
5:39 p.m.

5:39 p.m.



25-3-9…Y. C. I…Yeshuah Christo I.. B.E.. C.I…


Consciousness Yi.. Cee Yi…

Meaning of the word Yi…

From Chinese ? (yí) meaning suitable, proper, ? (yì) meaning resolute, decisive, firm, ? (yì) meaning justice, righteousness, ? (yì) meaning profit, benefit, ? (yí) meaning joy, harmony (which is usually only feminine) or ? (yí) meaning ceremony, rites (also usually feminine). Other characters can also form this name…

7-3-9..G.C.I…Grace Consciousness Individuality….

We have now moved two steps forwards, from 546 Face Book friends..

E.D.F..Sacred Portal 46..First Drop..

E Drew First…

54 6..

Sacred portal 54 Mother and Father dancing at last in Harmony-Creating the First Super Nova..Big Bang- OH!

…And we are now at 548…which aligns to Sacred portal 48 is Beautiful Death as Transformation.. B.D.. Spring…

And 54 8..Meaning we are in Harmony with sacred portal 54..Which represents the Epiphany…Awakening..

Please recall the link of 54 aligned to both Donna O’Sullivan and the Tunnel of love, and Jonn Blackwell working at 54 South mountain road.

and the code 54 +54= 1O8.. The 108 names of Amitabha Buddha…

and that I am at 18 Mountain View..

Which aligns to Myra Veres..Myroslava… Link the meaning of the name to her initials..M.V… Mountain View…

18 M.V…

54 form Emeka Donna.. Emeka David.. Esther Donna.. E.D..54..are in Harmony, and Emeka is representing the consciousness of Transformation.. as well as Death…

5 is the fifth color.. F.C..Blue and the fifth note Sol

D is the 4th Color Green, (Plants, Grass..) and the 4th note Fa..

8 represents the Return of Completion of the First Color and Note.. Evanescent White Light O-8…Full Circle creates White light.. Harmony.. a consciousness of All Universal Nature as UN (ONE)..

Order Harmonious Principle of Existence…

This enables you to understand how the post I shared today are linked to this deciphering and reprogramming…

Using an Art ad Science, yet to be recognized in the World, except after this equation manifest the Evolution Awakening…E.A.

Yes, I have stated that my posts now a Roman, C.E.. A Book, A novel and the Hi-Story, of how the Awakening took was built and manifested while most of the people in the planet were still asleep.

This play was designed to prove that the Human consciousness can, manifest the consciousness of Existence by using Reason and Sixth sense to not only See, but manifest through weaving and using an E.T consciousness aligned to that of the Consciousness of Creation.. and the collective knowledge of this Human time line, to open up the portal of the Fifth Dimension and manifest it here in the Present World we live in and transform all to see the True Earth which none but the E line know it exists…

And that Humanity were journeying through Space of the 1-3. and 1-9 planets ( Consciousness) then 1-1O. Including the Sun..

then 1-11.. the Moon, the Elder Twin of the consciousness of the Sun, the Sacred Feminine linked to the Divine Masculine…

Creating the equation S.F..D.M..

Link Stephen Filgueira S.F..Donna O’Sullivan Myra Veres…

or Delguidce (Jonn Blackwell) linked to Michael O’Donnell..

Meaning that I am using a totally different way of seeing and understanding reality..

And by using the sum total of Human Expression which I publicly translate into the Consciousness of the E.T and the Child with all people, called Truth.. I created E.T.C..I.. The consciousness of Infinity..

Which the Echo Confirmation responses, such as new face book friends and the Intel which I receive via Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan..about what they experience every day.. Jonn seeing that which creates fear in the World, destruction, Negation…which has finally been completed, which now links me more to Donna’s intel which aligns with Harmony Cee of Creation…

And moving Creation and Destruction.. C.D to full circle meaning the same thing…

Thus, we have established the coding of the time and day,as well as the Face Book friends linked to Sacred Portals Numbers and even colors and sound..

Which should now align with the meanings of my two new face book friends names..


Lourdes Taisha Mora.. L.T.M…20 12..32 5..E..M=13..Manifestation ..M=13..1+3=4..D..Divine…

And Esther Anandi Adams.. E.A.A.. 51 1.. Area 51 is now One..

Area 51.. is represented by J.B.. Jonn Blackwell…

as J.B.. Which linked to Juan Bermudez, which really aligned to the islands of Jamaica and St Barth…J.B..

The Energetic Bermuda Triangle…

*Jonn bought me some Jamaican Jerk Chicken yesterday..

at New Pulse.. New Pulse of the World..

