
5:35 p.m. – To describe how wea

5:35 p.m. – To describe how wea

5:35 p.m.

To describe how weary I am of Human Ideas and Stories, especially at this point in time, is a thing of such impatience and exasperation with me personally.

But this is how I woke up today,
At 26% Battery
Then 77%
7.70 USD.

And an increase in the Liberation of my body after 18 -19 years.
And the Awareness as I have always had that its twisted nature began to manifest in my Awarenees from carrying heavy burdens, bags on my Right Shoulder which twisted my body and my collar bone out of place.

I noted through the years that just as my teeth, I was continually hampered from repairing it. And that another force, aka Human Stories and Belief Systems was making it appear as if I were literal Lucifer and the Fallen Angel who Wing had been broken.

This would have been seen as something absurd but as I strove to find what I felt was and would be a simple solution to my body disequilibrium I found that not only was that Illusion and Lie Story.being enforced but that Human beings whom I met and was led to all held onto this superstitions and beliefs.
No matter how educated they were deep in thier psyche these Ancient Beliefs and Tranditions. Ancestral curses carried on to modern times, this modern world, still held nearly Humanity under thier thrall.

The White Man is the Devil.

The Black man is the Devil…

No matter how well educated the modern world claimed to be, these deep seated prejudices would come out and be used against each other loudly, or most often in the Modern world, said and acted out under thier breathe.

The Devil is in nearly every culture and religion.
Some do not believe in Evil or that it even exists.
Which is more my experience but evil does exist as I resolved with my mother, as an independent force here in what I know and have proven, is this world which is not the real world.

The Devil became a force in this world, a power of non Existence which all could use as a Scapegoat to blame their mistakes and misconduct on.

He is called the Liar.
She is called the Deciever.
The Adversary to GOD –
I have identified as Harmony Truth.
The Beautiful Truth Harmony Expresses Explaibs Perfection
As Perfect Symmetry

Thus. To exist in a realm and a body where everyone lies.
And find the most ingenious ways to hide the truth and daunting only the Good in themselves and omitting their mistakes the actions they did to others when not Consciousness or attentive to the Existence and Being of another.

The placing the value of thier own Ego and need for attention over that of others seeking to be seen and gain attention themselves because of the Need created in this reality not only of Material Natire but of Mental Spirit Psyche and Expression…Translation of Experiences and interactions each day.

That inability to pause, before reacting and inability to look into the mirror and be honest with themselves.

I have witnessed for my self first hand the closed mindedness. The Evil.D.
as Humanity
Empirically for myself consciously for 54 years and the moment I urinated in my biology fathers food when I was about 17 months old.

6,07 pm

There is no such thing in my vocabulary as God and the Devil.
These are Human Contructs.
There is no such thing as Good versus Evil.

G E.

Only in my personal experience it was an Enders Game
The End Game.
For a planet learning Expression
True Expression
True Natiure on a planet which had 7 continents and 5 Oceans – Open Sees.

And the resolution of the Enders Game

Was like the Eaaster Egg.
In Ready Player One… the E Version
And End Game the E Common sense versions
Which was to put together again all the pieces of the Puzzle of the Cosmic Egg.
Fixing the Cosmic Entanglement
Which is the Body and like the twisting of my body which is getting better and better as I express in clarity
Be Conscious of your Expression
And it will begin to resolve
35= 8
53 =8

88 =1.

x = 35

35/35 =1.


9… I.
14…5= E.

9 5.
14…A D = E.

9 5 = 45.

Code age Planet Earth

45 = 9.

4×5 = 20.

9 20

19 92.
10 11.


92/ 29

11 11…=1.

45 / 54

20 20.

20 20 Vision
Perfect Vision

For Cast of the Enders Game
Chosen by the Script designed to resolve the Confusion Chaos Conflict
Back to Harmony I.Cee.
I See.


They say that the Material realm is the Realm of the Devil. Satan Evil.
And it is a lower base like Aninmal Nature Frequency
As say that is a lie.

It is the Realm of Eden Paradise
Expression Perfecrion
Garden of Earthly Delight and Pleasure of Creativiry and Wonder, Amazement
Suprise Incredulity Mirracles.

But that is because I see and Cee Consciousnesly
I see beyond this idea of your invention of Duality.

I see Perfect Symmetry everywhere.
And that it that can only bring Perfection Harmony
Peace Adventure Discovery Delight.
And Universe Cosmos Exploding Orgasms.
Sex Sensual Sexial De-Light.

I love telling and listening to stories but they also have to make sense.
Common Sense.

There must be SymmetryLogos Order
Begging Middle End… and A Continuation which also makes sense after the story Ends.

But these StoriesI have read lived and seen still moving Humanity as if they never moved past Primitive Base natures of Indects and Reptiles. Never became warm blooded Mamals with all thier purported learning to read and write.
And all the technology and so called achievements that could not resolve the most basic requirement of thier being born in this playing field of Matter…Mayerials that they could not even resolve that Matter is Light.
Lucifer The Light Bringer
How Light came to the Expression Dark and simply transformed everything back to Transparency which became Light in which all could See Perciwve Perfect Symmetry


So. No, .I am not really addressing you as The World played by Liberty C in a 9 year old Grade Scholl school play or 9th Grade.
Nor am I addressing Kim Arthur Hinds Jr also in the same School Play…

I am talking to the Silence Father Guiding Expression Landing here to The Point
Stephen Popiotek .

BRO. T. H E. R. M..AN.

My Buddy as my Body
But I made it public so everyone can hear my Expression and as my own body begins to finally resolve and respond to the knots and Entanglement made to become or seem so incredibly real, by resolving all the confusion conflicts in my Beleaguered and Beloved Brother and Sister’s Being by 21 years of Expressing Explaining another point of View which makes sense causing my body after 18 19 years of this condition which began in Istanbul Turkey I.T
And then Blossom into this great impediments of Advancement Movent until I could be at Freedom Liberty to simply be me and free of you as the Devil and its False Accusations
All Lies
Returned to Common Sense called The Truth.

Is Beautiful

Javed Gulab
Fawaz Wazzy

Bella Eilaria
Angela Bell
Belle McKenzie

Elyla Bella

Bella Paige

Ariane Oates
Ariana Gradow

Ariani Wulan

A W.E.

7:02 pm




18 / 81.


7:03 pm


10 10.

This is the Evil…Terrible Death.
Resolving and resolving that in which there was no Conflict at all.

In the World
Even this one
Self Created.

Just in you.

The Evil Devils who are the Adversaries and Foes, Enemies of
The Beautiful Truth

7:06 pm



7 123





7 6 7.

It’s a shame really, I would had before been so Enthusiastic and Ardent to tell you how I.am transforming physically literally and in a way and manner not at all that even I thought.

Somethings are beyond Thoufht and Reflection

/ R A T

It simply I.S.

And Hindsight becomes it recounting and telling after Digesting absorbing that this literally happened to you.




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