
5:37 p.m.

5:37 p.m.

From Shahzeb Khan.

I was writing a Post to Billy Hung,

It was a long time coming,

a post in once again, the 4th Time,

He was being asked if he is friend or Foe,

and whether Money had become used as a power tool

which he was using when he of all people is aware of the truth of this play and that all including the monies he made from investing in Bit Coins which enabled him to recover his investments in me which I was present when he began investing in them after his return from a visit to China.

I was fully aware of where the wealth came from…

Bit Coins… B C… That it was for the play of the Evolution Awakening.

I knew this from the first moment,

even the 1,500 he gave to Rav and myself.

1500 is 15.. Letter O..

I am Rav Singh… we were going to his apartment in Fort Lauderdale apartment 511…


16..P.. Patrick Okolo.. Me P light blue.

Two Full Circles..

Emeka Rav.. E.R… I C..

5;45 p.m.

He had been made treasurer and was given so much affirmation of the Truth.

But I had observed the two aspects of him..

His Light.. so Clean and Pure..

And his Dark Side…

Blackness… Matter… but that is all an illusion.

I noted how he told me that he felt that he could only wear black…

I knew it was a set up from the moment he returned the first time, I noted the Play, the time and I did everything I could to move him back to that Nature…

He kept saying to me that he has a Dark Side…

I was aware of that from the very beginning of my meeting him and had even spoken to him about it often…

You have to chose…

Today I found myself reluctantly having to enter that final chapter of the play, which is much more intense than any one can imagine, it goes back to the Ultimate Decomposition – to became not just Shit and Fecal matter but to embody that literal frequency.

I had spoken warned, cursed, screamed at him until we parted always..

The heart attack, the Mental Hospitals Time .. 5 times…

And even the monies he Gave me,

He has my recordings which he has the rights to, he has the my Book Manuscripts..

The True Conversation Between Energy E..

And the Story of the Family of Ten.

No one has been given the evidence, given access to me for a Year non stop. given chance upon chance,to…

And then last night a play took place with the Chinese American in my room which was such a set up that I could not even be angry., all I could do was read…

and understand that it was the Dragon play.. The Dragon in me kept calling out warning, but the man so complacent on what he thought was my Kindness and Compassion that the initial fear and respect he had for me had diminished to such a level..

He though that because he saw my Humane Ladish self speaking with Quanma’e Lewis and others, and then observing the way Quanma’e Lewis had shown such public disrespect after all was done to him, and there was no repercussions that he could do as he pleased, ignore even the warning of a force in me which even the hardened beings here respect.

But with out drawing blood, with out violence, creating a consequence beyond a Stroke, beyond be sent away 5 times, loosing all your Money and getting it back, that the person would come to their senses.

I do not see anything in this play as personal,despite the constant personal attacks on my Being.

I see Yuin Chen YC and Billy Hung B.H being used to illustrate the a nature in Humanity which can not be moved not matter how much Truth Love…

Greed Power, Rage… Deception Jealousy veiled in words of politeness, gestures appearing as Kindness hide a deeper malice..

and a refusal to move, budge from it…

There is man wearing the exact colors of my 15.50 usd American Spirits tobacco…

I would never have bought them if it had not been for this play script..

From 9 to 11,to 15.50…

I……K….. O.E.O.

15 is the number he was wearing, he was seated besides a girl who could be as brother and sister…

There was sculpture which I wanted to share from Le Juedi…

It shows a brother and sister ( at least to me) each facing different directions on a wall…

A play like that took place last night with Micheal Belle.. which if I could have wept, I might have…

It was, what I understood as it played out a test of a challenge to being equals.

A deep secret of one challenging the Source Creator but acting as though everything came from the Source Creator yet deep undercover there was a malice…

A will of it challenging that it was equal no matter how absurd that was based on the sum total of play…

It was not Micheal really he was just used to portray that bring forth that truth…

On the wall there were two Male and female…

I recognized them instantly and trued to share it, but it Katienéfo Ziao did not allow it to be shared…

Nnonyelum Nnamdi… N N.. E..

So I sent the image to myself.. I saw it was i sent it at 5:15 p.m.