Thus Jonn represents the Outer world.. Nature Geography.. O.

which links him to Fritz Venneiq.. Natures Vision of the New Earth..

While Donna O’Sullivan represents the inner world of the Human Being.. The Plan-E.T, the Dream of the One Father 1 O, and the Blue Print of Existence… affirmed right to her license plates and Her Black Lexus,, Mercedes Benz…

Which then Links here to Geoffrey Lacour of St Barths…

See meaning of name Bartholomew..B ART H

Being is the Art of Harmony

7:12 p.m.


Geoff LaCour…

Gentlemen Ladies

7 12… 19 84.. See my year of birth posted 1984 Big Brother…

1O3.. J.C..13..M…4..D..17..Q..8..H..

Which of course, correlates to my proofs and affirmation that it is from within, that that the Outside world or physical world manifested..

And so Inner Manifested Outer..

Spirit ( True Spirit ) manifested the Physical realm..

and Energy.. Manifested Spirit Energy… which I call Spirit E… The Blue E.T (Alpha B.E.T..City..A.B.C) who was really the Golden 19 year old Eternal Youth E..


That a Hue-man Being manifested Creation..

And is the Creator.. and this play was designed by the Creator to give and share the knowledge of how All could chose to become as He- whom I will call for the sake of convenience, the First Born.

Those who hearken and awaken to this expression linked to the entire population of the planet through key Face Book friends who chose to befriend me representing the entire spectrum rainbow of Human Consciousness…

Thus balance was attained between the Inner and outer realms when Isis Osiris became my Face Book Friend..

Between the Physical and the Spiritual, and finally the E which creates the equation P.S.E…Which in the correct sequence is

E.S.P…( In numbers.. 5 19 16…) Total 40..4O..DO..NNA..

Doe a Dear…First note of Sound…

It is, those who ‘Chose to hearken and investigate why the expressions on Face Book posts resonate with them..

Who are the Family of E set to Evolve to the E.Harmony..and then to the I.E..The examples of the beings of Infinity Eternity…

Of course I never expected anyone to believe me..

The code is To Know…


Belief does not figure in this Equation..

Only resonance, echo and respond.

And so they are the Family I have been looking for since I was born into this world and have always been aware they exist..

I never foresaw my having to spend the last 26 years proving them and fighting such a battle, to prove that they exist already undercover even this world..

Lourdes.. The Miracle.. Miracle Mike Aghimien..M.M.A/ A.M.M..Angela Marie Alexander

Visions of the Virgin Mary..

Ma-Donna.. Links meaning of Nephthytis…



Transferred use of a Basque place-name meaning craggy slope. Lourdes, a town in southwestern France, was popularized as a given name after St. Bernadette experienced visions of the Virgin Mary there in 1858.

Virgin Mary…Art-e.m-is ..Love…

V.M..Myra Veres M.V..

See Dawns, friend of Donna, version of what a Virgin really meant..

Independent Strength of Woman…new frontiers..

Pan Dora the Explorer..

18 58.. 18 Mountain View 58 aligns to Donna O’Sullivan and her license plate number..

and to Susanta Nayak 1958-58..


58 E Harmony Line…

Taisha.. means Alive! She Who Lives…Joy Happiness.. In Arabic. and Gods Friend..in Greek…’

T-Aisha.. T-Ruth…

Aisha was the name of one of the Wifes of the Prophet Mohammed..

And my mothers immediate younger sister…

Aesha Armand…1997 Interview..Istanbul Turkey..

Mora means

Of Celtic origin perhaps derived from mohr (great). Alternatively, Maura is a feminine form of the Latin Maurus (dark-skinned), which is from the Greek mauritius (of Moorish lineage, dark-skinned)

Maurice My bio fathers name…


Carlos Mauricio Quintero… See his revelations posted on my page recently…

Message from the E.T to me, you…

The Miracle (Mira-Mirror Cle) at the shaggy slope, stood one Brave as A bear- (Meaning of the name Bernadette) who witnessed a Vision of the Universal Mother, V.M Victory Manifested of the M.V…

See meaning of Myra Veres Names..

The Eternal Truth, S.HE..who is now alive, She who Lives, Wu-Man as Joy and Happiness, the one True Friend of God..

The Great One, who is Dark Skinned…from the 5th Dimension.. Eros..Aphrodite..?

Esther Anandi Adams..

Esther we know means Star, and as the name Ruth, it is a biblical name derived from Ishstar.. The Persian form of Isis.. Twin an sister of Osirus.. Mary and Yeshua.. Mary and Yosef…M.Y..Ala..Anna

M.A.Y..Y.A.M.. AH…

Esther saved her people from Annihilation.. She was a Queen of Persia..

