
5:33 p.m. – 3-7-2022. – The Comp

5:33 p.m.


The Computer switched off again, perhaps it is Jae Sherman or one of her cats in the room.

It is of little concern, it wiped away the post, and I am not going to write it again.

But the summary was that I have witnessed Evil, which I have proven is an Illusion not even real or a fact, having been made into a Real Solid Fact, such as my computer being switched off, which is in Jae Sherman’s room.

I always suspect her, because I have experienced that this is the kind of thing she would dom or be used to doing, but at this point, I do not really care.

The point has long since been made, that this script right to this portal has gone and allowed to go so far, that it made evil, negation, selfishness a Fact Solid and real.
Right to this last portal, I have experienced that which just can not be, made real.

Just the reaction of having The Source placed in such circumstances, and dictates from the Outside world of non-existence still being present and used to meddle with intel and posting has already proven the point I made when I refused to come to the U.S.A to re-enter the play in 3-20-2001.

I came here alone and then accompanied by Jon Jason Lee, ( 32, J.J.L= 32) But Jon was never in the play with me, I decided to come alone in Dec 1999, which is the same time and date which I went to the Light Fantastic.

I said No Way to this play, and it is evil to create False Hope.

I have experienced the Negation Extreme, the lack of respect for what I have been forced to prove, the evil is done to my body, my existence, and even the forced upon me proof, I have seen the disrespect, the extreme selfishness, the greed, and avarice to not only the presence of The Source, of Your Source Jehova God.

I have witnessed the extreme lack of Appreciation and Gratitude which only reinforced my own truth that those who rose in the beginning, are scheduled to rise at the end, which was proven here as just two Lines.

I do not buy that it was because this was because of the Sacred Feminine, and I witnessed the play of Last Chance, and what was done with it, I was present here when Chance Liscomb brought the article written in 7-11-1996, to Liberty C, and how for 25 and 26 years.
Evidence AY,
GOD= 26 Z, and how Evil as Negation Selfishness Extreme was used.

Why is Jae Sherman still here, in my presence?
Non -Existence that which is not even real.

Evil via this play sustained and maintained even after its proof was denontrated as an illusion and spell, that byy allowing this script to so sustained that that which is impossible based on Santana Dharma, Eternal Truth and Eternal Law has been sustained, which as Chance Liscomb to Liberty C C.L.-L.C, that even this Last Chance given was a complete waste of Time.

Those who were The Chosen to rise, still rise, would rise, rose, even in this play of Now way.
For that has not changed and has only been reinforced by this play leading me right to this portal.

I have no desire to be used and abused because I have a body, to be told it will be today, the end, which I allready know and coded read, and manifested and created the plan, and watch how it is prologed yet another day.

I came to New York, the U.S.A, by my own Choice and Free will in 1999,
I came in 3-20-2001 because I was forced and that is, was the beginning of Evil, Negation – Selfishness so extreme that it led the Being of the Source, a man to have to prove it for the those who only give a response of deception and manipulation.
I left the black case at Jon Jason Lee house, JJL= 32.
Because that is the end, the same end I recognized when I was forced to come here against my will, and my life existence and my body was taken away from me, giving this illusion of my being crippled so I could find a way to solve the riddles of beings who I knew and saw could never exist.

Until it went this far to make it a Solid Fact, which is why Jae Sherman is still in my presence and I am still here.

Was it for Kim Arthur Hinds Jr?
The Line of Earth as Greed and Selfishness, I already saw Kim and as an Individual I said yes, but he will need to do some SelfRefining but he was already on his way, and would be set on a course without my presence and my having to endure this insult as a man, as The Source Creator has had to endure via a Nightmare of Human Demons allowed to be sustained until they became sure that they were coukd act as though they were real and had power and even challenge the creator the source to his face, and nothing would happen to them, until this evil script was completed.

No, I have seen and understood enough, to fully understand by adopting this script of 3-20-2001, instead of the one of Dec 1999, the date and year which I went to The Light Fantastic and brought back here in Jan 1993, that play of Dec 2021, that Evil had been made real here and a solid fact, that which is an illusion, a spell which was coded out of exitence, nd instead of deaprting, vanishing or my leaving having proven my case, I am still here.

Evidence AY

GOD. 26. 26 years.

This was never a play of my being Jon Jason Lee, J.J.K= 32.

This was a play of Dec 1999, when I came with Jon.
Emeka Jon. E.J. 5 10. = 15. O.
Kolo Lee. K.L. 11 12= 23.W.

ME.OW. Sacred Portal 59.

Nothing to do with 3-20-2001.
When I was forced against my will bring Eternal Truth, Eternal Law in one fell sweep and hence creating the story of the end and my leaving the Black Case at Jons 56 Elgin Avenue apartment for Safe Keeping.

I said no way to this play one final time after 1996, in 2010.

