
5:35 p.m.

5:35 p.m.



21-11-2016..36…9…I.. U-K…T.P…C..F..I…

United Kingdom- Universal Kolo True Point. Fact…I..E

11-21-9….. 2 (1)-3-9…. B.A…C.I.


KUI means…

Kui (Chinese: ?; pinyin: kuí; Wade–Giles: k’uei) is a polysemous figure in ancient Chinese mythology. Classic texts use this name for the legendary musician Kui who invented music and dancing; for the one-legged mountain demon or rain-god Kui variously said to resemble a Chinese dragon, a drum, or a monkey with a human face; and for the Kuiniu wild yak or buffalo.

Room B and Room A (B.R.C)…49 to 007…D.I…To OO.G.

Nnamdi to Gabriel Jibril.


Believe me, I did not think that I would be here posting today…

I had planned to go to Manhattan…

66th Street… and down town but a play took place today, with the arrival of and the completion of money code…

And the play of Jealousy and Dominance… which is the play of Sacred Portal 99… Outing the Virus of Jealousy Envy, from the Human Species once and for all

Is what brought me here, once more instigated unintentionally by Dewight Smith…

Yesterday was the 20th, and I found myself giving him that code amount…

It comes from me, but by coming from me, it also is in alignment with a testing which I have been going through…

A Testing of the Code of Money…

Many people have expressed to me, or I have heard for years, people speaking about a new Currency and the end of money…

But I also know that money as a means of Exchange, is not guilty of what people (as usual), have sought to blame money as the Root of Evil in the World.

A Stance which, I have always seen as peculiarly, foolish and petulant…

Money, just a Capitalism Democracy, Socialism, are simply tools.

6:00 p.m.

(Yes another play of Sixth Sense to Fact… )

It has always been about the Consciousness behind all these great ideas, concepts which has corrupted every beautiful idea in its application, from Idea to manifestation which has haunted the Species…

Just as Jealousy for the Beautiful ones, even to the story of First Contact….

My Grandfather who was titled and wealthy, exceptionally so, always spoke about Association being aligned to Consciousness-in that he would always say, if your hands are clean and you put just one finger in Palm Oil, and then forget, or simply not clean it…

After a while the rest of your fingers and even cloths will be also stained by the Red Palm Oil…

Which was my Thesis to the E.T and the A-Lien council when they asked me in 2004, formally that if I were given a chance to change the World what would I propose..

Those who had asked me this where of course, the Unseen dimension except by the Initiated or Gifted – it the realm of which the Shamans, Sorceresses, Healers are able to exist in while existing here…

The Spirit realm being the manifest Median or Middle Passage where an Idea must pass through before manifesting in this reality..

Which is of course, governed by Laws of this Reality…

And hence, the Gate Keepers are the Divine Law Guardians..

Some call them Ascended Masters, A.M…Or Ascended Being…A.B.

Or even the Parallel Universe…

Link M.D Patrick Okolo P.I.O.. contacting me after once more Going against his word or perhaps normal timing would be better word. who contacted me at 1;44 p.m…yesterday after I Swallowed my Pride and asked a contribution donation to a play whose Eternal Law..(E.L) was based on Exchange..

That All who I was led to, contribute to the play, while I could not work in this World because of my being Spirited Away (Without my permission to the Spirit World via being forced to live in the 4th Dimension of my Mind… A life time of Solitude to solve these riddles of Existence.

It was not my Job- it was the Job of Humanity.. to complete their Home Work of the age of 1-3 Chakra… and Clean the Age of 4 called Heart Chakra.. Compassion Passion… Then move to 5 Expression and from that seat move to proving Clarity of Vision.. 7…Through 6th Sense to reach 8…


I am currently at 804…8O4.. Face Book Friends… 84…

19 84… My birth code listed on Face Book –

Which is the Quantum Quintessential Transformation of the Body and the Quality of Existence Life.. E.L…

(E=5. L-12…17…Q…) to bring 1.7…5 through Expression.