Ruth who was the Great Grandmother of King David, from which rose the Royal line from where Yeshua Christ came from…

She was also related to Joseph, wife of Mary..

Esther Ruth… ER..Which is the ancient Proto-Indu European word for Earth.. A Star and a Vision, Companion and best friend..


Earth A Star which came from the Heavens…

J…A.D.E.. J 1O..A.O.. John- The creators is Gracious,Ade and is the Royal Crown..Jewel of Andromeda/ ADE..M.O.RD..NA

Milky Way…

Mord means Assassinate, Murder, Slay.. in High German


The heroic uncle of Esther and son of Jair, son of Shimei, son of Kish of Benjamin (Esther 2:5). According to the Book of Esther, this Mordecai and his niece Esther managed to not only avert a holocaust, but also to convert the king to Judaism and occupy the most important political positions in the empire; Esther as queen and Mordecai as second-to-the-king (Esther 10:2).


The name Mordecai () is explained by the Rabbis as a compound of , the Aramaic form of (= pure myrrh).

Pure Myrrh

Uncle of Esther… UN Cle..To the Star..

Anandi (A Nandi.. Namdi) means Harmony Bliss and Joy.. Bestower

of Pleasure..

Name Anandi generally means Always happy or Joyful or Unending, is of Indian origin, Name Anandi is a Feminine (or Girl) name.

Adams.. Means

This interesting surname is a patronymic of Adam, which is of English origin, and is from the Hebrew personal name Adam, which was borne, according to Genesis, by the first man. The name is of uncertain etymology; however, it is often said to be from the Hebrew adama, earth.

Its also means First Man to Walk the Earth..

It could be ultimately derived from Hebrew ??? (‘adam) meaning to be red, referring to the ruddy color of human skin, or from Akkadian adamu meaning to make…

From Science we know that the First Man (And Discovery Channels All About Eve), was from Africa..

Where I recall even now my surprise of my first moving to Nigeria to witness the red red Earth..

And it is also the First Note and Color in the Rainbow Spectrum.. Red.. The Red See..

Parting the Red Cee..

Evanescent Light and Red.. create Rose..


Energy Rose..

Expression Rose..

In O.I.Nri Igbo.. the Name Adama means Beautiful Child

Literal First Daughter of Beauty or The First Daughter knows’

It means Man’ in Hebrew…

Eve means..

The name Eve is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Eve is: Life, living, lively.

Which then aligns to the meaning of the name Taisha…

Esther Taisha T-Ruth…Queens..E.TT

Esther Uzoma E.U) The Star of the Beautiful Way…

Esther Uncle Mordecai….EU..M


Eternal Truth ..Etre..E..

Thus, the message..

The Star of the Beautiful way of Truths way, is the Eternal Truth of the Earth as the Star and the one key which prevents the Slaying and assassination of the entire diseased consciousness of the Human race lies in the perception and awareness of the Bestower of Pleasure, Harmony, Bliss (H.B..82), Happiness, Joy (H.J..8 1O), which never ends ..Eternal Truth which Rose with the First Man Adama Eve/ E.VE Adam…The First Being to walk the Earth who Rose from the First Note manifested from the Light of Creation..

8:5O p.m..

HE..O the is the First Circle from which All things subsequently, emerged…

And from this one came many…

A BRA (Ca Da Bra..Magic!) Harmonious A.M.

The True Abraham Adams =E.V.E

5 5 5…15..Letter O..



Harmonious Ode to Existence’s Grace…

8:55 p.m.


Offer Praise and Appreciation..

That is the true meaning of Prayer..

For Grace has already been given..

Right from the First Note..

Celebrate Harmony Bliss..

8:58 p.m

there is no point in crying out in Despair..

Instead perceive the Pair dancing every where..

Eros Cupid and Afro-Dite

Lourdes Ester..L.E..

and the U.N…Cle..

The Warrior… And the pure Myrrh..

Balthazar of the Three King Mages…

Balthazar who was Dark Skinned from West Africa and Arabia…

The Youthful ones in his Twenties…

who anointed all with Love Christo Clear..

He is the Two in one.. the One who created the many Pairs..

L.T.. 12 2O.. 32…E.. 13..M..4..D…E.D..I=1=A.

E.A.A…5 11..


Emeka Kolo

9:07 p.m

97…See Sacred Portal 97…

16..7.. P.G.


First Contact with Infinity

was manifested on my F.B


9:09 p.m


See sacred portal 99..


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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