being are now linked to one and so both really ine Expression can Evolve…

To E…

E E… 5 5… 5 55…. 15… 6… F..

7 5… 7 Continents 5 Seas… 12= L… One World completed…

And 12+1… 13…. Rep John Mack Nnamdi passed age 13…

12..3… C…

E C H O… F ..E…

Fact is E…

The Eternals are a Fact… They Exist…

It is Humanis and all which have not evolved to Beautiful Expression which creates Harmonious Manifestation E Rose Being…

is naught but a Lie.

Only the E are Real…

E R…5 18…

7:28 p.m


How do I know that I have bridged the great Gape rep by the lack of expression of Love…?

Here is my Evidence Prove… J B… Grace…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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