A.G.E.. Not Age…

But instead I found myself in a battle with Old Age… O.A…

Austin Osmann Spare…

Jaime Grace who confirmed my expression that E.N…Merge to form S..Supremacy.. But there is something the E line not recognize..

Supremacy.. The code of S in the E Consciousness is Sensations.. Sensational.. Senses 5, Sensei… not the Sub Human by product of the Disease called Competition -Jealousy…Envy…

C.J…E… 3 10 5…Supremacy…

But that was the play I found myself in to my ultimate distaste…

The code is S.A.O….SAO…Sensation moves to Awareness which moves to the Symmetrical Perfection of creating a Full Circle and Filling it with facts, that it then becomes Solid Matter then the Matter transforms back into Nothingness Somethingness… A Portal to pass through.

So 144 which Patrick Okolo came at with 150 usd… 15 being the Full Circle… And who is the True E.L… Eternal Law…

Which played out today in Room 3A today…a really really silly play…

144 Ascended Masters… A.M…finally transformed into 1+4+4=9..I.

from 43…7 …3×4=12…L..DEC. Delta E.C…

7 12…add..19…x 84…

1984 is the code of my date of birth…listed on Face Book.

I already knew this would be my incarnated age on rising here in this Earth World.

What I did not know was that I would have to prove it into Existence and in this Human Consciousness of Competition Jealousy Envy..

..And Denial…

And that within that code was the Transformation of not just my body, but the Bodies of all the Human family evolving to what they already are… But this time, being full aware of the process, and able to articulate it…

Which at 8O4 Face Book Friends has been finally achieved.

But at cost and a price that is beyond even the reckoning of the E line…

For I will never, ever forgive or forget the true depth of cruelty of imposing such conditions on that which is Natural and was always set andprogrammed to happen naturally…

And force me to do it as Manual Labor….

A True Mission Impossible 5…

And then with the Hatred of this Virus of the Human Body and Being called Jealousy Competition Envy…

So Monstrous….it plagued and dogged my steps, morning to night…

This Jealousy for those who sustain their Beautiful Pride..

It followed me everywhere and was the Curse of CA.IN.E which has polluted every pure expression of Humanity…

Gossip, Hypocrisy….

Entitlement, without having earned it, or merited it..

And it was because of this consciousness of the true Anti Christ..

A.C.. 1 3..that this play was created and why the Beautiful Ones..

They Lived Before Adam… By Professor Catherine Acholonu C.A

Left… And will leave again never to return…

Until the entire Human species has Evolved to the E and the Rest who stay behind become Extinct… and the few who do cross over to at least Harmony Existence.. H.E.. Through this Divine Grace offered by that which betrayed me, for you…

I had stated in 2004, when this Job was offered to me, or imposed upon me (I thought it was a Joke)…

But I soon took it seriously enough, when I understood that it was a 4th and 3rd Dimension play… And my Father as Masculine Female.

Note Dewight Smith just called me at 6:43 p.m!

He is cashing the Money Gram from Sarah Nkem Blackstock…

6:43 p.m!

I will explain the significance of this in a moment…

(This is the torture of the play Expressing Speaking and Writing while Explaining while be moved by another force… and sixth sense… Annoying maddening is not the Word, especially if you r body is transforming and the muscles, bones changing clacking and cracking with a movement of Energy within like a giant Ballon of Energy Pushing at your insides and your aching with exhaustion and exertion of motion inside as well as outside…Discomfort Disquiet… and not one once of compassion or understanding…

Only picking up non stop, ingratitude, Disrespect, Challenges and competing to see ‘Why You… testing, even to this moment.

Yes, I am getting angry as we speak… A Life time of this…)

I knew the only answer lay in Perception and Consciousness…


Dawn Piercy Dawn Marie… D.P..D.M…DD..P.M.

