
5:39 p.m

5:39 p.m


E: C I.

Sacred Portal 76.

Brooke Lee Lemery representing the Eternal Energy line Descendants Awakening across the Globe.

Of the 123 True Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening

20 19

T S..

Tree Sage

20 +19 =39.

Cosmos International

Jesse Macias 39. Play by numbers

3 17 and 5 17 codes aligned to him.

Jesse David. J.D.

Judgment Day

Sacred Portal 104

Com Pass Me Says Terrible Death ( T.D 204..

26 4. Z at Delta 4th Dimension Heart Balance.

B F. 44

John Mack. 44 Brooke-lawn


Best Friend Harmony.

That is how I recognized the Two Men.

My portal and sacred beloved line of my Two Fathers ( Brother and before that, Sons)

By their perfect timing and Harminy.

My Family of E even deep undercover, no memory and in the worst situations and through Mind Games, Pyschological Warefare, Mental Enslavement, the True Battle of Armagedon Revelations..

They rise and stay in Perfect Harmony, perfect timing in their roles and characters in this staged Matrix Hologram in the 4th-3rd Playing Field as well as behind the Viel at the 5th Dimension.

Integration Interface Convergence Merging, Emergence Evolution. Awakening Play..

3 17

5 17

7:04 p.m

G.O D..

G F. D

76. D E.. 4 5. 9. 20..

3 is Earth. 17 is Q.

5 is Jupiter ..Youth … Age does not determine the consciousness of youth.

It does so only in the physical realm to completion. Age 21…

7:06 p.m right now


Earth Jupiter


5 1O..

5 new Facebook Friends

First letter of each name forms an message

Echo Response.

First my last Facebook Friend before they arrived..

Asiegbulem Michael


And then, once more a proof of the Play proofing the Truth of Origins of all Humanity… and Creation ( H C)


Not a Woman who only rises now as 5 aligned to 3.. 8. E…

S H E…

7:11 p.m right now

With the completion of Jesse line Examination Test and myself playing my Families Advocate…

Because the E Line are Angels as meaning Messenger.. But we are Beautiful Devils..

( which is where childrens nature comes from the Eternal Indomimtable Spirit of Beautiful Youth…

It’s true meaning

Jupiter! By Jove!

5th Planet ( and 4th from outside)

E !



I D… E

See what the 5 Who arrived today and the One waiting in the wings whom I have yet to confirm since he just arrived.

7:16 p.m right now

Brooke Lee Lemery

Brenden Velez arrival time now merged linked

7:17 p.m right now

Jamal Slater

G.Q.. recall that play at 18 Mountain View

Jonn Delgyidce/ Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan

J D….

Jamel White

Jamal means Beautiful Handsome..

Of the White Race…Light

Black Brown Tan and finally White..

There is no Yellow Man or Red Man..

Just shades and Hues of the Golden Race.

Zoraster! Meaning Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn ( Now Heroes plural)


I Connect

I Cut

7 16. links to Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Good Point

And 8 17. 8 34. 87. H.Q.. H C D/ H D.C..

M.W 87 69… 69=6

M W 8 76…




B E…

And the 5. And 6th waiting.. 5 6

Y Y O E S.

Do you see the response from the Universe…?

Y is Male Chromosome

Y Y represents the affirmation that Universe was formed by a Conversations by Two Men..

Which expanded and created Space To See each other, look into each other’s eyes, explore the epiphany stars which exploded as they conversed 24 Hours 12 12 turning one of them who did not know himself and the other who did, transforming them both from Night to Day and Space as Transparency

Air Water Energy. Expresion Conversation E C


* Isabelle IlicI


And 8 Harmony Infinity the Mechanics which move the Universes all to Universe Supreme..

The Point!

Sacred Portal 35.

*7:35 p.m right now.. anchored

I was on Bed 5-019… Eos.. ES..

Mean I landed on Dawn which is what E os means and E S…. ( 5 19= 24. E.M.F..F 6L

E S P. When I was sent down to Bed 3-002…

The name of my Eternal Spirit is Energy Suprene or Spirit E…Awareness The 1.)

This my mission would be the bed I landed on..

The Highest I ever reached was bed 5-006.

E F.

E 666… 18. 9.

E I. 59 last two digits Brooke Lee Lemery Phone.

509.. 511 Farmington.

* Brenden Velez father and grandfather both names Able.. A Ble ( Sword Blade of Grass)

A +A = 2. B.

56. E F

Eternal Family

E 18..

E R…E Responds. 23. W…5. E.

E A H!

ESP…Earth Saturn Pluto.. 9 63. / 3 69..

Extraordinary Sensory Perception

6th Sense proven a Fact..

That we use E S P

Transforming Silence into Sound Understanding

Amazing Grace..

How Sweet The Sound..

Proven with John MacDonald

Jesse Macias.



Jump Man

John Leaps Awareness ( Andrey Klebanov Ian Patrick Stewart)

Jesse has a Gift like King Solomon.

Jesse Lucas….Adrian…

7:46 p.m right now

Both linked to sacred portal 46.. quantum leap to 56….

Proven -Merited Earned as the Twin Expression

Particle and Wave

P.A W ….

W A P.

P A V V / V V A P ..

Stephen Johnson!



Perfection Attained

Highest Point

Z ION not his son who is 17 Q reflecting his Father’s play ( Father Son.. F S. Feelings Sensational)

P A W….. 16+24= 40.


40 40.


88. 86

P A V.V. 17. 22 22. 44. 61. F A

V V. A P. 17. 44. 61. F A

Fourth note Fa.

61 Days in the Wilderness after taking the pills

Psalm 23..

61 61.

1 22

A.V… Alexa Vertefeuille

12. 2 check… the most correct

L B / Brooke L.

And 100 as C in Roman numbers

( 100 U sd from Brooke and 40 from BBV )

Able Able 1 22. 2. 22. B V ..

Brenan Young

Kyle Murphy

Y Y.

Two Men


J M..

Emeka Kim Arthur Hines

E K. A.H

Authoring Harmony

Nadee Nakandala

Victor Kolo.

Brenan Velez

Two Men.

Brooke Emeka


8:00 p.m


Y. Y ( 25 25. 50. 56. 5 O. Hartford Connecticut 5th State completed full core with the players actors representing this state..

Full circle

Y Y.E S…Full Circle to Fact..

He .. E.K.. is In D E E D. ( 4 5.- 5 4)

I am The Source.

The T.R E E. S. A G….. E

8:05 p.m right now



I had a Silver Tree in my Home in Istanbul


8:06 p.m right now

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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