I saw the young man and his sister sit besides me 15.50 A S Tobacco T-Shirt…

Immediately, I acknowledged them, in this post they both got up to leave…

E sees full circle…

Nnonyem (Aria ) and Nnamdi ( Eri c) are the twin 69…


5 15/ 15.5…

Jose Anthony Roc who slept besides me in room 5A.. Bed 5-004…

while I was at 5-006..He is the one who said The seriously underestimated you

55.. OO..OO.. 64/ 46…

Bed 4-006 Quinn… meaning 5.. While I was in bed 4-004…

44 OO OO 46/ 64..

I am Nnamdi…and we looked each way but we both could see Full Circle…

O O… 1500 USD… Twice…

And to Infinity…

She is me…

He is me…

But they are not me… they are themselves…

But they are not me- from me came the original blue print..

As I observed the play which took night with Micheal Belle…

( after seeing the play of Daniel..Igbo Anthony, Edward Donald Don Key.. and Randall Michael Enoch…E R E D .A D….). and how Kwame was moved to take seat besides me, forming E.K…Which it had done over and over again for the past two days.. a person with the letter K in their name would link to me…

But today it was Stephan.. who came to me…)

Then Billy Hung arrival at 63.. Donald Leyton Turner is 63.. he turns

and how we reached 1165… Which is the street Billy lives in with his Mothers house with his brother Tom…

1965 is the code date of birth I occupied as a placefor my sister line to Evolve to Sixth Sense Expressiion 6-5…11… Yes Nn..Nn… 28 28… 56.. 11..

I am 1165 facebook again with K.Z..

I have been through alot, much more than you can ever imagine of the true nature of the depth of cruelty and betrayal capable and even allowed in this play of 29.. 30 years to bring forth the Truth..

But through an evil Justice System…

And the use of Money as the Power tool.. the use of Gifts given by Mother Father.. The Creator, to aid each other, especially in this play of Evolution.

All the wealth monies, gifts which each knew that they had not earned.. which fell in their laps- which was a Gift, they knew, at which they knew, each knew there would be a time when the reason why those gifts given would be revealed to you what it was for..

All knew this. I was forced to check.. 55 homes I passed through..

Each person choosing a different to betray to lie. to pretend to be stingy each becoming corrupted by the gift…

Some just a little others to a point of beyond belief…

Even with all the evidence of their being a presence…

6:42 p.m..

S.P. 42 Of the Source of that Power returning…

The Balls of people, made me feel as though they were not clear, as to the consequences of the action..

Billy..Micheal Yuin Bill-Y…

B..M Y..B…

Three People..Full Circle..But the only one fully aware of the play since 2012 is Billy…

6:45 p.m.

I am tired of dealing and writing about the Ugliness. Treachery Deceptiveness- Duplicity of people…

Having to watch it, watch the set ups… watch what I already know is going to happen because I have seen it.. I have seen it all before…

I ask what is the point of all this…

Did you doubt this, that which people are capable off?

What planet do you live in?

Which World…?

6:48 p.m.

It is only when I reluctantly took my cue from this thing which set this up..

6:49 pm.. F..D.I..

After observing that Billy had not even the courtesy to respond..

So fearless so many have become… so disrespectful while I have swallowed it, endured it over and over…

So I wrote him .. and that is when I saw this message from Shahzeb Khan appear.. S.K..

Stevan Kolo…

6:52 p.m.

he sent three… I left three usd in my wooden Bowl and Apa Ogu…

Medicine Bag.. A O.. M B…

Animals .. Mammals Reptiles do not toy with THEIR Prey…

What I have observed in this Script and the certain Human Beings I have been directed to see especially here in the Bronx where the sum total of all abominations I have witnessed in my life here is gathered .. as if sweeped Za to this one corner..

Delta Manor..

Star Bucks..

Taylor Avenue…


Even my very Room..

My heard invaded my body .. by frequencies of these toxins which the Titan Gods had stamped out in the eternal beginning we are in a play where all that has been brought back….

I really can not comment personally any further at the Hatred and Malice present …as Revenge that it has the power to take a person free will literally away and force it to do that which it refuses…

To force that will over over and over again…

6:59 p.m…

That is how one knows that this is truly the End…

OF an Existence …Every where…


Look at the depth of Hypocrisy in people.. he Self Deception..

I do not know what this is all about…

I really do not care…

But those who are being given these awful awful consequences which I am seeing this abomination manifsted who was once of the E.T..

I have seen that those ones deserve it… and more.

Khan sent two more Video’s but what marked me was when this one arrived as I was writing Billy.. the words Beautiful; appeared…

7:03 p.m.


Nnonyem Nnamdi Emeka… O…

N N E O…

5-20-1 97 3

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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