Patrick Okolo sent me the M.T.C at 2:06 p.m.


Linked to Z… And Zion Kerwyn Vincent and Shari Sissoko’ embodied because I met them and they are the instant manifest representation of Fact and Proof of Concept…

25-…26 was the Age I was in Paris when I went home ans was sent back… Apparently because of the Y..

25..Amoza Born…25 U.S.D…2+5=7…

Not because of the 2+6=8… but I could not get home to the Z without the Y.. which is really code for Y BE?

Answer to reach Clarity G…Purple Red P.R…

7:00 p.m.

And so since 2004, 24.. and for 24 YEARS!!! 12 12… 24..X… 6..F..

12x 12… 144..

Recall Patrick Okolo stated that he looked for me while I was in Paris… He looked in the Marias… It was the route of my daily walk..

*The day he sent that money code… I found that dancers bag.. Madison Canaan, but also I saw a perfect A made out of Tire rubber on the Road..

Ikem and I were both in the Alpha Fraternity….

I got kicked out… recall…

7:04 p.m.


I knew it meant the Alpha…

The Supreme test of my patience has been why the Devil should I prove anything to anyone, explain anything to anyone or have to put up with this Question Answer…

This Hellish Existence, which this species has given me or anyone who is of their Beautiful Truth…

I am so glad that at least this face book play is recorded.. from private texts to post and peoples expression…

I am living in the Human Subconscious for Heavens Sake…

I simply wake up each day, to see what people and the world really thinks of me…

I see it everywhere and in this hideous journey, in those who are my Face Book friends who refused to testify and provide evidence of truths WE experienced.

Who contribute nothing but take and take this knowledge and then Deny it, and its benefits…

And all for their Benefits…

And then watch me suffer, endure and simply do nothing but either add more Torment’ hindering progress in conversations which obviously reveal that they did not even bother to read this offering…

Or seek at least to read, who are interested only when their names are tagged or they are called Special in their minds…

And this Play is the Consequence of that Human Persons bile and venom…

A Force wished to explain Why Me?

And That alone moves me to constant fury…

You are forcing me to explain myself over and over again to a species who do not even exist, were never meant to exist out of Love..

Telling me that my own Self Destruction of Self, my own Self Preservation, my own Self Esteem and Value is of little consequence compared to this Evil in the Species and what it had done to me and all our line since first Contact…

Look at the Ikem Patrick Okolo equation… See how I was treated, made to wait again and again as if I was a beggar and not the Source undercover….

Look at the sheer Conceit and Arrogance….

Not even an apology- not really from Ikem but by the forces he represent who moved him and he agreed..

4×4 is 16… P the Passed…

And I am the Sacred Portal to True Life… T.L..T-20 L=12.. 32…

Bed 32… 5th Dimension E…

Do you really think that there is any Heaven or Hell on Earth which is going to make me open that Sacred Portal for him and the line here represents… Especially after fighting to warn him while I am the one who is in the Horror Show.. A Body Evolving and not one person giving a damn… Even to my own mother because they are too busy seeking to find a way- Obvious or Deceptive, Subtle or Coarse to put me in a place, in the place they wish to assign me…

And this is Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter…!

And even here I am being bombarded with Jealousy… their test,,, to see if I think myself too good for them…

When I work morning afternoon and night and share everything except my misery with them…

Everyone seems to know better than me.. who did the work which is all for their benefit and people can not hear that truth…

They say we did the work, we did the same work as you, we Suffered, We faced Misery… We went through hell..

That was your Cause and Effect… Not mine..

I am living your Cause and Effect for 24 Extra years confirmed at Last by a play which was exactly as Ikem Okolo acted out…

Sarah Nkem Blackstock has no idea what is going on here in Delta Manor but suggests that I give him a certain amount for his support…

What Support… ? Are you here…?

Do you know what is really happening or who is supporting who..

When Jose code states I am acted as his lines father…

I was not angry with her, her codes were in Harmony..