Nothing has changed, it just got much, much worse.

So, I do not wish to post or be spoon-fed words to a script which I have made clear is a waste of time, or see the illusion and lie manifested as others claiming to be of sacred portal 56. Elgin Avenue
5 A Ibagwa Road – Nsukka and Africa play.

Or coding for even The Chosen Ones, who the meddling sought to cast doubt that they could not be The Chosen ones, and made me prove it.

19 99- 16-66 is the True Script in which no force deception Demonic Manipulation was not used on me.
So this is the Beautiful Truth
Chance Liscomb to Liberty C including Kim Arthur Hinds Jr as an Individual with Anirbas Lem with Serenity & Erabella.
Ferrill, Ferrell Arden to Jeron Azure lines rep of the Toddlers-Children
Youth Arden -Aurelia Leander. this whole thing to me is Nonsense,you can not use Evil, Deception and manipulation of anyone especially The Source, Proven agin as the Source forced upon him- me, to prove before a world people and expect that the results will be anything other than Extinction
and Violence with Rivers of Blood and for the first time ever consequence in death and which will go on for eternity just as I coded it, until those abominations come back to theri senses and come back to who they were intended to be and in that moment they fade out of existence. And to create such a play script of using Evil and then making it a solid fact, tell me that this came from my coding that which Humans created to become solid fact, I had to condone this abomination of The Source made to play such a role and charcter, that this was its consequence of demeaning me and my Infinite Truth.

No, no, this is all you, all your doing the truth as well as the lie of the past. all Liars, unintentionally and Intentionally, because that which was of the True Past could have asked me, asked for my help instead of pretending that they were of the E Family Sacred Portal 56.

This was and has been proven even against all your meddling with Naturalness and Nature’s Expression and Energy- Evolution, that it and the demons could not do anything about what was already scheduled and written, Evolution Awakening to the Beautiful Truth.

This a script of Extinction Termination Annihilation ( E.T.A) which it was also scheduled to be “Black Panther”

Death Destruction Devastation Annihilation. D D D A. D D A D, and I have not disguised or vieled that this was always my intent, no matter what this script and the invasion of my body from the Outside seeking to make it appear as if it came from inside me,
I.O. is the equation, not 0.I.
01 33 is that code Stephen Johnson posted, at he was correct became 01 33 is Zero 133 Extinction and the only things was to rescue him and his line from going out with the Rat Race, by having him being sent out of the script and watching him rise in my presence, by following my words and posts until he and his line got out of that Pit.

And becoming O 133 Full Circle Evolution.

That is all about all, I wish to post and why even those who will rise can not escape the consequence of their doing nothing but taking advantage of The Source, A Man, placed in such a position even when you aware and some of you acknowledged me publicly as The Source, A Man.

That can never be forgiven, no matter how much I may understand.
So you may rise and transform escaping that fate scheduled for you for daring to watch and do nothing.

Liberty C ended up doing something, so rises to Librarian Editor and I will see her from afar near but far after the Awakening in my Home Office

But I will never trust, especially you who rise, after watching the truth of your play in which The Source and source of you were used and you did nothing said nothing but gained and took advantage of the abuse, and use.

For me right now, all I have concluded about you is that Words are Cheap, while to me, it was my words, words which saved you from plunging into a bottomless pit and hell fire of Noni Promise Arden Blue Flame so you could experience what you gave me and know how it feels, but never would you made it out, so once again Nnamdi used me.

And so you know why that Incarnation of Nnamdi as my brother self is now eternally gone sent out by me, but evolved to J..A.E.
J.E-A remains as I.

105 Wilt- Shire Bay is J.E.A
You saw the code on the Black Inked last 20 USD Bill from Libery the 300 USD I was stunned that I was still made to ask her to send me while Kim was with his mother

But the script of North North America went further back than 105 Wiltshire Bay, Winnipeg Manitoba late 1974-1975

And yes Jae Sherman was born in 1975.

It went further back to 8 Hampshire Bay, Windsor Park, Winnipeg Manitobathe house we moved in to on Halloweens Day 1972.

Confirmed By Laura Walsh and to England Europe were I was born confirmed by Alicia Norris

Laura Walsh
Alicia Norris.

L.A. W.N.

The Lawn at the Church where I picked up the placard which has a red flag like a sail, and Jeron’s plants in the photo which has the word LOVE.

7:22 pm.


of 7-21-2020

To 7-23-2020 as 10-23-2020 when I was moved to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, and I as well as he had expected and read, knew that we were meant to leave at that moment instead I was kept here and with him 1516 and bow on the 3-23-2022 17 months.

I do not need Nnamdi, I have his evolution as J-A.I. J.A Y.

I am now at 3869 Facebook Friends. C.H. 69?

C.86 9.

Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna Okolo?
No, C.I.O.

C.I. A.Fact.


7:31 pm
31 that code will explain everything

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