
5:34 p.m.

5:34 p.m.


E C D…

B A T S… ( 2 O 19… B F S…J…. 19= 10… O= 15 letter..6..F)

E C D…E C B D…Yes see Miracle Heb Mari Juana…

* Mari.. Husband in French…

Juana means Juan John… A =Alexander…

B A T S… 69… Base Ball Diamond… 69…Bats use sixth sense and sound and hang upside down.

B F…Best Friend ( H.. Harmony)…J S… rep John Mack and Stephen Popiotek J M..S.P…

Jump Man…Micheal Jordan…

Sacred Portal…

Stephen Filgueria… SF…Sensational Feelings…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

S.J… 19 10…



Jeff Sullivan +Stephen…

Sacred Portal…29…

29= 11…K… 1+1= 2… B..

K B..

Kelsie Bissell rep Clarity…

11+2= 13… M… Rays McKayla..

13 4… M D… Manifest Destiny..

11- 1.. A.. K.A.

Rep Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines..

A is E… 1 is 5.

11 =1…

11+1= 12…

Completion 12 Tribes, 12 Months… 12 Disciples…12 Jurors..

12 =L… 1+2=3… C.


L. C..

M L… D C… M L…25… Y… D C… 7… G.

* Currently at 1225 Facebook Friends- currently at Completion of Johnny New Man… New Money… ( Dollar Cash) so this is my solving the E M Field Currency… Which is not money but Communication linked to Beautiful Expression.

BE…Natural… B E N..


* I met Rays McKayla mother, youthful beautiful – my mothers Energy.

I met her father yesterday, Youthful, beautiful…

I saw past his spell because he revealed his Beauty to us and arrived in perfect harmony,of the Script, just as Rays McKayla mother did with Annalisa..

*Strangely I have been watching How to get away with Murder where the star character is called Analise…

A Lawyer…

6:04 p.m..

64… 88… 16… 88 64.. My Sisters code… 6 4 F D… Fifth Dimension…

Everything is relevant in this play… Every link, connection..

This is the Script, this is the play of the completion of Evolution.

Awakening has already begun, nothing can stop it, the wave and tide has started from Sacred Portal 46, Which shows Father as E.R I.. C…God…in Cloud 9 and from his eye and penis comes the first Drop in the Still calm pool of his reflections which was a mirror, a reflection at which the Creator observed the picture of his own reflections reflected back at him.

It also become a portal to observe everything in depth which he had Created then it had Reflected -Mirrored..

C R…M…

Costa Rica… Marina Burini

C Rays McKayla Mckayla Rays Burgos… C.. M R B…

( C Me 4/3… O…Life full Circle O R B… See orb is the Moon.. Wolf/ flow)

The whole world and reflections in the mirrored realm was Still..

That was Creation- like a painting, all inanimate- Still.. As Death.

The Tear was the Heart Compassion to bring all that he had created, which he desired to bring them to life, to experience movement.

That tear drop became the drop which created the first ripple effect.. Movement..

The First Drop was a vessel. a body of Water sent from the The Source, The Creator, himself, as he dove into the Depths of the realm of Stillness, death to move in the realm of death stillness- his Desire to bring and move all things to life…

18… R…. 18 Prayers… Sarah Kaizer….Rays McKayla

A.H… Anastasia Hart..

I .C… Through Being .. Expression is Awareness Harmony.. Be..

And so as the Embodiment of the Fifth Dimension as First Drop.. 46.. D.F…Divine Favor… Dionysus Fortuna…

Came into the realm of Stillness Potential. Statues and through expression under cover, moved through the Waves of which his Big Self moved the smaller version of himself who emerged from his Penis and Eye…The Precum the precursor to the Big Orgasms… Desire Sex… Ending in Orgasm, through Beautiful Expression set everything to Vibrating through his recognition of each aspect of himself and they in turn, recognizing themselves in this Source who expressed and set them to vibrating and then to motion… The Journey of the Particle and Wave…

To understanding the Expression and intent of The Creator…

The Wave he surfed was to set all in motion and thus the government to M.D..

Manifest Destination…

H O M E…

H O M E…

And that is the true story of the Statues made of Brown Red Orange Clay… Bodies set to vibrating and begining the Sacred Journey to rise to the frequency of E.. R I C…

E R… ( 5 18…)… I C… 93… Filling the Gap with Agape

The Story of the Gay Lord…

G L… Geoff Lacour…in my own personal script enacted

The Happy Light Hearted First Man, The Creator.. The Source.

T C…/ C T… T S../ S T…

In the Apartment here there is a Water Gallon with a Heart motif and it ends with a Tear Drop…

Stephen and Sarah bought me a mug from Philadelpia..

it has a lion and a mouse…

L M..

And adds to the mug he bought one for me and him which has the words D O M..on it…

F R.. E E… D O M…

Sacred Portal 46…D F First Drop F D..

D F/ F D… Full Circle, everything is now set in motion..

The E M F Currency Conversation Communication through Beautiful Expression ( Which is Clarity, Transparent, Creates Transformation… of the Human Vessel, a Body of Water which also is Land and See…B-EAU…Ti!

Full… Complete…

Conscious now proven through 29 years of my beginning that same play of the Big Me aligned to the Little me..

*See John Mack who bought me the Wolf sculpture for 6 usd.