She sent 55 and asked me to give him 11…

And I am so dense I must be told what to do..

I am E Source and must be corrected, aligned when I have been forced to give non stop evidence of my Alignment and Harmony day after day at such a cost while each of you has your comfort of your homes and some other does the Work for you…

And then, I have to deal with people correcting me about how to be generous loving graceful, of Beauty….

The Gall…

You dare…

It’s funny, I looked at the text Sarah sent me and to my surprise there was some Gifts which I did not send, at least not intentionally and definetly it was another Awareness… who did it.

The same awareness which called her phone, which caused her to respond with you called me by mistake…

But it was no mistake was it..

The Moji’s are three and end with .a Gif of A Man saying You Dare!

I couldn’t believe my eyes….!

I did not send that- but it was exactly how I felt… to necessarily to Sarah as Ikem she as Nkem… was used..

Ikem and Nkem… both their middle names…

I.N… 9 14..

See the play of September 14…

I.Nature has been challenging me non stop..

The Dead!…

Look at the Ola Oladunjoye O.O.. Double O play…

Wealth! Weath is greater than Titles..

Is that not a Taunt…

That you are E.. Existence Source… The Beautiful One. Brave and all these titles that this play on Face Book has reflected through Face Book friends names as YOU..

But you have no Wealth in this World with all your Titles and we made you ask Sarah and Dawn for a donation which saves their line and only then, just to see you A.S.K (For There is NO B.E.G…I BEG… Y.=25…2 5…B.E…7..G… In me, it was my Beautiful Pride saying, this is enough, A.S.K…

Kolo Supreme A..

on the 19th…19-11-1…

And it is they who must ASK you…

Is there anything you require..not the other way round.

Sarah is safe, but that which moved her…

Partick is Safe but that which moved him…


There is no rage greater than that which is in me…

and its response has been written and Beg…?

Ah there a way that even illusions- these evil spirits given such leeway while everyone enjoyed the show of Emeka on Face Book for 4.8 years…

Watching to see if he will fall on his face, his public humiliation..

of getting it wrong… Even when he is correct- to find a way to make him wrong…

And this is what the Human People and the Illusion of the Human Spirit did.. right up to the play of my hearing E.L and Chester talking while I sought to rest..

EL wished to come into this room… Will has been moved here bed 3007.. 37… Only El from that group from B.R.C is not in this room.

El you recall was in Bed 15 Twice…

7:47 p.m

..At Room A but then was moved to room B…

Then again at Delta Manor… Room 4 Bed 15…Letter O.. Twice..

But there was a Gap.. When he was moved to Room B..which I had been in the year before he did not have the same bed number…

So when I over heard them, I knew by the fact that that only three of us where finally left in the Room and that as the explained to Mariah the House Keeper Manager and she responding only Kesley could help because she was a senior or as El said , the Top Honcho…

I do not live in this petty reality- a Divine comedy of Infer-no…

And do not really read from that filthy place..

But I knew it was a force behind seeking to move El as pretended OO… To the 3rd Dimension Room…

And the play was set up to see if I would help… do something.

I was already aware of my doing things and getting only ingratitude and Anger for seeking to aid persons which Dewight Smith had also warned me about..

But I have had that my entire life… Despite my knowing your true intentions and purity of motive…they will twist it and translate it in their own wayhe had tried to say delicately…

I smiled inside… Oh if only you knew just how aware I am of it…

So I finally spoke up and suggested, that I put in a world and that I knew Kesley not as a Honco or anything but we had had a few pleasant exchanges…

I went to speak to her after my shower knowing it was a set up, She was right there when I came down stairs- or I would not have bothered… And she was very receptive and then in perfect Harmony EL appeared.

But to both Kelsey and mine quiet surprise he stated that he did not wish it and gave all these reasons…

8:00 p.m.

And reduced my input by saying that 5 other people had come to speak to the office and blah blah…

Kelsey is aligned to Kolo to Kerwyn Vincent…

I knew that from the moment I spoke to her just as Cassandra..


I knew El had been set up, just as I had by the code 5 and the night before a person coming with the note book with the number 5 Willis the french guy…He wished some of my food but the way it was done was so inelegant and obvious I saved him face by offering him a drink… I knew it had nothing to do with Willis himself but the play of Help and Asking…

And so, I turned to El and asked him then why did he not say so in the so when I made the offer after knowing that it was a set up…


84.. H.D

85.. H.E

I had wished to warn him of the play the higher player that months ago I had made sure he chester,Will were all aware of..Dee.. each chose to respond in their own ways..

Double O was and had already been confirmed by Kwame before Dewight Smith who rushed up to me in laughter and amazement…

So you see we are still at 800…Face Book Friends…

Ola Oladunjoye

Chiyuna Terry

Although Kerwyn Vincent line has already been confirmed with the arrival of 4 more Face Book Friends…

Kathleen Gonzalez.. K.G… 11 7/ 7 11.. Keith Grant bed 53 Room B.2015…Yes 15…

Tiffany SD… T…S.D.. Dawn Piercy-Sarah Nkem Blackstock

(Dewight Smith D.S…S.D/D.S… Full Circle Dharma Santana Eternal Law.. E.L.. 5 12…17…Q… Money Code… 55 USD sent… See Sacred Portal 55 Family arriving from the Past PASSED

Confirmed by 150 USD Patrick Okolo… Making the total Monies sent me… by him 510 USD… Area 51… 51/15… 66…Moi Sacred Portal 66… And Patrick M.D + Sarah N.B….150+55..205… 25…Y.B.E..

Why Being is E… B.Y.E… You will understand when I am gone and turn my thoughts reflects forever from this reality of 1-4…

8:17 p.m… 88.. Then you will understand Y B is Emeka Kolo..E.K.)

Shari Sissoko in physical embodiment… S.S..

And English South Q Rapper… E.S…Q.R.. (Esquire)


5 19 Total Knock Out of the Evil in Humanity…

And here is the play from the Gods and Deities of this Fictious Realm who thought that they are real.. and that thier opinion matters..

P.S…SAO… Health is Wealth..

What will you do with all thatt Wealth without a Body…?’

Or A Place to Exist… as you sought to do to me for 28 years non stop?

Texts from Sarah Nkem Blackstock…

More money code POC of alignment. Today is my payday

Monday In Yoruba Language Mean Ojo Aje

The Day The Goddess Of Riches

Ojo Is The Yoruba Word For Days

Ojo Aje Monday This Is The Day On Which Money Joined Orisa On Earth And Is Also Known As The Day Of Money Yoruba People Use This Day To Start Business And To Discuss Economic And Financial Programs

As We All Step Out From Our Various Places In This New Week May The Goodies In Ojo Aje Shall Be Ours As Market Women And Men Gather At The Market Square With Good Minds And Good Hearts Shall Be Ours


Amazing symmetry… The Gods of the Market

Orisha’s meaning..

An orisha (spelled òrì?à in the Yoruba language, orichá or orixá in Latin America) is a spirit that reflects one of the manifestations of the Supreme Divinity (Eledumare, Olorun, Olofi) in Yoruba religion.

The Supreme God has three manifestations:

Eledumare – the Supreme Creator.

?l?´run – the ruler of the Heavens.

Olofi – the conduit between Orún (Heaven) and Ayé (Earth)

Metaphysical Personifications or Spirits[edit]

Orunmila – spirit of wisdom, divination, destiny, and foresight

Ori – personification of one’s spiritual intuition and destiny..

See Igbo Market Days…

8:22 p.m.



8 5

13 85 Star Bucks…

13 13





8:23 p.m H.W..? H.O.W?

H.Double OO Double V.V…

11 22.





Hindsight Forsight..

Sacred Portal 75.



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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