It shows the big wolf outside the Orb, First Drop, and the little one within…

Rep I and I…

* Rays McKayla had a Lucid Vision the same day as John Mack

in hers she saw a play with Isabelle Ilic

I I…Equals 18….

5 18… and then 18= 9…

5 9… E.I..AM. E..

Time now 6:46 p.m.

Do you see.. It is now full Circle…?

First Drop from the Source, who arrived through the Tunnel of Love P.H ALL US… P E N I S. John Thomas… J T… J Twins…

Rep J Mcdonald..

J New Man…

J J M N… Add E A.. 5 1…

J J E..M A B…

B A M.. E…T… B… ( J J.. John John… Grace Grace… 1010.. 20… T.. 2O… B .. F… G G.. 7 7… 14 5… N.E..

North E ND/ E N D North Star…


Bam El Lobo Vega… B E L V…. 5 2… 12 22… add 3 1225…

( 37…10.. J A Y.. E… 1 O.. J A J O… JAY.. J O Y…)

Evolution New Man… after completion of Wu-Man Lady…

We reach the completion of Man.. MEN…

Through the completion of the Particle and Wave as One- then refracting through all possibilities of Existence played out and then linking to only those on the wave- who all I found had within them the Beautiful Truth – the E hidden now reveal and then back through the illusion of duality particle and Wave… back through the same process 3.. then he as two… and then One… Back to himself but now we the Snow Flakes…

His family himself, but now each with their own I.D’s..

6:58 p.m..

6th Sense Eternal Harmony…See Esteban Miguel Filgueira natural harmony, how he leads me to all the physical portals, the human Avatars, all correct, and all vibrating with the Seed of the E..Aware… but not Awake.

7:00 p.m… Solfeggio.. Ti.. Color Purple Violet… P.V.

2 6 8… B F H… 07.. Whole Foods… Wholeness…

John Mack Father John Alexander MacDonalds.. J A M… ( M A J…I… M A J I C…

B E N J A M I N…Right hand of the Creator…

Mother C…

J C…

Sister Holly.. H M.. Who lives at 138… 13 8… M H..

H M/ M H….

And so despite the his hellish hold up which is making my body scream in outrage as it knows it istime to rise, but my being held back by a play which is affecting my Heart and Body, in the correct E M Field..

I am not allowed to rise alone…

I rise wih alll the beings who chose and aligned with their E..

Listened and learned from their Universal Senseis…

U S… 21 19… Ages of John and Mikki…

J M…

To that Eternal Self, represented in his numberic and matter world as Youth.

And so, I complete the 1 22 5…A V E…

Alexa Vertefeuille

Alex Vidaud

12 25…. L Y…Y Chromosome… Creation Existence E Rose first as Beautiful Men.. Eos Eros Adonis… Dawn is a Man… First Man…

7:11 p.m.

Seven Eleven… S E…Stephen Esteban… S E…

AlwaysOpen… A O..Alpha Omega… 1-6 in Greek..

And now the World will See… the Eye has been Opened…

123 Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening…

S P 76.

G F… God Father.. Lord.. Lourdes…

Rays McKayla represents the Miracle… born when her mother tied her tubes…

And so let me complete the riddle of 1225… T E N

Y G… Y chromosome G Grace…

25 +7= 32…

320 Arrival Date in New York…

2012… 32..

C B…Consciousness Beautiful..

5…E.. Expression.

Stephen Esteban.. S E.. E… Means Crowned


John means Grace

Crowned by Grace… of the E M F… Electro Magnet Field Current…is the Grace of The Creator manifesting the Jump of Man to the 5th Dimension.

From Los Cuervo Blanco L C B.. S O..L C B…

S S Full Circle complete…

Sent me a message in the form of a song, today…


Could we ever be found,

If we were not lost?

Would we ever be seen

If not of the flesh?

Could we ever be kissed,

Without pretty lips?

Would we ever be loved,

If Not at our best?


Why are these questions asked?

Why do these questions come?

Where do these thoughts exist?

Where do these thoughts come from?

Is life just full of riddles?

Is life just made of lessons?

Are we made up particles?

Or are we just AEthereal?

O.35… O C E…. F C E…

The Point..

CH U K W U… EM E K A..

C R EA T O R… E M E K A…

T H E C R E A T O R E M E K A…H.

O 35… 8… H..

O H!

Oragms JAY JOY…

6 8 5..

Rays McKayla father was born 68…

Mother 71…

G A/ A G…

All the songs questions have been answered on my page.

7 years and one month/


One question …Why am I am being forced to explain to the Insane- in order to make rise and F R E E…The Sane…

7:25 p.m.

Was Insanity the cover…

Yes… The Sane were made to adapt to the realm of the Insane..

Illogical, unreasonable….the Mad… Angry pissed off holding onto a grudge to the Creator, Source first man – the ones who Blamed the Truth…

7:28 p.m.

Illogical, unreasonable….the Mad… Angry pissed off holding onto a grudge to the Creator, Source first man – the ones who Blamed the Truth…Sane… clean people.. Waters Transparent…

Illogical, unreasonable….the Mad… Angry pissed off holding onto a grudge to the Creator..


It is simple.. the Sane- are Clean Healthy in how they see..

They are like water… Snow Flakes

The Insane are Dirty, unclean…wallowing in thier filthy See by holding onto to ideas and ways of seeing which is entirely based on getting what they want.. and sustaining an irrational point of view…

No Sense…


7;35 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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